I'm just an actor

Chapter 265 Thoughts

2010, New Year's Eve.

Xu Rong stood on the stool and pasted Spring Festival couplets on the empty house next door that had not yet been renovated.

Seeing that he had glued a piece of tape on, classmate Xiao Zhang snapped his mouth immediately, tore off a long roll of tape in his hand with a "click" and handed it to him.

Xu Rong took it, and while sticking to it, said: "Aren't you holding scissors in your hands, and you still use your mouth?"

"The scissors are not strong!"

Xu Rong pressed his palm on the glued tape twice, turned his head, looked at Xiao Zhang and clicked again, and said: "The glue on the tape is poisonous, if you bite too much, you will get fat."

"Huh?" The smile on Xiao Zhang's face gradually faded, and he looked up at him anxiously, "Are you scaring me?"

"It contains formaldehyde, did you say that it scares you?"

Since the wedding date was set a few days ago, Xiao Zhang has temporarily quit many bad habits, such as milk tea, ice cream, cola and many junk foods that she thinks are delicious.

Be sure to give birth to a smart baby!
Xiao Zhang lowered his head and looked at the tape in his hand suspiciously, deeply feeling the helplessness of lack of knowledge.

Because she couldn't tell whether Teacher Xu was lying to her or telling the truth.

She was going to go back later and look it up online.

"Are you planning to check when you go back later?"

"how do you know?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I suggest you don't, because after you finish the investigation, I guess you won't be in the mood to celebrate the New Year, don't talk about biting the tape with your mouth, just go and search to see if breathing the smog in the capital is harmful, the answer I'll only tell you if it's not far away."

"Hmph, you're just bluffing me." Xiao Zhang said so, but cut a strip with the scissors very honestly.

After posting the Spring Festival couplets, Xu Rong saw that Xiao Zhang turned her head in a hurry and was about to go home, so she stopped her, took out three bulging red envelopes from her pocket, and said, "Here, Xiao Zhang."

Xiao Zhang didn't reach out to pick it up, and asked, "New Year's money? For me? So much?"

"What are you thinking?"

Xu Rong walked up to her, stuffed the red envelope into the pocket of her down jacket, and said, "Give one to each of your parents and one to grandpa when you find some free time later, and let them give out red envelopes when we celebrate the New Year tomorrow." .”

"My parents are rich, so just give one to grandpa."

Xu Rong rubbed her head and said: "You just give it to them, by the way, don't say I gave it to you, just say it was your own savings."

"Oh." Classmate Xiao Zhang pressed the red envelope with his hand again, "I know, do you want them to think that I am filial?"

"Half guessed right."


Holding the stool, Xu Rong walked home and said, "You think your father can't guess that it was my idea?"

Xiao Zhang frowned and thought for a while, then nodded, and suddenly said: "Then, it means that I am just an errand runner?"

"You can't say that, if I give it to them, they will definitely not accept it, but it's different if you give it to me. When you bought the house before, your parents spent all their savings. In the future, they will spend all their savings on holidays and so on. Every now and then, you give them some money, and you can use it to buy groceries.”

"Ms. Xu, how much money do you have now?" Because before their parents came, they bought two cars, and they spent a total of four million yuan.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "Basically there is no money, and it's not like you don't know that you spent a lot of money walking around a year ago. In addition, although the investment in Liu Heping's play was originally said to be 5000 million, I guess it won't be paid at all. Can't help it, now I only have 300 million emergency funds in my hands."

In the past few days, he has traveled all over the place where he should walk. The seniors in the circle, the leaders in the courtyard, and even some of his teachers in the school are not left behind.

Now Nortel has begun to use his performance clips as teaching cases, and the theories and practical methods published in academic journals have also been selected into the teaching plans. He knows the reason. The reason why the school does this is because of his theoretical and professional level. Certainly, but on the other hand, it is also due to his background in Nortel and the good relationship he maintains with the school leaders.

When it was time to eat dinner, grandpa looked at the family of five and said with emotion: "It can be considered a lively and lively New Year, and it will be even more lively when people are added to the family."

Uncle Zhang originally wanted to echo a few words to urge the two to have a baby quickly, but seeing the embarrassing expressions of the son-in-law and daughter sitting opposite him, he quickly changed the topic and asked, "Xiao Xu, why don't you film after the Chinese New Year?" Is Riri with you?"

