I'm just an actor

Chapter 267 Reading Around

Li Jian sat at the corner of the square table, looking at Xu Rong who was chatting and laughing with Ke Lan with complicated emotions.

He is six years older than Xu Rong, and has just turned 80 this year, but precisely because he is only six years older, in the evaluation of the media, he still belongs to the "80s generation" in the "[-]s generation represented by Xu Rong".

He has always paid attention to this junior who is three years younger than himself. As the youngest grand slam Shidi, the second human artist from Nortel, the first member of the human art committee, He couldn't help but pay attention to the representative figure of the actors of the 80 generation.

When he first stepped into the gate of Nortel, he, like most of his classmates, felt that he was the proud son of heaven and would definitely become a big movie star in the future.

But not long after, a female classmate in the same class who hardly saw anyone all day gave him a blow to the head. When he couldn't even get a movie appointment, she had already soared into the sky.

To say that you are not envious is to deceive yourself and others.

He has always firmly believed that hard work will bear fruit and castles in the air will collapse, and he has always believed in this in the past.

But reading the script just now made him understand why Xu Rong can become a representative of the 80s generation, but more of it is self-doubt.

In the previous scenes, both he and Xu Rong had a loud line.

He exhausted all his strength, but the sound he made was still not as powerful and condensed as Xu Rong. Xu Rong was similar to him, and he didn't stand up. He just sat so casually, and he couldn't even see it from his face. Showing no effort at all.

But he was screaming hoarsely.

He knows that Xu Rong is an actor in Renyi. For Renyi, this is the basic skill for getting started. If you can't do this, the audience sitting in the back row can't hear or even hear the actor's lines during the performance, which means He didn't even have the qualifications to pass the preliminary human arts examination.

What he wondered was why there was such a big gap in basic skills. He asked himself, during the time he was studying in school, he did not slack in the slightest, and even worked harder than most of the people in his class. This line is early, but the gap will be widened so much?

And he could imagine that what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg, and how much was hidden under the water, he had no way of guessing.

In sharp contrast, he suddenly felt a little self-doubt about the idea that his persistent efforts in the past must have results.

While doubting, he secretly rejoiced that in the 80s generation, there was only one Xu Rong. If there were more, he couldn't imagine whether he would have the chance to stand out in this life.

At a certain moment, Li Jian saw Lu Fangsheng, who was chatting happily with Xu Rong, turned his head, waved to him, got up and walked over.

He and Lu Fangsheng are both Liu Yifei's classmates.

"I'll introduce it to you."

Lu Fangsheng pointed to Xu Rong and said, "Mr. Xu, a member of the Humanities and Arts Committee, the pride of our school."

Then Lu Fangsheng turned his head and patted Li Jian's shoulder, saying, "Li Jian, I'm in the same class as me, and now I'm an acting teacher at City College."

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and lightly hammered Lu Fangsheng, and said with a smile, "Don't leave Teacher Xu, Brother Li, just call me Xu Rong."

Li Jian didn't do what Xu Rong said, but said with a light smile, "Mr. Xu, please take care of me in the future."

Xu Rong didn't insist anymore. He had encountered similar situations many times, and he knew that even if he corrected the address on the other side's lips, he couldn't correct the concept in the other side's heart. Instead, he asked, "Brother Li is still a teacher?" ?”

Li Jian waved his hand and said, "Hey, find a job to make a living."

When he listened to his classmates chatting, he mentioned that Xu Rong returned to teach after being invited by the school many times.

"Then school starts later, will it delay filming?"

Lu Fangsheng shrugged his shoulders and said: "You don't know, this guy always asks for leave when he comes out to film. Although the salary of teaching is low, it is a stable job after all. He can earn a lot of filming at a time, but like us, sometimes Maybe I won’t receive a single script for a year, and if we rush together, we’ll be stared at by the director when we’re on the set, and we’ll be annoyed by the leaders when we go back to school.”

Xu Rong understood the deep meaning of Lu Fangsheng's words, and probably hoped that he would take care of Li Jian during the filming in the future.

In fact, he wanted to persuade him to resign from his job at the school. If the school leaders did not support him, his energy would be scattered, so he might as well go all out.

But considering that they met for the first time today, they didn't say anything.

Li Jiandao: "Mr. Xu, I would like to ask you a question, that is, do you have any special skills in your lines?"


