I'm just an actor

Chapter 259 Adjustment

Chapter 259 Adjustment
"Hey, this, is this dead?"

A few minutes after "Before Dawn" started broadcasting, Grandpa saw Qian Yu committing suicide by swallowing medicine to cover his teammates, and turned his head and asked in puzzlement.

Because in the impression of the old man, in previous spy war dramas, although the people with the grandson will die, they will definitely not die so quickly.

Well, this is just the beginning, and one died as soon as it came up.

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Grandpa, what do you think of these actors?"

The old man had already turned his gaze back to the TV, and said: "It's okay, here, these two people have light in their eyes, and they are much better than the wooden people on other TVs. There is some meaning to it."

The "wooden man" in the old man's words refers to a set of characters without lines.

Compared with previous spy wars, "Before Dawn" has made three major innovations. The first point is that Liu Xinjie's identity has been on the verge of being exposed since the first episode, and he was even listed as a key suspect by Director Tan Zhongshu and Operation Captain Li Bohan .

And the second point is tragic.

Almost every action is at the expense of a certain number of latent personnel.

The third point is that it looks like that, and it almost strictly follows the law of "everywhere you walk, there must be traces".

The reason why it is like that, and not, is because if you let the professional and knowledgeable come and scrutinize it carefully, you will find that many of the clues that seem to be quite scientific and rigorous have loopholes and difficulties in practical application.


Xu Xing looked at his brother's naked upper body with clear lines on the screen, took a light breath, and at the same time, his eyes were about to glance at his brother, and turned halfway, only to find that sister Xiaofei stopped halfway with the corner of her eye in an unclear way. , her eyes immediately seemed to be touched by a red hot iron, and she hastily withdrew them back.

After watching the two episodes and turning off the TV, Grandpa commented: "Compared with the previous stationmaster Wu and Lu Qiaoshan, these few people are almost interesting. Those two people are like an old fox and a little fox. No matter what you think, no one will be able to see it until the end."

"This Tan Zhongshu is always gloomy, and you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person."

Of course Xu Rong could sense this. After all, Wu Gang had been in the courtyard for more than ten years, all he wanted was to make a blockbuster, and Zhang Xilin's business ability was not comparable to that of Zhang Xilin and the others.

Feng Anhe has acted in plays for decades, coupled with his rich life experience, he is not comparable to Lin Yongjian.

But it is still too early to make a conclusion. During the filming, Lin Yongjian realized his own shortcomings, and forcibly made up for the shortcomings raised by his grandfather through the plot.

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, how do you feel about me? How is my performance?"

The old man hesitated for a while, and said: "It's a little different from before. It looks like someone who works in an agency. It's just passing by, but it's also very real. I think that if such a person goes undercover, he won't be discovered."

Xu Rong relaxed his mind a little, and said: "Let's rest early today, and we will know what's going on tomorrow."

After the two episodes were broadcast, the discussion about "Before Dawn" suddenly became more popular on Weibo and various forums.

Except for the simultaneous premiere of "Before Dawn" by the four TV stations, many TV stations that did not get the right to broadcast "Before Dawn" or did not compete for the right to broadcast the first round of "Before Dawn" out of prudence, all broadcast "Latent" at the same time. .

Both are spy wars, and they are both starring Xu Rong. "Before Dawn" was always compared with "Latent" before it was released.

In addition, what Xu Rong said in Changsha at noon today was distorted and magnified by the media, which really attracted a large number of viewers who watched "Latent".

Listening to the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, classmate Xiao Zhang grinned and flicked on Weibo. Normally, she was ready to touch the bathroom anytime to try it out.

But today, she noticed early in the morning that Teacher Xu had no other mood.

The more you swipe, the bigger the corners of her mouth widen.

Especially when she saw many screenshots of Teacher Xu's shirtless body on Weibo, she even laughed "goose goose goose".

Because they can only look at it, but she is different, she can touch it however she wants.

It's just that she smiled and stopped again. She was also present when Teacher Xu was chatting with Jin Fangfang yesterday afternoon.

She couldn't tell which of these comments on the Internet were true and which were organized trolls.

When Xu Rong came out wearing a bath towel, he saw them both staring at the screen, walked up to him, and asked, "What are you looking at, so engrossed?"

"Hey, hey." Xiao Zhang didn't seem to notice that he had already finished the shower, and suddenly heard someone talking in his ear, and the mobile phone in his hand jumped into the air with a "swoosh".

But her first reaction was not to reach out to pick it up, but to shrink back, fold her arms, and wait for the phone to land.

Xu Rong had already expected this, picked up the phone, handed it to her, and said, "Do you want to change the phone?"

"Oh, why didn't you say a word when you came out, it scared me a lot."

the next day.

"Sister, you take the bow, brother, I'll walk on the shore"

After Luo Liping saw the newly released ratings data, he happily hummed popular songs from the early 90s in the office.

