I'm just an actor

Chapter 264 Candidates

Zhang Heping's arrival was unexpected by Xu Rong, and it was also difficult for him to directly refuse.

The last time he was drinking, he heard Han Sanping mention that he was able to overwhelm many competitors for the male lead in "The Founding of the Party", and Zhang Heping contributed a lot to it.

He has to help both public and private.

After seeing off Zhang Heping, he stood at the gate of the courtyard with his hands in his pockets, thinking about what to do next.

It can be expected that since the news of "Number"'s impromptu change of generals spread yesterday, Xu Jizhou will inevitably become the new target of all parties. The executive producer, director, and screenwriter, from the perspective of normal people, the entire "Number" crew It's almost the same as Xu Jizhou's words.

"Anyway, I still have to understand the situation of the person recommended by Zhang Heping first. If it is too outrageous, then I can only say sorry."

He is very clear about what he has relied on to get to where he is today. Over the past year or so, his status as a human artist has indeed given him a lot of help.

But before he became a human actor, he was already one of the top actors in the TV drama field.

"Number" is different from "Snow Leopard". Although "Snow Leopard" was defined as a group drama during the promotion period, it is essentially Zhou Weiguo's one-man show.

In "The Indelible Number", Li Daben has the most roles, but Chen Feng and Sun Chenghai also have a lot of roles, but the role positioning is different.

In contrast, Diao Chan, the female lead, does not have many roles, and is very similar to Gu Yejia in "Before Dawn". It is very difficult to shine.

But she is the most full-bodied female character in the script. For a husband who has only known each other for a short time and has a nameless husband, as well as her strong family and country feelings, she stood up without hesitation when everyone was waiting to die, and chose to detonate landmines and the enemy cavalry perish together.

Such a female character with a clear distinction between love and hate is extremely rare in film and television works that are always entangled in love and love in the past, and her death will be more tragic than the deaths of Gu Yejia and Xiao Ya.

The lack of roles and distinctive characters means that the requirements for actors are higher. Before that, Xu Rong had two relatively suitable candidates in his mind, one was Song Jia, and the other was Ma Su.

But these two have already cooperated, especially Song Jia, who has cooperated twice, especially the dialogue at the last awards ceremony, which made him have no intention of continuing to cooperate with her for the time being.

Back in the living room, he picked up the photos on the table and looked at them for a while, then Xu Rong called Xu Jizhou.

"Hello, Teacher Xu?"

Listening to Xu Jizhou's polite tone, Xu Rong didn't make any twists and turns, and asked directly: "Director Xu, is our female lead set to play Sai Diaochan?"

Hearing his inquiry, Xu Jizhou was silent for a moment, and said, "Not yet, Mr. Xu, do you have a recommendation?"

"It can't be said to be a recommendation. A friend introduced it, and I don't know it. I want to invite you to take a look."

"Okay, Teacher Xu, let her record a video and send it over."

"Okay, I'll send you an email later."

After hanging up the phone, when Xu Rong called the number on the back of the photo.

"Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Xu Rong, may I ask you?"

"toot toot"

Xu Rong took the phone from his ear in a daze.

The call has been disconnected.

"Machine hanged?"

He said something to himself, then turned around and dialed the number of classmate Xiao Zhang who had already returned to Anshan to pick up her parents. After chatting for a few words, he hung up again.

At this moment, he was certain that the actress introduced by the dean, whom he had never heard of, actually hung up on him, and even invited her to act as the female lead.

Although there are not many roles for this role, except for "North Wind" and "Daughter-in-Law", none of the TV dramas he starred in has a lot of leading roles.

A little unbelieving, he called again.

The other party was obviously quite impatient: "Hey, I have no money, so stop wasting your time, I advise you to find a serious job."

Xu Rong suddenly understood that the other party regarded him as a liar, and judging from the other party's tone, it was obvious that Zhang Hepin didn't know about Zhang Hepin's taking the role.

After making some guesses, he was not in a hurry, but asked slowly, "Are you Ke Lan?"

"Hehe, the preparation work is not very good. It is true that I am Ke Lan, but I can tell you clearly that this is not my name."

Xu Rong stopped talking nonsense, and said, "I'm Xu Rong, and I think you are more suitable as the female lead in a movie I'm about to shoot. I'll send you a sentence and introduction, and you can record a video and send it over."

