I'm just an actor

Chapter 262 Dreams

Liu Heping squatted on the curb without the image of a famous scholar, unscrewed the mineral water bottle, gurgled and filled half the bottle, then panted, waved his hands and said: "Xu Rong, it's okay, it's okay, take it easy, these two days My mouth has been sharpened by me, hey, you said to make a good film, why is it so difficult?"

In the past two days, people they knew and those they didn't know went to seven or eight houses, some of them talked, and some declined their requests for various reasons.

For those who declined, the two of them didn't have much to do. After all, they were acting with lower pay, and it all depended on their mood.

Xu Rong also grumbled, leaning against the car door, and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense, don't you see who we are picking, in other plays, at least they have to be It's a great match, but when we come here, the roles are less than [-] scenes, and the remuneration will be discounted in half after the filming, so it's only natural for people to refuse."

But Xu Rong is not in a hurry, there are so many actors in the theater, no matter how many vacancies there are, he can fill them up.

As long as he, Chen Baoguo, and Wang Qingxiang's three main forces don't have major problems, everything else is easy to talk about.

"Hey, who do you think can play the role of Ma Hanshan?" Liu Heping asked as he screwed on the bottle cap.

Xu Rong said without even thinking about it: "I'm not going to say it anymore. The first choice is Fan Wei, Cheng Yu or Hou Yong, followed by Li Youbin or Li Baotian. We can’t talk about any of them, so we can only make do with Wang Zhiwen or Wang Xueqi.”

Liu Heping opened his mouth, and after a long time, he finally said: "You are really making do with it, it's really a bit reluctant."

Of course Xu Rong knew that it was unlikely to happen, because Fan Wei had already rejected them just now, saying: "Among these people, I can guarantee that only Wang Xueqi will be invited here for free, but let's talk about this at the end, you and Cheng Yu , Do you have friendship with Hou Yong?"

Liu Heping didn't answer his words immediately, but looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Are you familiar with Wang Xueqi?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "I'm not familiar, but he had a face-to-face meeting with me when he was watching my drama performance, and he mentioned to me in private that if there is a suitable role, I must call him."

Liu Heping looked at him suspiciously: "No way, you are not familiar, so he can say that?"

Xu Rong sneered, he couldn't guess what kind of bad water Wang Xueqi was holding in his stomach.

Wang Xueqi, Li Xuejian, and Pu Cunxi are all close buddies, and Ma De obviously wants to abuse himself first when his professional level is not as good as them.

There is also that old boy Li Youbin, who always wants to pull himself into filming, and none of them have any good intentions.

This opportunity must never be given to the point of no chance!
"It's actually a long story. He answered the phone with me a few years ago."

Xu Rong looked at the strange caller, hesitated for a while, and then put it to his ear: "Hello, who are you?"

"No, can you tell me who you are first?"

"Hey, hello, Mr. Cheng, hello, Mr. Cheng."

"Yes, yes, it is preparations, it is preparations."

"Okay, okay, okay, thank you so much, I will come to thank Lao Liu later."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Rong laughed and said, "Old Liu, Ma Hanshan has solved it!"

Liu Heping raised his head and asked, "What's going on?"

Xu Rong raised the mobile phone in his hand, and said: "I reckon, maybe the reputation of our show has spread, no, Cheng Yu came to the door, next, it's not about us begging for a lower salary, but Others begged us for roles."

"Tick tick tick."

Just as he was talking, Liu Heping's retro cell phone rang, and he exchanged pleasantries for a while. After hanging up, Liu Heping stared blankly at Xu Rong. After a while, he sat down on the ground, patted the ground and laughed "haha".

But with a smile and a smile, his eyes gradually turned red.

He has been preparing for this script for four years. During the four years, he traveled all over the Taiwan Strait and three places, entrusted countless connections, and consulted many files in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan Provinces before he could finish the project. Investment is the most critical joint.

After all, Liu Heping is not a professional actor, and he couldn't shed a tear in the end, but said rather emotionally: "Xu Rong, thank you."

He also knew in his heart that Xu Rong would definitely be compensated for casting for this film, even if it was filmed and sold in the form of 4+4+N, it would be impossible to make money.

Given the rampant piracy market in China, they will have to burn their hearts out if this drama can make money back.

