Chapter 247

As the awards ceremony continued, the best director award was won by Li Sanlin, the director of "Walk to the West" and "This Life Owes You a Hug".

The remaining three "audience favorite actor" trophies were won by Sun Honglei of "The Right Way in the World Is Vicissitudes", Fan Wei of "The Boss's Happiness", and Wang Ying of "Red Cradle".

The remaining three honors of "The Audience's Favorite Actress" went to Hai Qing from "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law", Yan Ni from "The North Wind Blows", and Wang Qianhua from "Women's Village".

Seeing Wang Ying on stage, Xu Rong couldn't help but frowned. According to the information he had received before, among the four "audience favorite actors", Wang Ying was not originally there.

According to his understanding, Wang Ying's trophy should have belonged to Duan Yihong, but Duan Yihong was absent today for unknown reasons, probably due to the temporary adjustment of the Golden Eagle Award Organizing Committee.

The Golden Eagle Award is one of the few awards that stipulates that the winners will be disqualified if they do not attend the award ceremony except for special reasons of force majeure.

And Wang Ying's performance is indeed like this. When the lottery drawer read his name, his expression was full of disbelief, and his acceptance speech after he came on stage was all cliche.

After the best TV drama award was picked by the masterpiece "Liberation" of the main theme, Xu Rong cheered up.

Because the two most valuable awards of the Golden Eagle TV Festival will be announced next, one is the "Golden Eagle Festival Best Performing Arts Award" selected by the TV Association and the jury, and the other is the finale award of the Golden Eagle Festival "Golden Eagle Festival's Most Popular Actor and Actress Award".

As long as he gets one of the two trophies, he will have achieved the Grand Slam of the Emperor.

"Then next, I would like to invite a very, very important guest of the lottery, who is also an important person who has promoted Chinese films to enter the blockbuster era. Let us applaud and welcome Mr. Han Sanping, the chairman of China Film Group Corporation."

Han Sanping was dressed in a Chinese tunic suit and went on stage. She spoke very slowly without any nonsense: "I'm very glad to come to Changsha and come to our Golden Eagle TV Festival. Next, let me announce, performing arts award, actor and actress award, won, the first The eighth China Golden Eagle TV Festival, the best performing arts award, the actress is Yan Ni."

"Congratulations, Yan Ni."

"The actor who won the Best Performing Arts Award at the [-]th China Golden Eagle TV Festival is Xu Rong."

After the applause fell, Han Sanping said: "Xu Rong and Yan Ni both cooperated with our China Film Group before. We watched the first cut of a film that Yan Ni just finished filming, and it was very good."

"Xu Rong is also an important role in a movie we are currently shooting with all our strength. I believe there will be more cooperation in the future. I especially congratulate the two for winning."

The smile on Xu Rong's face was hardly concealed.

Grand Slam achieved!
Halfway through the stage, he realized that Yan Ni hadn't followed at all. He turned his head and saw Yan Ni sitting on the seat with disbelief on her face.

He walked over with a smile again, stretched out his hand, and invited: "Sister, let's go and accept the award on stage."

On the stage, Xu Rong first hugged Han Sanping and said, "Thank you, Director Han."

"Haha, congratulations."

He and Han Sanping met once when filming "The Founding of a Nation" before, but they were not familiar with each other. During the preparation of "The Founding of the Party" some time ago, he helped out many times in the past, and Han Sanping was the director and producer, so he became acquainted.

"I invite the two of you to give your acceptance speeches."

Yan Ni looked at him at this time. She knew that she would win the award because she had been notified in advance to prepare her acceptance speech, but she had already won the "Audience's Favorite Actress" award, and she never expected the "Best Performing Arts Award" The honor will fall upon you.

"You first, you first."

"Let's go first."

Yan Ni was anxious on the spot: "I didn't prepare an acceptance speech."

He Yu and Ouyang Xiadan who were standing next to the two laughed and looked at them.

Xu Rong no longer insisted, walked to the microphone, and said: "First of all, I would like to thank the audience and the jury for their support. The next words are a bit hypocritical, but they are indeed my inner thoughts. First of all, I would like to thank "Latent", "Daughter-in-law" The directors, screenwriters, and crew members of The Belle Epoque, The North Wind Blows, and Luxuriant, I am able to win this award, not because of me alone, I just did what I should do, and in addition I would also like to thank several teachers who have had a profound influence on me on my acting career, such as Li Youbin, Li Xuejian, Zheng Rong and Pu Cunxi, as well as my family for their continuous support. Finally, I still want to thank the silent To the viewers and fans who supported me, thank you."

