I'm just an actor

Chapter 249 Recommendations

Chapter 249 Recommendations
"Xiao Xu, your proposal is very good."

Following Zhang Heping into his office, before Xu Rong's butt touched the sofa, Zhang Heping said: "You can make that proposal, which proves that you have really observed and thought with your heart, and you are indeed holding hope. The idea is getting better and better, and I would like to especially praise you for that.”

Xu Rong didn't show joy because of Zhang Heping's words, because he knew that, as usual, there must be a turning point of "but" and then criticism.

He knows the way too well.

Looking at Zhang Heping, he found that he turned around and went to the cabinet next to the desk, took out a can of tea from it, and said, "Let's drink some Longjing today, Pu'er in the morning, and Longjing in the afternoon. In the past, the royal family in the Qing Dynasty used to be like this." How to drink it, why? The yang qi is born in Pingdan, and the yang qi grows in the middle of the day."

Even though Xu Rong couldn't understand what he meant by the second half of the sentence, he still reached out to pick it up and said, "Dean, let me do it."

Zhang Heping twitched his two faint eyebrows, waved his hands and said, "You can't do it, you don't even drink tea, let you make it, and you can cook it for me."

As he said that, Zhang Heping sat beside him, boiling water, and when he accidentally raised his head, seeing Xu Rong staring at him, he smiled abruptly, and said, "Do you think that I called you here to criticize you? "

Xu Rong nodded and said, "I thought my proposal was feasible, but I didn't expect it."

"You are not familiar with the situation in the courtyard, so it is normal to have such thoughts."

Zhang Heping said indifferently: "Anyway, your intention is good, why should I criticize you?"

A flash of doubt flashed in Xu Rong's heart, he didn't understand what Zhang Heping meant.

During the previous meeting, Zhang Heping obviously did not agree with his proposal. Although it will be discussed later, there is no question of when the "later" will be. It is basically equivalent to completely rejecting his proposal.

But right now Zhang Heping's attitude is very strange, it seems that he is supporting himself in another way.

But Feng Yuan's wry smile at the meeting made him feel that his guess was not right.

For a while, he was a little confused.

Chatted with Zhang Heping about some things about the cast team, Xu Rong didn't stay in the courtyard too much, he had to hurry back and wait for the results of Li Gen and Xu Xing's business trip.

After leaving the gate of the theater and in front of the car, Xu Rong touched his pocket, only to realize that the car keys were in the pocket of his coat, and he left the coat in the rehearsal hall after rehearsal at noon.

"Captain Xu, why are you back again?"

Xu Rong smiled and said to the security guard who greeted him: "Hey, I left my coat, go and get it, are you still off work?"

"Wait a minute, I'll be back later."

As soon as the door of the rehearsal hall was pushed open a crack, Xu Rong heard a voice speaking inside. It should be that a crew was rehearsing inside.

He subconsciously lowered his movements so as not to disturb the crew who were rehearsing.

Quietly pushing out only one person through the gap, Xu Rong poked his head in, only to see Xin Yue running back and forth with a flushed face in the rehearsal hall with crude props.

Before each run, she tossed the braids on her chest to the back of her head, and then ran briskly towards the side hair, and the cycle repeated.

She was practicing Sifeng's walking posture and demeanor.

Xu Rong's heart softened. Today's meeting lasted all afternoon, and the rehearsal ended at noon. In other words, Xin Yue probably practiced for half a day in the rehearsal hall by herself.

Xinyue is not tall, with a round face, big eyes, and a bright smile. From the image, she fits the role of Sifeng very well, which is why Pu Cunxi chose her.

But her skills and experience are not enough for the role of "Sifeng".

Xu Rong has already thought about replacing her, and he has already prepared her substitute.

"Xu, Teacher Xu?" Xinyue noticed Xu Rong's arrival, she stopped suddenly, crossed her hands in front of her body, and looked at Xu Rong who was standing at the door with embarrassment.

Xu Rong pointed to the jacket in the corner, and said with a smile: "I forgot my clothes, come here and get them, how about rehearsal?"


"It's hard work."

"It's all right."

Xin Yue shook her head quietly and said nothing more. She entered the hospital a year earlier than Xu Rong. Before "Thunderstorm", she had never played such an important role as Sifeng. Speaking of it, she still fell in love with Xu Rong Light.

Because Puyuan wanted to form the youth version of "Thunderstorm" at the beginning, she had been working hard for a year, and finally waited for the opportunity.

Ever since she received the notice, although she was very clear that she could only play ten shows, or even disband if she couldn't play ten shows, she still made up her mind to play this role well. I watched it dozens of times.

For her, Sifeng is a hard-won opportunity. Maybe after the performance of "Thunderstorm", she can officially start her career in Renyijiaoer.

When she consciously prepared well and began to rehearse in the group with full confidence, she realized that the gap in talent cannot be made up by hard work at all.

