Xu Jizhou, Xu Rong and Gao Han looked at the hung up phone, and while they were astonished, they felt differently.

The expression on Xu Jizhou's face suddenly fell into silence after bursts of complex and intertwined expressions that were difficult to understand.

For a play, no matter how big the star is, how famous the director is, how many investors are producing, from planning, preparation, filming, distribution to final broadcast, compromises and concessions are always inevitable.

Even a super-luxury gift film like "The Founding of the Party" is still unavoidable. In order to pass the review, Huang Jianxin had to delete the scenes of more than 60 actors and some plots.

Judging from the tone of that "Boss Ma" just now, it was the crew who needed to compromise this time.

Xu Jizhou is a middle-aged man, so after being scolded and hung up on the phone, he was angry and angry, but after the anger and anger, he was more aggrieved, and this aggrieved, he There is no place to complain, so I can only digest myself in silence.

He is just a not-so-famous director, and within the crew, he doesn't have absolute say in the filming, let alone the boss of the previous film and television company, and even a big director, in the face of this situation, often cannot avoid compromise.

Gao Han, who looks ferocious and thick, looks at his nose and heart at this moment. A few minutes ago, he was outraged, but at this moment, he understands that the direction of the matter is beyond his control as the executive director. .

The three of them were silent for a while, Xu Rong looked at Xu Jizhou, and asked, "What is the background of this President Ma?"

"The general manager of Star International's capital branch can be said to be their spokesperson in the mainland."

Xu Rong recalled the accent just now, and asked: "Taiwanese?"


Xu Rong understood that in order to promote cross-strait cultural exchanges, subtly increase Taiwan compatriots' understanding of the mainland, and enhance their sense of belonging to the country, the mainland has always encouraged artists from Taiwan to develop in the mainland. The Golden Horse Award can have a huge impact in the mainland. The influence is also due to this.

However, this kind of encouragement and recognition makes most Taiwanese people mistakenly think that the mainland is looking up to Taiwan's advanced entertainment industry.

Especially the pursuit of celebrities by audiences and fans has led to an unknown change in the mentality of many practitioners in the entertainment industry in Taiwan.

Xu Jizhou waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's call it a day. I'll have a good talk with them tomorrow."

"and many more."

Xu Rong stopped him and said, "This is nothing to talk about, let's change the actor. Anyway, there are not many scenes. If you hurry up, the filming can be completed in three days."

Xu Jizhou was frightened by Xu Rong's proposal, and said: "Mr. Xu, you can't say this casually. This group of people know nothing else. Once we do that, they will turn around and take off the hat of destroying cultural exchanges between the two sides of the strait." , who will come to the top?"

Xu Rong said categorically, "I'll do it!"

Seeing Xu Jizhou's hesitant expression, Xu Rong continued: "I'd like to see how the boss of a branch in Taiwan messed up our "Designation"."

"Mr. Xu, don't get on top, endure the calm for a while, and take a step back." Xu Jizhou felt that Xu Rong was still too young, so he immediately persuaded, "Hong Kong and Taiwan artists are in the Mainland, not only because of policy considerations, but also because they are in the mainland." There are a large number of fans in the mainland, in the eyes of their fans, they are naturally stronger and nobler than us, and if there is a dispute, it is natural that we are wrong."

The domestic fans of mainland artists are far less than those of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and in recent years, the signs of Hong Kong and Taiwan artists forming a group are very obvious. Once public opinion is mobilized and a group of ridicule is formed, even if the crew is reasonable, they will become the party of verbal criticism.

Xu Rong smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Director Xu, we treat him as brothers, but he, maybe he just treats us as a cash machine, and said that he sneaked away during the filming, and changed to Hong Kong." Taiwan group, do they dare?"

"As for public opinion, it's just a good time to see who are the guys who eat inside and outside."

"Xu, Teacher Xu?" Xu Jizhou stared blankly at Xu Rong with a stern face. At this moment, he seemed to know him for the first time, because in the past, Xu Rong always smiled all day long. All remained quite polite.