Grandpa also understood that he was impatient, and said: "Yes, you can't always praise outsiders. Didn't you also say before that what number will be filmed after the New Year, and introduced a girl you don't know?"

"I read the news and many people say Xiao Zhang"

Xu Rong suddenly stopped talking in the middle of what his grandfather said, and with a sullen smile, he asked in surprise, "What are you talking about Xiao Zhang?"

Aunt Wang and Uncle Zhang also smiled, but neither answered his doubts.

Xiao Zhang swallowed the dumpling in his mouth, and said: "It is said on the Internet that in the drama you are the man I can't get, but in reality, you are the man that others can't take away."

Xu Rong looked at them suspiciously, and said, "No, why did you just say that, without any basis?"

Grandpa immediately became unhappy, and said: "Why is there no basis? Look at the scenes you filmed with Xiao Zhang, Mu Wanqiu or Xiao Ya, which one is with you in the end?"

Xu Rong pondered for a while before realizing the problem. He was amused, and said, "I didn't invest in the show that introduced the girl a few days ago, and it didn't have many roles. But Xiao Zhang will be very busy next year. Xiao Zhang will be with me in the movie that will be filmed at the end of the year, and I also voted for a movie, which is expected to start in 12 or 13, and the lead actress in that movie is also Xiao Zhang."

He has already got through with Liu Heping on this point, even if Zhang Li directs, the female lead must use Xiao Zhang.

"Then why this play?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "Actresses are not suitable for making Anti-Japanese War films. In this type of film, actresses are generally not particularly brilliant, and the most troublesome thing is that once they make one, they will fall into a strange circle. It is very difficult for the film to receive other types of film appointments."

This is just a superficial reason. The most fundamental reason is that Xiao Zhang's professional level was limited in the past, so he could only try to choose a role that suits her.

However, in the six months since Xiao Zhang entered the hospital, he has rehearsed a lot of scenes with Feng Yuanzheng, and taught him hand in hand. Although he is a little tired, Xiao Zhang's progress is visible to the naked eye.

I will continue to polish it for another year next year, and I think there will be greater progress in the future.

Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at him blankly: "Here, are we going to act as the female lead?"

Xu Rong gave Xiao Zhang a white look, and said, "That girl is not that good at acting."

Not to mention Xiao Zhang, thinking of Chen Baoguo, Cheng Yu, Wang Qingxiang, Ni Dahong, and Wang Jinsong, who have completely vacated their schedules for the past two years for Liu Heping's script, he couldn't help but beat the drums in his heart.

Because in terms of roles, no one is much more than anyone else.

Others, however, left enough time to analyze and figure out the character, and if he did not perform properly at that time, he might be killed by the hammer immediately.

With the sound of firecrackers a year old, the spring breeze sent warmth to Tusu.

But after the new year, Xu Rong still didn't feel any warmth.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the production crew of "Number Number" officially assembled and started one of the most important preparatory work before filming, the launch conference.

In the early morning of the fourth day of the new year, just as Xu Rong parked his car at the entrance of the hotel, the chubby Xu Jizhou trotted over from the lobby: "Mr. Xu, you are here."

"Morning Director Xu."

Seeing Xu Rong hand over the car keys to the staff, Xu Jizhou said, "It's cold outside, let's go up and talk first."

"Okay, when did Director Xu come over?"

Xu Jizhou chuckled and said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, I got up at four o'clock, my house is far away, so I have to come here early."

Xu Rong pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Thank you Director Xu."

When Xu Jizhou chose the hotel, he should have considered his distance. It only took him 10 minutes from home to here.

At the beginning of the press conference, the reporters put aside the director Xu Jizhou and the female Ke Lan who had been widely concerned before, and asked Xu Rong directly: "Xu Rong, it is rumored that you are not accepting any TV drama scripts now, are you determined to move to the film market? ?”

Xu Rong helped the microphone, and said: "It's not the reason. The reason why I didn't accept the script is mainly because my schedule for this year and next year is basically full. In addition, today is "The Number That Will Never Be Destroyed". press conference, let's not talk about other topics."

"Xu Rong, since the preparation of "Number", who will play the female lead has been attracting attention from the outside world. Did you recommend Ke Lan to play this time?"

