Chapter 248
After waking up, what Xu Rong saw on the entertainment sections of the major media was not the news about how he swept away at the Golden Eagle Award ceremony last night, but the overwhelming news about the five youths who killed Matt and the Red Carpet host of the Golden Eagle Festival. Attacked by Sun Xiaoxiao.

Holding his chopsticks, Xu Rong looked curiously at the five young people on the screen of his mobile phone. He had a little impression of these five people. They performed at the awards ceremony last night, but that was all.

Returning the mobile phone to Xu Xing, he asked: "What's the matter, who are they? Why did you say that being scolded has something to do with me?"

"They are the top five happy boys this year, and the one named Sun Xiaoxiao was the host of the red carpet last night."

Classmate Xiao Zhang smiled and said: "You don't know yet, last night, they also walked the red carpet, and entered after you, but before they walked the red carpet, Sun Xiaoxiao said that they are all famous people who are not inferior to you Singers and fans screamed more enthusiastically, and even covered their ears, but when they entered the arena, few people shouted at all."

"Then she probably felt very embarrassed, so she tried her best to make up for it, saying that their fans might not know that they are going to walk the red carpet today, otherwise they would definitely get cheers similar to yours."

Xu Rong smiled, a joke, he made it out of real money!
It's just that it's not easy for him to tell the two of these things, but he still feels baffled by the development of the matter, and asked, "They were scolded because of this?"

"That's right, a lot of media say that they are trying to get your attention. If you want your work, you don't have any work, and you don't want your looks. It's like five bean sprouts. It's too embarrassing to say that you are a popular singer who is more popular than you, haha."

Xu Xing immediately added: "There are still many media criticizing that Sun Xiaoxiao is unprofessional, presided over such a big awards ceremony, did not do her homework at all, and put you under a few non-professional singers who were drafted, it is an insult to the audience across the country. IQ."

Xu Rong didn't care too much, no matter singer or actor, to maintain long-term vitality, the most important thing is the work, he has never heard of these five people, can they have the long-term vitality of a hammer? !
Moreover, in the past two years, he has become accustomed to all kinds of ghosts and snake spirits touching porcelain, such as praising actors for their good acting skills. After taking stock of Li Xuejian, Chen Baoguo, and him, an inexplicable colleague suddenly popped up at the end.

Regarding these, he didn't even bother to answer them. Whether it was true or not, the audience might not understand, but the film and television production company knew it all.

And whether it is popular or not, and whether it meets the requirements of the producer, I also have confidence in my heart, and I can judge it only from the number of scripts received and the salary.

Even if you slap your face to make yourself fat, you have to slap your own face in a place where others can't see.

Xu Rong seemed to remember something, and asked, "By the way, do you know why Li Youbin went?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "I heard from my sister-in-law that he went to film."

"Oh, I mean, I wanted to invite him over for dinner."

Xu Rong felt rather regretful that the Grand Slam was such a grand event, but he didn't share it with Li Youbin, and he always felt that something was missing.

Although Li Youbin sent him a message of congratulations last night, how could a message of "congratulations" be enough?
Xu Rong turned his head, looked at Xu Xing, and asked, "Xu Xing, are you busy these two days?"

Grandpa looked at him and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Rongdao: "Before I went to Changsha, the courtyard greeted me. After the award ceremony, I have to go to the courtyard to rehearse. In two days, there will be a meeting of all members of the art committee. I can't leave. I have something to do. I have to let Xu Xing do it for me."

Grandpa nodded, paused for a moment while holding the chopsticks, and said, "I look at the leaders in your yard, do they take you seriously?"

Student Xiao Zhang immediately said: "Grandpa, I pay special attention to it. Didn't I tell you before that Mr. Xu is the chief examiner for this year's recruitment exam, and now he is the vice-captain of the actor team."

"team leader?"

The old man was too familiar with this word because of his early experience in the mine. He froze for a moment, turned his head, stared at his grandson in surprise, and asked uncertainly, "You mean, you are also an official?"