Beijing TV station starts at 7.9!

In terms of single-episode ratings, "Before Dawn" came from behind and surpassed "Daughter-in-law", which had already booked this year's top ratings early.

Luo Liping didn't want to think about the future trend for the time being.

Maybe in another two hours, no, probably in less than two hours, his phone will be blasted by the major TV stations.

"Lao Luo, how are you doing?" Just as he was inexplicably excited, Liu Jiang knocked on the open office door twice and walked in.

"Haha, guess what!"

Liu Jiang was an old acquaintance with him, and said, "Don't be a fool, what's going on?"

"Hahaha, 7.9!"

As a well-known director in today's film and television industry, Liu Jiang seems to have long been flattered by the ratings. He nodded his chubby head lightly, walked to the tea table unhurriedly, picked up the teapot, and poured a cup of cold water into the teacup.

His chubby hands trembled slightly, so much of the water that was originally full in the cup he held spilled onto his hands, but he didn't care at all, and poured it down his throat.

Luo Liping looked at Liu Jiang's series of movements in surprise, and when he put down the water glass, he realized that his eye circles were red, and the excitement on his face gradually faded, and said: "Old Liu, it's a matter of being so happy, why are you crying?" Vigorous?!"

Liu Jiang laughed again, sat down on the sofa, and said: "I'm happy, really, Lao Luo, you know how I got here all these years, 41, what the hell, I, Liu Jiang, finally made it through ,Hahaha."

He said, poured another glass, and poured it down his throat again.

"Daughter-in-law" and today's "Before Dawn" will basically completely establish his position as a top director in the TV drama field, instead of the little director who had to ask his grandpa to sue his grandma to find a suitable actor.

Luo Liping walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Where is this going? Good times are yet to come!"

As soon as Luo Liping mentioned it, Liu Jiang's mind immediately calmed down a lot. He raised his head, looked at Luo Liping, and said, "Old Luo, don't be too happy. Xu Rong hasn't signed that contract yet."

Luo Liping waved his hand indifferently, and said, "Don't worry, the chairman told me that when he was drinking with Xu Rong a while ago, Xu Rong had already agreed."

As he spoke, he sat down, slowly boiled the water, and said, "Guess how much it was signed for?"

"How many?"


Liu Jiang looked at his finger in mid-air, and said in surprise, "Isn't it possible?"

"Then you have to see who drank with him at that time, the chairman, Han Sanping, no matter how much you want, it's not like that, is it?"

Liu Jiang said with emotion: "That guy really knows how to behave."

Luo Liping laughed, and said: "Being a man is one thing, but first you have to be able to sit at that table, otherwise even if you know how to be a man again, it means that grandpa's name is better than others."

Liu Jiang nodded lightly. At this time, although he has already joined the ranks of famous directors, he still feels a lot of pressure.

When filming "Daughter-in-law", although Xu Rong was popular, he was only a first-line actor, and it would be a big deal that he would not cooperate in the future.

But look at now, who are the people they usually deal with.

Some people keep talking about this circle and that circle.

Xu Rong has never been involved. In the early days, he was backed by Hairun. Everyone knew Liu Yanming's background, so he had great energy.

Unexpectedly, after leaving Hairun, Xu Rongfei not only did not go downhill, but also relied on his new identity to gradually become the top of the current film and television industry.

While making tea, Luo Liping asked, "I'm talking about Lao Liu, you said Xu Rong won't be true, so let's go as you said?"

Liu Jiang gave a completely different answer this time, saying, "I guess not."

"Didn't you say it last time?"

Liu Jiang took a sip and said, "Didn't you read the news a while ago? "Thunderstorm" starring Xu Rong was praised by the leader. After the first round of performances was over, "Art Life" was arranged .”

"Now I can see that Renyi is the most suitable place for him. Look at Zhang Heping and Han Sanping when they see each other, they have to call out brother."

While Liu Jiang and Luo Liping were chatting, Xu Rong gently hung up the phone.

After learning the ratings results of the first two episodes of "Dawn", a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

The Magnolia Award has already separated him by one round, which means that next year, he is qualified to compete again for the Magnolia Award.

Are you considering a second Grand Slam?
The thought only came to mind for a moment before it was thrown out of his mind.

There is hope, but it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve within two or three years.

If he decides to hit the second Grand Slam, I am afraid that in the next ten years, he will produce at least one TV series every year.

Although the honor is high, it is more difficult than a Grand Slam.

Because Magnolia puts more emphasis on actors breaking through their own limitations, "Before Dawn" is destined not to be favored by Magnolia.

Unless it was a year when there were so many bad dramas, he would come up with a masterpiece that stood out from the crowd, forcing the judges of the three major awards to award him the trophy.

The TV festival is not a competition, and there is no space at all. In such a situation, even if the judges are reluctant, they have to hold the nose and stuff the trophy into his arms.