This is Xu Rong's acceptance speech.

As the applause fell again, Ouyang Xia Dan said: "I invite Yan Ni to give her acceptance speech."

"I, I have been thinking about it just now, in fact, I have always felt that I am a person who is not artistic, so I won this, this performing arts award, and I am also very happy, ah, I am really, I am really happy, Ah, haha." Yan Ni didn't seem to have recovered from the huge surprise, she smiled coyly, "I will cherish this honor and work hard to make better scenes and bring happiness to the audience .”

"Let us once again congratulate Xu Rong and Yan Ni with warm applause."

Ouyang Xiadan said: "You two, don't be in a hurry to step down. We still have a short interview. When Xu Rong entered the arena just now, we heard that there were many female fans of him in the audience outside the arena. Yan Ni, you as Xu Rong Among the actresses you have worked with, when do you think Xu Rong is the most attractive?"

Yan Ni was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "Focus, I think he is very focused and attractive when he is serious about doing something."

"Yan Ni's answer is focus." Ouyang Xiadan turned his attention to He Yi who had already arrived in the auditorium and said, "Then let's hear what other actresses who have worked with Xu Rong have to say."

He Yan came to Song Jia's side and asked, "Song Jia, when do you think Xu Rong is the most attractive?"

Song Jia looked at Xu Rong on the stage with a smile, and said, "I think he's pretty good when he's not talking, but when he opens his mouth, he's very attractive."


Holding the trophy, Xu Rong could only smile back at Song Jia's answer. He never thought that Song Jia's impression of him would be like this.

He Yan came to Hai Qing again and asked, "Hai Qing, you have worked with Xu Rong before. When do you think Xu Rong is the most attractive?"

Hai Qing looked at Xu Rong's nervous gaze, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "Well, he is very willing to tolerate other people's shortcomings, and he works hard to help others. I think this is very touching."

Ouyang Xiadan looked at Xu Rong again and asked, "Do you have anything to say about the evaluation of the three actresses who played your wife in the play?"

Xu Rong glanced at Song Jia and said, "I agree with Sister Yan Ni and Hai Qing's statement. I will reserve my opinion on Song Jia's evaluation. After all, she also said it. It's fine when I don't speak."


While the audience was laughing, there were bursts of applause for Xu Rong's answer.

"Okay, let's congratulate Xu Rong and Yan Ni again, and ask Yan Ni to return to her seat."

Xu Rong was about to follow him off the stage, but he was stopped by He Hao who was walking on the stage, and pointed to the big screen, and said: "Then let's take a look again, when Xu Rong is the most attractive, the person who has the most right to speak How should I put it, everyone please look at the big screen."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, and when he saw Xiao Zhang's face on the big screen behind him, he was stunned.

When did the Golden Eagle Awards Organizing Committee record the VCR for Xiao Zhang?

Why don't you know?

"Mr. Xu, you must have never thought that there is such a thing, right? Haha." Xiao Zhang opened his mouth, and there was a burst of laughter at the scene.


But after the laughter, many people quieted down and looked curiously at Xiao Zhang, who was on the big screen. Many of them also learned that Xu Rong's girlfriend is "Latent" through the incident of cheating in the recruitment exam a few days ago. "Mu Wanqiu" among them.

I just looked at Xu Rong who was always steady on the stage, spoke and acted seamlessly, and looked so mature that he didn't look like a young man in his twenties, and then looked at the big screen behind him, showing two rows of shining white teeth when he smiled. girl, I just think it's incredible.

Since Xu Rong became famous, he has gone through the false testimony incident, the recording incident, the endorsement incident, the talent and arts admissions cheating incident, and the scolding battle with Zhang Jizhong. After seeing it clearly, Xu Rongneng has come to this day, regardless of his professional level, his wrist and city government are rare in the same class.

But his girlfriend, who is said to have been dating for six years, seems to be completely opposite to him. There are almost no impurities in her smile, purely like a child who has never experienced any suffering.

"The most attractive thing about Teacher Xu is the sense of security. It makes people feel that no matter how popular he is, he will never change. No matter what difficulties we encounter, when we are with him, we will definitely If we can pass, that’s it.” Xiao Zhang tilted his head and thought about it for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed and affirmed, “Well, that’s it.”

