I'm just an actor

Chapter 268 No word

Compared with his two old classmates, He Zhengjun and Zhang Weibei, who Xu Rong often drank and chatted with, Ni Dahong's innate "materials" are not outstanding.

Because he is really a little anxious.

Xu Rong heard from his roommate He Zhengjun more than once that when he was in Chinese opera, whenever it was rehearsal, Ni Dahong's role was "father" at the beginning, and "grandpa" was a common meal for parents.

Compared with most actors, Ni Dahong's starting point is ridiculously high.

The first film and television work is "The Garland Under the Mountain" starring Tang Yiqiang.

A movie that was selected into the teaching materials of various colleges and universities to teach how to shape tough guys on multiple levels.

Of course, the character analyzed in the textbook is not Tang Yiqiang, a creamy boy, but the "Lei Junchang" who has not many roles, a character created by Mr. Tong Chao, the deputy director of the former Arts and Arts Committee.

However, his road to fame in film and television was not as smooth as that of Tang Yuqiang. He had been struggling in the film and television industry for decades. It was not until last year that he played the role of Sima Yi in the mixed "New Three Kingdoms" before he shined brilliantly. The popularity of 1566 is well known to the audience.

Xu Rong has worked with him before, and knows the depth of this guy, so naturally he will not despise him in the slightest because he became famous late.

He turned his head, muttered a few words to Li Jian and Wang Lei who were on the left and right, and then nodded slightly to Ni Dahong who was at the door.

Ni Dahong looked relaxed, but in his heart, he was extremely nervous. He came today with a "mission".

At yesterday's banquet, after discussion, everyone put forward the strategic policy of knowing yourself and the enemy, and winning a hundred battles.

Of course, there is only one purpose, and it is necessary to suppress Xu Rong, a young man with great momentum in recent years, in all directions!
In the field of TV dramas and dramas in the past, the annual battle between Shidi and Plum Blossoms was often the private land of their veteran gangsters, but Xu Rong, a "newcomer", just broke out and achieved the Shidi Grand Prix in one fell swoop. slam.

This is very dangerous.

According to the tradition of Renyi, Xu Rongxing may not be able to play a role younger than him, but in terms of shaping the "old", Renyi has always accumulated rich experience and skills.

What the hell is bound to snatch food from the tiger's mouth!

And Ni Dahong understands a little better. In "Number", he plays the role of Cui Xiaozhun, the president of the Vigilante Association, in a small number of scenes. It is undoubtedly difficult to make a splash.

As for how big it is, it depends on the performance of his opponent actors.

As soon as you appear on the stage, you must give the audience a very deep impression.

"let's start."

Wang Lei sat on the spot with a golden knife, raised his eyelids, raised his hand high, looked up obliquely in a helpless tone, and said: "If it is a Chinese, put the gun down, and the Chinese will not hit the Chinese."

Gao Han, the executive director with a bald head and a round face and a mustache under his chin, immediately said: "You have yellow skin, how dare you call yourself Chinese?"

"Wrong." Ni Dahong reminded, "There is a modal particle missing."

Gao Han looked at Ni Dahong suspiciously: "What does Teacher Ni mean?"

Ni Dahong said sullenly: "Your mother has yellow skin, how dare you call yourself Chinese?!"

Gao Han glanced at Xu Jizhou: "Isn't it, not very elegant?"

Ni Dahong immediately asked back: "You are a gangster, and Wenya has something to do with you? Then Wenya is Wenya, but the smell it should have is gone. Three thieves sneaked into your house, and you still talk about Wenya? "

Xu Jizhou nodded lightly, and took a note to write down what Ni Dahong said. He is a screenwriter, but his knowledge is limited, which is why he invited Ni Dahong. For a specific role, this kind of experienced old actor , always has its deeper understanding.

Gao Han saw that Xu Jizhou was smiling but said nothing, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

"If it's the Chinese, put the guns down. The Chinese don't hit the Chinese."

"Your mother has yellow skin, how dare you call yourself Chinese?"

Xu Rong raised his hands in front of his chest, tilted his head, raised his gaze, and shouted: "What's the matter, sir, I'll pull the string, let's listen!"

He is very clear that Ni Dahong's strengths lie in his strong expressiveness of lines and rich use of eyes, probably because "material" has always been criticized in the past. In contrast, Ni Dahong has never changed much about facial expressions.

