I'm just an actor

Chapter 261 Preparation

Chapter 261 Preparation
"Xu Rong, do you have time tonight to have a meal together?"

Before finishing work, Yang Mi didn't hesitate anymore, she walked up to Xu Rong and asked.

After a day of filming, even though she is a classmate, from the attitudes of others, she has a deep understanding of what it means to be treated differently, and what is the difference between warmth and coldness.

But at this time, she has completely seen through it. Everyone comes step by step. Xu Rong's starting point is not as good as her own.

Xu Rong glanced at his watch and said with a smile, "Let's do it another day, Xiao Zhang steamed the buns today, I have to go back to eat."

"Are you still in such a good relationship?"



"See you later."

Yang Mi smiled and waved her hands. When Xu Rong got into the car and walked away, the smile on her face also faded.

Sitting in the car, Xu Rong looked out of the window. After more than a year of graduation, Yang Mi became even stranger.

Based on his understanding of her, it stands to reason that she shouldn't take the initiative to ask him out for dinner when she's fine.

Because the two are not familiar with each other at all, even though the outside media and the self-media are advocating that the two of them are "good brothers who talk about everything" every day, in fact, each of them knows in their hearts, just like the "good brothers" who were a few years earlier than them. The Three Musketeers".

Yang Mi has come all the way to this day, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she has stepped on the shoulders of many "friends". Now he often eats with Liu Yanming, but Yang Mi has completely torn face with Li Shaohong and Cai Yinong. He is promoting it. This guy doesn't know if he can get good resources in the mainland.

The reason why he rejected the endorsement business and Yang Mi's meal appointment was not because he was afraid that she would take advantage of him, because he knew very well that at least now, Yang Mi didn't have the courage.

Compared to eating a meaningless meal, right now, he has a more urgent thing to do.

During the shooting in the afternoon, he vaguely heard a "ding", but he was busy all the time and didn't have time to take a closer look.

But this voice is too familiar to him, but there must be new changes in the system.

The experience value seemed to be welded during this period, and there was no movement at all, but since the four TV stations pulled his past dramas to broadcast again, the glory value has been steadily increasing.

Thanks to the recent popularity of "Before Dawn", his lines of nonsense during the filming process, such as "After work, the salary paid by the party and the state, I am not allowed to work overtime!" It aroused the resonance of the majority of netizens and became one of the most popular Internet hot words at present.

It has the same meaning as "Steepunk's Law" and "Jade Seat Golden Buddha Principle".

And with the launch of the second and third rounds of "Dawn", the Glory Points had been accumulated to [-] points unconsciously.

As he lay back in the seat, the system interface appeared in front of his eyes:
Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A
Experience Points: 85/100
Glory value: 100/100
Traits: Baji Master, Baji Mastery, Baji Introduction

When he focused on the "glory value", a pop-up window automatically popped up on the interface, and two green options appeared in the pop-up window:

[-]. Exchange ten experience points.

Second, the lucky wheel.

The last time he turned on the wheel of fortune was during the filming of "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" four years ago, but at this time, facing the choice, he fell into a tangle.

Ten experience points could only be said to be better than nothing four years ago, but it is definitely a huge improvement for him now, not to mention a TV series, even a drama that has worked hard to arrange a drama may not be able to increase so much.

"See what's on the big turntable before making a decision."

As his thoughts turned, the interface changed again.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a round disc with a red pointer in the middle of the disc.

The disc was divided into six pieces, which were marked with "1 point of experience value", "Eternal appearance", "Never forgetting", "Peerless elegance", "Constant peak", and "Time Assassin".

What he is most looking forward to is a "constant peak" in addition to the "photographic memory" that he has been obsessed with in the past. The longer he has been in the industry and the higher his professional level, the more he realizes the significance of this trait.

Because every time he prepares a script, the lines alone consume a lot of energy. Only when he is familiar with and memorized the lines can he analyze the emotions and logic, and then design and process them.

