As the filming progressed in an orderly manner, Xu Rong occasionally began to miss the days of rehearsing "Thunderstorm" last year.

Although during the rehearsal and performance of "Thunderstorm", he would feel helpless and even powerless because of the professional level of the co-actors. On the production team of "Number Number", the professional abilities of several people can be regarded as top-notch.

Just like Wang Lei, he is in the middle of the new generation of actors in the theater, but he is only second to him among the main creators of the crew.

And the biggest difference between drama and film and television performances is that it gives actors the space and time to correct mistakes and make up for gaps.

If a performance is not good, you can reflect and correct yourself, and strive to perform better in the next performance. In this process, you can also review and summarize the foundation you have laid in the past, the skills you have acquired, and the experience you have accumulated. And use, because in the process of reflection and revision, you must rack your brains to think and try how to behave more suitable for one or a certain type of character.

He suddenly looked forward to the rerun of "Home" which will be rehearsed in a while. When he went to visit around the New Year's Eve, he paid special attention to it. The two old men, Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, are still in good health and should be able to participate in the performance normally.

More than half a month ago, whether "Family" could be successfully formed into a group, rehearsed, and performed, he actually held the attitude of success or failure, because after all, the two old men are not young, and it is still unknown whether they will be able to participate in the performance. Furthermore, after achieving the grand slam in one fell swoop, he has made up his mind to shift his work focus to the film market in recent years. In terms of drama, in his opinion, at least for a short period of time, one set of "Thunderstorm" is enough.

But since he inadvertently learned of the existence and purpose of "Fighting Xu Squad", he no longer has an attitude of nothing to do. The smooth performance of "Family" is very important to him.

He had a hunch that this play, like "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", would become one of the important milestones in his entire career.

The most ideal state, of course, is that when Liu Heping's new script "All Quiet in Peking" is launched next year, his comprehensive evaluation can reach "S-", and the trait "Constant Peak" is successfully mounted.

Then it made Chen Baoguo and others cry all night and be convinced!
But he also understands that it is not realistic, because right now he is still 314 experience points away from "S-".

The talent raised by the system and his own accumulated skills and experience are enough to ensure that his business level is the most pre-examination group among the young and middle-aged peers, but the "A+" talent is also based on experience. Chen Baoguo's hammer is somewhat whimsical.

Because he hasn't heard of these people taking on new dramas recently, they have more time to prepare than him.

However, there is still a year before "Peking" starts, and he is not in a panic. Every step he takes is difficult to reach the sky, and Chen Baoguo will only be more difficult than him. Even because of the limitations of talent and road, there is no room for improvement.

And he still has a few old seniors in the courtyard who are willing to lift the ladder and let him ascend to the sky.

Getting out of bed early in the morning, after washing, Xu Rong made a cup of red dates and wolfberry tea as usual. While waiting for Wang Yaqin to come over, he walked to the window and opened the curtains.

Outside the foggy glass, the night still showed no signs of fading.

He opened the window and heard the rustling rain outside, and couldn't help frowning: "It's raining?!"

It's not all good news.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Come in."

Wang Yaqin pushed open the half-closed door, walked in with a bag and a start-up box, saw Xu Rong standing in front of the window, and said, "Mr. .”

Xu Rong understood what she meant, pointed to the glass of water that had already been soaked on the table, and said, "Since we haven't been notified of today's rest, we must be shooting normally. You can’t let the progress go.”

He said, walked over to take the starter box in her hand, and said, "Let's go."

"it is good."

When we arrived at the set, we opened the car curtains, and outside the window where the raindrops were crackling, it was still pitch black.

Seeing that the big troop hadn't followed, Xu Rong didn't get out of the car either. His car was the only nanny car for the crew, and the big troop hadn't arrived yet. Even if he got down, he was just waiting.

He pulled off the blanket, covered him, and said to Wang Yaqin, "I'll take a nap for a while, and they'll call me when they're almost ready."

"it is good."

After about five or six minutes, there was a faint sound of an engine coming from outside the window.

After a while, Xu Rong felt hazy and seemed to be asleep, but just when he didn't seem to fall asleep again, Wang Yaqin's voice came over: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu."

