When Xu Rong learned of the results of the first round of market share battle between Mango TV and CCTV, he was also quite surprised, but after careful consideration, he was relieved.

Mango TV's ability to kill CCTV is the result of many reasons. The first is that the cast of "The Dark War Before Dawn" does not have actors with strong appeal for small screens.

Secondly, it is due to "Snow Leopard" taking over from "Before Dawn", and in terms of publicity, the two parties are not at the same level of attention. CCTV is used to solo dance, and has never paid attention to local stations. , the publicity was only a regular effort, and Mango TV was planning to fight to the death from the beginning, and almost invested all the promotional resources in the station. Under the overwhelming advertising, this result is also reasonable.

Moreover, he feels that the data of "Snow Leopard" is actually a bit inflated. The combination of various gimmicks can indeed attract the attention of a large number of viewers who are not interested in it, but it is still unknown whether the audience can be retained.

Because compared with his previous works, "Snow Leopard" mainly targets young people.

When "Snow Leopard" fired its first shot in 2011, the other two people also fell into deeper suffering.

"Lao Luo, I really can't do this director." Liu Jiang said blushingly while sitting on the sofa in the living room of Luo Liping's house.

There are four mobile phones on the table in front of the two, and the screens of the four mobile phones all show that they are talking.

"Before Dawn" and "Snow Leopard" caused a sensation one after another, especially the popularity of Yuan Wei and Tao Feifei, which made "Number", a war film under preparation, focus the attention of major domestic brokerage companies A lamb surrounded by wolves.

And Liu Jiang and Luo Liping, who are the only two who can decide the choice of the first woman, tremble like two weak shepherdesses.

Opposite Liu Jiang, Luo Liping's increasingly fat body nestled on the sofa, pondered for a while, and said: "Call out Xu Rong, I'm the producer, you're the director, that guy is still the producer, what can't be done?" Push everything to us, don't play like this."

Liu Jiang immediately echoed, "That's right, we can't just do things that offend people."

Luo Liping said, ran back to the room, took out his wife's phone, and was about to dial Xu Rong's phone, Liu Jiang seemed to think of something, hurried forward two steps, grabbed his hand, and said: "Old Luo, Take it easy."

Luo Liping looked at him in surprise, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Jiang said meaningfully: "Do you think Xu Rong will still be in the capital even if he answers your call?"

"What do you mean?"

Liu Jiang picked up his coat, picked up his two mobile phones on the table, and said, "Go, go to his house and block him."

Luo Liping immediately recalled that if he made a phone call, Xu Rong would probably go "out of town to make an announcement", and he might not be able to say a few words when it was over, and he would have "bad signal".

Xu Rong has also been annoyed recently, but every time, he directly stated that he can't make the decision at all, even if he is the closest friend, he will not give ambiguous answers like "I will help recommend recommendations." After the last cheating incident in the recruitment examination, he realized a truth firsthand. When others want something from him, if he directly refuses, it will make the other person feel uncomfortable, but if he gives people even a little bit of hope, then Let the other party experience despair, then it will only attract resentment that is difficult to resolve.

This is also the content of his daily summary and thinking. When he walked out of school at the age of 17 and plunged into this man-eating society, he was simply like a blank sheet of paper. Along the way, he made many mistakes. He has suffered many losses, but every time he makes a mistake or suffers a loss, he will not be particularly generous to himself and turn his head to deliberately forget the matter. Instead, he will look back and analyze the root cause carefully to avoid personality flaws or Certain habits developed in the past lead to making the same mistake a second time.

Just looking at Liu Jiang and Luo Liping who were blocking the door for a long time, Xu Rong felt quite helpless in his heart. His producer was just a name for him by Chen Runsheng, and it had no practical significance at all.

Luo Liping pointed out and said, "Let's go, find a place to chat?"

Xu Rong looked at the two in embarrassment. He knew the purpose of Luo Liping and Liu Jiang too well, because during this time, whenever someone entrusted him, he turned around and kicked Luo Liping and Liu Jiang, so he said: " No, you two came to my house without saying hello, are you afraid that I will run away or something?"

Neither Liu Jiang nor Luo Liping said a word, the meaning was self-evident.

"Okay, let's go."

The three found a barbecue restaurant, and just as their butts touched the chairs, Liu Jiang and Luo Liping immediately turned on their two mobile phones in a tacit understanding and called themselves.

Then, the three of them fell silent collectively.

After a while, Xu Rong saw that neither of them spoke, so he tapped the table twice with the knuckles of his fingers, and said, "Hey, let me tell you, why don't you let Boss Chen make up his mind about the actress?"

