I'm just an actor

Chapter 251 Timing

Chapter 251 Timing
Apart from colleagues with excellent business skills, among businessmen, Xu Rong likes to chat with Liu Yanming very much. Although he always talks about "making money" and "profiting", he is a rare stream in the domestic TV drama industry.

For the sake of going public and stock price, Huayi almost treats artists like livestock, and forced the outside artists to leave one after another. Hairun still follows the business model ten years ago, looking for scripts, organizing seminars, investing in filming, and selling films.

Artists are also given a considerable amount of autonomy. In the past, the reason why he could do whatever he wanted was because of his status as the first brother on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was also caused by Hairun's business ideas.

Hairun has a very small budget for the publicity and distribution of artists and film and television dramas, because in the past they relied on the brand and popularity of their products, but now, they still adhere to this concept.

Liu Yanming understands the importance of publicity very well, but he still stubbornly lives in the past. He also knows that the plot of dog blood is the most eager audience, but he still insists on what he thinks is small and beautiful, even if it has gradually fallen behind. the pace of the times.

This is also what Xu Rong admires the most. He knows what is "right", but he can resist following the trend.

Just like Liu Yanming often puts a sentence on his lips: "All the dramas I produce make money, although they don't make much money."

When the two drank more than half of a bottle of wine, Liu Yanming looked at Xu Rong curiously and asked, "Xiao Xu, how did you decide that you must enter the film industry this year?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Rong looked at Liu Yanming puzzled, not quite understanding what he meant, because Liu Yanming put the emphasis on "must".

The reason why he has come to this day is all due to chance, besides, making movies should be one of the goals of a film and television actor.

Liu Yanming shook his head and smiled, and said, "You always say that you are lucky and lucky. I admit this. I asked my secretary to put down the sign that you lifted up at the beginning. It can be said that it was pure luck that day. luck, and Guo Si and you, as proposers and executors, have been favored by this luck."

"Actually, it wasn't you who was holding the sign that day, but someone else."

Xu Rong blurted out the words "Damn!" If Liu Yanming didn't mention this, he wouldn't know there are so many inside stories.

And now that I think about it, it's really outrageous. Guo Si doesn't have the ability to be the general manager at all, and he's just a newcomer with little reputation. It was stuffed with the roles of a male first and a male second.

"Just to tease Chang Jihong, isn't your playing too dark?"

Liu Yanming finished laughing, and said, "Chang Jihong is using my resources and is not obedient. What do I want her for?"

Xu Rong gave him a thumbs up speechlessly, and said, "You are awesome, you are awesome."

Liu Yanming pulled a tissue, wiped her mouth, and said meaningfully: "But after that, you have come all the way, basically luck is very little, I sometimes think recently, even if you didn't Hold up that sign, one day, we will still sit together and drink."

"Just like you chose to enter the film industry this year, I can guarantee that there will be no more than ten people in China who can understand your choice."

Xu Rong became more and more confused, looked at Liu Yanming's slightly flushed cheeks, and said: "Brother Liu, you must be drinking too much, right?"

"I make movies, but I feel that there are not many people in the TV industry who can do it. It's as simple as that."

Liu Yanming squinted his eyes and stared at him with a smile, as if he wanted to distinguish whether his words were sincere or nonsense, but after watching for a long time, he couldn't see why.

After putting down the wine glass, Liu Yanming said with emotion: "The times make heroes. I can guarantee that this year will definitely be a dividing point in the history of film and television."

A little curiosity arose in Xu Rong's heart. Hearing the meaning of Liu Yan's name, he seemed to have done an extremely important thing unknowingly, and said, "Tell me carefully?"

Liu Yanming leisurely half-lyed on the back of the chair, and his secretary also brought over a box of cigars in due course.

"Come on one?"

"I don't smoke."

Liu Yan clicked on the name, took a sip, and said: "Basically since 07, capital has realized that the film and television industry is a new profit-making industry, and the cycle of capital return is extremely short, and a small group of people began to enter the market , In 08, capital entered in a large scale, you always understand this, right?"

Xu Rong first said "um", and said: "I know, at that time our school suddenly recruited a lot of crews, but I didn't feel deeply at that time."