Xu Rong opened his eyes, looked at the bright night illuminated by the headlights outside the car window, and the busy figure under the rain, and said, "So fast?"

"Half an hour has passed."


Xu Rong immediately put on his coat and got out of the car. As soon as he opened the door, a gust of cold wind blew in. He hurriedly pulled down the handle of the umbrella that was blown by the wind, and subconsciously tightened his coat with the other hand.

A heavy rain fell today, as if returning to winter.

"Shoe covers, are there any shoe covers?"

"Disposable raincoats are used for tube balls. If they are hung up for a while, the rain will leak. Hurry up and get a shed. People are not afraid of getting wet and the machine can't hold the water."

The shouts on the set and the "squeak" of the rain came one after another and intertwined with each other.

Xu Rong looked at the few prop teachers who were busy under the heavy rain for a while, the shoes on their feet were already soaked in rainwater, and when they stepped on them, the uppers could squeeze out water.

He held an umbrella and walked into the house silently. Today, he still shoots interior scenes, which is why the crew insisted on filming despite the heavy rain.

But not everyone can get into the house to shelter from the rain, just like the lighting team, in order to connect with the scenes before and after, they must create a sunny day outside.

When Xu Rong entered the room, he saw Wang Wei'an, a thin and tall production director standing at the door, wearing a pink disposable raincoat, nodded at himself, pondered, and said, "Producer Wang, today's lunch is for everyone. Let me add a chicken leg."

Wang Wei'an and Xu Rong are old acquaintances, they worked together during the filming of "Yangcheng Dark Whistle". Hearing Xu Rong's words, he froze for a while and nodded quickly, saying: "Okay, Teacher Xu, I'll go there later arrange."

"This weather is really suitable for sleeping." Wang Lei was sitting on a stool, putting on makeup, when he saw Xu Rong coming in, he said listlessly.

Li Jian, who was crooked across from him, picked up the quarrel: "Let's shoot as soon as possible. Now the interior scenes are a little easier. When we turn around and start shooting exterior scenes and war scenes, that will be really hard. It's better to be tired now and save money." Time turns to night."

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu, someone is visiting the class."

Xu Rong was about to ask the makeup team leader to put on makeup for him, but he frowned when he heard the shout.

With so much rain falling in the sky right now, and it's not yet dawn, normal people probably wouldn't come to visit the class.

Could it be that Zhao Baogang's prop car went to the wrong place again, and he came to "stop" again when he was idle and bored?

He got up, bypassed the people around him, and when he reached the door, he was shocked and frightened when he saw someone coming.

"Oh my god, it's raining so hard!"

Classmate Xiao Zhang was holding a bulging handbag in her arms, standing at the door, probably because the umbrella she was holding was too small, and the wind and rain were too strong, and her trousers were already wet by the rain.

"It's raining, you don't stay at home honestly, what are you doing here?!"

Xiao Zhang ran over excitedly, but before she could say a single word, she was greeted with a blunt reprimand. She froze her neck and stared at him, and wanted to choke him with words, but she didn't remember what she said. After saying that, Xu Rong dragged her into the room and rubbed her head hard.

Xu Rong turned his head and shouted at Wang Yaqin: "Yaqin, take Xiao Zhang to the car to rest for a while, and turn on the temperature of the air conditioner."

Xiao Zhang’s anger disappeared for no reason at the moment, and he said: “No rest, no rest, it’s raining too much, I’m driving slowly, I have to go back quickly to change my shoes, and I have to go back later.” Rehearsal in the courtyard."

"Don't go, I'll tell Feng Yuanzheng to rest today, your lines are just those few lines anyway, let someone else fill in for you first."

Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed twice, stuffed the bag into his hand, and said, "I brought you a down jacket, it's cooling down, don't catch a cold, okay, I have to go back quickly."

Holding her clothes, Xu Rong knew that her stubbornness was coming, sighed, and said, "Slow down, let me know when you get home."

"I know, I'm not driving fast, don't worry."

"and many more."

Xu Rong glanced at the thick rain, grabbed Xiao Zhang who was about to leave, and said, "Yaqin, you go back with Xiao Zhang, she doesn't drive very well, and it's still raining so heavily, I'm a little worried."

