I'm just an actor

Chapter 260 Broken

Chapter 260 Broken
At the same time when many TV stations became popular because of "Before Dawn", Mango TV announced that "Snow Leopard" will be scheduled for the opening of 2011.

Jin Fangfang looked at the latest endorsement quotations from many domestic and foreign merchants, and suddenly realized that she had previously renewed her contract with Baiqueling at a price of 2000 million a year for ten years, which was a big loss!

Xu Rong's current endorsement price has soared to 500 million in two years!

In the endorsement circle, Xu Rong's endorsement has been called the "annual golden advertising resource" mark since last year.

Because Xu Rong not only shoots commercials or attends events to deal with endorsers, in order to advertise the products he endorses, he never lacks various products of Pecholing in his stills. He often holds a transparent glass soaked with lemon and wolfberry Cup, and at the major awards ceremonies, when he appeared on camera, the watch will always be in the same frame as him.

Especially considering that next year, Xu Rong will have two TV series and a movie that is sure to be a hit, the market generally holds quite optimistic estimates.

After the ratings of "Before Dawn" went up and down all the way, Xu Rong was completely relieved. For any other type of drama, regardless of the market and audience feedback, as long as the spy war is not broken, he has the opportunity to start all over again. .

Even if the development of the film is not smooth in the future, it is a big deal to return to the TV drama industry.

At least in the spy war, he didn't smash his own brand.

At this time, he sat in the study and opened a brand new script.

"The Indelible Number".

After the Chinese New Year, the filming of this film will start. Like "Bright Sword", it is also a gift film.

Regarding next year, he has already made a more detailed plan. There are three films in total, one TV series, one drama, and one movie. Dramas and movies are the most important. Sex, on the other hand, comes last.

The reason why dramas and movies are given equal importance is because "Family" is a full-fledged launch of the Academy. Although there is still half a year before the rehearsal, he already understands from Yuan Wei that "Family" has been well received by the audience. The attention and attention of all parties.

He has caught up with the good times. The drama market has picked up in the past two years. According to his estimates, the total box office of the theater this year is about 4000 million, which is nearly double that of last year.

What also improved is the reputation of Renyi among the audience, and the rerun of "Thunderstorm", which happened to be rerun, played a big role in this process.

The success of "Thunderstorm" at least proves that Renyi has not lost its housekeeping repertoire.

This is also one of the main reasons why he was nominated for the Arts Committee after one round of performances.

And next year's film is his second film in the film market, and it is related to his future development in the film industry.

However, regarding this drama, he had to talk to Liu Yanming later.

Liu Yanming is too stubborn and too convinced of his theory that gold will surely shine, just like "Before Dawn", four TV stations started bombing propaganda one month before the broadcast, and even put his past drama Take it out and broadcast it in turn at different time periods, the purpose is to cultivate the audience's eyesight.

But in today's film and television market, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

Because the output is too high, the audience has too many choices, and there are not enough gimmicks to attract the attention of the audience at all.

In fact, he also understands that the most fundamental thing is his lack of appeal in the film market.

But there is no way to do this, the appeal is accumulated step by step.

Among the three dramas, although the TV series ranked last, fortunately, there was plenty of time, which gave him enough time to prepare.

Just after reading two lines, a familiar phone call came in: "Hi, Xu Rong, are you busy?"

"It's okay, brother, what can you say?"

"That's right, the female lead of "Number", do you have any suitable actress recommendations?"

Xu Rong smiled silently, and said: "I just started preparing the script, and I don't know who is related to whom. You and Director Liu can decide on these."

"Is there really no recommendation?"

"Really not." Xu Rong laughed, and stopped hiding, "Brother, don't dig a hole for me. In the past few days, I have received more than 20 calls. , this problem, to be honest, I can't solve it."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Liping directly put the microphone on the table instead of putting it in the landline, because he knew that once he put it on, a call would come in immediately.

He sighed with a wry smile, turned his head to look at Liu Jiang who also put the two mobile phones showing that they were in a call on the table, and said with a wry smile: "Old Liu, you gave me an idea, just these few days, I have already received dozens of phone calls, what the hell is this female one has become a hot potato now, offending that one for this, offending this one for that, and what they say is nice, and the salary is negotiable, what the hell Yes, the more you say that, the more you will offend people if you don't give me face later on."

Liu Jiang didn't expect that the current situation would be formed. Xu Rong hadn't signed a contract yet, so everyone was greeting him, so he had to call himself so that the phone was always on the phone.

"Hey, it's all because of He Yi's big mouth. If he didn't say it, no one would realize that acting with Xu Rong would make him popular."

"It's useless to talk about it now." Luo Liping waved his hands and said, "What we need to consider now is what to do in this situation. We can't just drag it like this?"

Liu Jiang lit a cigarette, took two deep puffs, and said in a muffled voice: "I know a little about Xu Rong. The actress may not be so beautiful, but at least she must be able to handle his scenes, or else he will be on the scene." Can scold people to death."

