Chapter 250
Sitting in front of the dressing table, student Xiao Zhang stretched out the mask carefully, and inadvertently glanced at Teacher Xu on the bed with the corner of his mouth raised, and wrinkled his nose slightly, because she found that since Xu Xing came back today, Teacher Xu’s mood has changed. Suddenly became very good, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Xu, what's the matter, have you been happy for a long time?"

She still hasn't put the mask on her face, because once she puts it on, she can't laugh, but if Mrs. Xu says something very happy later, she will definitely laugh. In that case, the mask won't be perfect .

Xu Rong turned back the page he had just finished reading, probably overly happy. He read the content of the page just now, but he didn't remember much at all, and said, "It's nothing, I just heard that Lin Yongjian was Father, be happy for him."

"Really?" Xiao Zhang asked suspiciously, "Then how much is suitable for us?"

Instinctively she didn't believe it, she turned her head quietly, trying to observe his expression, but she only saw the cover of "Collected Works of Zeng Wenzheng Gong".

And only the voice came after typing the book: "It's not easy for that guy to grow old, and he has helped us before, so, let's take a hundred thousand."

At this time, student Xiao Zhang was sure that Lin Yongjian's fatherhood was definitely an excuse made by Teacher Xu, but she was not in a hurry because she believed that Teacher Xu would definitely not be able to hold back and tell her.

"it is good."

"Ms. Xu, today I went shopping with Sister Jia Ling and saw a very, very beautiful gold bracelet." Xiao Zhang said inarticulately after applying the mask.

It's just that the bracelet is a little expensive, and she still can't make up her mind whether to buy it or not.

"Do you think I should buy it or not?" She seemed to be talking to herself, "But that bracelet is really beautiful, but if I buy it, I will see you again with the little money I just saved. It's over."

"Ms. Xu, why don't you look at it like this, if I wake up before six o'clock tomorrow morning, I will buy it, and if I wake up after six o'clock, I won't buy it, what do you think?"

"Teacher Xu?"

Xiao Zhang waited for a long time and didn't hear a response. He turned his head, only to find that Teacher Xu was lying on the head of the bed, closed his eyes, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

"I didn't even tell you to buy it for me, but you still pretended to be asleep!"

After classmate Xiao Zhang finished speaking, she stared at him for a while. Suddenly, she tiptoed over, squatted on the bedside, pinched a handful of her hair, and was about to scratch his nose, but she took a closer look at Xu The teacher's expression, she stopped again.

Teacher Xu looked like he was really asleep.

Because every time I study late at night, after being gentle, Teacher Xu always hugs her and tells her to wait for her to sleep before going to sleep. As a result, within a few minutes, he fell asleep, looking exactly the same as now.

"Teacher Xu?"

Xiao Zhang shouted again, but still didn't hear his response, his brows subconsciously frowned, and were quickly smoothed away.

There is still a mask on the face, so it can't be wrinkled!
In her impression, Teacher Xu usually would not fall asleep so fast unless he was very sleepy or tired, and he has not been filming recently, nor has he done long aerobic exercise in the past two days, which is supposed to not be the case.

She supported his shoulder and shook it slightly: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu?"

Still nothing happens.

Xiao Zhang suspiciously stretched out two fingers and put them under his nose to test his breath. After a few seconds, her frown became more serious.

Teacher Xu's breathing is very even.

Really fell asleep?
But then, she realized something was wrong. With her hand on Teacher Xu's body, she could clearly feel his body shaking slightly, as if it was extremely cold.

"Teacher Xu?"

"Xu, bah, Teacher Xu?"

After yelling twice without any response, her little face suddenly tightened, she tore off the mask that was in the way, threw it into the trash can next to her, turned around and rushed to the dressing table, picked up her mobile phone, and dialed 120 directly .

When she hung up the phone, she saw Mr. Xu nestled at the head of the bed, and ran to the end of the bed in another step. She broke out with far more strength than usual, pulled the mattress on the bed, and pulled it flat so that he could lie on his back. He quickly ran to the bedside, hugged his head, took a deep breath, bent down, mouth to mouth, and started artificial respiration.