Therefore, when he was speaking, his pitch fluctuated all the way up. Through the combination of logical pause and psychological pause, he used compound changes of head high and sole, head fast and foot slow, head strong and foot weak, to present this line.

In the plot, he was being attacked by a row of guns at this time, and he was actually panicked in his heart, and the overall voice raised all the way, in addition to covering up this "guilt", it also indirectly let the audience understand his true thoughts.

Choose Ni Dahong's strengths, just face it!


Ni Dahong's slightly hoarse voice came immediately.

Following his voice, the three of Xu Rong immediately turned their heads "stressed" and looked at the door.

Ni Dahong's eyelids were lowered, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, he was bent over, his right hand was in front of his waist, as if he was holding two walnuts, his left hand was behind his waist, and he walked over with a figure of eight steps: "touch It's time for the bachelor, and the ancestor of the bachelor is in this courtyard!"

His voice was very flat, and he only put the accent on "ancestor", because as a gang leader who is used to seeing the big world, even though two of the three people in front of him were holding guns and one was holding a grenade, they could not affect his mood at all. mood.

When Ni Dahong walked over, the reactions of Xu Rong, Wang Lei and Li Jian were also different.

Xu Rong knew that starting from Ni Dahong's sentence of "yo ha" that was not in the script, he had already asked another question.

In the process of film and television shooting, when the camera gives a close-up to an actor, the opponent actor does not need too strong feedback, because no matter how many movements and expressions are made, the camera will not give it.

But in a drama performance, every actor on stage is within the audience's field of vision, which means that even actors without lines must always act according to their character and role positioning when they are on the stage. Take action instead of standing there like a wooden stake waiting for the next word.

When Ni Dahong walked slowly from the door, Li Jian's eyes never left Ni Dahong, and he turned his head as he moved.

Wang Lei immediately turned the gun made of his thumb and forefinger and pointed it at Ni Dahong.
And after Xu Rong took a look, he raised his hands in front of his chest a little higher, but after this action, his eyes turned back, his head followed and poked forward a few centimeters, his eyes narrowed slightly Pointed, slightly parted lips, revealing slightly clenched teeth.

In the prescribed situation, once he makes the gesture of holding the grenade high, Cui Xiaozhuan's gangsters will inevitably react normally, such as pushing the muzzle of the gun forward.

At this time, he must give a stronger response to show "fearlessness" without knowing the current situation.

In the performance, this is called real listening, real seeing, and real feeling.

Acting is not about uttering lines, but living in that real situation. In real life, once a person takes action, the people related to him will inevitably give him reasonable feedback.

At the same time, this is also the core of "rhythm". Only by giving reasonable feedback to every movement, language, and action of the co-actors can the other party act in accordance with their character.

Just like a child who is just learning to walk falls and cries, the reasonable behavior of the parents is to comfort them, and the child will inevitably cry louder as the parents comfort them.

The child's behavior conforms to his behavioral logic, and the adult's behavior must also conform to his behavioral logic. What Xu Rong did was to do something similar to "comfort" on the premise that he knew that the child would cry louder. To induce the child to cry louder.

Wang Lei frowned and looked at Ni Dahong who was slowly approaching. He felt that the other party was a little different from the Ni Dahong he had imagined in the past. Ni Dahong was an actor in Mandarin, similar to most of his peers, good at lines and body, but today , he unexpectedly discovered that Ni Dahong had started to mobilize his micro-expressions.

When Ni Dahong came in front of the three of them, he kept his head still and his eyes scanned back and forth on the three of them.

Raising one hand, Wang Lei lowered his voice and said, "We are here to fight devils in Hengshui. For the sake of fellow villagers, can it be convenient?"

Ni Dahong raised his chin and said, "Men, are you from Peking?"


After the rehearsal of a scene, Gao Han hurriedly recorded the movements of the actors in the scene, so that the group performances and shots could be arranged reasonably during the real shooting.

Xu Jizhou patted his arm, shook his head and said, "Don't remember, it's useless."

Gao Han asked suspiciously: "Why?"

Xu Jizhou helped the black-rimmed eyes on Guozi's face, and said: "When it's time for the actual filming, when the group performers come on stage, they will definitely not act according to the rehearsal just now."

At the same time, there was a clap of applause in the conference room.

