"Dear colleagues and comrades, I announce that the Xu team of the Video Association is officially established today!"

In a private room of a restaurant, Chen Baoguo was holding a wine glass in one hand and waving his fist vigorously in the air. Ma Shaohua, Cheng Yu, Wang Qingxiang, Ni Dahong, and Wang Jinsong also raised their glasses together.

Today, the Vision Association organized a seminar. After the meeting, Chen Baoguo led a few people to form the bureau with the idea of ​​"negotiating something important". The main purpose of today's bureau.

All the people sitting here, except Ma Shaohua and Cheng Yu, are all the main actors of "Da Ming", but since "Da Ming" started broadcasting on the Beijing TV station, everyone's heart beat secretly when they watched it.

Because Xu Rong's acting is so fucking explosive.

In private, they have communicated with their peers and expressed related doubts, but every time they speak, they are always ridiculed by their better-connected peers.

"Jealousy, you are naked jealousy. Xu Rong's professional level is obvious to all. You are looking at him through colored glasses. You can't think that he must not be good at acting just because he was not famous at that time!"

Several years have passed since the filming of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", and the specific memories have almost been forgotten by everyone. They have heard similar words so many times that even they themselves feel that they are indeed looking at Xu Rong through colored glasses.

But the more so, the more difficult it is!
When the co-author was less than 20 years old, he acted better than us? !
"General Su said well, fight wherever it is easy to destroy the enemy, fight when it is easy to destroy the enemy, destroy the part of the enemy that is easy to destroy, and adopt whatever tactics are effective!"

Chen Baoguo paused, and said: "In another year's time, there will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that is, "All Quiet in Peking", which everyone has already accepted, and everyone should have already received the news that Xu Rong will play the male lead role. , everyone sitting here, some roles are more, some roles are less, but in any case, this must be a tough and bitter battle. I think you have all seen "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", and Xu Rong's performance does not need me to be too much Say, the same sentence, when the time comes, if you perform well, you will earn big face, if you do not perform well, you will lose your reputation!"

Cheng Yu didn't know whether he had drunk too much or was emotional. His face was flushed and he patted the table with a "bang". The dishes and chopsticks on the table trembled. People in places like Shenyang, Anshan, and Fushun cannot work with peace of mind!"

Xu Rong robbed him of the Feitian trophy, and embarked on the second step of reaching the grand slam!

Ma Shaohua, who didn't talk much but had a bit of an accent, responded immediately: "Do it!"

Xu Rong also snatched the Golden Eagle trophy from him, and achieved the Emperor Grand Slam in one fell swoop!

There was a loud response from the room: "Do it!"



At this time, in the meeting room of another hotel, Xu Rong who had just sat down and was about to start reading the script couldn't help but sneezed twice.

Xu Jizhou, who was sitting in front of the whiteboard, immediately asked with concern: "Mr. Xu, are you okay? Did you catch a cold? Would you like the hotel to make you a cup of Banlangen?"

Xu Rong waved his hand with a smile, and said, "It's okay, I guess it's not a cold, let's start."

Following Xu Jizhou's signal, one of the people sitting around the square table immediately said: "Come on, use all the strength you put on the mother-in-law's bed, go on."

Xu Rong frowned slightly, but quickly smoothed it off, and did not look back. After waiting for a few seconds, he shouted extremely abruptly: "There is a bomb, lie down."


At the same time as Xu Rong yelled, there were bursts of low-pitched and unexpected low cries in the room, because Xu Rong's voice was too sudden and very loud.

After everyone reacted, there was a chuckle in the room.


While laughing, Wang Lei, who played the role of the national-army captain and second male Chen Feng, immediately applauded and said, "Okay, Mr. Xu's lines are really good."

Xu Rong smiled and gave him a blank look, and said, "It's almost done."


Wang Lei is an actor in the courtyard, but Xu Rong always felt that Wang Lei's flattery was a little stiff and unnatural.

According to the routine operation, you can't tell the big guys what's the good thing about it? !

Although Xu Jizhou was also smiling, his eyes were sizing up Xu Rong, as if he had discovered a new world. He was not a professional actor, and he didn't know how Xu Rong's lines were processed, but it felt very strange to him.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it sounds very comfortable.