And if "Constant Peak" is as conjectured, it will be even more powerful for him now. It is inevitable to be affected by various factors during the shooting process, just like the previous filming of "Crossing the Guandong", sometimes minus [-] to [-] degrees, and sometimes ten degrees. Over time, the hot and cold weather caused his state to fluctuate, which to a certain extent affected his shaping of the character.

If it is really possible to maintain the best condition all the time, not to mention Li Youbin, even if the teacher Li Xuejian is here, he will not underestimate it.

Because a living person, under the difficult conditions of day and night for several months, it is difficult to maintain the best condition all the time.

After hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't make up his mind, because if he chooses ten experience points at this time, then as long as he accumulates 5 more points, his comprehensive evaluation can be raised to "A+".

However, he has already experienced how perverted the traits of "Baji Grandmaster" are, and he is also quite yearning for other new traits.

He didn't make a decision right away, but put away the system interface.

Go home and flip a coin.

After entering the door, classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing were busy in the kitchen wearing aprons. When they saw him coming back, they poked their heads out and said, "Teacher Xu, are you back?"

"Well, guess who I met today?" Xu Rong took a sip of water, holding a water glass, and asked at the door of the kitchen.

"Who is it?"

Xu Rong looked at the two people who were busy, and said: "Yang Mi, the merchant asked her to cooperate with me in shooting commercials, and I feel that she was hit hard today, haha."

Xu Xing, who was washing vegetables, turned his head and asked, "Yes, what happened?"

"That's not true. You all know that she is very competitive. When she was in school, she always wanted to surpass me. Now that I have achieved the Emperor Grand Slam, she is still wandering between the first and second tiers. I guess Come on, with her character, it will take a while to slow down."


Xiao Zhang suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Why didn't you invite her to come to your house for dinner?"

"Oh, I'm shouting." Xu Rong took a sip of water first, and then said slowly, "But she said that she has an announcement to make soon, and she can't come, so I will make an appointment later when I have time."


Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded and said while chopping vegetables: "Have you read her recent Weibo, it's very funny, hahaha."

"Will you have room to tease me again? Well, with 'Come on' and 'Energetic day' on the front foot, I went to the gold store on the back foot."

Seeing Xiao Zhang's shoulders suddenly not moving, as if he was on the verge of becoming angry, he laughed twice and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

Back in the room, Xu Rong first took out a coin from the drawer, took a deep breath, and tossed the coin high.

While the coin was falling, he didn't look at it or pick it up, but turned his head and went into the bathroom.

Take a bath first, and then, give your dream a chance!
The only pity is that there is no fragrance at home.

However, they have already bathed, and their minds have arrived.

After everything was ready, he sat cross-legged on the bed and started the Lucky Wheel Lucky Draw that had been absent for more than four years.

His eyes stared at the rotating red pointer without blinking, until his eyes were sore, he realized that this thing seemed to be able to "see" without eyes.


"This lucky turntable draws the "constant peak" trait, and after mounting it, the internal and external performance state will always be at the peak under no force majeure. , these two traits can consume glory value analysis)."

At this time, the interface changes silently:

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A
Experience Points: 85/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Master, Baji Mastery, Baji Mastery, Constant Peak (unmounted), Getting Better (Analysis Progress: 0%)

Xu Rong looked at the system interface, and the smile he just showed gradually froze. If you have pre-features, you just let me draw the pre-features, and it’s over. I thought I had drawn a big prize, but it’s useless right now. .

But then, he realized the fallacy of his thinking.

It took four years to analyze "Baji Introduction" and "Baji Mastery" before. If you have the pre-position "Baji Introduction" first, and use the glory value to analyze the post-installed "Baji Mastery" and "Baji Master" If so, it may take longer.

And come to think of it, whether it is "getting better" or "stable state" should have a certain effect, but it is not as despairing as "constant peak".

In any case, as long as it is not a little experience value, it is a great thing to celebrate.