Ke Lan immediately replied: "I'm Qin Shihuang. In fact, I haven't died. I've been sleeping all the time. Now I'm resurrected. As long as I revive my 5000 terracotta warriors and horses, I can rule the world. Now I urgently need 5000 yuan of start-up capital. As long as you Transfer [-] yuan to my account to help me restore the country, and I will seal you as Marquis."

"What's the matter?"

"Isn't that what you all say when you cheat money?"

Xu Rong pinched the photo and looked at it silently for a few seconds. At this moment, he believed a certain sentence he had seen by chance before. On the Internet, you don't even know who you are fighting with.

Look at a girl who is Wen Wenjing, how to face strangers like a hooligan.

After he was silent for more than ten seconds, Ke Lan's voice suddenly lost the joy and excitement of teasing, and said uncertainly: "You, you can't really be Xu Rong, Teacher Xu?"

"Otherwise, who do you think I am, Emperor Wu of Han?"

"Uh, no, no, I just didn't expect you, Mr. Xu, to call me in person."

After watching a high-definition video sent by Ke Lan, Xu Rong always felt that something was wrong, even though she followed what he said and found a relatively "bandit" attire.

But her performance was too reserved, but from the phone call just now, he had learned a little about her true character.

If it really doesn't work, just scold him a few more times, since there aren't many scenes anyway.

At noon, the grandpa and grandson sat facing each other.

Xiao Zhang went to Anshan, and Xu Xing also returned home.

A similar situation was like this almost every day before Xu Rong was 17 years old, but now, both of them are suddenly not used to it.

The meal is extremely simple, noodles with a plate of cucumber.

He originally wanted to make two dishes, but when he was slicing the garlic, the knife was broken by him.

I'm not used to it, not only because Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing's departure caused the dishes to be less, but also when talking, it always seems that something is missing.

Grandpa was eating slowly, and at a certain moment, he raised his eyelids and asked, "When will Xiao Zhang come back?"

"Tomorrow, come over with his parents."

Grandpa nodded lightly and asked, "Have you figured it out?"

"Think about it!"

The old man smiled gratifiedly, nodded his chin twice and said: "That works."

Busy, the lunar calendar in 2010 is coming to an end.

When Xu Rong arrived at the airport, he picked up Xiao Zhang’s parents and got into the car. When he took off his mask, Uncle Zhang caught a glimpse of Xu Rong’s beard that had grown for more than two months, and asked in surprise: “Xiao Xu, what, Grow a beard?"

Xu Rong turned his head, stroked his chin with his hand, and asked with a smile: "How is it, uncle, man?"

Xiao Zhang's parents looked at each other, and the expression on their faces was extremely strange for a while, because they suddenly realized that Xu Rong seemed to be a different person this time.

Xiao Zhang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, laughed "goose goose goose". She didn't stop laughing until she noticed the strange atmosphere in the car, and she turned around and explained: "Ms. Xu is preparing a new movie. For drama, growing a beard is also an image requirement."

Aunt Wang asked subconsciously: "Can't you rely on makeup?"

Just as Xu Rong was about to explain the reason, Xiao Zhang immediately said: "This is called from the outside to the inside in the performance. To put it simply, Teacher Xu specially made himself like this. When he looks in the mirror every day, it will make him feel from the inside. It is overlapping with the role to be played."

"Oh, no wonder." Uncle Zhang was stunned, even though he didn't quite understand it, it still sounded incredible.

Xu Rong glanced at Xiao Zhang in surprise. From the outside to the inside is a relatively simple theory, but her last words prove that she really understands what is from the outside to the inside and how to go from the outside to the inside.

Not to mention, strict teachers can indeed produce excellent students.

The practice method that Feng Yuanzheng taught Xiao Zhang has no other characteristics, but it is tiring, because the purpose is to reach her physical or mental limit at the fastest speed in the shortest time, and then develop her own acting gold.

Of course, the negative impact is also great. Every time Xiao Zhang finishes his practice and does other exercises, his legs always shake like swinging.

Aunt Wang was more careful, and asked worriedly: "Then, after a long time, will there be any mental problems?"