However, the mechanism of holding Feitian Awards and Golden Eagle Awards every other year makes it difficult for him to carry out this idea. If there is no high-quality drama for two consecutive years, then it is time for the TV drama industry to completely reshuffle.

Moreover, Liu Yanming's words still ring in my ears, and it is an indisputable fact that the production level of TV dramas has declined in an all-round way.

His next focus is to hit the three major movie awards.

As for the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Statue Award, they have strong regional attributes. It is better if they can get them, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t.

At this time, with Beijing Satellite TV and other four TV stations broadcasting "Before Dawn" simultaneously, and seven or eight TV stations unexpectedly bringing up "Latent", the Internet is overwhelmingly full of information about "Before Dawn" and "Latent". " comparison.

From actors to service, to camera use, line design, and even the theme song were pulled out for comparison.

Among them, the most controversial one is Lin Yongjian.

Some netizens generally believe that there is a difference between him and Stationmaster Wu, Feng Anhe, while others think that Lin Yongjian's performance is no worse than Stationmaster Wu.

Because Tan Zhongshu himself is a soldier, a soldier who is deeply influenced by tradition, has an idealistic color, and is loyal to the party-state and the committee.

In contrast, Wu Jingzhong is a politician through and through.

The controversy about Lin Yongjian came to an abrupt end with the emergence of a question: Which one is better, Xu Rongyan's Liu Xinjie or Yu Zecheng?

At this point, the topic suddenly went off the rails.

Because the answer with the most likes is: Liu Xinjie has a handsome figure!
As the trends on the Internet take shape, no matter traditional media, microblogs, or forums, there is gradually a wave of advocacy for "Before Dawn".

"Another spy drama peak after "Latent"!"

"If you want to rank spy war dramas, "Latent" and "Before Dawn" must occupy the second place among the top three!"

"Xu Rongnian!"

As the topic gradually drifted away, a new vocabulary began to appear in online comments, and it quickly swept through all communities related to "Before Dawn".

"The King of Spy Wars!"

Compared with the Internet, the traditional media is more reserved. Although the face is a little hurt, the ironic reports yesterday seem to have nothing to do with them, and they have changed their tune very naturally: "Before Dawn", A spy war drama comparable to "Latent"!

It's just that compared to the reservedness of his peers, Xiaoxiang Morning News immediately threw off his arms:
For those working in the film and television industry, especially the young and middle-aged actors whose main roles are spy war dramas, the first decade of the 21st century is an unfair decade and also a decade of despair.

Because they lived in the same era as Xu Rongsheng.

Six years ago, Xu Rong first came into contact with film and television. At that time, spy war dramas were in the ascendant.

Three years ago, thanks to his down-to-earth and sincere attitude, Xu Rong stood out and became a newcomer highly praised by Hairun. He stood at the forefront of the TV drama industry and became popular in half of China with "Yangcheng Dark Whistle".

Two years ago, "Harbin Under the Night" took over the Olympics, which made him one of the strong contenders for the number one niche in the Mainland.

A year ago, "Latent" turned out, and it has received too many praises. Just like the evaluation of the Magnolia Award jury, Yu Zecheng will become a new representative of this kind of TV series in China and will be remembered by the audience.

Today, "Before Dawn" is setting off a new craze.

Xu Rong, with four popular spy war dramas all over the country, has reached the top of spy war dramas in one fell swoop.

He is, the undisputed king of spy warfare!

In fact, this is not the case. In most people's minds, Xu Rong's spy battle is always the most exciting, but we seem to have forgotten Shen Yishi who has exhausted all the tricks, forgotten the aftertaste of a good man, and forgotten the young and handsome red soldier. , I also forgot the Wei Duanben who people love and hate and the Wei monk who won us a lot of tears.

Xu Rong is indeed the undisputed king of spy wars.

But he can not only act well in spy war dramas, but other types of dramas he starred in are just as exciting.

As some of his peers commented in the past, he is the spokesperson of contemporary high-quality dramas!
After "Bright Sword", after five years, Xu Rong returned to the theme of war again. Let us look forward to Mango TV's 2011 opening drama, the war drama "Snow Leopard" starring Xu Rong, will take us into that period of war Feel the family and country feelings of the revolutionary martyrs!

Xiaoxiang Morning News is similar to most traditional media, with a short period of publication and limited influence in the region. However, relying on Xu Rong's advocacy, it ushered in the brightest moment since its establishment overnight.

Not only the audience, but even major film and television production companies and TV stations across the country also called the editorial department.

Because the report revealed an extremely important news, on January 2011, 1, Mango TV will release a war drama starring Xu Rong!
After being confirmed by the editor-in-chief of Xiaoxiang Morning News, the editor-in-chief offices of various TV stations held emergency meetings overnight.

Adjust the schedule!

(End of this chapter)

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