While eating, Xu Rong remembered something that he hadn't discussed with his grandfather, turned his head to look at the old man, and said, "Master, I plan to go to Anshan in two days and bring Xiao Zhang's parents over here." During the Chinese New Year, I don’t have to look back and I ran back and forth with Xiao Zhang, what do you think?”

When Grandpa heard the words, he looked at him suspiciously at first, then understood what he meant, and the smile on his face rippled little by little: "Okay, this is a good thing, a good thing."

It's just that before Xu Rong left, an unexpected guest ushered in the house.

"Xiao Xu, don't bother me." Liu Heping stood outside the door with his bag in his hand, looking at Xu Rong with a smile.

Xu Rong smiled wryly, invited him in, and said, "Old Liu, what are you?"

Liu Heping patted the briefcase and said, "The script has been completely revised. I even asked my students to make an electronic version. It will be convenient to print when it comes time to shoot."

Xu Rong actually understood the purpose of Liu Heping's coming here. Ever since he sold the rights to broadcast "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", Liu Heping has been following him.

Perhaps in Liu Heping's view, he has made money through "Da Ming", so he is definitely willing to continue investing in his new script.

Moreover, his good relationship with the regulatory authorities can also guarantee the smooth review of this drama to a certain extent, which is an advantage that many investors do not have.

After sitting down, Liu Heping took out the cigarette, hesitated for a moment, put it away again, and said: "Let me tell you, this passage really broke me. Ever since I heard that I was going to prepare a new play, everyone in China, big and small, Dozens of film and television companies in China are contacting me, one by one rushing to send money to me, saying that they have to invest, but no, Xingmei called me before, saying that if they use their designated Actors, they cast me [-] million immediately."

As Liu Heping said, he slapped the palm of his left hand with the back of his right hand suddenly, and his voice suddenly rose: "I was thinking about this, I promise you it will be good, how can you say you regret it?"

Xu Rong smiled, knowing that Liu Heping must be bragging, unless Xingmei's people are completely crazy, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to spend [-] million to make a TV series.

"So how much is the total investment now?"

"Hey, my brother doesn't treat you as an outsider. I can assure you that this project will definitely make money, and it has to make a lot of money. How can I let others vote?"

Xu Rong completely understood that Liu Heping hasn't got a penny of investment yet.

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "This book is indeed a good book, but Lao Liu, to be honest, I really don't have that much money. Now I only have 5000 million, and I can't get any more."

In fact, he is indeed capable of voting, but this is not a discussion about whether to eat dumplings or noodles for lunch. If he dares to pat his chest and say [-] million now, he may not be able to beat it at [-] when the machine is turned on.

Liu Heping's face froze with anticipation, and he said earnestly: "Brother, 5000 million is really not enough, let's not talk about others, the actors' remuneration alone is more than this amount."

Xu Rong chuckled and said, "Old Liu, I always thought that it's not a matter of making more or less when we shoot this movie. If we think so, this movie will definitely not be good. We have to have the original intention of artistic creation. I Recently, I have an immature idea, so let's take the script and talk to the actors to see if we can lower the salary."

Liu Heping looked at him in surprise, and said after a long while, "You mean, we two are going to show our faces?"

Xu Rong immediately retorted: "What is shameless? Such a good script, you can't find it even with a lantern. I can say this from the perspective of an actor, but any good actor reads the outline of the script. I don't care how much you get paid."

"If you mind, it means it's not suitable for our play."

Liu Heping had a bitter face, and at a certain moment, he slapped his thigh hard and said, "That's fine, but you have to come with me."

"to make."

The first one the two visited was Chen Baoguo. Liu Heping had already visited before, and Chen Baoguo also agreed to play the role, but the investment has not been in place, and this matter has been delayed again and again.

"Ms. Chen, let's put it this way, this movie is absolutely impossible to make money, but I think we made this movie for no other reason than to tell the entire industry that in our industry, there are still some people who stick to professional ethics, and some people still don't want to be famous. , not for profit, but down-to-earth and focused on making good movies."