"It's okay." Xu Rong glanced at Xiao Zhang, who had been staring at him after only a day apart, "Most actors, especially actors who are good at acting, need a long time after they successfully create a role." Time will slow down."

"Auntie, the kind of things you said do exist. Many actors have mental problems."

"Oh, then you have to pay attention."

For Xiao Zhang's parents' arrival, grandpa seemed quite happy.

The old man watched all the old people living in the same community full of children and grandchildren, but his grandson's marriage has not yet been seen.

Although he didn't say anything, the anxiety in his heart was real.

While eating at night, Grandpa looked at Xiao Zhang's parents and said, "Xiao Zhang's parents, are you satisfied with our Xu Rong?"

At the dinner table, following Grandpa's voice, Xu Rong immediately slowed down and looked at Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang who put down their chopsticks.

Uncle Zhang smiled and said: "Uncle Xu, you are joking, you are satisfied, you must be satisfied."

Aunt Wang glanced at Xu Rong and her daughter, and also nodded with a smile.

When Grandpa saw the two's statement, the wrinkles on his face deepened: "Then, the two children have been together for so long, shall we set a good date and put their marriage on the agenda?"

Xiao Zhang's action of picking up rice suddenly stopped, and he slowly raised his head to look at the smiling grandpa, parents and Teacher Xu.

"You?" Her eyes, which could barely move, moved across the faces of several people slowly, and she didn't see even the slightest surprise from any of their faces. It seemed that they knew everything in advance, and only she The parties, this is the first time I've heard of it.

Uncle Zhang immediately said: "Your Excellency is talking, so there is no place for you to intervene."

Xiao Zhang nodded blankly, then turned to look at Teacher Xu, she did not see the slightest surprise from his expression, she was a little puzzled, because she never remembered that Teacher Xu discussed this matter with her parents alone thing.

Seeing that grandpa and Xiao Zhang's parents all focused their attention on him, Xu Rong said, "We are both busy this year, and we can spare time at the end of the year. Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang, what do you think of it before the year?"


After taking a shower at night, Xu Rong found Xiao Zhang lying quietly on his side on the bed, neither playing with his mobile phone nor doing skin care, looking preoccupied.

He walked closer, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Zhang, are you angry because I didn't discuss it with you in advance?"

Xiao Zhang pulled off the quilt without saying a word, and covered his head.

Xu Rong tugged hard twice, once with the head, she pulled very tightly and couldn't pull it off. The second time she used a little more strength, she pulled the quilt away and straightened her body, only to find Xiao Zhang The classmate was not secretly having fun, her brows were tightly furrowed, the pupils of her eyes were dilated, and her face was full of solemnity and worry.

Looking at Xiao Zhang's appearance, Xu Rong suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked uncertainly: "What's the matter, are you unwilling to marry me?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice, "No."

"That's why I didn't discuss it with you in advance?"

"Not at all."

"Then what's the matter with you? You've been absent-minded since eating."

Xiao Zhang's mouth twitched a few times, and then he got up abruptly, and said extremely worriedly: "Mr. Xu, do you think we are going to have children after we get married?"

Xu Rong nodded first, but seeing that her brows were furrowed harder, she said ambiguously: "Not necessarily, we can wait, anyway, she is still young."

Xiao Zhang raised his voice immediately: "So you must have a baby?"

"Why, you don't want to have a baby?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head again and said, "Not really."

"Then why are you suddenly unhappy today?"

Xiao Zhang sighed heavily, stared at him very seriously and said: "I read a saying on the Internet before, that is, children will follow their father's temper and mother's IQ, so if we get married, the children born Must be a dull, stupid little fool!"

Xu Rong was stunned, he had no idea that her unhappiness was due to these unfounded nonsense.

"No?" Xu Rong looked at her dumbfounded, "Do you believe such unscientific words?"

"Really, a lot of people say it's very accurate, just like one daddy and one mother."

Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang looked at each other for a while, saw that she was going to tilt again, pulled her up, and asked, "Do you think your mother is smart?"


Xu Rong spread his hands and said, "Then it's over. You see, you didn't follow your father's temper, nor your mother's IQ, so there is no basis for this kind of statement."

Xiao Zhang nodded subconsciously, but then she came back to her senses and stared at him with burning eyes: "Mr. Xu, what do you mean, I'm stupid?!"

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