Xu Rong reached out and pulled him up, and said: "Okay, okay, I know you're excited, take it easy, at least you're old, and the show hasn't been filmed yet, you can't do it yet."

Liu Heping pawed at the ashes on his buttocks, and said, "You kid is really a bitch. When you ran to my house to beg me, if you said that, believe it or not, I will smack you?"


Xu Rong walked to the other side of the car and said, "You can pull it down. If it weren't for me, "Da Ming" would have been broadcast? I got the copyright only after I mortgaged my house."

"It's meaningless if you say that."

"It was you who mentioned it first."


Xu Rong took it for granted: "Go home and rest, you should contact Zhang Li or Zhang Xinjian first, and then set a time for a unified audition, no matter how big your wrist is, just wait."

"It's only now that I realize that Zhang Li is really accurate at seeing people."

Liu Heping was stunned for a long time, then sighed inexplicably, and seeing Xu Rong's puzzled expression, he explained: "When filming "Da Ming", Zhang Li said that you will definitely succeed in the future, and now you are doing something like this, originally If you are not interested, you have to try it.”

"Everyone learns from others."

Xu Rong didn't explain the reason. These are all learned from Zhang Ji Middle School.

He dislikes Zhang Jizhong, but he will not deny his ability. At least Zhang Jizhong is hyping this one, which is really beyond comparison for ordinary people.

While Xu Rong and Liu Heping were suffering, CCTV, Tianjin Satellite TV, and Henan Satellite TV were all on the verge of a formidable enemy.

In September 9, CCTV decided on "The Dark War Before Dawn" led by Du Yulu as the opening drama, while the four local TV stations in Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, and Henan bought "Steel and Steel" starring Chen Baoguo and Feng Yuanzheng. Era's premiere rights.

Xu Rong has already learned something from Zhu Jiang, the deputy director of the editor-in-chief office of Beijing Satellite TV. Shandong Satellite TV is purely trying to catch ducks on the shelves. Beijing Satellite TV and Shandong Satellite TV broadcast his dramas not once or twice. They have no intention of fighting head-on with CCTV and Mango Satellite TV. .

When Zhu Jiang called him, apart from despair, almost no other emotions could be heard in his voice.

As the Gregorian New Year approaches, the attention of TV stations across the country is also focused on the shopping for the "New Year's Drama" of seven TV stations.

In the past, the "New Year's Drama" has always been the private area of ​​CCTV, and the local stations can't compare with the largest CCTV big brother. I can’t wait to not let the producers make a penny, so I gradually can’t buy too good movies, and I also give opportunities to local stations in disguise, but because of their huge influence, there is still no station in the "new year drama" fight for the front.

As various TV stations were bored with broadcasting old movies or new movies that were not very important, the seven TV stations began to compete for market share in the "new year drama".

2011 1 Month 2 Day.

Zhou Xie nestled behind his desk, motionless with a cigarette that was about to burn out in his hand, and the ashtray in front of him was already full of cigarette butts.

It's the New Year's Day holiday right now, but he doesn't feel like a holiday at all, nor is he in the mood for New Year's Day. At this moment, he regrets that he boasted too much before, because he slapped his chest loudly, and "Before Dawn" "'s ratings were so hot that the overjoyed leaders of the station took the lead and decided to compete for the market share of the "New Year's Big Show".

In order to make a big contribution in one fell swoop, Taili poured almost all of its publicity resources into "Snow Leopard" in the past two months, causing complaints from colleagues on other channels.

It also led to the situation where he is now being roasted on the fire.

Although "Before Dawn" was a huge hit, "Snow Leopard" was not a spy war after all. After two months of overwhelming publicity, if there was another premiere of 0.3, and the next day fell off a cliff, he would be drowned by just spitting stars.


"Leader, leader, the data is out!"

"How about it?"

"The ratings of the first broadcast are 1.98."

"What about market share?"


"This result is not bad."

At the same time, apart from the necessary personnel on duty for Beijing Satellite TV and Shandong Satellite TV, there were no more than half a ghost in the station.

This year it was obvious that CCTV and Mango were on the stage. They were purely implicated by the two pig teammates and became one of the participants.

But in fact, they don't have the slightest desire to fight.

However, Henan Satellite TV and Tianjin Satellite TV, which have the spirit of shining swords, are still waiting anxiously.