Luo Liping rolled his eyes and said, "According to what you said, basically ninety-nine out of ten actresses have to be killed."

"Ah sneeze."

Yang Mi, who had just finished an interview, sneezed inexplicably. She tightened her coat, twisted her nose, and looked at the assistant of the co-pilot: "Get my golden voice."

She also has to rush back to the capital to participate in a charity event promoting care for left-behind children.

In addition, on this trip back, she was unanimously hesitant to take the time to ask her old classmate Xu Rong out for a meal.

After falling out with Li Shaohong and Cai Yinong, there are not many people she can rely on in the Mainland.

Originally, she didn't intend to contact Xu Rong. When she was not popular, people always called her "Xu Rong's classmate".

Although she smiled at each other every time, in her heart, she hated this title very much.

She is Yang Mi, not someone's classmate!
Last year, with "Sword III" and "Beauty's Scheming", she became one of the four little female roles.

She thought she could get rid of that nightmare, but a program just recorded brought her back to reality.

The host always intentionally or unintentionally brings the topic to Xu Rong.

What the hell, you like Xu Rong so much, do you have the ability to invite Xu Rong here? !

In an interview of about 10 minutes, she only talked about Xu Rong for more than ten minutes.

During this process, she almost described herself as Xu Rong's close buddy and best friend.

In this regard, she is not too worried that Xu Rong will expose it, because many people in her class are able to eat now, mainly because of the identity and gimmick of "Xu Rong's classmate", and Xu Rong is also very generous about this, as long as he does not intentionally discredit , he never pursued it.

And in her heart, she was also a little afraid that the former classmate who deliberately smeared Xu Rong had already been punished for the "serious circumstances" of defamation.

When she heard the news, she didn't have the slightest sympathy or pity, and she didn't have the slightest intention of interceding. Many students are now relying on "Xu Rong's classmates" to make a living. Well, you are preparing for it. Xu Rong was crushed to death, it's no wonder that people can show mercy to you.

This incident also made her see the cold side of Xu Rongwen's appearance. It is no problem to earn money, but if she wants to stand on his shoulders, she must be prepared to face his counterattack.

It also made her realize for the first time that Xu Rong's success in the three industries of film and television is definitely not due to luck.

She called Xu Rong a few days ago. She was entrusted by a friend to ask him what he wanted from the heroine of the new drama.

The answer Xu Rong gave was that he would help to ask.

She was still hesitating whether to ask Xu Rong out and express "thank you" in person.

The reason for her hesitation is that in the past few years, the goal of her efforts was to get rid of the title of "Xu Rong's classmate".

Today's interview made her clearly understand herself. Like many media said, actors of the 80s generation live in Xu Rong's shadow.

"I only blamed myself for not holding your hand tightly. Only after I lost you did I know how important you are"

Yang Mi hurriedly picked up her mobile phone: "Hello?"

"Yes, yes, yes."



After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi tightly held the phone and nestled her body into the car seat.

She is a big step closer to getting rid of "Xu Rong's classmate".

Jiangsu Satellite TV.

A bald middle-aged man in his forties came to one end of the conference table with a water glass. After sitting down, he glanced at the nearly full conference room before asking, "Is everyone here?"

"Leader, it's all here."

The middle-aged man said "hmm" and said, "Let's get started. Everyone should have received the definite news. Mango TV's new year's drama has been set. It's the war movie "Snow Leopard" starring Xu Rong. What do you guys think? view?"

There was silence in the conference room. Although there is still more than a month before next year, it is a bit embarrassing to be timid before fighting.

The middle-aged Xie Ding looked around and saw that everyone lowered their heads, and said: "Now I want you to talk about your opinions, not to make up your mind. Since you don't say anything, let's come one by one."

The one sitting on the left hand of the middle-aged man with a bald head is a middle-aged man in his fifties with a Chinese character face. The middle-aged man hesitated and said, "Leader, I think the craze for war movies is over. That's right, Xu Rong is indeed popular." , but we don't need to build up the ambitions of others and destroy our own prestige. I think we should broadcast "Father" according to our original plan. We can't give way to others because of what dramas are broadcast on other stations. When encountering narrow roads, the brave wins. .”

The middle-aged Xie Ding said "hmm" again, with neither approval nor disapproval on his face, but turned his head and looked at the woman wearing glasses next to him: "Deputy Director Liu, talk about your opinion."

The person she called Deputy Director Liu was a middle-aged woman with short hair and a round face. The woman hesitated for a moment and asked, "Leader, can we contact Mango Channel to buy the broadcasting rights and premiere at the same time?"

A look of interest appeared on Xie Ding's middle-aged face: "Tell me carefully."

Deputy Director Liu said: "In the past few days, I have contacted many colleagues in China. At present, except CCTV, Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, and Henan, everyone in CCTV knows the situation. Both Beijing and Shandong wanted to adjust the broadcast of "The Age of Steel", but Henan and Tianjin disagreed, so it was a rush to put it on the shelves, and other TV stations have already adjusted the schedule of the new year's drama to avoid collision with "Snow Leopard."

