I'm just an actor

Chapter 269 Pineapple

After sixteen days of reading the script, "The Number That Never Dies" officially started.

At the Huairou film and television base, Xu Rong held a glass soaked with wolfberries and red dates, waiting for the "auspicious time" of the worship ceremony.

"Teacher Xu, you came early?!"

Hearing the familiar greeting voice, Xu Rong turned his head and saw Luo Liping coming slowly in a tight black down jacket, and said, "I thought you forgot about starting the machine today."

Since the end of the Chinese New Year, Luo Liping seemed to have completely disappeared. Not only did he not show up at the launch conference, he even didn't show his face during the half-month reading.

Luo Liping laughed, and said: "You don't know, I've been too busy during this time, and I haven't had a good time in years, and the head is not the head and the feet are not the same. No, it's today's opening ceremony, so I should squeeze it out empty space."

Seeing that his expression was tired, Xu Rong didn't seem to be pretending, and asked, "What are you busy with?"

Luo Liping smiled and said, "You may not believe it, but you are negotiating the price of "Designation" with CCTV."

"CCTV?" Xu Rong looked at Luo Liping very strangely, "Sell them, and earn money?"

Luo Liping lit a cigarette on his own, knowing that Xu Rong didn't smoke, so he didn't let it go, and said, "Hey, that's why we want to talk about it. Since the news that you were going to play a role came out years ago, Beijing, Mango and Nanfang TV have all started to talk about it. Contact me, and when it’s the fourth day of the lunar new year, a press conference is held to confirm your role, okay, they’ve all come to you in a swarm.”

Xu Rong has no doubts about this. The "troika" composed of Luo Liping, Liu Jiang and him has been hailed by the market as the cornerstone of explosive models. Although Liu Jiang is now the producer, but the name is there after all, no one can do it. I don't believe that Liu Jiang will help Xu Jizhou.

It also means that "Number" is likely to become a hit again.

With smoke coming out of both nostrils, Luo Liping said with a smile, "Do you know what price Beijing TV sets for the exclusive broadcast?"

"How much?"

Luo Liping stretched out three fingers, and said slowly: "Three hundred!"

"Damn it." Surprised, Xu Rong couldn't help swearing. The script of "Number" was written for 34 episodes. At the price of Beijing, the solo broadcast alone can sell for more than [-] million.

If you count the audiovisual and online channels that have emerged in recent years, Hualu, as an investor, has already made crazy profits before a single scene of "Number" has been filmed.

"Haha, it's unbelievable. Let me tell you, when I heard the offer, I almost agreed to it." Luo Liping smiled happily, moved closer, and said in a low voice, "Hey, tell me, can this play be possible?" Make it into fifty episodes or sixty episodes?"

Xu Rong shook his head without even thinking about it. Fifty episodes of the drama have the story and quality of fifty episodes. If it can't be filmed for such a long time, it will only arouse the resentment of the audience.

In his opinion, "Number" can even be compressed into 32 episodes or even [-] episodes, and some scenes are too pursuing "group portraits".

He sipped his saliva, twisted the lid of the cup, and said: "Farewell, you look at the previous dramas with more than fifty episodes, or mother dramas, like the old lady's foot wrap, smelly and long , or the coexistence of thickness and quality, the script requires that there must be so many episodes in order to finish the story."

"Furthermore, this thing is just like you selling things. People come to buy things based on your past reputation. Well, this time you inject water into the pork. Next time, people will not come."

Luo Liping nodded his head twice, and said, "That's all I said. By the way, I forgot to ask you last time. That Ke Lan's background is a bit complicated?"

Xu Rong stared at him blankly, and asked back: "She has a special background? I really don't know, I just think she is more suitable for the role of Sai Diaochan, so I recommended her to Director Xu."

Luo Liping clicked his lips and said, "You think I can believe it?"

"According to your opinion, both Song Jia and Yuan Wei must have backgrounds?"

Luo Liping was stopped by his question, Xu Rong did have the habit of recommending actresses.

It's just different from his consistent life, he rarely takes the initiative to cooperate with an actress for the second time, especially playing the role of his wife or lover.

Since he entered the industry, no actress has enjoyed this honor, otherwise it would not have led to the famous scene of the last Golden Eagle Award being divided by his "wife".

Judging from the later broadcast effects, whether it was Song Jia or Yuan Wei recommended by him, they all played an extremely important role in the play.

For a while, he was also a little uncertain.

After greeting everyone in the crew, Luo Liping looked around the set and asked, "Where's Lao Liu?"

Xu Rongdao: "Old Liu has something to do today, come here later."

