Wu Qing only felt that he had entered the Mercury retrograde period recently.

Since Sister Lili started to take charge of her work, she has been working on creating a character with a "strong background". This label has benefited her a lot, at least it will be much smoother than others when taking roles, because the crew will know how much they are about the same. Give me some face.

And when she joined the group, she almost never encountered any difficulties. Even if the heads of all the hilltop people in the crew were beaten into dog heads, she could sit in the auditorium peacefully and enjoy the performances full of greed.

But as time goes by, she gradually realizes the disadvantages and shackles of the persona. In order to match this persona, even a big name like Xu Rong, she can't deliberately cling to it. She always treats the slightly unfair treatment. , can only smile generously, expressing that she doesn't care at all, but her team must give a stronger counterattack every time, as if there is someone behind us, what can you do to me.

In the past, once her management team showed such an attitude, the crew and organizers would generally give in and compromise, but recently, her luck seems to have run out.

At noon yesterday, she suddenly received a notice from the assistant director of another film. Due to budget constraints, the crew had to overhaul the script, and her role was completely deleted.

In other words, nothing happened to her.

Immediately afterwards, the TV stations of the two previously agreed variety shows also called to apologize one after another. Due to various accidents, the originally scheduled variety show could not be recorded.

Although she still has other activities to catch up on, the inexplicable abort of three of her most important jobs one after another makes her feel like bad luck.

In desperation, she had to return to the crew of "Number".

In order to continue to maintain the "hard background" personality, Sister Lili, who accompanied her back, even invited the general manager of the branch, Mr. Ma.

When Wu Qing and his group walked towards the set bravely, a young production manager in his early twenties immediately stopped the four of them: "We are about to start filming, and no one else is allowed to enter."

Wu Qing's manager, the oval-faced Hao Lili, pulled Wu Qing behind her and said, "Look carefully, we are not just waiting around, this is Wu Qing, the actor from your group."

"Teacher Wu?" The attendant glanced at Wu Qing and shook his head, "Sorry, you have already been fired."

Hao Lili's single-lidded eyes opened slightly, two faint eyebrows fluttered, and her voice became a lot higher: "Expulsion? Why?"

The middle-aged Xie Ding reached out to stop her, and said with a smile: "Can you call your director Xu Jizhou, and say that Ma Ming, the general manager of Star International, is here to visit the set."

The young scene manager couldn't make up his mind at this time, just now Gao Han just asked him to stop the four of them, otherwise they would enter the set, and said that if their attitude was bad, they could be expelled directly.

But right now, the middle-aged man named Ma Ming's attitude is quite kind, and judging from the title of the other party, he is obviously not an ordinary person. He hesitated for a while and said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask our director."

Xu Jizhou, who was sitting behind the monitor, heard that Ma Ming wanted to see him by name. After the phone call the day before yesterday, he didn't want to show up, but everyone had already come to him. I have a guilty conscience.

He pondered for a few seconds, got up, and in the process of walking out of the set, he called the on-site producer and winked at the nanny car.

Xu Jizhou came in front of several people, his eyes swayed back and forth on the four of them, and finally stopped on the bald Ma Ming, and asked, "Mr. Ma, are you looking for me?"

Ma Ming shook hands with Xu Jizhou, as if he was not the one who made the call at all, and said with a smile: "Director Xu, I sent someone here for you. Besides, I can assure you that I will never do it again in the future." The unhappiness before it happened."

Xu Jizhou's eyes shifted to Wu Qing, and Wu Qing, who lowered his head, immediately said: "Director, I'm sorry, I didn't feel well that day, I didn't have time to ask you for leave, I'm really sorry."

Xu Jizhou also smiled, and said: "I also have to say sorry, you are late, two days ago, after Wu Qing left without saying goodbye, after research and decision by the crew, we have changed other actors to play the role of Zhao Yan. "

Ma Ming still smiled and said: "Director Xu, what you said is too outrageous. Whether or not to be fired is just a matter of your words. I admit that there was a little misunderstanding before, but it happened suddenly. , I really didn’t have time to say hello to the crew, and we were all worried about her, and we forgot about this, so it’s inevitable that we’d be a little emotional when we spoke, and besides, Wu Qing’s scenes have been filmed a lot, so now we have to bear the loss if we change the crew, right?”

If Xu Jizhou could make up his mind about the production crew, the general manager of a film and television branch had bowed his head to the current point, he would turn a blind eye and close one eye in the past, but for the current "Number", he can't make the decision at all, he can only take it lightly. Shaking his head lightly, he said, "Mr. Ma, I'm really sorry, Wu Qing has indeed been fired, and we've already re-shot most of Zhao Yan's scenes. Even considering the funds, we can't use her anymore."