"It just feels that the breath is very stable."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "That's not true."

Seeing the puzzled look on Li Jian's face, Xu Rong didn't explain immediately, but asked, "Have you ever felt despair?"

Lu Fangsheng asked suspiciously: "Despair?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "It's the kind of despair that one day, when you make up your mind to do this job for the rest of your life, someone will be better than you."

Li Jian shook his head lightly and said, "No."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I have felt it. It has been five years since I said it. Even now, every time I think of the situation at that time, my whole body will be full of energy. And then again, I have other skills, breath There is no shortcut to this thing, it can only be practiced day after day, and desperation is the driving force for this persistence."

"Clap clap clap."

Xu Jizhou clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, everyone, assemble."

"Let's talk later."

"Okay, I'm not busy, I'll invite you to drink."

While the people outside the meeting room were walking in, Xu Jizhou whispered: "Mr. Xu, I feel that everyone hasn't finished the New Year yet, and their hearts haven't recovered yet. Say something to boost morale?"

Xu Rong understood what he meant, from the first actor read the first word, he was aware of this problem, most people's input is not high.

But it's also helpless. Xu Ji Zhou dragged people from all over the country on the fourth day of the new year, which meant that many people had to set off for the capital on the second day of the second year of the new year, and it would be hell if they could focus on the play.

"It's better for you to come, Director Xu."

Xu Jizhou smiled and said: "I said it was not as good as you said. You are the producer, and you can also represent Luo's producer."

When everyone sat down, Xu Jizhou didn't signal to start immediately, but said: "Our producer didn't come today, so, please ask our producer, Mr. Xu Rongxu, to speak a few words on his behalf."

Following Xu Jizhou's voice, most people in the conference room looked at Xu Rong in surprise, because only a few of them knew that Xu Rong was not only a starring role, but also a producer.

Xu Rong smiled, but he was thinking about what to say in his heart. After about ten seconds, he coughed twice, and said, "That's right, Producer Luo originally planned to come here today, but he didn't buy anything." The plane ticket back to Beijing was delayed, so he asked me to pass it on to wish everyone a good old year, and also prepared a red envelope for those who came today, of course, those who didn’t come, like Ni Dahong, will be gone.”

Xu Jizhou was dumbfounded immediately, he never thought that Xu Rong would talk about giving out red envelopes, so he quickly waved to his assistant and asked him to prepare the red envelopes quickly.

"Wow wow wow."

Xu Rong saw that the atmosphere was getting a little bit better, he pressed his palms down, calmed down the applause, and then started to get into the topic, saying: "Everyone, we have read the script of four episodes just now, and I have seen all the hard work you put in in the early stage, but I want to ask you a question, do you think "Number" will be popular?"

Immediately, a response came to mind in the conference room: "Yes."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I think so too. To be bragging, many of the actors I have worked with didn't get any dramas at all before the cooperation, but after that, the scripts are so dazzling."

Seeing that some people's eyes began to flicker, he changed his tone: "Of course, there are also some colleagues who have worked with me, and there are not many scenes, but even if the drama is a mess, people are still lukewarm. Everyone wants to know Is there a reason?"

Although no one answered his words, he already knew the answer from the expectant eyes, and continued: "I think it's devotion, I know that many people in our industry regard filming as an ordinary job. Taking money is a matter of course, but I don’t know if you have thought about it. Some people can only get tens of thousands of dollars for a hundred scenes, while others can get millions or even tens of millions of dollars. Acting, why not choose to earn more?"

"Some people say, even if I invest, I may not be able to earn so much? I can't guarantee that anyone will be popular after the broadcast, but I can guarantee one thing. If you don't invest, you will definitely not be popular, and you will definitely not Earn millions, tens of millions of paychecks!"

"Everyone should also know that in our play, there is actually no main role. Many people have a lot of roles. Although some roles are not many, the characters are three-dimensional. As long as you put in, I believe it will be difficult for you not to be outstanding. Everyone , The year has passed, and we have squeezed out the time to read the script, so I still hope that in the next few months, you can put all your thoughts on the play, and when the play is broadcast, you will become a big name , earn a lot of money."

As soon as Xu Rong's words fell, Wang Lei and Xu Jizhou immediately raised their palms and made a "slap" sound in mid-air: "Okay."

"Wow wow wow."

"Okay, let's get started."