At a certain moment, she raised her head, took another deep breath, and when she was about to lower her head to blow, she came to her and saw Teacher Xu staring straight into her eyes, and the air in her puffed cheeks "poofed" It all leaked out at once.

"Well, what are you doing?"

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang in puzzlement.

Xiao Zhang's tense face instantly eased a lot, and he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Xu, you, what's the matter with you, is there something uncomfortable?"

Xu Rong was also stunned for a moment, then rolled quickly, and said with a smile: "If I don't wake up again, are you going to keep blowing into my stomach?"

Xiao Zhang finally realized that Teacher Xu was threatening her, stared at him for a few seconds, sat down on the edge of the bed, bowed his head and remained silent.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"This joke is not funny at all!"

Xu Rong hurriedly straightened Xiao Zhang's body, and seeing her eyes were red, he felt quite helpless, just now he only heard two "ding, ding" in his ears, he was in a bad mood, and he didn't care at all. Before he had time to react, his eyes went dark and he passed out.

The last time he fainted, he was dragged by Jin Fangfang to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination, which he still vividly remembers.

If Xiao Zhang knows that he really passed out, he may have to go for another comprehensive physical examination immediately.

"Okay, okay, I'm teasing you, it's really okay, why are you still crying?"

Xiao Zhang soon realized that something was wrong, wiped away the tears on his face with the back of his hand, stared at him very seriously, and asked, "Teacher Xu, tell me the truth, did you really pretend just now? "

In her intuition, Teacher Xu would not make such a joke, and his appearance just now did not look fake.

Xu Rong patted his chest and said: "Of course it's true. Didn't this surprise frighten you? If there is really a problem, I will definitely go to the hospital right away."

"Okay." At this moment, she suddenly remembered that she called the ambulance just now, and hurriedly picked up the phone to cancel.

Even though he said so, Xiao Zhang was full of doubts in his heart, and canceled the planned night reading activities without question.

Lying on the bed, Xu Rong looked at the opened light curtain.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A
Experience Points: 82/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Master, Baji Introduction, Baji Mastery

After the hit broadcast of "Daming Dynasty 1566", especially after sweeping the Golden Eagle Festival to achieve the Grand Slam of the Emperor, the glory value increased at an extremely rapid rate, and finally completed the "Baji Master" pre-feature "Baji Mastery" "Analysis.

He put away the light curtain, closed his eyes, thought about the previous plan again, and made up his mind only after feeling safe.

Time to put it on the agenda.

Early the next morning, Xu Rong was dragged to the hospital by classmate Xiao Zhang without even having time to eat, and had another comprehensive physical examination.

At noon, on the way back, Xu Rong looked helplessly at Xiao Zhang, who had been arrogant and unreasonable before, and said, "I've already said it's okay, so you can rest assured now, right?"

Xiao Zhang laughed twice, and then said, "Mr. Xu, I was thinking just now, shall we have a physical examination every year in the future?"

"Well, that's fine." Xu Rong didn't have any objections to these, "What do your parents say?"

What he asked was about bringing Xiao Zhang's parents over to celebrate the New Year together.

Classmate Xiao Zhang nestled in the passenger seat and said, "My mother didn't say anything, but my father asked me, saying that the two of us are not married yet, so it's not appropriate for them to come to celebrate the New Year?"

"What's wrong?"

After Xu Rong blurted out, he immediately understood that Uncle Zhang was targeting him.

He went through the busy things next year in his mind, and the announcements are still full. At the beginning of the year, he will shoot a TV series promised by Luo Liping. She will also star in a movie invested by Liu Yanming.

In addition, there are several endorsement agency activities, new product launches, and commercial shootings, all of which have to be squeezed in time.

It can't be said that he can't find time, but he is quite in a hurry. However, he has also considered that he doesn't plan to do it too ostentatiously, just invite some close friends.

He thought for a while, and said, "Well, Xiao Zhang, tell your dad that we will pick them up when they have their annual leave."

