I'm just an actor

Chapter 271 Wrong


"Ability, ability, drink saliva to moisturize your throat."

After a scene was filmed, Gao Changhao, who played Ding Dasuan, ran over with a few bottles of mineral water in his arms. Before Xu Rong could react, he took a bottle and stuffed it into Xu Rong's hand.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, took it, looked at the mineral water bottle in his hand, and couldn't help admiringly said: "Mr. Gao, it's good."

Gao Changhao plays the role of the big housekeeper in the play, and Gao Changhao's behavior at this time is to guide his actions and experience life all the time.

Gao Changhao laughed "hehe" twice, and said, "Hey, it should be, it should be."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Gao Changhao smiled, and gave the water to the other cast and crew respectively. "Come on, let's have a drink and rest."

Looking at Gao Changhao's back, Xu Rong didn't unscrew it, but handed the water to Wang Yaqin who ran over, and took the thermos from her hand at the same time.

Wang Lei came over at this time and asked, "Ben Xu, how did you see that Li Jian was competing with the character just now?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Wang Lei looked at him speechlessly, he really didn't see where the "clear pendulum" was.

Xu Rong screwed on the lid of the water cup, handed the cup to Wang Yaqin, raised his chin at Gao Changhao, and said: "When you have time, observe that teacher Gao more. Although his basic skills are average, his method is very good. Very down-to-earth and worth learning.”

Wang Lei looked suspiciously at Gao Changhao, who had finished distributing water to everyone, and found a corner with the script to recite silently, and said in a low voice, "Can't you?"

Because in his opinion, colleagues who can be evaluated by Xu Rong as "worthy of learning", even if they are not popular, are also well-known golden supporting roles in the industry.

Xu Rong shook his head lightly, and said: "Film and TV has the acting method of film and television, and drama has the acting method of drama. You can't completely deny a person just because other people's basic skills are not up to standard, and they can't act in a drama. If you don't say anything else, just their attitude , How many have you met? I bet he will be able to stand out in the future."

Wang Lei's face gradually became serious. Team Xu spoke highly of Gao Changhao, and the fact that he corrected Li Jian with just one sentence earlier also proved that his vision was indeed as poisonous as the director said.

At this time, Wang Lei didn't dare to doubt at all, and began to observe Gao Changhao seriously.

After waiting for a while, the camera position and lighting were adjusted. As Xu Rong and Gao Changhao entered the arena, Wang Lei turned his head and walked towards Xu Jizhou.

He knew that what was going to be filmed next was the scene where Li Daben met Ding Daben for the first time in the small black room of confinement.

Since Xu Rong specifically told him, Gao Changhao's appearance must have its own advantages, and he is also quite looking forward to the confrontation between the two masters.

Xu Rong took a deep breath and became serious.

How to shoot and how to move, I said one by one last night, and everyone remembered it.

However, he still took the attitude of playing with Ni Dahong, because he knew very well that for colleagues who experience moments like Gao Changhao, if they don't pay attention, they will be caught off guard.

After walking through the script, Xu Rong stared at Gao Changhao with a smile, and said, "Abacus, let's start?"

Gao Changhao also looked at him with a smile: "Okay."

Xu Rong understood, Gao Changhao was similar to what he thought, the act just now was insignificant, because although Gao Changhao didn't explain how to act in real shooting, his confident expression has exposed his true inner thoughts.

He has full confidence in the next scene.

"Two shots once in eight scenes."

"ready, go!"

In the dimly lit room, Xu Rong was chewing steamed buns, carrying a bowl and an earthen pot, and tiptoed behind Gao Changhao who was sitting on the kang with his back to the door.

Xu Rong poked his head, stood behind him for three seconds, with a smile on his face, and suddenly reached out and patted him on the back: "It's time to eat."

These three seconds did not exist in the rehearsal just now.

Gao Changhao, who was lowering his head and earnestly counting soybeans, knew that he would definitely pat him on the back or shoulder according to the script, but Xu Rong didn't do that. Since he met a master, he naturally had to force the maximum energy from both sides.

If he just "shot" so honestly, Gao Changhao's "scare" must not be so real, so he deliberately waited for three seconds, and gave him a real shock when he was wondering.

Gao Changhao was startled, and the fried soybeans in his hand scattered all over the ground. He turned around, his eyes were wide open, and he shouted in a hoarse voice: "What are you doing? Surprised."