"Director Xu." The smile on Ma Ming's chubby face gradually faded, "This matter, but the crew made a mistake first, I hope Director Xu will give me face, otherwise we will not treat Wu Qing's 200 million fans as well. Easy to explain."

Xu Jizhou's expression sank immediately, and he knew that if this group of people failed to agree, they would definitely resort to disgusting methods.

Ma Ming's so-called "200 million" fans are definitely not a lie, because once the artists of Star International join together and make a public opinion storm, he, the director, can't handle it at all.

Xu Jizhou pondered for a while, and said: "Mr. Ma, let me explain to you. Although I am a director, I can't decide who to use or not to use."

The middle-aged woman said: "Who can make the decision? Let's talk to him."


Xu Rong's voice came immediately, seeing that Ma Ming was about to speak, Xu Rong said: "Wu Qing has been absent from the filming for two consecutive times without reason, and I have already been expelled. Why, do you have any opinions?"

As he spoke, he came to Xu Jizhou's side and gave him a sidelong glance.

Xu Jizhou smiled embarrassingly, and it was difficult for him to explain in front of outsiders.

When Ma Ming saw Xu Rong standing up, he immediately resolved the doubts that had been holding him back for a day. He finally knew why another crew and two TV stations suddenly terminated the contract.

Before coming here, he also had doubts. Recently, Wu Qing has not offended anyone, and the only one who can be regarded as offended is Xu Jizhou.

But he knew very well that Xu Jizhou didn't have that much energy to make the TV station prefer to offend Star International, but also to sell face.

But Xu Rong has, because in the TV field, Xu Rong maintains a good relationship with various film and television companies and major TV stations, and his status as a drama actor, the TV station also has to give him face.

"You are a TV actor, you really think of yourself as a wrist, pig nose." The middle-aged woman looked at Xu Rong who looked like [-] million, and immediately stretched out her index finger sharply and shouted.

But before she could finish her words, Ma Minghu next to him yelled, "Shut up!"

Hao Lili was taken aback, and then looked at Ma Ming blankly. She didn't understand what kind of anger Mr. Ma suddenly got angry, because no matter how big Xu Rong's wrist was, he was still just an actor.

Xu Rong looked at the woman who was yelled at for a while, smiled, and asked, "What's your name?"

Hearing Xu Rong's question, Ma Ming quickly turned around and said with an apologetic smile: "Ms. Xu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she just came to the mainland not long ago, and she doesn't know Mount Tai with her eyes, please don't mind. "

Xu Rong glanced at the woman, nodded lightly, and said without further entanglement, "That's the end of this matter. By the way, if it gets out, I will treat it as a good thing you Star International did." .”

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu?" Ma Ming looked at Xu Rong who left without turning his head, and called out twice, but there was no response, and he was stunned in place with his face blue and white.

Xu Jizhou was just a small person in his eyes, but when facing Xu Rong, he didn't dare to speak harshly.

Xu Ji Zhou looked at the four of them meaningfully, and said: "Several, please go back, I won't send them off."

Hao Lili's oval face was bright red, and her two eyebrows flew higher: "Mr. Ma, let's go back and mobilize artists. This kid surnamed Xu really thinks he's a bit famous."

"Have you fed your brain to the dog?" Ma Ming looked at the woman helplessly, "Do you think he is really just those celebrities you met before, can you go back and investigate before yelling at him?"

Looking at the three stunned people who were yelled at by him, Ma Ming narrowed his eyes and glanced at Xu Rong's back, and said, "Let's go."

"President Ma, let's just leave like this?"

"Otherwise?" Ma Ming resentfully said, "Mobilizing artists to mess with Xu Rong, thank you for thinking about it, heh, you can call and ask, and see who in our company has the guts to mess with him."

Hao Lili is not ignorant, but she still does not believe in evil, because before coming to the mainland, she has done her homework, especially the means of resolving disputes with her own side, and she has asked many people.

After getting in the car, she immediately turned on her mobile phone and dialed the numbers of several familiar artists, but she meant well, but once she pointed her target directly at Xu Rong, the other party would either have to catch up with the event and be inconvenient to chat, or they would have to Boarding the plane, I hung up the phone without hesitation.

At this moment, Hao Lili realized the seriousness of the problem, and asked puzzledly: "Mr. Ma, isn't Xu Rong just an actor? By the way, I heard that a small studio has been set up with such great energy?"