Xu Rong didn't explain in detail that in the case of the captain, although the deputy captain has an administrative rank, he basically doesn't care about the specific affairs, just to make a name and prepare for the future.

Just like Pu Cunxi and Ren Ming, the current deputy directors of the art committee, are both deputy directors with a clear division of labor, otherwise no one would listen to their words.

Grandpa finished laughing, and said: "Since the leaders of your unit are optimistic about you, you have to perform well."

"Don't worry, I haven't missed any holidays."

Grandpa shook his head, put down his chopsticks, and said, "I didn't mean that, I mean, you have to have a sense of belonging to your unit, that is to let your leaders see that they are worthy of your training, Xiaofei said You are also an official now, so you have to bear some responsibilities. You rely on acting for a living, but that is work, not an official. Yes, but the starting point is good, and there is still a chance for your leader to teach you. In this position, you must have this awareness. You can’t just want to get it, but don’t give it. If you always do that, you are a white-eyed wolf. If it’s ripe, it’s better to kill it after a long time.”


Xu Xing and Xiao Zhang smiled and said, "My brother is a film and television actor, not a drama actor."

Grandpa nodded, responding to the smiles of his granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law, but from the corner of his eye, he looked at Xu Rong. The two girls didn't understand. He should understand what he meant.

I always regard myself as a marginal figure, and after a long time, I really become marginalized.

Xu Rong pondered for a while, then nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Another day later, Xu Rong couldn't sit still seeing that the whole network almost formed a group of mocking Sun Xiaoxiao and the five fast men.

It is very reasonable for Mango to take advantage of the Golden Eagle TV Festival to praise its own artists. However, although there is suspicion of touching him, they have given him such a big face after all. All three awards for actors in the Golden Eagle Festival were awarded to him. You can't let people's face fall to the ground.

Furthermore, he was keenly aware of the weirdness of this wave of ferocious momentum. The organizing committee did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. It should be criticized, but it did cause controversy for the fast boy, and then used the Golden Eagle Festival to promote the fast boy. Final goal.

But right now, the Internet seems to be confronting the talent show artists represented by Kuainan and the traditional artists of professional background represented by him.

He has some guesses. Although some draft artists are very popular, they are not easy to be accepted, especially in the record industry. Singers do not make money at all, and very few can hold concerts. The living space of traditional singers has been squeezed. If fast boys also rise, the living space of corresponding male singers will also be squeezed.

Xu Rong is absolutely not happy to be regarded as a gunman by certain groups, and in his opinion, the so-called music scene is simply a muddy mud, there are all kinds of people, and he doesn't mind being a stick to watch the excitement and not think it's a big deal .

On the third day after the Golden Eagle Awards Ceremony, after Xu Rong went solo, Jin Fangfang accepted a telephone interview with the media as his agent for the first time, indirectly expressing Xu Rong's views on the current controversy:

I hope that the majority of netizens will not be too harsh on young people. Maybe they don't meet everyone's expectations at the moment, but the future is still unknown, let alone be led by some people with bad intentions.

Naturally, Xu Rong couldn't lower his social status to compliment a few non-professional singers he had never heard of, saying that he was really inferior to them, and neither they nor Mango TV had the qualifications for him to compliment them.

The influence of Mango TV is indeed not small, but Renyi is not a vegetarian. If it is really discussed, the energy of Renyi will definitely beat Mango TV.

While Jin Fangfang issued a statement, Renyi.

Xu Rong saw that the proposals of all the committee members were almost discussed, and said: "Teachers, I have a little immature idea. Please listen to it. If there is something wrong, please correct me."

Pu Cunxi and Zhang Heping looked at each other, and at the same time looked at him with encouraging eyes, and said, "Say it."

"Tell me."