"Oh." Luo Liping nodded thoughtfully, "Did you chat with him?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, and said: "It can't be counted. He means to see the situation. If Director Xu's filming is not good, he will officially take office tomorrow. If he can, he will not come here in the future."

Luo Liping let out a "huh" and understood Liu Jiang's plan.

If Xu Jizhou can fully tell the story he wrote through the camera, then Liu Jiang will be his producer with peace of mind.

If you can't even tell the story clearly, tomorrow morning, the producer will officially pick up the walkie-talkie and sit behind the monitor to take charge of the filming.

After the opening ceremony, even though it was the first day of filming, the crew immediately cranked up their horsepower, and when it was time to get off work, they filmed six scenes in one day.

"Number" is a gift film, which must be released this year. It took [-] days to organize the cast and crew to read the script. The time left for the crew is quite tight. This is also one of Liu Jiang's concerns.

He is a director who works slowly and meticulously. For each scene, he always shoots two or three scenes more or less, allowing the actors to play independently within a certain framework, and choose the one he thinks is most suitable for use.

This kind of shooting against time has a serious conflict with his shooting style itself.

In the evening, Luo Liping, Xu Rong, Xu Jizhou, and Liu Jiang sat in front of the computer and watched the rough cut results of today's shooting.

After a scene was played, the editorial assistant with short hair looked at them nervously, and asked, "Would you like to play it again?"

The editing assistant is a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, and she has never seen this kind of battle. The producer, director and two supervisors, the four of them have not seen a smile on their faces since they entered the room. Like her job.

Luo Liping didn't make an immediate comment, but looked at Xu Rong and Liu Jiang. Whether the story was told well or not, they were the two who had the most say.

Liu Jiang also turned his gaze to Xu Rong, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu is the producer. Whether the filming is in line with the script, Mr. Xu, you are the one who has the most say."

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said, "I think it's quite interesting, what do you think, Old Liu?"

Liu Jiang smiled as expected, and said, "I think so too. The filming effect is more exciting than the script."

Luo Liping looked at Xu Rong and Liu Jiang as if they had reached a tacit agreement, and said, "Then, let's do it like this."

Then, he turned his head again, smiled and said to Xu Jizhou: "Director Xu, you also understand the situation. "Number" is a gift film. The time is tight and the task is heavy. Next, I will work hard for you. It must be finished in two months. Otherwise, I’m afraid it won’t be released in time for the year.”

Xu Jizhou nodded seriously, and said: "I am sure, if there is anything inappropriate, please correct me."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

"Okay, I heard from Xu Rong that you still have to read the script, so we won't waste your time, let's go back first."

After leaving the hotel gate, Luo Liping looked at Liu Jiang in surprise, and asked, "Did you just tell the truth or a lie?"

Liu Jiang shook his head with a smile, and said, "I shot seven scenes today, and I watched five of them. Xu Jizhou is indeed better at making war films than I am."

"I always feel that you and Xu Rong are hiding something from me?" Luo Liping looked at him suspiciously and asked uncertainly, because he felt that Liu Jiang was not surprised by Xu Rong's statement.

Liu Jiang chuckled, but didn't answer his question, and said, "I recently received a book, which is also a war movie, should I vote for it?"

"Vote, why didn't you vote? Luo Liping was afraid that Liu Jiang's heart would be chilled, so he patted his chest and said, "You tell me who you want to use, I'll find someone. "

Liu Jiang pointed to the hotel behind him and said, "Xu Rong, can you come here for me?"

Luo Liping laughed twice: "Hehe."

Xu Jizhou is a person who is in good spirits on happy occasions. When we met the next day, Xu Rong saw that he was much more energetic than before.

"Mr. Xu, someone is visiting the class."

Xu Rong looked suspiciously at the field manager who was shouting. It's so early in the morning, isn't it too dedicated to visit the crew?
Turning his gaze, he saw a few people walking towards the set, and he was even more puzzled, because this combination was so strange.

A total of five people came, with Zhao Baogang at the head, followed by Li Weijie and Ma Su, who had worked with him on the left and right, and the middle-aged man was wearing a hat and looked a little unfamiliar.

"Yo, Brother Zhao, you are a rare visitor."

Zhao Baogang looked at his attire cheerfully, and said, "What a rare guest, my team is next door, and I'm still waiting for you to come and play a guest role."

Xu Rong understood what was going on, it should be that Zhao Baogang's new play had started, and the guest appearance was something he had promised before, as a favor for Xu Xingjin's group.

The plan to praise Xu Xing has officially been put on the agenda, and Zhao Baogang's play does not require any professional level, it just looks good, it is simply tailor-made for artists like Xu Xing.