He planned for Uncle Zhang to come over this time, and after discussing it, he settled the matter.

Xiao Zhang did not understand the meaning of her father's words at all, nor did she hear the voice of Xu Rong's words, but immediately took out her mobile phone and said, "I don't even know what my father thinks, you all go to our house It's been several times, and he's still embarrassed to come over? I'll tell him now."

After Xiao Zhang conveyed the meaning in place, he hung up the phone, turned his head, and said with a puzzled expression: "Mr. As soon as he said it, he agreed, hey, I remembered, you said, he must have reached menopause, right?"

Xu Rong laughed, but he was extremely puzzled, who did Xiao Zhang follow?
Ordinarily, her father is not stupid at all, and Aunt Wang, although she is not a magnanimous person, she is not bad in the world.

As a result, when he came to Xiao Zhang, he replied to him so that he had no temper at all.

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

Xu Rong glanced at it, turned on the speakerphone, and asked, "Brother Liu, what's the matter?"

"Come out to get together at night?"

Xu Rong didn't hesitate, even if Liu Yanming didn't look for him, he still wanted to talk to Liu Yanming, so he said, "Okay, old place?"

"old place."

Xiao Zhang asked curiously, "Who is it?"

"Liu Yan's name."

"Oh, then remember not to drink too much."

Classmate Xiao Zhang told him worriedly, fearing that he might not be able to remember, and said: "If you drink your brain, you won't be able to remember the lines."

Xu Rong gave her a white look, and said: "I know, you remember drinking and can't remember the lines."

"Well, that's what it was."

At night, as soon as they met, Liu Yanming smiled and said, "Congratulations, Grand Slam Shidi."

Xu Rong waved his hands and said, "It's all luck, it's all luck."

Liu Yanming shook his head lightly, but he didn't refute. Everyone knows whether it's luck or not. Besides, Xu Rong is only 24 years old, and the difficulty of a grand slam is even more difficult than that of an old actor over 40 years old. It's a lot taller.

After sitting down, Liu Yanming asked: "Yesterday, I saw Youku's announcement that "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" will be aired after the National Day. You must have made a lot of money this time, right?"

Xu Rong wiped his hands with a hot towel before saying, "If I say I didn't make any money, you won't believe me. In fact, I really didn't make much money."

"How much did you sell?" Liu Yanming saw his secretary Xiao Zhang going to open a drink, and leaned over the table and asked.

"One hundred and three."

Hearing this, Liu Yanming couldn't help but gasped, and said, "You're not making any money? You're making money like crazy."

"Buy out for three years."

"Fuck, you might as well sell it to the TV station. It's not a good deal." Liu Yanming sat back and said with regret, but thinking that the Beijing TV station had already broadcasted it for a round, it was considered a high price to sell it for this price.

Xu Rong immediately shook his head and said, "If I sell it to the TV station, it will put Zhou Xie and his leader on fire. Another TV station will broadcast an extra episode, and they will have to suffer for a day."

Liu Yanming knew that Xu Rong's way of taking copyright was not very glorious, and said with a smile: "But you don't have to be afraid of him, let alone a deputy director, he is the deputy director. With Zhang Heping standing there, they dare not What are you doing?"

"It's not that I'm afraid or not. If you get a cheap price, you'll be happy secretly." Xu Rong took the menu, ordered the food, and said, "If I sell it from one TV station to another TV station with great fanfare, I don't need to ask, I can guess it. How much did it sell for, and it’s really going to be troublesome.”

"But then again, TV dramas really don't make money. In the past few years, it's been better. The first round plus the second round can sell six or seven. In the past, when One Plus X was invested, if it was more than 3000 million, it would be able to return. I have to have fun." Through "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", Xu Rong really understood the mentality of film and television production companies, unless he spends a lot of money to "hold" it as a blockbuster, otherwise he really can't make money from investing in TV dramas.