"In addition, we have to let the audience understand the other side of the war-torn era, and we don't dare to expect more. That is to say, after decades, when the audience looks back at the works of our industry, there should also be a piece of theirs. Let them know that our group of people is not falling into the eyes of money, but only acting and filming for money."

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Baoguo and his wife Zhao Kuie stared blankly at Xu Rong and Liu Heping talking about their ideals and future. After a long while, he came back to his senses and said, "Xu Rong, tell me the truth, are you sneaking around by yourself?" Do you want to remake "Da Ming"?"

Xu Rong was about to talk about the salary, but Chen Baoguo would have thought that he would bring this up, he laughed dryly, and said, "Hey, I'm annoyed when I mention this, I originally bought the copyright for the purpose of learning, As a result, a friend from Jingcheng TV probably heard the news and asked if we could broadcast it for a try. I thought it would be a good feeling, but they also said that the rebroadcast is okay, but some additional shots have to be taken. Teacher Chen, if you have to say It’s a reshoot, and that’s too serious.”

Chen Baoguo laughed at his wife, pointed at Xu Rong, and said, "Look, what do I say, what do I say?"

After laughing, Chen Baoguo pondered for a while, and said: "I understand the meaning of Producer Liu's coming today, it would be too polite to ask for a salary, so let's do it, I won't charge a penny for this movie."

Xu Rong and Liu Heping were stunned immediately. Asking for less salary or not asking for salary are two different things. If Chen Baoguo is such a big player, if he doesn't accept a penny, he will owe a lot of favors.

Before the two could express their thanks, Chen Baoguo winked at Zhao Kuie and said, "We have guests at home, let Yuewei come down to say hello."

Zhao Kui'e immediately got up and went upstairs.

Not long after, a young man with a thin face who appeared to be about the same age as Xu Rong followed Zhao Kuie downstairs.

Chen Baoguo pointed to Liu Heping and introduced: "This is Liu Heping, Producer Liu, you can just call him uncle."

He pointed at Xu Rong again, not knowing how to introduce him for a while. Xu Rong was born in 87, and his son was born in 83. According to his age, Xu Rong should call his son "brother", but he faced Xu Rong , and had to remain polite, Xu Rongle was not willing to shout and say something.

Xu Rong stood up and said with a smile, "How old is the moon?"

Chen Yue didn't look at the two of them, and said, "Xu, Mr. Xu, I'm from 83."

"Hey, then you are four years older than me. From now on, just call me by my name. I'll call you brother."

"Xu Rong, call your name too." Chen Baoguo signaled him to sit down, and then pointed to Chen Yuewei who was standing there, "This kid is nothing good, Xu Rong, I have to trouble you to take care of your brother in the future." .”

"Helping each other is real."

Xu Rong responded with a smile, Chen Baoguo doesn't want money, and Te Niang's is worse than the one who asks for money.

When Xu Rong and Liu Heping went out and went straight to the next house without stopping, Chen Baoguo stood at the door, looked at the car going away, turned his head, pouted at his wife, and said, "Just that kid, how dare you believe it?" When the crew was reading the script six years ago, was Tian Tian a janitor?"

Zhao Kui'e gave him a blank look, turned around and entered the room, and said, "Why, according to what you mean, are you still not convinced?"

"It's not unconvinced. He is now the leader of Renyi. How can it be my turn to be unconvinced. In terms of eating skills, there are not many people who are better than him. I just wonder, how do you think this person grows?"

Zhao Kui'e tidied up the water glasses in the living room, and said, "I heard from Chen that he's quite capable and generous, but there's one thing that's different from what she said. Chen said that he usually doesn't talk much, but I think he Running the train with his mouth full, how can he not talk much at all."

Chen Baoguo thought for a while, and said, "I guess I'm preparing for some role."

(End of this chapter)

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