Xu Rong subconsciously leaned back, glanced at the scattered soybeans on the ground, straightened up, and said with a smile: "Hey, it's okay, man, you still hide private goods? Hey, I said, it's not because of this Is it confinement?"

While he was talking, he came to the top of the kang and sat on it with a big thorn, and Gao Changhao also squatted on the ground, picking up soybeans in a hurry.

Xu Rong looked at him with a smile, wanting to see how he would answer, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear Gao Changhao's reply. Under suspicion, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he asked, "Abacus?"

Gao Changhao raised his head slowly, his face was quite embarrassed, not because he forgot his lines, but because he didn't know how to answer Xu Rong's changed lines on the spot.

According to the script, Xu Rong should say: Hehe, there are still private goods hidden, okay man.

This is how the scene was played just now, but when it came to the actual filming, Xu Rong not only reversed the order of the lines, but also added a question of his own.

He is not an actor with a professional background, nor is he a child star. Compared with most of his peers, he came into contact with acting relatively late. He didn't really step into this industry until he was 33 years old, and the roles and roles he played have not been many.

For cooperating with a big name like Xu Rong, who even the director treats politely, he dare not be negligent in the slightest, because he knows that if someone is unhappy, he may be replaced.

As for acting on the spot, it's not the high-end technology he can play. Every role he plays is playing himself, and when filming, he also speaks his lines step by step.

Xu Rong saw that Gao Changhao was only staring at him in a daze, without saying a word, and looked at him suspiciously: "Abacus, what's the matter?"

Gao Changhao opened his mouth twice, and finally lowered his head again, saying: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, when we were filming, you, that is, can you not improvise?"

Xu Rong was dumbfounded, because in his opinion, although Gao Changhao's basic skills were average, he was expected to become everyone, and he was the first person to make such a strange request to him since filming.

When Xu Rong and Gao Changhao were eye-to-eye, Xu Ji ran over quickly on Monday: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Xu Rong's love for improvisation is well-known in the entire industry, and his performance style, for his colleagues with a sloppy professional level, everyone feels a lot of pressure, but for actors with strong professional skills, it is difficult. It is very much looking forward to.

Improvisation is often a flash of inspiration, and it is precisely because of these flashes of inspiration that it often becomes the highlight moment of the whole play.

Just like last year's Internet buzzword: I am not allowed to work overtime with the salary paid by the party-state!
Because there is no profound experience and a full understanding of the characters and the relationship between the characters, the actor can't perform on the spot at all, because he can't imagine what kind of presentation the characters should match when they say and make lines and actions that are not stipulated in the script. Way.

Xu Rong turned his head and looked at Xu Jizhou in puzzlement: "Director Xu?"

Xu Jizhou looked at Gao Changhao who was standing awkwardly beside him, and said, "Mr. Xu, well, Mr. Gao is not from a major, and he doesn't have a lot of experience in filming. He is not very good at acting on the spot. Please bear with us."

After Xu Jizhou's explanation, Xu Rong completely understood what was going on. Isn't this the situation in his early filming, except for speaking his lines step by step, he couldn't do anything else.

He was stunned for a long time, then smiled and said to Gao Changhao: "If you said it earlier, it would be over, you are so stubborn, you."

Seeing that Xu Rong was not angry, Gao Changhao showed a few teeth and said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Xu."

"It's okay, it's okay, I've played tricks and played a supporting role before, and I understand your difficulties. I came here at that time, but I have to remind you, you called it wrong."

"Ability, ability, hehe."

It wasn't until this time that Xu Rong fully understood the reason. Gao Changhao didn't experience it at all, because he didn't know how to experience it either.

Acting is not something you can learn by buying a complete set of Si's works by yourself. It is either practicing basic skills day after day, rehearsing plays, or feeding a large number of plays.

Strictly speaking, Gao Changhao is taking the second path. Although he has not systematically learned the techniques of expressionism, in his cognition, as long as it is not based on experience, it can be generally called expressionism. Pai, and Gao Changhao's performance can obviously be counted among them.

But looking at Gao Changhao, whose expression was not as disturbed as before, Xu Rong deeply understood the difficulty of expressionism at this time.

If you have never drunk vinegar, instead of giving people the feeling of drinking vinegar, you must see the appearance of many people who have drunk vinegar, and then strip the "commonality" of these people and integrate them into your external presentation among.