Xu Rong neither talked about professional ethics nor ideals, but only talked about more practical things, fame and fortune.

Because he knows very well that for the vast majority of actors on the fringes of the film and television industry, professional ethics and ideals are too extravagant, and only fame and fortune are the most realistic.

And as it started again, he clearly felt that many people's emotions were up. Although there was still a certain distance from the character, at least from the voice, he could already feel that he was putting in effort.

At this time, a sentence he read last year suddenly appeared in his mind, half of those who are greedy and profitable.

"What's the matter? It's been ten days. I haven't touched any food, and I haven't even poured saliva into it. I just hang on my breath and don't move."

Sun Yang, who played Shulan Men, finished his sentence in the third episode of No.20. Xu Rong didn't answer, but frowned and looked at Xu Jizhou.

The plot of this scene is that after the death of his wife Sai Diaochan, Li Daben fell into a coma due to injuries and did not drink a drop of water for ten days.

Xu Rong picked his chin at Sun Yang and asked, "Director, is it a bit exaggerated not to eat or drink for ten days?"

Xu Jizhou hesitated for a moment, and said: "Theoretically, if a person's physical fitness is relatively good and nutrition is relatively balanced, it is possible to survive for ten days without eating or drinking."

While talking, he laughed to himself and said, "This doesn't affect the plot, so let's change it to seven days."

Then he turned his head and said to the long-haired Sun Yang, "Let's do it all over again."

"What's wrong with this? It's been seven days. I haven't touched any food, and I haven't even poured saliva into it. I just hang on my breath and don't move."

After Sun Yang's words fell, Xu Rong immediately picked up, lowered his head, and read out the narration briskly: "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, let's live as a couple in the future. I'll listen to you. What about you, give us a baby." Wo Zaizi, I have already thought of names, called Li Bang, Li Yuanzhang, Li Da Nengnai, daughter-in-law, don’t hide, I’ve already seen you.”

"Don't open your eyes, open your eyes, I'm leaving, you are Diao Chan's man, the invincible Lu Bu, tell the world that you are a hero"

While reading the script, Ke Lan inadvertently raised her eyelids, and subconsciously lowered her voice, because Xu Rong who was sitting opposite was looking at her with a smile.

Only the corners of his eyes were moist.

Sitting behind Ke Lan, a small girl from the director team hurriedly took out a pack of papers from her bag, pulled out a sheet, leaned forward, and handed it to Xu Rong: "Mr. Xu, the paper."

Xu Rong took it, but didn't wipe it, and said with a smile: "Continue."

He was just playing for Ke Lan who couldn't let go.

But her and other people's reactions were substandard. When reading the script of "Da Ming" in the past, while reading, someone would stand up suddenly and walk to the specially reserved space in front, and the actor who played with him would also Will not hesitate to get up and walk over to play.

This is the real script reading, not a group of people sitting around a round table and reading the script several times.

That's perfunctory, and reading it is worse than not reading it, because once a fixed impression is formed, when it comes to real shooting, you will subconsciously follow the way of reading the script.

Ke Lan stared blankly at Xu Rong with sparkling eyes. She was a little confused. Now she is just reading the script, not real shooting. Is this necessary?
And he found that Xu Rong's feelings came too naturally, as if there was no need for brewing?
In the conference room, Ke Lan was not the only one who had similar thoughts.

It wasn't until the next day that Ni Dahong officially entered the group.

Before starting to read the script of the tenth episode, Ni Dahong put the script on the table without saying a word, and after giving Xu Rong a look, he turned his head and walked out of the conference room under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Seeing Ni Dahong's battle, Xu Rong understood his plan.

He also put down the script, got up, walked to the end of the meeting room, and sat on the ground.

And Wang Lei, who also guessed the meaning of Ni Dahong's actions, also stood up immediately, walked to Xu Rong's side, pushed the whiteboard to one side, and sat next to Xu Rong.

Xu Rong beckoned to Li Jian, pointed to his other side, and said, "Sun Chenghai, come here."

"Oh." Li Jian was stunned, and after a while the stool creaked and ran over.

Xu Rong looked at Ni Dahong who was standing at the door smiling at him, and also smiled back.

Five years after the last cooperation, Ni Dahong took the lead in asking the question.

They don't have any props in their hands, and the difficulty is equivalent to directly raising a level.

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