Liu Yanming sneered, and said: "In essence, the profit margin of TV dramas is not smaller than that of movies, but most of them are pocketed by TV stations. In recent years, the Internet broadcasting platform has risen, and their food looks better. I used to wish I could Chew people's bones into slag, it's just started now, just wait and see, the network platform is still in the integration stage, and when the integration is completed, it will be the time for the TV station to cry."

Xu Rong nodded lightly. LeEco's advantages in holding many film and television copyrights have become prominent. Liu Yanming's expectation is the matter in front of him. He raised his eyelids and asked the main purpose of coming here today: " How did you think about what I told you last time?"

Liu Yanming took off his jacket, put it aside, and said: "It's not that bad, the main thing is that Liu Heping held the script and didn't let go. If he can sell it to me, I will definitely organize people to discuss it immediately. I admit that his outline is really very good. Wonderful, but don’t forget, if you put in [-] million, if you can’t sell [-] million, you will lose money.”

He tapped on the table with three fingers as he spoke: "The TV drama market in the mainland can't handle such a giant."

Xu Rong also understood this truth. Liu Heping's script was not written to make money at all.

But for his literati feelings.

If the total budget was 3000 million, he would vote for it without saying a word, but 3000 million was only a fraction, and he felt guilty. Based on 600 episodes, if he wanted to sell an exclusive broadcast, he would have to pay [-] million episodes.

Domestic large and small TV stations, as long as they are not fools, no one will pay this money.

And the meaning of Liu Yanming's name is also very clear. He got the script, how much to invest, how to shoot, and how to modify it.

"Liu Heping's notebook may not look good if it is changed."

Liu Yanming heard the meaning of Xu Rong's words, and felt something different, and asked, "Why, you want to vote?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, neither affirming nor denying, and said: "Liu Heping called me seven or eight times recently, and he didn't talk about money, just kept asking me, can we leave some of our money for future generations? What can be seen created by the literary and art workers of the era."

Liu Yan smiled "haha", as if he was amused by Liu Heping's words, and said: "I'm afraid he also understands that this show will not make any money at all."

Xu Rong originally planned to share the risks, and pulled Liu Yanming to invest together, but Liu Yanming is now focused on the film market and the company's listing, and he is not willing to spend a lot of money in the TV drama market, let alone a deal that is obviously sure to lose money .

Understanding Liu Yanming's attitude, he silently made a decision, he was going to show his face first, and if he succeeded, he would save tens of millions of film remuneration. If he failed, he would sell his Huayi stock to cash out .

In Liu Heping's words, this may be his last work.

As far as he is concerned, it may also be his final work in the field of TV dramas.

Moreover, he is also one of the few people who has seen most of the script. This drama, similar to "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", has the same viewing threshold, but it is also more exciting.

In the current market where the overall production quality of TV dramas is declining, I hope that a high-quality boutique drama can bring some positive impact.

Seeing Xu Rong's firm gaze, Liu Yanming's smile stopped abruptly, and he asked suspiciously, "You don't know how to vote, do you really want to vote?"

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, then nodded lightly, and gave him an affirmative answer.

"You are crazy, [-] million, even a big-budget movie may not be able to sell that much."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Let me think about it again. By the way, do you know the famous Master Chuanwu?"

Liu Yanming didn't realize Xu Rong's huge topic span for a while, rubbed his forehead, and said: "I know a few, but why do you ask this?"

Xu Rong pushed the menu to him, and said: "It's for filming. In the future, when people ask me who I learned martial arts from, I will say who I learned martial arts from, and then spend money to buy a title of martial arts champion or something. When you go to the audience to see it, you will form a preconceived impression, hey, good guy, Xu Rong has real skills, as long as the shots are good-looking, no one will doubt it."

Liu Yanming casually ordered the two must-order dishes, handed the menu to the waiter, and said, "Actually, those so-called Chuanwu masters, if you let him run 1000 meters, he will be able to crawl for you. Don’t get up, they’re all putting on airs and cheating money, if you really want to learn, you might as well find a martial arts school teacher honestly.”

Xu Rong didn't care much and said: "It doesn't matter, just try to be a master, only a famous teacher can make a good disciple, right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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