Xu Rong cleared his throat and said, "That's it. Recently, I have had a lot of contact with the actors of our actor team. I just found that many actors in our theater, especially young actors, have been in the film and television industry all year round. Their basic skills have been wasted. I have an idea, can we conduct an annual assessment for young actors at the end or middle of each year, for example, if they fail the assessment for one year, the allowance will be withheld, and at the same time, a teacher will be appointed to guide them. If they fail for three consecutive years, they will be dismissed. In this way, actors are urged to lay a solid foundation."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, Zhang Heping, Pu Cunxi and Ren Ming who were sitting in front were all dumbfounded on the spot.

The problem he mentioned does exist in the theater. For example, Yu Zhen, who rarely performs in the theater, is always involved in the film and television industry, and always plays a certain type of role. He has been in the theater for so many years, but his professional ability is not too great. improvement.

Xu Rong is very clear that his proposal has no possibility of implementation, because there are many actors who do not participate in the performances in the theater at all, but would rather pay a certain fee in the theater every year, just for the title of "talented actor" and The convenience of settlement, if implemented according to his proposal, after three years, at least one-third of the actors in the theater would have to be dismissed.

While thinking in the conference room, Feng Yuanzheng, who was sitting opposite Xu Rong, suddenly raised his hand and said, "I very much agree with Xu Rong's proposal. Young actors can’t sink their minds at all. They only want to make a lot of money and make quick money. Few of them can persist in doing morning exercises because they are too busy. They have to travel to dozens or even dozens of film crews a year. , Acted in a lot of plays, but they all followed the gourd painting, and completely regarded this place as a place to hang out. As a result, when they went outside, they failed to make a name for themselves.

Yang Lixin turned his head in surprise, and looked at Feng Yuanzheng. Although Feng Yuanzheng was also the vice-captain, in the past, he basically didn't get involved in the affairs of the courtyard. Go to the film and television industry to earn extra money.

There are Zhang Heping, Pu Cunxi, and Ren Ming who acted similarly to him. Regarding the future successors, they all have considerations. After Zhang Heping retires, Ren Ming and Feng Yuan will form the team, and when Feng Yuan is retiring, Xu Rong will take over.

They can ignore Xu Rong's opinion for the time being, but if Xu Rong and Feng Yuanzheng hold the same attitude, even if they disagree now, when they retreat in the future, under the strong support of Feng Yuanzheng and Xu Rong, what happened just now That proposal will definitely be implemented.

Seeing that Zhang Heping was silent, Pu Cunxi turned his head, looked at the others, and asked, "Everyone, what's your opinion?"

All eyes turned to Yang Lixin.

The opinion was put forward by Xu Rong, the vice-captain of the actor team, and Feng Yuanzheng, the vice-captain, was also echoed. Moreover, the positive effect of the two proposals is indeed very obvious. When Pu Cunxi reserved his opinion, Yang Lixin, the captain, had the most say.

Yang Lixin glanced at Pu Cunxi, and said: "I think the proposal of this assessment mechanism is very good, but it is too strict. If you fail in three years, you will be fired. It can indeed urge actors to work hard on their business, but before that, Shall we find a way to increase the performance allowance, without asking for anything else, if an actor from out of town comes over, he must at least be able to live in a house, get married and start a business, right?"

Veteran Liang Guanhua chuckled and said, "Assessment is a good idea, but what kind of criteria should be used to evaluate and who should be evaluated. It is best to come up with a specific charter."

Feng Yuan turned his head, looked at Xu Rong, and sighed helplessly, he shouldn't talk too much.

Seeing the sudden silence in the conference room, Zhang Heping concluded: "Although Xiao Xu's suggestion is a bit radical, it is not without merit. In this way, Xiao Xu, come up with a practical plan later, and we will discuss it later."

After leaving the conference room, Zhang Heping said, "Xiao Xu, come to my office."

At the same time as the People's Arts Committee was meeting, the crew of "Master" welcomed two special guests.

"Ms. Li, someone is visiting the class."

"Who is it?" Li Youbin didn't go over immediately, he didn't even dare to turn on his mobile phone these days.


That kid actually achieved a grand slam!