It was the first to start yesterday, not only the crew of "Number Number", but "Youth in the Capital" directed by Zhao Baogang also started simultaneously in Beijing.

After all, the whole of China reads the same almanac, and they all pick the same date.

It's just that unlike "Number", Zhao Baogang's play is not in a hurry to be released, nor is it that urgent.

Looking at the busy and bustling studio, Zhao Baogang asked, "I heard that you guys were filming all day yesterday, are you in a hurry?"

"Gift card."

Zhao Baogang understood: "Oh, I said so."

Xu Rong greeted Li Mingjie and Ma Su, and asked, "Would you like to sit inside?"

Zhao Baogang waved his hand and said: "I won't sit down anymore, just come over and have a look, and leave after a while, hey, there are hundreds of actors in your group, and the total investment is quite a lot?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I guess there will always be 8000 to [-] million." Xu Rong laughed.

"Haha, just brag, 8000 million, with your cast, 4000 million is the sky."

Zhao Baogang glanced at it, and Xu Rong was the only familiar face in the entire crew, which meant that his salary alone accounted for about 80.00% of the film budget, and war movies usually have about 8000 episodes, that is, The investor really gave [-] to [-] million, and they couldn't spend it all.

Looking at Xu Rong who was chatting and laughing with Zhao Baogang, Li Huanjie who was standing beside him always had a feeling of unreality. At this time, he could hardly see from Xu Rong the half-grown child who packed his luggage in a nylon bag seven years ago The shadow of his shadow, the feeling he gave, and the content of the conversation were also quite different.

He still remembers that Xu Rong at that time was still a little dull, like a snail, carefully understanding the world with its tentacles, even a relatively expensive set of cosmetics could make him dumbfounded in surprise.

Now, his self-confidence is visible to the naked eye, and his salary is rumored to be the most expensive in the entire TV drama industry.

Seeing that the crew was almost ready, Xu Rong said to the three of them: "Brother Zhao, Brother Li, and Ma Su, I'll go get busy first, and we'll talk later when I'm free."

"it is good."

When Xu Rong left, Ma Su looked at the dazed Li Mingjie and asked, "Did you know Teacher Xu before?"

Li Haojie laughed with emotion: "When filming seven years ago, the two of us lived in the same room."

"At that time, he wasn't on fire, right?"

"Not only that, he has never filmed before." Li Weijie seemed to remember something, "At that time, he was probably afraid that the director would disturb him, so he recited his lyrics when he took a shower at night."

Zhao Baogang hugged his arms and said: "How else can I say that he can be popular, right?!"

Before the official start of filming, the lighting teacher of the crew went crazy: "Where is Mi Pineapple, who has seen Mi Pineapple?"

Xu Rong, who was listening to executive director Gao Han's lecture, turned his head and looked at several lighting teachers who were circling around the set.

The rice pineapple is actually a foam board, which is used for filling light.

"Did it not be taken off in the car?"

"Hurry up and look for it."

Gao Han walked over and asked, "What's going on?"

The tall lighting team leader pinched his waist with one hand, scratched his head with the other, and said, "The rice pineapple is gone."

The field manager who ran to the car to watch quickly returned: "There is no one in the car."

"Did you forget it in the hotel?"

"Impossible, I saw it when I unloaded the things just now."

Gao Han stared blankly at a group of lighting crews who spoke fluent Yu province dialect, and asked: "Then you can't fly, right?"

At this time, a field manager in his early twenties said in a low voice: "I seem to have seen someone carrying it away just now. I thought he was from our team, so I didn't stop him."

Gao Han and the lighting team leader immediately turned their heads and asked, "What does it look like?"

The waiter shrank his neck subconsciously: "The tall one wears a hat."

"Is someone new to the set?"

"Someone visited Teacher Xu just now."

"What the hell? Zhao Baogang?" Gao Han was stunned. Others didn't know Zhao Baogang, but he did.

But with such a big wrist as Zhao Baogang, rice pineapple worth tens of dollars is also suitable?

He looked at the young field manager again and asked, "Are you sure?"

"No, not sure."

Xu Rong came over and said, "I think Zhao Baogang must not be able to do such a thing, and it's not worth a lot of money."

As he spoke, he shouted at Wang Lei and Li Jian, who had become acquainted with each other during the reading round, as well as Jiang Han who played Sweet Potato, Binzi who played Chen Dashan, and others: "The two fellows from the lighting team, come, come with me, Let's go next door and get a piece!"

Gao Han hurriedly stopped him and said, "Mr. Xu, didn't you say Director Zhao couldn't do this?"

Xu Rong grinned and said with a smile: "Does it have something to do with him? Just borrow it and use it, and return it to them after the filming of this scene."

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