And this kind of comfort has never appeared in his previous works.

He is a little envious of Liu Jiang, because he knows very well that Xu Rong is about to bid farewell to the small screen. This may be the only chance to cooperate with him in his life. Liu Jiang's operation of two works reaching the top, no matter how strong his wrist is , and there is no way to force Xu Rong to cooperate with him again.

However, compared to most people, he felt that he was lucky enough. At least for now, Xu Rong's attitude towards him was quite friendly.

Thinking of this, he knocked on the table, suppressed his laughter, and said, "Do it all over again."

"Come on, use all the energy you put on the mother-in-law's kang."

As each of the actors opened their mouths, Xu Rong's mind was strangely able to produce vague judgments immediately.

"This looks like a play."

"This is probably a Chinese drama."

"It's a bit. It should be from my own school."

"This eating talent, the pheasant college may not have received professional training."

After reading the scripts of four episodes in a row, Xu Jizhou clapped his hands and said, "Very good, take a 10-minute break, let's continue later."

As soon as Xu Rong got up and was about to go to the toilet, Wang Lei immediately stood up, trotted to follow, and when he came to him, he gave a thumbs up and said, "Captain Xu, ah."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Hey, I said you can do it, I don't know, but I thought we were too bureaucratic."

"Not really."

While walking to the toilet, Wang Lei asked, "Captain Xu, I feel that your lines are pronounced a little differently, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong didn't think about it and said: "Nowadays, the vocal music training taught by our colleges and troupes generally adopts the vocal training method of Western bel canto. Do you remember that there is a program in the Spring Festival Gala called "Fire Fire" Legend has it that Liyuan is beautiful"?"

Wang Lei nodded subconsciously and said, "I have a little impression."

"There are old people in my family, they like to watch it, so I followed suit. After watching it, I really found something different, and then I made a little change to the way I read lines in the past few days. Now I’m actually just starting to explore, to see if I can find a sound method suitable for Chinese.”

The expression on Wang Lei's face froze for a moment. He thought that Xu Rong just used some skills endowed to him by his own talent, but after hearing what he meant, he only felt his scalp tingling when he touched the wire board.

too crazy!

Once Xu Rong can succeed, and by extension, he will definitely become a peak that cannot be bypassed in the Chinese performance system!
Just like the theory of "mental imagery" founded by Mr. Jiao Juyin in the courtyard, it is a course that must be studied in any major and college.

After entering the toilet, out of curiosity, Wang Lei asked while running water, "Captain Xu, can you teach me?"

Xu Rong nodded without hesitation. He knew very well that this was a huge project. From systematic vocal skills to systematic training methods, he could not complete it in a short period of time by himself, and he also needed After doing some experiments, Wang Lei's basic skills are relatively solid, and he is simply the most perfect material.

After tightening his waistband and washing his handles, Xu Rong pointed to his chin and explained: "Chinese is monosyllabic, and the vocal part is forward, so Beijing opera, cross talk, and folk art are all sent forward, and the letters are polysyllabic. The vocal part is at the back, so the bel canto is sent from the back to the front. It seems that there is not much difference, they are all sent forward, but in the actual application process, it will lead to a huge deviation. Using the bel canto training method to speak Chinese, monosyllabic Chinese characters come out after a twist in the mouth, and to a certain extent, it can be said to be 'diluted'."

Wang Lei was stunned for a while, before saying, "Captain Xu, what do you mean?"

"Specifically, when we speak lines in bel canto, the posterior pharyngeal cavity is often tight, and the lines are tight when spoken, so it is necessary to have matching relaxation, abdominal breathing, directional exercises, etc. etc., but if we use a training method suitable for the pronunciation of Chinese characters in our daily training, the requirement for relaxation will be reduced a lot, and the sound will be more pleasant and natural."

Wang Lei felt that he understood it, but he didn't understand it completely, but only from the part he understood, he could already feel how awesome the vice-captain who was younger than himself was standing in front of him.