Seeing that Xu Jizhou was still hesitating, Xu Rong couldn't help frowning, but soon, he roughly understood the reason. He relied on human art and was not afraid of some stinky fish and rotten shrimps joining forces to mess with him, but Xu Jizhou was just an ordinary Once the director is pushed to the forefront and under the pressure of huge public opinion, it is very likely that he will be doomed.

Xu Rong waved to Wang Yaqin who was in the distance, and said, "Yaqin, bring me the phone."

"Hey, Teacher Xu, here it is." Wang Yaqin rushed to the three of them like a gust of wind, and handed over the phone.

Xu Rong took the phone, opened the address book, found a number and dialed it. It was probably late at night, and it took a while before the call was connected.

Xu Jizhou glanced at the three words "Chen Runsheng" in the note on the call, raised his head, and looked at Xu Rong inexplicably in surprise. He didn't expect that Xu Rong still had friendship with the big boss.

Xu Rong noticed Xu Jizhou's gaze, turned on the hands-free directly, and said with a smile, "Brother Chen, are you awake?"

"I'm going to fall asleep soon, boy, can you not wait in the middle of the night, is there something wrong with the crew?"

"It's not a big problem, but there's something trivial that needs your thinking."

Xu Rong briefly told Chen Runsheng what happened, and after listening to it, he didn't get angry or angry, but said indifferently: "Star International, right, I understand."

Just when Xu Rong thought the phone call was over, Chen Runsheng's voice came out again: "Hey, I said, can you stop calling me in the middle of the night for such a big deal in the future, because I didn't sleep well, and it turned out I have another two hours to prepare for your phone call."

"Haha, it's my fault, my fault, I'll punish myself three times to make amends another day."

"You can pull it down. It's delicious to punish yourself, but I still have to send you back."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Jizhou looked at Xu Rong suspiciously, because he couldn't figure out what the big boss said.

"Understood." It seems that it can be understood in any way, just like "reading" when commenting on documents, it can be understood as "agree" or "disagree".

Xu Rong put the mobile phone in his pocket, turned his head, and said to Xu Jizhou: "Are you relieved now? Go find an actor."

Xu Jizhou wanted to ask again what was going on, and if the boss didn't make a clear statement, did he change the person?
But he didn't open his mouth, because he vaguely felt that Xu Rong's letting himself listen to the call was definitely not aimless, but he didn't want to understand what was going on for a while.

Asking it makes me look stupid.

But since Xu Rong made up his mind, the big boss also said that he "understood". Even if this matter came out later, the settlement could not be settled on his own head, so he asked instead: "Here, where can I find the right person?" what?"

"Four-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged actresses are everywhere. It's really impossible. I have someone who will be in place tomorrow."

Xu Jizhou was overjoyed immediately and said: "Ah, I'm going to trouble Mr. Xu."

Hearing this, Xu Rong couldn't help being stunned, and stared at Xu Jizhou for a long time, almost amused, looked at him puzzled, and asked, "Director Xu, what are you afraid of?"

He really couldn't understand Xu Jizhou's thoughts, just like he couldn't understand the behavior of many people in this industry who flattered Hong Kong and Taiwan.

He said that he was using his own people to provoke Xu Jizhou, because once his people were used, Xu Jizhou basically cleared up the matter completely. The layman didn't understand, but the industry would know that it was him, the producer, who took the lead. Lost Wu Qing.

Xu Jizhou smiled: "Teacher Xu, to tell you something you don't like to hear, you have the capital to be crazy, because they dare not and can't do anything to you, but I, Xu Jizhou, don't have that capital, so I have to be a man with my tail between my legs. "

Xu Rong looked at Xu Jizhou, who no longer dodged his eyes, and no longer hesitated in his tone, sighed silently, and said, "I'm sorry, I said too much."

Xu Jizhou shook his head, and said: "To be honest, I was also very aggrieved by the phone call just now. Thank you, Mr. Xu, for expressing this anger for me."

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, wanting to say something, but in the end, he just said, "Let's call it a day."

Maybe a few years ago, he was in Xu Jizhou's position, and he made a similar decision to Xu Jizhou. As Xu Jizhou said, without that capital, he had to be a man with his tail between his legs.

"Call it, call it a day!"

After getting into the car, Xu Rong said directly to the driver: "I'm not going back to the hotel today, go to my house."