"Fuck, I understand now that people are expensive for a reason. Those eyes look really scary."

"I feel that the two of them have completely different styles of lines, which are more exciting."


After the first round, Xu Rong got up, stretched out his hand to pull up Wang Lei and Li Jian who were beside him, turned his head and smiled at Ni Dahong with a deep smile: "Teacher Ni, you are not weak?"

He also realized the problem that Wang Lei discovered.

In the scene just now, Li Jian was completely blown away. He ignored the test points that had existed in this scene from the very beginning.


Ni Dahong held the lion's head in his hands, and the three of them also had empty hands, but Li Jian didn't interact with his props to let them exert their meaning of existence.

Ni Dahong smiled lightly and said, "It's okay."

Xu Rong was happy, and didn't go to expose his old background, and he also knew that Ni Dahong's performance today can only be said to be "just enough", because he knows these guys too well, and no one knows how he will act until the real shot. Unexpected.

When it was time to eat at noon, Xu Rong walked behind Ni Dahong with the plate in his hand, and was about to sit opposite him when he saw Ni Dahong lowering his head and holding his mobile phone, as if he was chatting.

Without saying a word, he lowered his footsteps, walked lightly behind him, and poked his head over.

Ni Dahong was indeed chatting, and it was in a group called "Squad Fighting Xu".

In the chat window, there was already a message from Ni Dahong: Guys, this kid is a bit tough, and he always spells out his lines with me, so prepare well, if he fails, he will capsize.

Underneath Ni Dahong's message, there are replies from several other people:
Chen Baoguo: What's going on?
Wang Qingxiang: Is there a video?

Wang Jinsong: Send it here to have a look.

Ni Dahong lowered his head and thought for a while, then typed slowly and unskillfully: deep experience, comprehensive expression.

After thinking for a few seconds, I sent the message.

Xu Rong straightened up and coughed twice: "Ahem."

Hearing the voice from behind, Ni Dahong hurriedly put away his mobile phone and put it in his pocket. At the same time, he picked up the chopsticks, turned his head to look at him, saw that his dinner plate was full, and asked, "Can you finish eating?" ?”

"I usually don't eat much, and when it's filming, I feel very tired, and my appetite also increases." Xu Rong sat opposite him and said with a smile, "Mr. Ni, your scenes are getting better and better."

Ni Dahong picked up a chopstick of green vegetables, stuffed them into his mouth, and said vaguely: "What? How about we collaborate in a drama some other day?"

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "You can pull it down, I'm still carrying two sets, I can't do it any more, and I don't have the time."

Ni Dahong shook his head regretfully. After a while, he seemed to think of something and asked, "Hey, I heard that you are going to teach in the Chinese Opera. What are you teaching?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly: "I haven't figured it out yet, maybe I will teach the lines."

"Okay, I thought you were going to do administration."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him: "Your words are a bit contemptuous. I am in administration, so how embarrassing is that for the performance teacher of the Chinese Opera."


After the fun was over, Ni Dahong said with emotion: "There are not many graduates from Nortel who can go to the Central Academy of Drama to teach performances. Wang Zhiwen is one of them, and now you are added."

"But don't be afraid. With "Thunderstorm" in your hand, no one can say that you can't teach it."

Xu Rong understood what he meant. Some old people chatted with colleagues, and the general way of greeting was: "What works do you have?"

Just like Song Dandan in the courtyard, regardless of actors and singers, before chatting, he almost definitely opened his opening line: "Hey, what works do you have?"

Because in her inherent concept, since she is an actor, she must have the qualifications to be called an "actor", and since she is a singer, she must have a reason for being called a "singer".

This sentence, in her opinion, is flattery.

But now, for most celebrities and entertainers, Song Dandan's behavior is roughly equivalent to whipping people with a big ear as soon as they meet.

Because many people's so-called stars and entertainers, their works are too "niche", and there are no well-known works at all.

And if he went to work as a teacher in Chinese opera, Xu Rong would not take it seriously when he mentioned the film and television works he had acted in.

Because the full name of Zhongxi has "drama" instead of "movie".

A person who has never acted in a drama goes to become a teacher of Chinese opera, even if he doesn't say it to his face, he will still laugh at him behind his back.

For this question, he is not afraid at all.

"Thunderstorm" was staged 36 times a year, even if Jiao Min was in person, he couldn't say a word about him.

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