"Teacher Xu, it's really unnecessary."

Xu Rong glared at her and said, "Shut up, don't be so rash next time, if I'm really cold, I'll let Yaqin go back and get it."

Wang Yaqin was a little hesitant for a while, because her job was Xu Rong's assistant, and the filming was about to start, but Xu Rong asked her to leave.

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, Xu Rong said: "Don't be dazed, you two go back, it's okay here, there are so many people in the crew."

Seeing Xu Rong's resolute attitude, Wang Yaqin held up her umbrella and said, "Okay, then call me if you have something to do. I'll put the start-up box here first, and everything is inside."

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

"it is good."

When classmate Xiao Zhang and Wang Yaqin left in the rain, Lei Wang wanted to make some jokes, but he seemed to remember something and closed his mouth cautiously.

Gao Changhao couldn't take Xu Rong's play, and Ni Dahong had few roles and hadn't joined the group yet. He found that Xu Rong completely vented his enthusiasm for acting on himself.

Rehearsals and actual filming are completely different presentation methods, which makes him nervous every time.

It's not that he never complained, but Xu Rong always replied "this is exercise".

"Go one way first."

"ready, go!"

After shooting one scene, before preparing to shoot the second scene of the day, which is the scene of Chen Dashan's wedding banquet, the executive director Gao Han was in a hurry.

The actor Wu Qing who played Chen Dashan's daughter-in-law Zhao Yan has not yet arrived.

Actors who are rehearsed late and have a bit of a reputation usually don’t come to the set with the big crew, because even the second scene on the schedule may have to wait until the afternoon or even night before shooting .

As for Xu Rong, there are more scenes like this, and those who line up from morning to night will set off at the same time as the crew.

And Wu Qing happened to have few roles, was scheduled late, and was a well-known actor, so it was only natural that he could sleep a little longer and wait for the assistant director's notice before coming back.

"Where's Wu Qingren, where's her assistant?"

When Gao Han pinched his waist and looked at the people around him suspiciously, an assistant director in his twenties hung up the phone, walked up to him, and said in a low voice: "Director Gao, Wu Qing is not staying at the hotel, The assistant who called her just now said that she is not feeling well today, and she will go to the hospital to have a look, but she will not be able to come."

When Gao Han heard the reply, the expression on his face froze for a moment, and then it turned bright red visible to the naked eye. You are not feeling well and asked for leave in advance. This f**king made a group of people wait for you in the heavy rain, where is the face?
But then, he seemed to think of something, and asked, "Do you have any medical records?"

The director's assistant shook his head silently, and said: "No, I asked her assistant for a diagnosis, and she said it's not convenient to send it."


Gao Han couldn't help cursing, last night he was still alive and well, went home to sleep and ran to the hospital without saying hello, and it was obviously intentional that he didn't have a history of his illness.

And at this moment, he also fully understood the cause and effect. If Wu Qing was really ill, even if it was inconvenient for her, her assistant and manager would definitely call her in advance so that the crew would have time to adjust.

The assistant director didn't understand the situation, he knew the inside story. During the process of reading the script, Wu Qing's scenes were deleted a lot, because Ni Dahong put forward opinions about her roles at the time. When I thought that the plot would gradually reach its peak, it suddenly added a lot of emotional scenes between Chen Dashan and Zhao Yan.

Ni Dahong's original words are: Every time I see this paragraph, I want to skip it.

This opinion was echoed by many people including Xu Rong.

Xu Jizhou deleted a lot of Zhao Yan's scenes on the spot after weighing.

Wu Qing herself did not express any objection, but her agency is Star International, a agency in Taiwan.

Seeing Gao Han's gloomy face, the young assistant director asked softly, "Director Gao, what should we do now?"

Gao Han pulled his long face and said, "I'm going to find the director."

Although Gao Han was disgusted, he didn't take it seriously. Artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan are used to doing things in the mainland, and they have long been accustomed to using such small tricks to force the crew to compromise, but "Number" is a gift film. Under the premise that it had to be screened, he felt that Wu Qing's manager was trying to kill him, and it was a big deal.

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