Holding the walkie-talkie, Gao Han stood on the sidelines of the set, silently watching the backs of the crew following Xu Rong, laughing and leaving.

But he couldn't stop him, not to mention that he couldn't shoot normally because of the loss of the rice pineapple. Even if there was no such thing, he knew exactly who in the group had something to say and who didn't.

Xu Jizhou was sitting behind the monitor and changing the script. When he looked up, he saw Xu Rong leading a group of people to the outside of the studio. He hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie in front of him and asked, "Gao Han, what's going on, Xu Rong?" Why did the teacher lead a group of people there?"

Holding the walkie-talkie, Gao Han said, "Our rice pineapple is missing. Mr. Xu said that he would go to Director Zhao Baogang next door to have a look."

"We can't find our things, why go to other people's houses to see?"

"A field manager said that a face wearing a hat was taken away just now, so some people guessed that it was from Zhao Baogang." Sure.

When Xu Jizhou heard Gao Han's remarks, he was speechless for a long time.


"No, you haven't woken up yet, have you?" Xu Jizhou threw down the walkie-talkie and rushed over, "Oh, Zhao Baogang was crazy early in the morning, so we just got a piece of foam board? Are you What do you think?"

Intellectually, Gao Han also felt that it was impossible, and the base was not in the wilderness, so it wouldn't take long to go to the city to buy one.

Xu Jizhou pointed to the hundreds of group performers on the set, and said: "There are so many people here, many of them are newcomers who have just finished the Chinese New Year, and no one can guarantee that they will be taken away as a butt mat. You hurry up and chase Teacher Xu back. Don’t be misunderstood because of tens of dollars.”

Gao Han answered "Okay" at first, but just after taking two steps, he remembered Xu Rong's words just now, turned his head, and said, "Director, Teacher Xu said before he left, did they take him for granted? The important thing is, he just went to borrow a piece and come back to use it.”

"If someone can lend it to you, even if you don't need it right now, maybe it will come in handy in the next scene."

Xu Jizhou's voice gradually fell, he pondered for a few seconds, and asked back: "You mean, he means, borrow, one piece?"

He focused on the word "borrow" and added a questioning tone.

Gao Han laughed dryly, and said ambiguously: "From what I heard from his voice, that's probably what he meant."

Xu Jizhou looked at the group of people in his family who had turned a corner and disappeared completely, and asked, "I just saw the seven or eight people who were with Mr. Xu, who are they?"

"It's quite a lot. Basically, all the main actors have gone. By the way, I also brought two lighting teachers." Gao Han said, pointing to the direction where Xu Rong left, "Director, then, I will hurry to catch up with you." come back?"

Xu Jizhou thought about it for a while, and suddenly became happy, and said: "Don't go, you should tell Lao Liu of the props team immediately, and ask him to send someone to drive to buy one back. If Teacher Xu and the others borrow it later, they will give it to you." The crew next door sent it over, if we don’t borrow it, we can use it ourselves.”

Gao Han didn't understand, how did Xu Jizhou change his mind completely in the blink of an eye, and couldn't help asking: "Director?"

Xu Jizhou waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xu is trying to find atmosphere for other actors. If you imagine the current situation, doesn't it look like Li Daben who takes people to steal ghosts every time?"

After being reminded by Xu Jizhou, Gao Han pondered something, and said, "According to your opinion, Mr. Xu took Zhao Baogang as a devil and led a group of people to experience life?"

"I reckon that's what it means. Mr. Xu is not a reckless person, and he is an old friend with Zhao Baogang. If he is caught off-the-shelf, it will not be a big deal."

Xu Jizhou said with a smile, and then said: "You tell the teams to take stock of the good things before starting work. Today's incident is not allowed to happen a second time. By the way, hurry up and buy a piece of foam board."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Xu Rong led eight people, like shopping, slowly walked to the crew of "Youth in the Capital" next door.

As he walked, he explained the strategy for a while, and said: "I will talk to their directors later to attract their attention. This lighting teacher, you go to their lighting and say that Teacher Li Haojie wants to talk to the director. I took a group photo, borrowed some rice pineapple, and when it was over, other people were in charge of covering it, for example, I also took a photo, took it to use something, and then let them go directly when they were not paying attention."