Ma Ming lay on the back of the chair and said weakly: "I am still the vice-captain of Renyi."

"That's just a drama troupe, what can there be?"

"Yes, it's nothing. First of all, his reputation is big enough, and his appeal on the small screen is one of the best in the mainland. It's too late for the TV stations to get along well. He won't offend him at all. In addition, the nature of the theater company Renyi is quite special. For the film and television companies in the mainland, it is very likely that one day, Xu Rong will become the leader of the competent department. Even if he stays in the troupe honestly, do you know who he has friendship with in those departments? Do you think film and television companies and TV stations can not give him face?"

Hao Lili gasped involuntarily, and asked, "Does that mean we hit the iron plate this time?"

Ma Ming still didn't open his eyes, and said: "I now suspect that Wu Qing's contract termination is the fault of Xu Rong."

"Then, do you want Wu Qing to apologize to him?"

Ma Ming was speechless for a long time, but he opened his eyes and looked at Wu Qing who was sitting in front of him: "Wu Qing, what do you think?"

Wu Qing glanced back at Mr. Ma and Sister Lili in the back row. For the first time, she began to doubt the correctness of signing with Star International. This matter was worked out by them from the beginning to the end, but now something went wrong, but she let her solve it by herself.


Xu Rong returned to the set, seeing that it would be her turn in another hour, so she didn't go back to the car to rest, and if she fell asleep, she would stare for another ten minutes.

Xu Ji Zhou hurriedly followed, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, but you have to come forward."

"It's okay. I was the one who insisted on replacing Wu Qing. If something goes wrong, I will naturally have to bear it."

Xu Jizhou hesitated for a moment and asked, "Will they retaliate?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

If Ma Ming dares to retaliate, what Star International will face is the joint strangulation led by China Film and Hualu. Yesterday, Han Sanping has officially become one of the producers of "Number".

Things were indeed as he expected, and Star International didn't even dare to fart in the end. This incident also made him understand that the film and television companies and artists in Hong Kong and Taiwan, who are just talking loudly, passed some things that they couldn't get. Bullying and bullying the honest people in the mainland with the superficial method, really encountered a hard stubble that is not afraid, and immediately froze like a ball.

With Wu Qing's turmoil over, the state of the crew has rapidly improved. Xu Jizhou has its shortcomings, but its advantages cannot be denied. It is probably due to his background as a war film director. Xu Jizhou's safety requirements are simply the strictest in Xu Rong's career. He is a strict director. In every explosion scene, he always puts safety first. He would rather use technical means to make up for it than allow actors to take risks.

Half a month after the start-up, Ni Dahong officially joined the group.

And on the first day of entering the group, Xu Rong, Wang Lei and Li Jian were given a big blow when they came up.

After finishing a scene, Ni Dahong took a towel to lightly wipe the sweat from his forehead, walked to Gao Han and glanced at his hand, then turned his head and said, "No, we have to start all over again."

Xu Rong looked at him sullenly, and said, "What do you mean?"

He felt that there was nothing wrong with what he just acted.

Ni Dahong took the stopwatch in Gao Han's hand, and said: "I noticed this passage when I was reading the script. Normally, it should be 3 minutes and 25 seconds. Now it is four seconds longer. That is to say, the rhythm when we left just now Something went wrong."

Wang Lei and Li Jian sat on the ground, staring blankly at the stopwatch in Ni Dahong's hand, not knowing what expression to show on their faces.

Who in the world is shooting a TV series and pinching the stopwatch?
That's the habit of very few film directors who are particularly strict, okay?
Wang Lei asked with a smile: "Mr. Ni, pinching the watch, isn't it a bit too much?"

Xu Rong turned around and glared at Wang Lei, "It's too late, do you know how embarrassing it is for you to ask this question?"

Even if Li Jian asked this question, there was no problem at all, but Wang Lei had doubts, especially in front of Ni Dahong, which was a big problem.

Because this is Renyi's reserve method, it was used by Ni Dahong, a mandarin speaker, to show off in front of them.

Wang Lei looked at Xu Rong's sharp eyes, and didn't know why, because he had never heard of any TV series that had to watch.

Ni Dahong smiled and glanced at the embarrassed Xu Rong, handed the timer to Gao Han again, and said: "You don't understand now, every word in the previous "Mutiny" in your academy was pinched. Not to mention four seconds, when Mr. Gu had a line, there was an extra 0.6 seconds, but for this 0.6 seconds, I waited for a whole day."

I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow, because I'm going to be a resident, I guess I have to buy some daily necessities, I'll update it to see the situation.

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