Before preparing to shoot again, Gao Changhao hurriedly took the script and glanced at it, Xu Rong was stunned again.

During the reading of the script, Gao Changhao was obviously very familiar with the script, and he didn’t seem to be stumbling in the slightest. Everyone did their homework together last night, and just before leaving the scene, Gao Changhao was still taking time to recite his lines. Although he had a lot of words, But compared to his, it is really not much, but is it really so difficult to remember?

He didn't immediately ask out the doubts in his heart. It wasn't until the filming of a scene that he pretended to ask unintentionally: "Abacus, I think you recite your lyrics when you have nothing to do. What's going on?"

Gao Changhao also noticed at this time that Xu Rong was not malicious, nor did he show any displeasure because he couldn't handle his impromptu performance. I'm stupid, I can't remember the words all the time, it's like this when I was in school, a poem that someone can memorize in a morning, I may not be able to memorize it in a week."

He didn't lie, he cherished the job of acting very much, but it took him several times more energy to memorize the lines that others usually took ten minutes to remember.

Coupled with the fact that he is too old, he did not form the habit of reciting frequently in the past. It is much more difficult for him to recite the lines than ordinary people. Therefore, he had to fight for all the time he could use to recite the lines during the interval between filming.

But even so, in the process of filming, he will always make mistakes, or he can't catch other people's scenes, so he can only be diligent at ordinary times, just like delivering water to people just now, so as not to make others feel dissatisfied.

Xu Rong understood what was going on, and joked with him with a smile: "Then you still keep a bunch of people together every day. Let me tell you, the more you drink, the faster your memory will deteriorate."

What he was talking about was that during the reading of the script, Gao Changhao always encouraged the crew to walk around the streets to eat delicious food.

Gao Changhao stared at him blankly, and said: "If you say it hurts the liver, I believe it, but drinking will also affect memory?"

"It has a big impact. A colleague I know has more difficulty reciting lines than you because of drinking."

Gao Changhao patted his stomach, and said: "No, after drinking, slapping, swallowing, it has something to do with the brain?"

"Then you're still dizzy after drinking too much." Xu Rong joked with a smile, and his face gradually turned serious, "Let me tell you, if you really plan to work in this business, you have to quit drinking first, this stuff hurts your liver It's a trivial matter, you have difficulty reciting lines, if you continue to drink every day like you, it will only become more and more difficult to memorize lines in the future."

Gao Changhao showed a rare seriousness on his face, and said: "Well, don't drink, don't drink, whoever wants to drink in the future will be the grandson."

At this time, Wang Lei, who originally wanted to enjoy a "peak showdown", was about to laugh and split.

Xu Rong sat on the chair, looked at Wang Lei next to him, grinning wide-mouthed "hehehe" and glared at himself, and immediately tensed up: "What are you laughing at?"

Wang Lei calmed down a little, but he was probably too happy, and he couldn't fully restrain himself, saying: "Didn't you tell me to observe, I will observe, hahaha."

Xu Rong's face was also a little uneasy, because after the rivalry just now, he completely understood that Gao Changhao had nothing to do with experiencing fart, and the action guidance was even more nonsense.

But just half an hour ago, he had sworn to Wang Lei that Gao Changhao was a hidden master.

But anyway, half an hour has passed, and Li Daben is so stupid, does he have half a dime relationship with Xu Rong?
Under his sharp gaze, Wang Lei finally restrained his smile, but after a while, when he occasionally turned his head, this guy grinned and looked at him cheerfully.

Xu Rong glared at him immediately: "Who approved your fake?"


Wang Lei was stunned for a moment before realizing what he was asking, and said, "It's Team Yang."


Xu Rong nodded lightly, and said: "I have to mention it to Yang Lixin later, young people should spend more time in the courtyard to polish and play tricks for a few more years."

Wang Lei was dumbfounded immediately, and said: "No, Captain Xu, we can't avenge our private revenge publicly."

"I don't like to hear your words anymore. What is public revenge? I'm doing this for your own good. There are many colleges and theater troupes across the country. No matter how many people ask for an opportunity, this is an exercise for you. You have to be grateful and cherish it.”

"Captain Xu, I was wrong, really, I was really wrong."

I would like to report something to readers and friends. Due to work reasons, Hong will be transferred to Shanghai for a project in the next six months. There may be some problems in the update, everyone should understand, but Hong promises to save as much as possible and keep as much as possible. One update every day.

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