Just as Xu Rong was about to answer, Xu Jizhou immediately said: "Let me answer this question. First of all, what I want to say is that Ke Lan is a very good actress, and her personality is more suitable for the role of Sai Diaochan. Everyone can agree on this." Keep your expectations, and second, Ke Lan was invited by me to play the role, and has nothing to do with Teacher Xu."

Ke Lan stared blankly at Xu Jizhou, she was a little confused now, because it was Xu Rong who contacted him, and it was Xu Jizhou who Xu Rong brought her to meet.

Xu Rong was also stunned for a moment, but immediately understood Xu Jizhou's plan.

In a trance, he suddenly understood a truth, the people who can get ahead in any highly competitive industry are definitely not simple-minded people.

Just like Xu Jizhou in front of him.

"Director Xu, it is rumored that "Number" was originally scheduled to be directed by director Liu Jiang, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Liu Jiang and I are very good friends. He came to me a few years ago and said that he had other things to do and couldn't get away for the time being. He asked me to direct this drama. , Teacher Xu can testify to this."

Xu Rong immediately smiled and said, "Yes, that's true."

After the press conference, the "Indelible Number Crew" officially assembled.

Read the script.

This is also Xu Jizhou's proposal. Before the official shooting, take a week to gather the main cast and crew to read the script.

Since Xu Jizhou took on the role of director and executive producer, Xu Rong has dealt with him many times, and his general impression is that he is a very interesting person.

But what impressed him the most was today's opening press conference. He single-handedly took on all the media's doubts about Ke Lan's superior position.

It was also from that moment on that Xu Rong no longer regarded him as a scapegoat.

Thanks to the popularity of "Daughter-in-law" and "Dawn", Luo Liping, Liu Jiang and him are collectively referred to as the "troika" of popular dramas.

Xu Jizhou is very clear that although he is the director, screenwriter, and executive producer of "Number", he is only a three-horse horse who has withdrawn from the thunder. Once it is turned on, it is still unknown who will sit behind the monitor.

Because Luo Liping is still the producer, although Liu Jiang resigned from the position of director, he is still the producer. Coupled with his status as a top TV director, Liu Jiang naturally has the right to intervene in the details of the filming.

It also means that Xu Jizhou has no absolute decision-making power regardless of the crew's money or people.

But when Xu Rong recommended Ke Lan, Xu Jizhou didn't hesitate at all, and directly agreed to his request, taking the blame that Xu Rong, Luo Liping, and Liu Jiang didn't want to bear in the past.

And in the face of doubts from the media, he also chose to bear it all.

It can be considered that he is desperate for his future, but his own courage cannot be denied.

Xu Rong understood the reason why Xu Jizhou betrayed him so much. What Xu Jizhou needed was his full support, otherwise Liu Jiang would sit behind the monitor as the producer and befriended Luo Liping one day.

What's more interesting is that Xu Rong feels that Xu Jizhou has really worked hard, because the start-up reading of the script was not originally planned.

Moreover, Xu Jizhou did get the support of Luo Liping and him temporarily through this matter.

As the employer, Luo Liping naturally hopes that all expenses can be saved. Reading the script not only allows the actors to enter the role as soon as possible, but also allows the actors to learn how to shoot, how to move and modify the script in advance. Some of the unreasonable plots.

If these tasks are done after the startup, all that is needed is time, and time often means budget expenditure.

Xu Rong couldn't wish for it even more. In the process of reading the script, he can also have enough time to understand the level of the co-actors, so as to adjust a more suitable presentation method.

Xu Jizhou had already discussed with him a few years ago that all actors should use original voices. For other plays, the difficulty is not high, but for the actors of "Number", it is a huge test.

Because it is not only mixed with a lot of dialects, but also has many scenes of dialogue between the Japanese army.

For this reason, Xu Jizhou recruited several actors who are proficient in Japanese.

After reading the script, Xu Jizhou temporarily settled the two troikas, and it was very natural to divide and fight.

The combination of the two things completely changed Xu Rong's impression of Xu Jizhou. Xu Jizhou was not a literati screenwriter like Gao Mantang, but a screenwriter and director who knew how to choose and was quite skillful.

Of course, everything will have to wait. Whether he wants to give full support, he has to see the results of the shooting.

Thinking about it, Luo Liping probably had similar thoughts.

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