"Yes, but they are laymen after all. They don't know how deep the water in our industry is. Looking at the clear river, they step into it, and with a thump, they fall straight into the bottomless river and are drowned. Damn it." Liu Yanming laughed, and fanned the smoke in front of him with his hand, until it finally floated onto Xu Rong's face, "It's like the "Forgiveness" you picked up, the investors thought they had found two big names, He was able to make a lot of money, but he went bankrupt in the end, and there were not a few people like him in those two years."

"However, they lost money and bought a lesson."

Liu Yanming sat up straight, and his face became serious: "After several years of testing the waters, the capital has already figured out the rules of our business, and because of its strong strength, it is also formulating new ones after getting familiar with it. The gameplay is just like in the past, before the release of a new drama, people don’t spend much money on publicity, but now, if you don’t make a budget of one million for publicity and distribution, no one can stop you from losing money.”

"Actually, this is secondary. What disturbs the market the most is the change in the way of making stars. In the past, everyone used to stick to the rules of making works. If TV dramas were not good enough, they would use amphibious and triangular TV dramas. But now it is all about publicity. If there are too many, whoever’s artist can become famous and popular, it’s a very sick industry status quo.”

Seeing that Xu Rong listened seriously, Liu Yanming raised his wine glass, took a sip, and said, "Why do I say this year is a critical year?"

"The rise of online video platforms, the rapid development of new media, and social platforms have all created fertile soil for capital operations, but in turn, the blind pursuit of profits has led to an overall decline in the overall production level of TV dramas, because even according to the real As long as the script of the event changes is not bloody and romantic, the audience will not tolerate it even if it is a true story and history, and the profit-seeking nature of capital will fully meet the needs of the public."

"Like "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" and "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", perhaps in our opinion, these two dramas are not comparable at all, and in the eyes of most groups, they are also not comparable. They only think that " "Da Ming" is a fucking idiot!"

"What do ordinary people like to watch?"

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't answer right away, Liu Yanming asked himself and answered, "Men and women love each other, and it's funny. If you don't believe me, turn on the TV and watch it. No matter what the subject matter is, there are eight out of ten movies." Those two things are core."

"This is also the direction of most film and television production companies at present. I will only shoot what you like to watch, and try to refresh your three views and imagination. After a long time, the entire TV drama market will rot." Liu Yanming seemed quite indignant, and his voice suddenly increased a lot.

"That's why I said that it is the best time for you to choose to step into the film industry this year. If it is earlier, you may not have enough status, and you can only play a supporting role if you go later. Your identity as a TV drama actor will be fixed. , The decline in the production level of TV dramas will lead to the decline of the status of the entire creative group in the TV drama industry, a group of people who only produce garbage, who will say they are good things?"

"And you chose the timing and start of the film market very well. You may not understand what this means for the male lead in "The Founding of the Party". Actors, the start of the film market can be compared to yours. If it is Doudizhu, the first two cards you get are Wang Zha, because even movie stars who are famous in a hit, before the movie is released, they all I don't know if it will be a big hit, but you don't have such worries at all, when the movie is released next year, you will immediately become a first-line movie actor."

Liu Yanming talked for a long time, probably feeling thirsty, picked up the water glass and drank it, and when he put it down, he asked curiously: "Please tell me the truth, to be honest, this is yours. The idea, or Jin Fangfang's idea?"

The reason why Liu Yanming is not sure is because in his opinion, both Xu Rong and Jin Fangfang are smart people, but they have different ways of being smart. At that time, one of them must have already planned for today's situation.

Xu Rong shook his head and smiled, and said: "Your analysis made me feel that I am not good enough, but it is true, I did not lie to you, it is really luck."

"All luck, if you study it deeply, will have its deep-seated reasons."

Xu Rong and Liu Yanming looked at each other, and Jin Fangfang's face couldn't help appearing in her mind. "The Founding of the Party" was something she had made up her mind to strive for a long time ago.

Before Liu Yanming's remarks, he just regarded this film as his debut film, without any special feelings or meaning.

But after listening to Liu Yanming's careful analysis, he suddenly realized that this is not the case, because the role of this drama seems to make him jump up and land in a wider movie before the TV drama's building is about to collapse. market.

Is this her plan?
He wasn't sure.

The two chatted a little later this time, and they didn't get up to leave until eleven o'clock.