"By the way, other people must help block the sight of the other party's lighting team. This thing is not expensive, and other people will not stare at it."

As he said, he turned over the badge on the chest of the teacher of his own lighting team, the front side was facing down, and only the back side was exposed. This thing may be noticed by others if you don't pay attention.

After Wang Lei heard his plan, he didn't realize it for a long time, and said, "This is what, Director Zhao will be angry if he finds out?"

According to the name in the script, it was requested by Xu Rong when he was reading the script, because he found that apart from a few leading actors, although the colleagues Xu Jizhou recruited were not well-known, their personalities were closer to the characters. I think he was writing In the process of scripting, which people to use has been considered.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I guess Director Xu has already asked people to buy it now. Zhao Baogang was still wandering around our place just now. He probably encountered a problem. He will definitely not be able to turn on the machine for a while. He is a fastidious Man, he strives to be exquisite in the set. If the shooting starts immediately, he must stare at the set on the scene. After we finish filming the scene, we can have someone send it back to him. And if they keep shooting indoor scenes, I guess they may not be able to do so today I can't find my own rice pineapple and I can't find it."

Jiang Han, who played the sweet potato, asked uncertainly: "Is this skill, your method, can it be done?"

"No problem, it's easy for the two lighting teachers to talk in a few words. If you ask again, just talk about the new assistant. They only turned on the machine yesterday. It's normal for anyone who brings a new apprentice to face the students. "


The lighting of various production groups in China is a very magical unit. Some other groups may be from Sichuan, some from Northeast China, and Yunnan. Only the lighting, out of ten groups, at least eight are from Qingyishui, Henan Province.

Originally, Xu Rong guessed that Zhao Baogang's crew should be preparing even if they didn't start the machine, but after turning a corner and arriving at their set, he glanced over and saw the seven or eight people sitting in a row in the yard, and froze on the spot. land.

And in the bus outside, heads tilted one after another, who have not yet woken up.

It doesn't mean to start work at all.

Are you really here to film?

What about your people?
What about your equipment?

Where's your rice pineapple?
He gestured to the people behind him, walked towards Zhao Baogang, came up to him, and asked, "Brother Zhao, who are you?"

"The driver pulling the equipment took the wrong car and went all the way to Fengtai. No, I'm waiting for the guy to come over." Zhao Baogang cursed dumbfoundedly, and then looked at Xu Rong suspiciously, "Oh , Aren’t you going to start work, why did you come here again?”

Xu Rong's face was embarrassing: "Hey, temporary adjustment, my play has been moved to the afternoon, I come to you to hang out."

The detailed plans discussed before coming here have all come to nothing. The premise of borrowing is that people have to have it.

In order to prevent Zhao Baogang from being aware of his intentions, he said, raising his chin towards the distant bus: "Didn't you all start the machine yesterday, and it looks like it's been running for two months?"

"Yesterday, the start-up was true, but there was also a start-up banquet. I said to drink less and drink less, and they all said that the first month has not gone out yet, so it will be Chinese New Year." Zhao Baogang rubbed his head speechlessly, "Are you It’s not that they don’t understand the situation, each of them is a master who wants to die after seeing alcohol, no, you can’t drink less, and when you turn on the phone later, if you still sleepwalk, in the next three months, no one will think about it Touch a drop of wine."

Chatting with Zhao Baogang for about ten minutes, watching the crew's car pulling the props coming, Xu Rong chatted nonsense with Zhao Baogang, and at the same time winked at the two fellow villagers who brought it.

"Don't go to sleep, don't go to sleep, come down and move your things." When the production director was standing at the door of the bus and yelled, the two fellow villagers rubbed their heads as if they were hungover, and walked towards prop car.

When the crew of "Youth in the Capital" slowly started to work, Xu Rong caught a glimpse of the group of people he had brought with him and disappeared. Baosteel said: "Brother Zhao, it seems that you are about to start work, so I will go back first."

"Succeed, I won't be busy anymore, let's call Lao Liu to get together."

"Let's talk about it, it's not like you don't know, I'm so busy this year."

After finishing speaking, Xu Rong walked out of the "Youth in the Capital" set at a leisurely pace. After turning a corner, he immediately trotted all the way and chased after the neat square surrounded by eight people in front of him. .

"The ability is back, the ability is back."