"In addition, I have also analyzed Xu Rong's works since his debut. The quality is high or low, and the ratings are good or bad, such as the first round of "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty" and "The Ming Dynasty". Whether it is a popular theme or a counter-trend theme, it can cause a sensation in some regions or even the whole country, and lead the trend of TV drama themes, just like the current "Before Dawn". Before "Latent", everyone felt that the limelight of the spy war had passed Yes, but "Latent" forcibly continued the life of the spy war for two years."

The middle-aged Xie Ding nodded gently and asked, "Then, what if you can't buy it?"

"Then I suggest adjusting the broadcast date."

"Well, does anyone else have a different opinion?"

Xie Ding's middle-aged gaze swept down again, seeing each of them lower their heads silently, pondered for a while, and said: "Since everyone agrees with Deputy Director Liu's opinion, then follow what Deputy Director Liu said."

After the middle-aged Xie Ding finished speaking, he picked up the teacup on one side, took a sip, and said, "The second topic of today's meeting is spy war dramas. Is there any market in the future?"

After "Latent", although the film and television production companies rushed to produce spy war dramas overnight, TV stations generally held a negative view on spy war dramas. Especially since this year, when various TV stations purchased spy war dramas, they all Be cautious.

The fact is also true, because of the awakening of women's power, palace dramas, mother-in-law dramas, and workplace heroine dramas with female groups as the main audience gradually lead the new upsurge of national dramas.

Deputy Director Liu lifted the metal-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "I still hold the same opinion as before. The spy war has passed. "Before Dawn" is indeed a phenomenal spy war, but it is based on the On the basis of Xu Rong's huge audience appeal, like "Daming Dynasty 1566", why was it forced to stop broadcasting twice a few years ago, but it became a mess when it was broadcast this year. One thing is that the quality of this drama is really excellent , and another point, thanks to the huge audience base that Xu Rong has accumulated in the past, the audience is willing to give him the most patience and allow the story to unfold slowly."

A young and beautiful woman sitting opposite her immediately said: "You said earlier that the trend of war movies has passed, but I heard that in addition to the upcoming "Snow Leopard", Xu Rong will also film after the new year." A war movie."

"I've already answered your question. It doesn't matter what film Xu Rong makes, what matters is the film he makes."


"Cough cough."

Xie Ding's middle-aged man coughed twice, interrupted the young woman's rebuttal, and said, "For the next Xu Rong's play, we must do everything we can to fight for the exclusive broadcasting rights, whether it is a popular subject or not, we must Try to get it."

Xu Rong didn't realize that he would have such a big influence at all, causing most domestic TV stations to adjust their schedules. At this time, he had just signed an endorsement contract with FAW and was on his way home.

Xu Rong turned his head inadvertently, and said to Jin Fangfang: "By the way, can I still drive other cars?"

Jin Fangfang nodded and said, "Yes, I can, but I suggest you don't want it. They gave away an A8. You have to drive the car for a year before it belongs to you."

"This is troublesome."

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said: "Well, let this car be left in the company. If I need it, let Yaqin drive it to pick me up. You can use it normally, and it's decent to drive it out to talk about things."

"Huh?" Jin Fangfang was keenly aware of the wrongness in his tone, "Why do I feel a little disgusted after listening to you?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "That's not true, I just think it's too ostentatious."

It's a joke, Li Youbin's Trident is estimated to start at 200 million, well, I held back for a long time, and built an A8, isn't that coming to the door to make people laugh.

But it's not a big deal, classmate Xiao Zhang is going to celebrate her birthday soon, and he has to buy her a means of transportation for grocery shopping.

"By the way, we're going to shoot commercials the day after tomorrow, don't forget."

"Okay, I won't forget."

Two days later.

"Wait for a car to pass by here, you immediately pick up your camera and take pictures."

Standing in the studio, Yang Mi listened to the chubby director's explanation, and asked doubtfully, "That's all?"

The director seemed a little impatient with her rude tone, he waved his hands and said, "Otherwise?"

"Teacher Xu is here."

With a loud shout, Yang Mi watched the vice president and director of FAW swarming out. Surprised, she also walked out the door.

Yang Mi stared blankly at Xu Rong who was surrounded by the crowd, and the smiling director who was following Xu Rong and FAW Vice President with a smile, and a "click" sound suddenly sounded in her ears.

She is also one of the actors in this FAW advertisement, but she only has one shot, that is, as a photographer, she raises her camera to take pictures of the car when the car passes by her.

Originally, she thought the advertisement was like this, but the moment she saw Xu Rong, she realized that the protagonist today was not herself at all, but her classmate.

Looking at Xu Rong with a calm face, and the director following him behind him, a poem she read many years ago suddenly appeared in her mind:

At that time we had dreams, about literature, about love, about traveling across the world.

Now we drink late at night, the cups touch each other, it is the sound of broken dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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