At the entrance of the hotel, Liu Yanming told the secretary standing next to him, "Send Xiao Xu home safely."

"Good leadership."

Liu Yanming patted Xu Rong's shoulder and said, "Okay, let's go back then."

Before getting into the car, Liu Yanming turned around again and said, "Listen to my brother, I advise you to reconsider the matter of investment. That drama is not just a matter of making money or not. I don't think so. If you can pass the trial, then let’s go.”

"Teacher Xu, get in the car."

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, Liu Yanming's secretary in the car window, opened the car door and sat in the back seat. Although his mind was still a little dizzy, the words Liu Yanming said before leaving, at that moment just now, made people A fine layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

He has never considered this issue, because he has always been an actor in the past, and he always thinks about problems with the thinking of an actor. He has never thought about other aspects at all. It was not until Liu Yanming reminded him that he realized that he could Not being able to pay back the cost is secondary, the most important thing is whether it can pass the review after the shooting.

Before that, feelings, profit, etc., all have to be put aside first.

Sitting in the car, he took a sip of the mineral water that his secretary had prepared early in the morning, and a bold and multi-dual idea gradually emerged in his mind.

Zhang Heping!
As the chief planner of "The Founding of a Nation" and "The Founding of a Party", if he were named the chief producer of this drama, he would basically be able to guarantee unimpeded progress in the review process.

Moreover, dozens of talented actors whose professional ability is much higher than the average line of actors in the TV drama industry will be given away for free!

Just like Hu Jun, who performed in Renyi lost all his confidence in acting, but after entering the gate of Renyi, he is one of the spokespersons for the tough guy niche in the domestic film and television industry.

Among these people, except for a very few, the salary is not high.

Besides, he didn't believe that the actors in the theater were really ashamed to ask Zhang Heping and him, the vice-captain, for a paycheck!
The leader gives you the opportunity to show your face in the film and television industry, so pay attention to grasp it!
However, even if all goes well, it will have to wait until the next year.

On the second day, after half a year in Renyi, Xiao Zhang finally got a role with a speaking line after the returning class.

It’s just that after Xiao Zhang got the script of “Thunderstorm”, he only glanced at it, turned his eyes back and forth on Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong, and asked, “Me, just these three sentences?”

Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi nodded silently. This is because the actor has gone out to film a TV series. Otherwise, with Xiao Zhang's qualifications, he wouldn't be able to get along with three sentences.

The content of Xiao Zhang’s lines in the whole scene is roughly as follows:
Zhou Puyuan: Come here.

Classmate Xiao Zhang: Master.

Zhou Puyuan: My wife is upstairs now, you ask the young master to accompany Dr. Ke upstairs to see a doctor for my wife.

Xiao Zhang: Yes, sir.

Zhou Puyuan: Tell the young master to tell Dr. Ke that I'm a little tired and won't be with him anymore.

Xiao Zhang: Yes, sir.


Then nothing happened to her.

This is the normal state of young actors in Renyi. It is rare to be able to play a leading role without playing tricks for two years.

"Hey." Xiao Zhang sighed pretendingly, "Three sentences should be three sentences, who made us a newcomer."

As soon as Xu Rong heard her tone, she knew she was going to be bad. Xiao Zhang did not have many lines, but if she had this mentality, she would be kicked out by Pu Cunxi immediately when she came on stage.

Therefore, he said without hesitation: "Xiao Zhang, within three days, write a short story about this character with no less than [-] words and pass it to me."

Xiao Zhang’s eyes suddenly stared straight. She only had three sentences and 8 characters in total. Even counting the punctuation marks, she only had 13 characters in total. In the end, she had to write a short biography of no less than [-] characters. ? !

Pu Cunxi looked at the two with big eyes and small eyes, and was about to persuade him, when he suddenly heard Xiao Zhang say aggressively: "Teacher Feng Yuanzheng said, I am not allowed to write a biography!"


Seeing Xu Rong's suspicious gaze, Pu Cunxi scratched his gray hair, not looking at him to avoid his embarrassment, and explained in a low voice: "What she said is indeed true, and Yuanzheng particularly dislikes his students writing biographies. .”

"What's the matter?"


Pu Cunxi couldn't hold back anymore, it was the first time he saw Xu Rong being eaten to death by a single person.

(End of this chapter)

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