When he got to the front, Xu Rong looked at the eight people carrying the four sides respectively, and deliberately lowered his voice even when talking and walking, and said in a ridiculous way: "No, it's just a piece of foam, and the eight of you are carrying it? Those who know think you made a piece of foam, no Knowing that, I thought you had just dug out He's Bi."




"Run, run, run."

"Tap tap."

"Hey hey hey."

Xu Rong looked at the eight people with their waists bent, each of them looking like they were real thieves, and said with a smile: "Can you f*ck stop being so wretched, we are borrowing, not stealing!"

"That's still stealing!"


Xu Rong thought of something, and said: "By the way, sweet potato, after we've used it up, return it to them quickly, just say you picked it up on the road."

Jiang Han said with a smile: "Don't worry, they will definitely not look for it. When I unloaded it just now, I saw that they brought four yuan."

"Hey, let me tell you earlier, it's still a fart, I won't pay it back."

Back on the set, Xu Jizhou stared blankly at the nine people's arrogance and arrogance, pointed at Mi Pinuo, and asked, "You guys, how did you get it back?"

After listening to the detailed process explained by the lighting teacher who was in charge of the actual operation, Xu Jizhou laughed miserably, and said: "When you first arrived at the studio and found that the equipment has not been brought over, were you all dumbfounded?"

Bin Zi, who played Chen Dashan, said, "Not only that, you don't know the director."

With the equipment in place, the crew officially started the second day of filming.

What is going to be filmed is a scene where Li Daben and Sun Chenghai make a bet on who will kill more devils, and then compete for spoils in the mountain temple.

"Go one, go one."

"ready, go!"

Xu Rong brought Digua, Chen Dashan, Ding Dasuan and others into the door, and stood still in the courtyard.

Sitting in the mountain temple, Li Jian was fiddling with the gun in his hand. Da Ma raised his right foot and put it on his left leg. He squinted at the crowd and said, "In the past half a month, the eight roads are on the ground of Wuyi. , the scenery?"


Xu Jizhou came over and said: "Li Jian, the action is too big. Sun Chenghai stands on the top of the mountain, but he is not a bandit, and there is no need to learn the style of a mountain king. Be a little softer."

Li Jian looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Director, Sun Chenghai is now a bandit, right?"

"Yes, but before he became a bandit, he was an out-and-out farmer. Your actions just now, if you were to play a leopard, it would be very good, but you are not."

Li Jian looked around at Xu Jizhou and Xu Rong who was waiting beside him, and said, "I'll do it again."

"In the past half a month, the Eight Routes are on the ground in Wuyi"

"It's still a bit twisted, you put the gun away, don't play with it, and do it again."

Xu Rong looked at all this and said nothing. Li Jian's starting point was correct. He wanted to show the difference in level and sequence, but because the identity of the "farmer" in the past and the "hero" in the present did not form an organic unity, and He also persistently wanted to play the heroic spirit that a reckless hero should have, but he trapped himself in the dual identities of the character.

Wang Lei moved closer to Xu Rong, watched Li Jian change his movements over and over again, and asked, "Did you see what's going on?"

"I'm competing with the character."

"Compete with the character?"


As he spoke, he yelled at Li Jian and said, "Old Sun, don't compete with the characters, follow along."

Li Jian stared blankly at Xu Rong, he was so absorbed in thinking about how to act with both momentum and simplicity that he didn't quite hear Xu Rong's words just now.


Wang Lei explained: "What Mr. Xu means is that you don't think too much, just act like a farmer honestly, and don't even try to play a hero."

Xu Jizhou's lips twitched, but he didn't interrupt. Of course, what he wanted was not Li Jian playing a farmer, but a chivalrous and courageous farmer.

But when Li Jian thought for a while and sat back in the chair, Xu Jizhou was stunned when his back was no longer as straight as before.

Because he found that now, Li Jian really meant something that way.

He turned his head slowly, looked at Xu Rong, and said in surprise, "Mr. Xu, your eyes are a bit poisonous."

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "Coincidentally, a blind cat meets a dead mouse."

Xu Jizhou laughed twice, and didn't refute anymore. He guided by the side, and Li Jian changed it back and forth for about ten minutes, but the result was not as effective as Xu Rong's words.

He understood the reason, his guidance was to solve the problem from the outside, while Xu Rong was to find the reason from the inside.

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