I'm just an actor

Chapter 276 Surprise

While Ni Dahong, Xu Rong, Wang Lei, and Li Jian were competing with the stopwatch, in the living room of a villa not far away, Chen Baoguo glanced with a smile at the latest information that Ni Dahong "spyed" on his phone.

"Xu Rong's expressiveness is very strong, but it is relatively easy to be affected by external factors. It seems that the rhythm is not very good. In a 3-minute scene, it is four seconds short, so I don't feel at all."

Chen Baoguo breathed a sigh of relief, let's just say, he's not yet 30 years old, if his overall expressiveness has no shortcoming, then he's fine?

And what reassures him is that Xu Rongcha's is precisely the most critical shortcoming.

"What are you looking at, as happy as if you are about to marry a new wife?" Sitting opposite him, behind the thick smoke, a deep voice asked slowly.

"A little thing."

Chen Baoguo closed the phone, put it aside, stretched out his index finger, tapped the script on the table in front of him twice, and said vigorously: "What did you just say? By the way, the top-notch book, Liu Heping took time It was written in four years, and I came to find me four or five times, insisting on letting me play the male lead, no, I really couldn't save face, so I agreed."

As the smoke dissipated, the face of the owner with a deep voice was gradually revealed. It was Chen Baoguo's neighbor and "friend" Chen Daoming for many years.

Chen Daoming squinted his eyes, lightly smoked the cigar in his fingers, picked up the script on the table with his eyelids, and said, "Hey, no, how did I hear that the first male is Xu Rong?"


Chen Baoguo waved his hand, and said, "There's not too much difference in the role, it's not sure who is the male lead, let's put it this way, before today, I was [-]% sure, now, I'm [-]% sure."

Chen Daoming asked curiously, "How?"

Although he extremely dislikes Chen Baoguo's way of suppressing the protagonist through forceful presentation, he has seen Xu Rong's level with his own eyes, and Chen Baoguo didn't drink too much today. Where did he have the courage to boast so much? Big Haikou?

"You'll know later, just wait and see."

"Why, Liu Heping didn't look for you?" Chen Baoguo seemed to remember something, and asked with his mouth curled up and eyes wide open in surprise, "Isn't it possible?"

Why couldn't Chen Daoming fail to hear the sour taste in his words, and said: "I've been a little tired of filming in the past two years, and I'm going to change my taste."

Chen Baoguo looked at him suspiciously: "Change your taste, why, are you going to change your career?"

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Chen Daoming's face, but then, it was obscured by the rising smoke, which was not real.


"A drama?"

Chen Daoming said with a smile: "Isn't Renyi going to rearrange "Family"? I think it's not the case that you are all so active and always idle, so I made a plan with Zhang Heping and He Yan, and plan to go to the Renyi arranges a play, whenever "Family" is on, we will be on it."

"Haha, Xu Rong is really bad luck for eight lifetimes, hahaha."

Chen Baoguo thought he was quite happy at first, but as he was enjoying himself, the smile on his face gradually faded, and his expression became more serious. He leaned forward a little and asked, "How many years have you been on stage?"

Chen Daoming took a puff of smoke into the air indifferently, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Almost, it's been 30 years."

Chen Baoguo was amused, and said: "Take it easy, don't get stuck, I haven't worked with Xu Rong recently, but I went to see his performance of "Thunderstorm" last year, the stage performance is very strong, and let me tell you something You may not believe it, he is easily disturbed when filming, and the rhythm is relatively not that strong, but when he is on stage, the rhythm is ridiculously good, very similar to Pu Cunxi, a natural drama material, if you fight with him, the possibility of capsized in the gutter is very high Big."

"Nonsense, right? You think I'm stupid if you can act in dramas but not in movies?" Chen Daoming grinned and looked at Chen Baoguo with a look of nonsense on his face, "Besides, I haven't touched it in 30 years. Drama, but he has only been in this industry for a year, so who can say for sure."

"You still don't believe it."

And in a private room of a hotel, Li Youbin filled Ren Ming's wine glass with a smile: "Yuan Ren, it's a good day to get together."

Ren Ming thought about it seriously for a while, and said: "It's been a while, you are busy, and I am also busy, with several plays in my hand, plus I have to deal with miscellaneous things in the courtyard, I can't get away at all. body."