And it was the top match Grand Slam that swept the Golden Eagle Festival!
Now when he heard that someone was visiting the class, he felt frightened. He was really afraid that Xu Rong would run over with his trophy and make fun of him.

He didn't doubt at all that Xu Rong could do such a nasty thing. After all, it's not uncommon for someone who can send the trophy home to him to come here with the trophy.

"It's two reporters."

"Oh, here we come."

Li Youbin walked out of the set wearing costumes, and he was relieved to see two young men and women wearing peaked caps, badges on their chests, and carrying equipment boxes.

As long as it's not Xu Rong.

As soon as the two reporters saw Li Youbin, they went up to meet him, flashed their badges on their chests, and said anxiously: "Mr. Li, we are reporters from the Beijing News, can we spare you half an hour for an exclusive interview? "

Li Youbin instinctively refused, but thinking about the background of the two, he hesitated for a while and said, "Half an hour is too long, I have to film later, maybe 10 minutes."

The young man and the girl looked at each other and said, "Okay."

After the male reporter set up the camera, the girl took out a notebook and a recording pen from her bag, and asked, "Ms. Li, Xu Rong said at the Golden Eagle Award ceremony three days ago that you are the one who has had a great influence on him in his acting career." Man, can you tell me exactly what happened?"

There was a little smile on Li Youbin's face, the kid was quite conscientious, and said: "About 04, he was still a half-university student, and he was filming "Bright Sword". The first time I saw him, I thought he was a good guy. After that, you should all know something about him. I took him with me when I was filming "Stepfather" and "Crossing Guandong". Basically, I taught every scene by hand. To a certain extent, I can be regarded as his acting. The enlightenment teacher in this line."

The female reporter's eyes lit up and she asked, "What do you think about your student achieving the Shidi Grand Slam?"

Li Youbin felt a little tired at the moment. After learning that Xu Rong won all the awards at the Golden Eagle Awards, he knew that this would inevitably happen sooner or later, but on his face, he still tried his best to maintain a smile, and devoted himself to creating an open-minded senior. Image, said: "Relaxed, I watched him grow up step by step. As an actor, I know very well how difficult his achievements today are, how much hardship he has to suffer, how much tiredness he has to suffer, and the honor of being able to achieve the grand slam." , It is also a reward for his dedication, and as his first teacher, I am also sincerely happy for him."

"Then do you have any words of blessing to say to him?"

Li Youbin hesitated again, before slowly saying: "I hope he"

The male reporter who has been in charge of filming suddenly walked to the side, opened the equipment box, took out a trophy from inside, and asked cautiously: "Mr. Xu asked us to ask, since you are sincerely happy for him, when blessing , can you hold his trophy, with a heart of reverence for Grand Slam Shidi, and give your best wishes?"

"I respect you"

Li Youbin looked at the trophy in the male reporter's hand, his expression changed immediately, he swallowed half of the cursing words, and the two stared wide-eyed: "What the hell are you two doing?"

Stared at by Li Youbin, Li Gen's smile became unnatural, and he said, "Mr. Li, I'm Xu Rong's employee."

Xu Xing stuck out his tongue and said, "Mr. Li, my name is Xu Xing, and I'm Xu Rong's younger sister."

Li Youbin almost didn't come up to memorize it all at once. He had calculated everything, but Xu Rong's grandson would be so damaged. He sent someone to pretend to be a reporter to give him a trophy, and even let him hold the trophy to give him blessings? !

Why not die!

After staring at the two of them fiercely for a while, he turned around and left without saying a word. After walking a few steps, he turned his head again and said to Li Gen and Xu Xing, "Send me a message, wait for me to free up your hands." Come, you can't kill him!"

"Xu, Xu Rong said it, he likes to see you looking desperate and helpless." Li Gen quickly finished speaking, and ran away with the camera in his arms.

Even though Xu Rong specifically told them to be upright and fearless before coming, but facing Li Youbin, they really couldn't be fearless.

Eyes are red.

Li Youbin looked at the two people who were running away, and stomped his feet angrily: "What the hell, it's against the sky, it's against the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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