The VCR is very short, only a few short sentences, Xu Rong also smiled, it was the first time he heard Xiao Zhang's evaluation of himself.

The Golden Eagle Award Organizing Committee is very good at rubbing hot spots. I and my classmate Xiao Zhang just encountered heated discussions on the Internet two days ago, but they turned around and arranged for a national live broadcast.

Ouyang Xiadan looked at Xu Rong with a smile, and asked, "Xu Rong, do you have anything to say about your girlfriend's evaluation of you?"

Xu Rong slowly picked up the microphone. The VCR was too loud, and he needed to clear his mind.

He Yan immediately said: "Let's talk after thinking about it."

When He Hao said this, the microphone in his hand stopped when it reached his chest, and at the same time, he subconsciously stretched his shirt. After thinking for seven or eight seconds, he was about to speak, but inexplicably, the audience suddenly burst Laughing, and the laughter was more sudden and violent than ever before.

He looked at the audience puzzled and asked, "No, what are you laughing at?"

It's okay if you don't talk about it, but when you talk about it, even He Hao and Ouyang Xiadan who are beside him also laughed.

When the laughter fell, although Xu Rong was puzzled, he still said: "This VCR is really too sudden, but it is also the motivation for me to move forward, just to make my family's life better."

"Huh, huh." After he finished speaking, the audience burst into applause, but there was no more laughter.

"Let us wish this pair of young actors can go on happily ever after." He Yi concluded the award, "Let us congratulate Xu Rong and Yan Ni again, please return Xu Rong to the seat."

After Xu Rong returned to his seat, He Yi swept his gaze over the shortlisted candidates in the first row, and said, "Dear audience friends, in a few minutes, we will announce the final grand prize, the Golden Eagle Award. Most Popular Actor Award."

"It doesn't matter if the actor hasn't won the award yet, it doesn't mean you won't get the award from the audience."

"After the ad, be right back."

During the short break, Song Jia who was sitting next to Xu Rong suddenly said, "Congratulations, you have achieved the grand slam."

"Congratulations to you too."

Song Jia didn't know if she was too excited about winning the award, or because she was stimulated by Xiao Zhang's words just now, she suddenly leaned over her body, and asked in an extremely abrupt low voice: "If you met me first, would you still be with your daughter?" Are friends together?"

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, put the trophy aside, pretended to be chatting normally, and said with a low smile, "I've always regarded you as a buddy."

Song Jia pursed her lower lips lightly, expressing her understanding. If she could, she also hoped to live as simple as Zhang Xiaofei, but unfortunately, the men she fell in love with were all prodigal sons!

One by one, they eat what’s in the bowl, look at what’s in the pot, and think about what’s in the ground!
It's hard to fall in love with someone who is different, and who is so self-disciplined like an ascetic, not leaving even the slightest thought to others.

"I would like to invite the winners of the Most Popular Actor Award at the previous Golden Eagle Festival, Cao Ying, Lu Liping, Sun Haiying, Wang Baoqiang."

As the four actors who had won the "Most Popular Actor Award" in previous years came to the stage, Xu Rong held his breath and waited for the announcement of the final grand prize.

Although he has already won two trophies, it would be a pity if he didn't win the last one.

After the four people's recitation program ended, Sun Haiying read slowly: "The winner of the [-]th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival, the most popular actress is Hai Qing."

"Congratulations, Hai Qing."

"The actor who won the most popular award at the [-]th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival." Cao Ying turned to the audience and said, "In fact, you often see this person tonight, and if I remember correctly, he has won the To two trophies."

"The actor who won the most popular award at the [-]th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival is Xu Rong!"

With the announcement of the grand finale, the finalists in the front row suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Because Xu Rong took all the prizes he could get today! ! !

But following the screams and shouts from the auditorium and the tsunami behind them, they hurriedly raised their hands, smiled, and applauded.

Amidst the loud music, Xu Rong got up and gave Song Jia a symbolic hug next to him, a little surprised, but not too surprised.

Because among the actors shortlisted for this year's Golden Eagle Festival, his age, image, and works are all top-notch, so it makes no sense not to be the biggest winner of the Golden Eagle Festival.

When Xu Rong and Hai Qing took the stage, in order to show fairness and justice, the organizing committee of the Golden Eagle Festival also announced the top three votes for the "Most Popular Actor and Actress" award on the big screen.

"Let's see the top three votes, wow."