Develop pronunciation skills and training methods suitable for Chinese characters in the performance system!
This is really going to happen, the name of a "master of acting" cannot be escaped, and Xu Rong doesn't need to work hard to promote it at all, all colleges and troupes will come to him to learn from him.

After roughly understanding what was going on, Wang Lei didn't think about it anymore, because he was very aware of his own level. He was so ambitious that he would only make a mess. Moreover, he discovered that Xu Rong was also very cautious when using it. .

"Captain Xu, I really can't learn such a sophisticated technique. If you have time, just teach me how to speak better lines through bel canto."

Xu Rong's accomplishments in lines, he has heard many seniors in the theater praise him many times, he is an actor with great talent and comprehensive skills.

Xu Rong gave him a sideways glance, and said regretfully, "It's a pity."

Wang Lei immediately smiled and said, "It's a pity that you lost a test material, right?"

A look of unnaturalness flashed across Xu Rong's face, but he was quickly suppressed by him. Turning his head, he saw that Wang Lei had stopped at some point and was two steps away from him, so he couldn't help asking: "No, you Why are you so far away from me?"

"I'm afraid that you will become angry and do something."

"I feel that you misunderstood me quite deeply." Xu Rong gave him a deep look, "I'm all unique knowledge, so I don't tell others easily."

"Then I can't learn anymore. I'll learn after you finish the training system, hehe."

Seeing that he couldn't fool Wang Lei, Xu Rong could only say regretfully, "You don't know what a great opportunity you missed!"

Back in the meeting room, I saw Ke Lan standing beside the water dispenser at the door, holding a cup of coffee alone, wishing that there were not even a fly within three feet.

Xu Rong understood the reason. Most of the actors in the group were recruited by Xu Jizhou, and although he had made the decision early on, after all, he has been in this circle for seven years, and there is no lack of familiar faces in any group. Lu Fangsheng, who played Fengwu under the mountain, Wang Lei who played Chen Feng, and Ni Dahong, who was not here today, all knew or worked together before, and they didn't see each other all day long.

As for Ke Lan, who is not from a major, but is a monk halfway through, the key is that she is not well-known at all, but she beats many competitors to win the female number one in an extremely strange way. As for her background, everyone in the crew may have some guesses.

No one came up to deal with her before she knew her temper.

He walked over and asked, "How about it, are you still used to it?"

Ke Lan smiled peacefully, showing a few teeth, and said, "Fortunately, you are really good."

Xu Rong looked at her and asked, "Do you remember the first time we called?"

Hearing Xu Rong mention this, Ke Lan couldn't help being a little embarrassed: "Well, I really didn't know it was you that day, otherwise I definitely wouldn't have hung up on you."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "I'm not talking about this, but your state at that time, or your original personality. In fact, you are the best material to shape Sai Diaochan. Don't deliberately think about how to act, and don't care about it." No matter how others see it, you will be able to perform well if you release yourself.”

That phone call was the reason why he made up his mind to recommend Ke Lan. As for the follow-up video, it was just a formality.

He felt that as long as Ke Lan could portray Sai Diaochan with the state and emotions she had on the phone call with him that day, this role would definitely be a beautiful turnaround for her to enter the film and television industry.

And no matter what, Ke Lan was recommended by him after all, if the acting really failed, he would have a hard time, let alone explain to Chen Runsheng.

Ke Lan looked at him uncertainly: "Is what you said true?"

Xu Rong immediately made a promise: "What did I lie to you for, let's put it this way, I can guarantee that if you can do what I say, you will definitely have the Golden Eagle trophy this year!"

Ke Lan's eyes widened suddenly, and she said confidently, "Thank you, I will definitely work hard."

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay."

The Golden Eagle Award and the Feitian Award are held alternately. Coincidentally, the Golden Eagle Award was held last year, and this year it is the turn of the Feitian Award.

Ke Lan couldn't win the Golden Eagle trophy this year, so it can't be blamed on him, it can only be said that he was born at the wrong time.

At this time, one of Xu Rong's alumni was sitting quietly in the corner of the room, looking helplessly at Xu Rong who was helping Ke Lan to build her heart.

He was very puzzled, why the same school, the same teacher, also study hard, why the gap is so big?

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