Many practitioners with a keen sense of smell in the TV drama industry have already realized that with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet, the structure of TV stations is facing a reshuffle.

And 2011 will inevitably become the first year of the new pattern!
As for Mango Satellite TV, Henan Satellite TV and Tianjin Satellite TV, all three of them immediately took action, and all of them adopted a positive and tough way through TV dramas.

"Leadership, ratings 1.2, shares 2.1."

"Leadership, ratings 1.5, shares 2.7."

Henan Satellite TV and Tianjin Satellite TV looked numb at the newly released market share ratios. In the first year of shaping the new pattern, they were the first to be eliminated.

Mango table.

"Beep beep."

Zhou Xie picked up the phone: "Hello?"

What came from the microphone was not the voice he was expecting, but a heavy middle-aged voice: "How is it? Has the result come out?"

Zhou Xie sat up a little bit upright, and said, "Leader, not yet."

"The shares of Jingshi's "National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance" and the TV drama channel's "Army of Soldiers" have not reached 1, and the losers have lost their pants. Let me tell you, I will give you all the promotional resources on "Snow Leopard". If If the share is less than 3, we will review it at the general meeting.”

"Okay, leader."

Zhou Yu responded feebly, but in his heart he was calling out to the other party's eighteen generations of ancestors. He just boasted a few words, and never thought of competing with CCTV. In the end, he was stunned and wanted to go straight.

What a blind command!
After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yu was stunned for a while, then gently put the microphone back on the landline, waiting for the judgment of fate.

"Director Zhou, Director Zhou." At a certain moment, a girl slammed the door open.

Zhou Yu seemed to be frightened, and suddenly stood up, his mouth trembled a few times, but in the end he couldn't make a sound.

The girl also took half a step back in shock from Zhou Xie's aggressive reaction, and asked, "Director Zhou?"

"Are the results out?"

"It's out, the ratings are 8.7."

"What do you want for ratings, share, what is the share?"


Zhou Xie looked at the girl in astonishment, he suddenly had a sense of unreality.


Co-authorship means that among the national audience who watch TV during prime time, one out of every five is watching "Snow Leopard"?
The girl watched Zhou Xie's face change from white to red, and then from red to white, and asked softly, "Director Zhou?"

Zhou Xie felt his throat was dry, he tore off his collar, and managed to squeeze out a voice from his throat: "You, go and make sure."

After about 5 minutes, after confirming the result, Zhou Yu dialed the phone just now with a straight body: "Hello, leader!"

It seemed that they had been waiting on the phone all the time. The moment they dialed, a heavy voice came over the phone: "How's the result?"

At this time, Zhou Xie couldn't find an exact word to describe his mood, so he answered in a strange way: "Guess?"

There was a sudden silence on the other side of the phone. The smile on Zhou Yu's face and the vision of the future in his mind faded like a tide along with the silence. At this moment, he realized that he was so excited that he was a little crazy, so he laughed twice Later said: "Leader, I would like to report to you that "Snow Leopard" premiered with an audience rating of 8.7 and a market share of 21.3!"

The silence on the other end of the phone was even deeper. Zhou Yu didn't hear a response for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, thinking that the leader was dissatisfied with his joke just now, so he asked softly: "Leader, leader, are you listening?"

"Hahaha, hahaha."

After a series of sudden laughter, an uncontrollable excitement came from the microphone, saying: "Zhou Yu, I want to celebrate your achievements, I want to celebrate your great achievements!!!"

With the curtain call of the first round of fights on the battlefield at the beginning of the year, the entire industry fell into an eerie calm.



A local TV station's market share in the New Year's drama is four times that of CCTV!
Not only the comparison of data, but also the great victory of Mango TV, made colleagues across the country suddenly realize problems that they had never thought about before.

The New Year's drama doesn't seem to be the stage of the CCTV family?

Anyone who has a dream is great, and there will be miracles if you have courage!
After being shocked, many TV stations turned their attention to the market share rankings, only to discover an even weirder scene.

The second place in the market share list is not CCTV?

It's Southern Satellite TV, which frantically broadcasts "Yangcheng Dark Whistle", "Latent", "Before Dawn", and "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" for 16 hours!

At this time, practitioners in the TV industry gradually came to their senses, and there was only one core grasp and implementation measures to realize their dreams, and that was Xu Rong!

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