With the release of the data, there was sudden silence inside and outside the venue. Xu Rong topped the list with 39 votes, nearly 2 votes more than the combined number of No.3 Sun Honglei and No.[-] Zhang Guoqiang.

The number of votes for actresses is very strange. No.1 is Hai Qing leading with 25 votes, while No.2 is Zheng Min with 21 votes, far surpassing the scandal-ridden No.3 Song Jia with nearly [-] votes .

However, among the previous "Actresses Loved by the Audience", there was no such thing as an elementary school girl who was said to be only 19 years old.

Xu Rong glanced at it, and knew that the Golden Eagle Award Organizing Committee was intimidated. If he hadn't been blessed by Fei Tian and Magnolia, it would be a matter of whether the Golden Eagle Organizing Committee would dare to award him the last award.

As for how the junior is feeling, he is too lazy to pay attention, not to mention that the alumni who are not famous are just passers-by, even if they become famous, they are just a junior.

As the finale award was announced, He Yu handed over the microphone and reminded: "Is there anything touching you want to say to the audience?"

Hai Qing took the microphone, saw Xu Rong motioning for her to come first, and said, "Thank you very much for the audience's love for me, thank you to the organizing committee of the Golden Eagle Festival, thank you to all the crew of "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law", and finally thank you for your support. My dear parents and family members have always supported me, and I would also like to thank my 94-year-old grandmother, without your support, I would not be where I am today, thank you.”

As soon as Xu Rong raised the microphone, Ouyang Xiadan reminded: "Xu Rong, remember that the words cannot be the same as the previous two times."


Xu Rong was quite calm at this time, but he said in his stomach that he had already finished what he needed to say. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Thank you for the support of so many audiences and movie fans. Your recognition and affirmation make me feel The work I do is meaningful, thank you, thank you, I am just an actor, the only thing I can give back to you is to try my best to make more and better dramas, movies, and TV works for you in the future, thanks."

Seeing that the testimonials of the two were too short, He Yu and Ouyang Xiadan looked at each other, feeling helpless. When the host award was presented at the beginning of the party, the five hosts couldn't even get the microphone. "Ba Ba Ba" can't wait to talk for half an hour, but when it comes to the actors, it's good, each of them ends in a minute, and every time they are forced to try their best to make up for the time.

He Yi asked: "Xu Rong, I have a question. It's also very interesting, that is, almost all the shortlisted works of the award-winning actresses today are all dramas with you. What do you think is the reason?"

As He Yan's voice fell, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became weird, especially the actresses present, all of them staring at Xu Rong silently became extremely weird.

They seem to have discovered a great secret!
And before cooperating with Xu Rong, both Song Jia and Hai Qing could only be regarded as second-tier actors, and it was rumored that Song Jia's role in "Latent" was Xu Rong's proposal to the director.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, the answer to the question is very simple, if the business level is poor, he will not cooperate at all.

But you can't say that, he thought for a while, and said: "The three of them are all my wives in the play, maybe it's me who is the more prosperous wife."


He Yi glanced at the questions on the script that the director had prepared during the break just now, and said with a smile, "Xu Rong, I have another doubt. When you entered the stage just now, you said: It doesn't matter if you win an award or not. It's great to be nominated." Participation is the most important thing, and I hope that everyone will not leave empty-handed, but now because of you, most of the male actors shortlisted today have returned empty-handed, do you have anything to say?"

Xu Rong understands that he won the Golden Eagle Award and all the male actor awards in the Golden Eagle Festival today, and the major entertainment media will definitely report on it tomorrow. Of course, there will inevitably be certain controversies. Brainless fans, and in the cognition of these fans, even if Allah came to the world, in front of idols, they have to be honestly ranked second.

Moreover, the move of the Golden Eagle Award not only has the idea of ​​diverting conflicts, but also the suspicion of using it to explain. He looked at the colleagues in the audience who were trying their best to maintain a smile, and said: "Let me borrow a sentence from my teacher Li Xuejian. Tens of thousands of Yu Zecheng, Yu Wei, Shuai Hongbing, and Wei Duanben have all received it, and all the honors have been given to me, a lucky fool."

He attributes today's success to luck, not himself, and it is also a consolation to his peers, and he has enough honors, so there is no need to boast about himself, because he doesn't need to say that he is awesome, the face of all the peers sitting here The helpless and desperate smile on the face is enough to show how awesome he is!
(End of this chapter)

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