The Zhou Ping portrayed by Xu Rong was not only recognized by the art committee and Mr. Zheng, but also had a huge influence across the country. Taking this opportunity, he soared to the sky, and was first nominated by the director to enter the group representing the highest achievement in the national drama industry People and Arts Committee, and then served as the vice-captain.

As for her, she seemed to be really an inconspicuous little girl. Although she tried her best, she still didn't get much attention and recognition.

She has always believed in one sentence, God rewards hard work, and she does not have Xu Rong's innate talent, but she believes that through her silent efforts, she will eventually surpass him!

Because she knows that many talented film and television actors have become accustomed to relying on their talents and have forgotten the meaning of working hard the day after tomorrow.

This is her chance to surpass the curve!
Holding her coat, Xu Rong nodded at Xinyue, then turned and left.

When he reached the door, he stopped, turned around, and asked, "Xinyue, have you read "Resurrection"?"

"Ah?" Xin Yue stared blankly at Xu Rong, not understanding why he suddenly asked such a far-fetched question, she just shook her head silently.

Xu Rong looked at the sweat on her forehead and said, "I have a few suggestions, do you want to listen?"

"Ah, Mr. Xu, please wait a moment." Xin Yue looked at Xu Rong overjoyed. Guan, the handful who have proven their experience and top skills in the film and television industry, and now there is such a teacher who is willing to teach herself, she dare not miss it at all.

She hurriedly ran over to the chair beside her, picked up the script on it, bit off the cap of the pen with her mouth, stuffed it into her pocket, and said, "Teacher Xu, tell me."

Seeing her standing, holding a pen and script, Xu Rong walked to the box in the middle of the rehearsal hall and sat down, pointing to the opposite side, and said, "Sit down and talk."

"First of all, I suggest you read "Resurrection", and focus on feeling the love relationship between Duke Nekhliudov and Katyusha, but you should pay attention to one thing, Sifeng and Zhou Mansion are an employment relationship, not an absolute subject. A servant relationship, she has autonomy over her life, that's the difference between the two."

Xu Rong looked her up and down again, and said: "The second point is for you. Your temperament is a bit 'foreign', and you lack the simple temperament that Sifeng should have. This needs to be corrected."

Xin Yue's pen that was memorizing seriously stopped suddenly, raised her eyebrows, but quickly pressed down again.

Xu Rong noticed her subtle movements and expressions, knew that she was not convinced, and said: "To play the role of Sifeng well, you must first know what kind of environment she lived in since she was a child. Her growth experience determines her temperament. , do you know what happened to her before she came to the Zhou mansion?"

Xin Yue raised her head, her eyes widened slightly, she took a breath, and then asked, "Teacher Xu knows?"

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile, guessing that if she hadn't faced herself, she might not have maintained a harmonious voice at all, so she said: "Sifeng's home is in Xinghua Lane, you should have seen Longxugou. Photos and movies are probably the kind of environment. Next to her house, there is a green pond with evaporating odor. In summer, mosquitoes and flies fly everywhere. Her neighbors and neighbors live in She didn't go to school as a cart puller, a coolie, a worker, a performer, or a small business owner. Therefore, when she was young, in addition to helping her mother cook and wash vegetables, she would also carry a dirty bag. Xidi bag, I went to pick up coal cores and rotten paper with my neighbor’s friends, and when I was a little older, I learned needlework from my mother, and I would help people sew clothes and earn some money to subsidize the family.”

Sifeng quietly listened to Xu Rong's slowly depicting the scene, and was stunned for a moment. These were not recorded in the script, but under Xu Rong's telling, a vague image appeared in her mind. screen.

After waiting for a while, seeing Xin Yue staring at him steadily, Xu Rongcai said: "Sifeng's experience before coming to the Zhou mansion is probably like this, so the second point, I suggest you move from the house you live in now." Come out, go to Bajia to rent a house to live for a period of time, and feel the living environment of Sifeng, if conditions permit, it is best to go to the villages in the city with worse conditions in the future."

"Oh, ok." Xinyue wanted to record the scene that Xu Rong had just described, but the picture in her mind couldn't be written down anyway, so she could only write down "Move to Bali to live." for a while." in short.

Xu Rong waited for her to write it down, and continued: "The third point, when you rehearse in the future, you come here early every morning, don't wait when you come, change into flat shoes and Sifeng's clothes, and clean the rehearsal hall first , just like cleaning Zhou's mansion."

"Fourth point, buy a bag that you think is very expensive and you like very much, choose a rainy day, preferably a heavy rainy day, don't bring an umbrella, try to wear something thin, then go around and run home .”

Xin Yue listened to Xu Rong's suggestion, raised her head in surprise, and asked, "Isn't that bag going to rain? What if it breaks?"

Xu Rong only smiled, but did not explain. When she really rushed into the house with her bag in her arms, she would naturally understand her intentions.

"Fifth point, talk about a relationship."

Xin Yue seemed to be quite resistant to this suggestion, and asked, "Mr. Xu, is it necessary to fall in love?"

"It is very necessary." Xu Rong nodded firmly, "Of course, if you have talked about it before, you can recall that feeling and replace it, but that man must be someone you like, not someone who has been chasing you for a long time , the kind of being together under the touch."