"What kind of play is Ren Yuan doing?"

Ren Ming finally realized that something was wrong, and asked, "You didn't just ask me out for a drink today?"

"That's what you're thinking about"

At this time, Xu Rong hadn't noticed it at all, because the overall success of "Thunderstorm" and "Ming Dynasty 1566" caused a desperate siege by the film and television gang because they didn't receive a good script, and all the old guys who had nothing to do.

After finishing the row again, Xu Rong didn't wait for Gao Han to report the time, glanced at Ni Dahong, frowned and muttered: "I still feel something is wrong."

He shifted his gaze to Wang Lei next to him, and said, "Did you slow down just now?"

Wang Leiguang laughed straight, neither admitting nor denying it, because he knew that with Xu Rong's level, he would definitely be able to tell that the barrier was not with him.

Then what he said was not aimed at himself.

He is used to pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

The problem still lies with Li Jian. I don't know if it's because of too much pressure or some other reason. His rhythm and the rhythm of the three of them are not stuck on the same channel at all.

Because it was Ni Dahong's first scene, both Xu Rong and Ni Dahong had other thoughts in their hearts, so they just watched Li Jian's rhythm running around in a daze, without any intention of reaching out to give him a hand .

Li Jian didn't realize that Xu Rong was talking about himself. Every time executive director Gao Han said "start", he couldn't help but get nervous.

Today he heard for the first time that a stopwatch is needed for filming. After half a month of filming, he has already figured out who is deep and who is shallow.

Especially since turning on the phone, after Xu Rong stopped the strange voices that he occasionally popped out while reading the script, he was fully fired. Every time he played with him, he had to put up his full energy.

And the newcomer Ni Dahong didn't give up too much, and he was always thinking about the stopwatch. Under the huge pressure, he didn't have the energy to control his rhythm at all.

Tight outside and tight inside is an ideal state, especially in performances, but under the unreserved pressure of Xu Rong, Ni Dahong, and Wang Lei, he was almost exhausted coping, and the "tightness" exceeded the normal limit.

Xu Rong glanced at Li Jian, who had his head down, and said, "I've walked three times, let's take a rest, and start shooting directly when the camera position is adjusted."

Speaking of this, Xu Rong hesitated for a while, then turned his head to Ni Dahong with a little embarrassment and said, "Mr. Ni, please help me a little later. Our level is limited, so you should control the rhythm."

Hearing Xu Rong's sincere and polite request, Ni Dahong couldn't help but raised his brows, and then laughed. The time was still [-] seconds short. As far as TV dramas are concerned, it is already possible to pass the test, but as far as he is concerned, it is not very satisfied.

Because he has too few roles, there is no room for sloppy in every one.

But he consciously responded. Through rehearsals, he has thoroughly figured out the depth of this kid Xu Rong. His comprehensive expressiveness is very strong. , but held back.

When he was walking the scene just now, he purposely reserved [-]% of his energy, in order to let him experience Teacher Ni's true skills when it came to the actual filming!

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Ni Dahong nodded, seemed to think of something, and told the three of them, "You don't have many words, especially Xu Rong, there are only a few words in total. Think about how to deal with it. It's okay. Don’t be afraid, come here boldly, if you can’t catch me.”

Just as the filming was about to start, a scene manager suddenly ran over and muttered in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, someone is visiting your class."

"Who is it?" Xu Rong frowned and asked the manager.

"Pu, Teacher Pu Cunxi."

Xu Rong was sitting on the ground, when he heard the name, he jumped up immediately, pointed at Xu Jizhou outside the arena, and while patting the non-existent dust on his buttocks, he trotted over to meet him. Seconds later, a flattering voice came back to the set, saying, "Hey, Puyuan, what wind brought your old man here?"

"Hey, what about this person, if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you really don't know how many faces there are." Ni Dahong listened to the sound, giggling and said, "A minute ago, it was like 1 to [-], Turning his head around, he looks like a dog leg."

"Hey, Mr. Ni, you really said that." Wang Lei was about to answer, but when he was halfway through, he realized something was wrong, and immediately changed his mouth, "Mr. Ni, I don't agree with what you said. Team Xu entered the courtyard." Afterwards, the teachers of the returning class were Senior Zheng and Senior Zhu, but it was actually Pu Yuan who kept him in charge, and Pu Yuan can be regarded as Team Xu's teacher."