Luo Liping sighed, and said: "I asked, and he said that he doesn't care about this, as long as the filming can be done well, anyone can come, if the filming is not good, no one can come."

"Isn't that the same as not saying it?"

Xu Rong looked at the two people who seemed to be in mourning, smiled, and said: "I said, can you two stop crying and mourning?

Liu Jiang sighed, and said, "You don't even know how the two of us survived this period of time. If you tell me, you might not believe me, but someone even installed a monitor in my car."

"No, isn't this too cruel?"

Luo Liping shook his head, and said: "The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. It's normal for people to have first-hand information, and then make targeted arrangements. It's much better now. In the 90s, people will directly shoot your head with a gun. "

Seeing Xu Rong's face tense, Luo Liping smiled and said, "Don't worry, they dare to monitor Lao Liu, but they definitely dare not treat you like that, unless they don't want to mess around."

"How about we have an open audition?"

Luo Liping immediately asked back: "How much publicity? In the end, the problem will come back to us."

When he got here, Xu Rong didn't intend to hide it, and said: "Then tell me first, who are the two of you?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to open their mouths to deny it, Xu Rong looked back and forth between the two of them, and said, "It's boring for you to play like this."

Luo Liping glanced at Liu Jiang with a dry smile, but quickly moved away, saying, "It turns out that I was selected by someone, but at the current stage, it must be impossible."

Liu Jiang looked at Luo Liping in amazement, and only then did he know that Luo Liping also wanted to block people. Seeing Xu Rong and Luo Liping staring at him, he hesitated for a moment, and forced a smile and said, "I, I am almost the same, a half-newcomer."

"Fuck, the two of you are really dead, you have reached this point, and you are still hiding each other." Xu Rong looked at the expressions of the two, but he couldn't guess the reason.

The two laughed dryly and lit a cigarette each.

When the barbecue was delivered, Xu Rong tilted his head and looked at the two of them, and said, "Actually, it's not impossible."

Luo Liping and Liu Jiang asked in unison: "What way?"

Seeing Liu Jiang grilling meat, Xu Rong said: "It's very simple. The screenwriter of our play, Xu Jizhou, has been filming before. So, Lao Liu, you find a reason to resign the director and hire him as a producer. What's the matter?" Is everything all right?"


Liu Jiang and Luo Liping looked at each other, and their eyes lit up at the same time. Xu Jizhou is the screenwriter. According to industry practice, if a play is scolded after it is broadcast, it must be the screenwriter's insanity. If the feedback is good after the broadcast, the director will naturally take the lead.

Isn't it the responsibility of the screenwriter to take the blame? !

Xu Rong looked at the eyes of the two people on the opposite side, and said, "No, I'm just joking, you don't really intend to do this, do you?"

"That's not it?"

Luo Liping thought for a while, and said, "It's not enough just to be a director. He has to be an executive producer, so that's the way it is."

Liu Jiang intersected his fists and said, "This idea is wonderful."

The more Luo Liping and Liu Jiang thought about it, the more they felt that this proposal was feasible. Now is the time to blow up the bunkers. If the screenwriter is not available, who will be available?
The point is, once Xu Ji Zhou succeeds, then he has a great possibility to join the ranks of famous directors.

This is a temptation that any director who has not yet become famous cannot refuse.

Luo Liping immediately picked up the phone and said, "I'll call him over right away."

Liu Jiang asked: "Should we change places? When people come and see the three of us sitting here, they can definitely guess that we dig a hole for them to dance in."

Luo Liping shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, you're not stupid, you can almost understand what's going on after hearing it, your old Liu has become famous, and he doesn't want to go through this muddy water, but let me tell you, Chinese directors, [-]% Nine people are eager to jump in."

After Luo Liping made the phone call, Xu Jizhou with a Chinese face came to the hotel after about half an hour.

After listening to Luo Liping's explanation of "Liu Jiang was dragged by other dramas and couldn't get away", Xu Jizhou fell into a conflict.

Seeing that he was quite moved, Luo Liping immediately said in a persuasive way: "Director Xu, I won't hide it from you. The casting will definitely offend people, but think about it, Lao Liu has used Xu Rong to make two films, and now he is the leader of the TV drama industry." Top director, if you also make a "Bright Sword", what status do you have?"

Xu Jizhou forced a smile, that's why he hesitated.

Once it follows, it will definitely offend people, but he is more confident to make a war movie that is better than "Snow Leopard".

Xu Jizhou pondered for a while, and said: "Okay, thank you Mr. Luo for your kindness, and please take care of Mr. Xu."

Luo Liping immediately patted the table and said, "Okay, it's settled like this. Starting today, you have the full power to decide everything about the crew!"