"What if not?"

Xu Rong looked at her peacefully, and said slowly: "You can constantly give yourself psychological hints, it shouldn't be difficult, if you are willing to do it."

Looking at Xu Rong's calm face, Xin Yue felt the hairs on her arms stand on end. After knowing each other for so long, she didn't realize the madness in the heart of the person sitting across from her until today, and finally understood why the film and television circle Some colleagues privately called him "crazy".

His suggestion is feasible, but few people will do it, because once it is successful, it will not be a matter of time to slow down.

Xu Rong pondered for a moment with his head sideways, and said: "For the time being, that's all I can think of. For the rest, you can look through the creation notes of Teacher Hu Zongwen and Teacher Zhang Xin. By the way, remember to never copy the video materials .”

Looking at Xu Rong's smile, Xin Yue suddenly became courageous and asked, "Mr. Xu, since you know Sifeng so well, can you show me?"

Xu Rong frowned slowly, what's going on with this girl's brain circuit?

Seeing that he seemed unhappy, Xinyue quickly stuck out her tongue and said, "I'll just say it casually."

"It's ok."

Xu Rong got up, and said politely: "Okay, thank you." After finishing speaking, he threw his coat on his back, jumped at the brisk steps of a little girl after school, and trotted out of the door of the rehearsal room.


Holding the script, Xin Yue stared at Xu Rong's receding back, and stayed there for several minutes before she came to her senses.

She wanted to say thank you.

Xu Rong's running pace was neither light nor jerky, even a bit ridiculous, but she didn't have the slightest urge to laugh, Xu Rong's pace and back gave her a feeling of ease, Sifeng's kind of carefree Easy to think about.

She couldn't imagine how he ran out of those ten steps, because she knew a little about his past experience, he had endured so much suffering and hardship, even in the past few days, he was still involved in controversy.

Surrounded by so many complicated things, how can a person escape that kind of ease?
She knew that this was the construction of internal skills, she couldn't do it by herself, but she was lucky enough to see it with her own eyes today.

She looked down at the short five suggestions in the gaps in the script, then looked in the direction of the door of the rehearsal hall, and sighed silently.

Xu Rong's brief five suggestions, in addition to giving her a feeling of sudden understanding, also contained an emotion called despair.

A person playing Zhou Ping actually knows the role of "Sifeng" better than himself? !

He is familiar with Sifeng's growth environment, growth experience, mental journey, and even the tone of voice and walking posture, as if he is really Sifeng's lover.

And these have nothing to do with talent, but pure hard work.

At this time, she realized how naive the idea she had in the past to realize the curve and surpass was. While he possesses a talent that is hard to match, he has also made efforts that are hard to match.

Turning a corner, Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief, not knowing if he was imitating it.

Classmate Xiao Zhang always runs like this.

After returning home, Xu Rong probably mentioned the situation of today's meeting and the content of the chat in Zhang Heping's office to his grandfather, because the idea of ​​"running an errand" was suggested by his grandfather.

After hearing this, Grandpa smiled and said, "This is a good thing."

"How to say?"

The old man glanced at him and said, "Let's put it this way, if you were the dean and your subordinate's subordinate made a mistake, what would you do?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "I will criticize his leadership. As the dean, directly criticizing an actor will discourage his enthusiasm."

The old man nodded slightly, and said, "It's still the same analogy. If a person is very good at helping you, but has an ordinary relationship with you, and he made a mistake, what would you do?"

"I will criticize him in private and take care of his emotions, because he is required to do things."


The old man nodded slightly again, and then asked again: "But your dean, why did you deny your proposal in front of so many people, but in private, nothing happened, and even praised you?"

Xu Rong looked at his grandpa's smile and carefully thought about the meaning of his words. He felt that he understood vaguely, but he didn't fully understand, but grandpa had already got up and walked to the yard to take care of his flowers and plants.

Sitting on the sofa for a long time, he suddenly came back to understand Zhang Heping's attitude.

From the day he was admitted to the hospital, he was the talent that Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi wanted to cultivate according to the past of Renyi.

He got up, walked to the door, looked at the grandfather who was watering the flowers and plants in the yard without haste, and sighed involuntarily: "You are old."

Grandpa's background and experience, although there is nothing magnificent and praiseworthy, but when you think about it carefully, it is also quite legendary, especially when compared with the ups and downs of the old dean, Mr. Lao She and others.

With his outstanding vision and wisdom, Grandpa avoided the inevitable natural and man-made disasters that might have killed him, and always passed on his lifelong experience in life and work to himself at the right time.

This is a valuable asset.

At night, Xu Rong watched Xu Xing bring back the video and smiled contentedly.

The only pity is that Li Gen is a little timid. If he is running, he should force the trophy into Li Youbin's arms, so that he can feel the weight and texture of Grand Slam Shidi.

Seeing Li Youbin's exasperated appearance in the video, Xu Rong turned off the computer with a "haha" smile.

(End of this chapter)

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