He has to go back and take Xu Xing over to play the role of Zhao Yan. As for Xiao Zhang, don't waste time making anti-war films that are meaningless to actors. Now she is rehearsing with Feng Yuan, which is better than playing a dispensable role I don't know how many times.

When Xu Rong returned home and entered the bedroom, he found that the bedding on the bed was neatly laid out, but there was no sign of Xiao Zhang at all.

"Strange, where did Xiao Zhang go?"

He first went to the study room, opened the door, it was pitch black inside, and when he turned on the light, he saw the "Home" that he had put on before he left on the table, and scratched his head speechlessly. How could classmate Xiao Zhang come to the study?
Then he ran to the KTV downstairs and the gym, but after turning around, he still didn't find Xiao Zhang.

Standing in the middle of the living room, his eyes scanned the rooms, and finally, he remembered that there was another room that Xiao Zhang might be in that he hadn't checked.

Pushing open the door of the practice room, the lights inside were on.

In the corner of the room, the massage chair that was originally placed in the gym has been moved here at some point.

And Xiao Zhang's solitary head was hanging obliquely on the neck pillow of the massage chair.

Xu Rong walked lightly to the side of the massage chair, and saw Xiao Zhang's body nestled quietly in the massage chair, with his mouth slightly open, and the sound of "Hou Hou" sleeping.

Crouching down halfway, he wanted to reach out and touch her face, but a faint smell of sweat rushed into his nostrils first.

He couldn't help sighing, Xiao Zhang was not willing to learn his acting style, and couldn't learn it, and Feng Yuanzheng's acting style was suitable for her, but the disadvantages were extremely obvious.


Because the core of the Gepai training method is to first reach the limit of the human body, either the physical limit or the psychological limit.

Just squatting like that, he carefully looked at classmate Xiao Zhang, her mouth would squirm occasionally, guessing that he dreamed of delicious food.

He didn't wake her up, but lightly picked up Xiao Zhang, turned off the light, and walked to the bedroom.

As soon as Xiao Zhang was put on the bed, before he even had time to cover him with the quilt, Xiao Zhang slowly opened his eyes and looked at him bewilderedly: "Mr. Xu, are you back?"

"Go on to sleep, I'll take a shower first."


When Xu Rong came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he saw Xiao Zhang and his classmates staring at him blankly: "Oh, my stupid Oudou, why didn't you say something earlier when you came back."

Xu Rong looked at her puzzled, and asked, "Have you mixed up local love and Japanese TV dramas lately?"


Xu Rong remembered something, and said: "By the way, since you are awake, go down and tell Xu Xing, get up early tomorrow, and go to the set with me."

Xiao Zhang squeezed his pajamas and put it in front of his nose to smell it, frowned imperceptibly, got up, and asked, "Xu Xing went to the set with you? What are you doing?"

Before Xu Rong came back, he had already thought of the reason, and said: "An actress in the crew resigned temporarily, and there happened to be a role vacant. The director didn't have a suitable candidate, so let me recommend it."

This is his usual practice. He never told Xiao Zhang how sinister the human heart is, how rogue and even shameless things will be done, because the more she knows, the more she understands, the illusion she has about this industry less.

Just like in the past, she always dreamed of being a movie star, but now, her idea of ​​being a star has faded a lot with her understanding of the industry.

Sometimes Xu Rong is not sure whether what he is doing is right or not, but when he is doing it, he doesn't think so much, because making his family's life better is one of the meanings of his efforts.

"Oh, great." Classmate Xiao Zhang pulled up his shoes, walked towards the door, and said, "Go to bed first, I have to take a shower later, I'm exhausted today."


The next day, the crew did not announce the news of Wu Qing's dismissal, but no one was a fool. From the first scene of the reshoot, everyone realized that Wu Qing, who sneaked away last night, had been replaced.

And on the third morning, Wu Qing came back again, but this time she was accompanied by not only her assistant, but also a middle-aged woman in her thirties with an oval face and a short head. top middle-aged man.

The set fell into an eerie silence the moment the four approached, no matter who were standing, sitting, or squatting, they all put down their work and turned to the four, especially the middle-aged woman and the bald man. Wu Qing, who was behind him, paid attention.

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