Xu Jizhou jumped up as if his buttocks were on fire, and said, "Don't, don't, I think it's better for everyone to work together. One person counts the short and the other counts the long."

Luo Liping exchanged glances with Liu Jiang indiscriminately, then raised his head immediately, and said, "Hey, I don't understand art. In this way, Mr. Xu is the producer. If there is anything, you two can discuss it."

Xu Rong originally thought that this matter had nothing to do with him at all, but when he saw Zhang Heping coming to the gate of the courtyard early the next morning, his heart skipped a beat.

Zhang Heping was invited into the house, and after chatting for a while, Zhang Heping suddenly asked: "Little Xu, how long have you been in the courtyard?"

Xu Rong blinked and said, "Dean, if you have something to do, you'd better just tell me, I'm in a state of turmoil because of what you've done."

When did he come to the courtyard, Zhang Heping was clear about it, this question was simply nonsense.

Zhang Heping laughed a few times, his two faint eyebrows fluttered, and said: "There is indeed something to do, this matter, if you want to talk about it, it is still your responsibility."


Zhang Heping immediately said: "Last year, I asked you to recruit 6 candidates, but you only recruited [-], which only completed one-third of the quota, which led to the lack of backup force in our college. Tell me, is this the case? Your responsibility?"


Xu Rong instinctively wanted to refute, but soon, he changed his mouth and said, "President, you are criticizing."

Zhang Heping laughed and said, "That's it. I discussed with Lao Xu from the Chinese opera, and I plan to transfer you to the Chinese opera, and try to train a group of talents as soon as possible."

Xu Rong's face immediately changed. Employment and transfer are two completely different concepts, but Zhang Heping's intention was obviously to divert his organizational relationship. After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help asking: "Dean, how did I do it?" Isn't it right?"

Zhang Heping gave a "tsk" and said: "Your boy is usually very shrewd, why can't you understand the words when it comes to the critical point?"

Seeing Xu Rong staring at him blankly, Zhang Heping said meaningfully: "There is a vacancy in the Chinese opera that will be vacated soon."

"Ah, Dean, is this appropriate?"

"Is there anything suitable or not? The old director and his father are both directors of Chinese opera. It's normal for us to transfer people to each other." Zhang Heping said indifferently, "Cultivating talents for the family is an important task." On the one hand, on the other hand, you also know that Feng Yuanzheng has served as the vice-captain longer than you, even if Yang Lixin retires, he has to follow the order."

Xu Rong didn't respond immediately, he reckoned that Zhang Heping had put in so much effort, the purpose would definitely not be as simple as he said.

Because if he really needs to train students, he can go directly to teach in the Chinese Opera without having to go through so much trouble.

And he never cared too much about his rank.

Seeing that Zhang Heping just drank water and had nothing to say, he smiled and asked: "Thank you for your cultivation, the director. Since I was admitted to the hospital, you have taken good care of me. I am a stupid person, and I really don't know how to express my gratitude. If the dean has any work to contribute, please call me, if nothing else, I still have some strength."

"Hey, from what you said, I cultivated you because I thought you were a talent." Zhang Heping criticized him seriously at first, and then said unintentionally, "I heard that you are preparing a new play and still lack an actress." , the one you acted as the producer."

Xu Rong secretly said in his heart that it was true, but his face showed a look of astonishment, and he asked tentatively, "What does the dean mean?"

"What can I mean?" Zhang Heping immediately asked back, "That's the thing, old Xu asked me to ask about the situation."

Xu Rong knew that it was time to make a statement, and said, "Dean, do you have her contact information?"

Zhang Heping reached out and took out a photo from his bag, handed it to him, and said, "Coincidentally, he asked me to introduce someone to her, and gave me a photo. Let's see how he looks. The contact information is on the back. "

Xu Rong glanced at him, but he didn't recognize him, but his image was really good. He flipped through the photo, glanced at the name and contact information on the back, turned it over again, looked carefully for a while, and said: "Dean, to be honest Said, her temperament is too far away, she is suitable for playing a strong woman in the workplace, and the female lead of the drama I am preparing here is actually a bandit."

Zhang Heping laughed, and said, "If you don't arrange it, Old Xu might not be able to sign it."

"That's right." Xu Rong got up and rolled his eyes, "It's over if you don't say it."

Zhang Heping said cheerfully: "There's no need to force it. It doesn't matter if you can succeed or not. I heard from him that this was entrusted to him by one of his buddies."

Xu Rong took another look at the quiet girl in the photo, and said, "Dean, I'm just a producer. If it's really outrageous, don't blame me if they don't give me face."

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