The reason why he stopped suddenly just now is that he suddenly realized that in terms of friendship, the relationship between Ni Dahong and Captain Xu is closer than his own. If this old guy turns around and learns the words from Captain Xu, God knows what he will do. Fuck yourself? !

Ni Dahong didn't care about his twisted tone, turned his head, looked at Wang Lei suspiciously, and asked, "Senior Zheng, senior Zhu, which senior Zheng and senior Zhu?"

When Wang Lei called him "senior", two people immediately popped up in his mind, but rationally he felt that it was impossible. If it was really those two seniors, Xu Rong's starting configuration was too high. .

Wang Lei smiled and said, "It's the seniors Zheng Rong and Zhu Xu from our academy. I heard privately that the two seniors had a big fight at the art committee to fight over who should lead Team Xu. .”

This gossip was something Ni Dahong had never heard of before. He became interested, moved closer, and asked, "Then why did the two bring it together again?"

"Senior Zheng said that Dui Xu was discovered by him. In the past, he must have been at least a teacher, but what did Senior Zhu do? He said that Dui Xu was a disciple of Teacher Li Xuejian, and he was also half of his disciple. , In the end, the dean negotiated a deal, and both of them will be teachers and lead together."

Ni Dahong now fully understands why Xu Rong is so fierce now. Look at the teachers who have come all the way, Li Youbin enlightened him, Li Xuejian and Tong Zirong laid a solid foundation, Zheng Rong and Zhu Xu were in charge of advanced improvement, and Pu Cunxi followed to check and fill in the gaps .

This set of super-luxurious teachers covering film and television dramas can't be found in the whole of China. What's more, as long as the talent is enough, anyone can come out!

As for whether the attitude is correct or not, it is not considered at all. These old guys are four hundred years old together. I have never seen such a person.

Looking at Xu Rong who was chatting with Pu Cunxi in the distance, he suddenly had an idea, should he create a growth environment similar to Xu Rong for his children?

But soon, he denied this unrealistic idea, because the situation was different. From the moment Xu Rong stepped on the train to Beijing from Jilin, he had no choice but to go all the way to success.

Just like Xu Rong who is smiling with Pu Cunxi like a junior not far away, his own child is not willing to bend that way at all.

As soon as Pu Cunxi heard Xu Rong's voice, he probably guessed what kind of role he was playing, and said, "Wouldn't it delay your filming?"

He was also a film and television actor in the past, and he clearly knows how busy film and television actors, especially the main actors, are on the set.

Actors who are serious and down-to-earth in filming generally hate people from outside the media to visit the set, because if the media, especially the big media, come, the whole crew welcomes it. After all, it is free publicity, but if relatives and friends visit the set, say hello , Delay the shooting, don't say hello, people came all the way, I feel sorry for leaving people aside.

"No, the filming will start soon."

Xu Rong pointed behind him, and asked, "Why are you here, Pu Yuan?"

Pu Cunxi smiled and said: "I brought you a surprise, but don't worry, I'll watch your play and tell you when you're done."

"Surprise?" Xu Rong asked Pu Cunxi as he walked towards the set, "What's the matter, so mysterious?"

Pu Cunxi saw Xu Jizhou leading someone to greet him, and said: "Stop talking, don't worry, we'll talk about it when you're done."

Before Xu Jizhou could speak, Pu Cunxi took the lead with a smile and said, "Hello Director Xu, Xiao Xu didn't cause you any trouble here, did he?"

Xu Jizhou was quite flattered, he ran two steps quickly, grasped the right hand that Pu Cunxi had just stretched out with his two fat palms, and said: "Puyuan, you are too polite, I am too happy to be able to cooperate with Teacher Xu, why? Will it be troublesome?!"

Xu Jizhou's face was full of smiles, while speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Xu Rong, and couldn't help but secretly cursed: "It's time, you should ask me if I have caused trouble for you "Little Xu"!"

Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi who was chatting with Xu Jizhou and Ni Dahong, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Because since Pu Cunxi didn't say it now, he must be afraid of affecting his emotions.

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