I'm just an actor

Chapter 277 Don't Move

After Gao Han re-emphasized how to go to a special actor who will have a line later, he turned his head, looked at Ni Dahong, Xu Rong, Wang Lei, Li Jian and the ready-made personnel of each group, and shouted loudly. Said: "Get ready, start!"

On the steps, Li Jian squinted his eyes, frowned slightly, holding a spear in both hands, sitting cross-legged on Xu Rong's right hand.

On the left side of Xu Rong, Wang Lei was sitting with a big horse, looking up at the black muzzles of the surrounding guns, tilting his head, raising his eyelids, and looking at the special agent in black mandarin jacket and trousers directly in front of him. , casually changed the gun in his left hand to his right, and said imposingly: "If it is a Chinese, put the gun down, and the Chinese will not hit the Chinese."

Before Wang Lei spoke, the dirty Xu Rong's eyes were like searchlights, darting back and forth on the faces of the gangsters in black.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the devils, he, Sun Chenghai, and Chen Feng climbed into a courtyard wall in desperation. Before they could figure out the situation, they were inexplicably shot in the forehead.

Under the obvious situation of "the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered", he first wanted to figure out what was going on, and who was pointing the gun at him, so that he could come up with a countermeasure and escape.

As soon as Wang Lei finished speaking, he immediately followed up and said, "That's right, the Chinese don't beat the Chinese!"

This sentence is not in the script, and he didn't say it during rehearsal, but this sentence fits Li Dashen's personality characteristics.

"Your mother has yellow skin, how dare you say you are Chinese?!"

When Xu Rong heard the words "Tianniang's" and the sneer on the other party's face, he immediately raised the grenade in his hand, stuck his neck, raised his gaze, and said loudly: "What's the matter, sir, I pull a string, let's listen to it!"

Xu Rong's revision of the lines was not aimless, but an impromptu play on the basis of fully summarizing "Bright Sword" and "Snow Leopard".

In serious war movies, love between men and women will never be the core theme, but this kind of subject matter that is extremely inconsistent with the market trend, every few years, there will always be a blockbuster that bursts out suddenly.

For a long time, Xu Rong has been very aware of his own weaknesses, and his vision for picking scripts is not particularly good. Therefore, he often discusses and thinks with people about the popular dramas on the screen, and slowly, he also comes to some conclusions. Valuable insights and experiences.

For urban-themed dramas, emotion and career must be the two cores, otherwise it will lose the coolness of the audience it is targeting, which means that it will completely lose its selling point.

For a serious historical drama, treacherous political struggles are indispensable.

Of course, any theme, love between men and women can be used as the core theme. In other words, a tortuous story about love between men and women can easily attract a large number of audiences if it is inserted into any type of theme.

Of course, this kind of drama is just wearing skins, and the subject matter is similar.

With the advancement of urbanization, the life pressure of ordinary people is increasing. Working at sunrise and resting at sunset have long become stories in books. Under such a general environment, the purpose of most audiences watching dramas is It's for entertainment, not to learn or comprehend anything from it.

Since his debut, he has also starred in "Bright Sword" and "Snow Leopard", two very different types of popular war films. Now, he has more or less experience in war films.

The core of a war movie is not the love between men and women, nor the promotion of ranks, nor the continuous victories one after another, but the heroism of the main characters under the camera. All the storylines are based on this Serving with style.

To some extent, although the core of war films is highly similar to workplace dramas of the boss type, the audiences hardly overlap.

This is also the starting point for Xu Rong to deal with the character of Li Daben. He has never experienced that era, nor has Xu Jizhou, so he can only interpret this character from a purely commercial perspective. The "hero" will never be a reckless man , but he can't be an outright slicker. He has great wisdom, but he is also not lacking in small cleverness. He can be cowardly when he should be cowardly, but he will never back down when he should be tough.

This is the selling point of war films, because to some extent, the actions of the protagonists in war films give the audience under pressure an outlet to vent their emotions.

Following Xu Rong's gesture of pulling the string, the muzzle of a few holes moved forward a little more.

Seeing the situation, Ni Dahong in the distance felt a flash of doubt in his heart. Since the sound of "beginning" fell, Xu Rong had completely "lived", especially his slight neck twisting movement was very interesting.

Because his action gave Wang Lei next to him a very strong hint. Before Wang Lei was about to open his mouth to speak, Xu Rong's inspecting eyes stopped naturally, and Wang Lei also answered the words just right.

When I was walking the show just now, the rhythm was completely changed!
Until this time, Ni Dahong suddenly recalled that during the rehearsal just now, he had reserved three parts of his strength, while Xu Rong, perhaps only contributed five parts of his strength.

Because Xu Rong left no more, no less time for his co-actors to say a word, and in the process, he also strengthened the three-dimensional sense of his own character, this morality, and the respect he showed for his co-actors. His influence is not comparable to that of him before the actual filming.


Ni Dahong's slightly surprised voice came out, and when the voice came out, Ni Dahong only felt that his whole body was pierced by an electric current from his forehead to his body.

The element of surprise in this "Yohe" seems to have happened to be designed for him by Xu Rong.

Before the real shooting, he didn't expect Xu Rong's sense of rhythm to be so strong, and he didn't expect that he would be waiting for him early in the morning.

At this moment, he completely understood that whether it was the previous rehearsal or the rhetoric that he was asked to help just now, Xu Rong was probably just making fun of it, in order to make him say the "yo ha" he appeared on the stage sincerely. .

After a brief shock, Ni Dahong quickly regained his composure, and a Yuan Datou danced between five fingers.

"I met a bachelor, and the ancestor of the bachelor is in this courtyard."

Ni Dahong walked slowly and leisurely, and arrived in front of several people.

The scene where he appeared was carefully thought out by him, especially the little movement of the silver dollar flying around his fingertips, which would only appear twice in his scene, one was his appearance, and the other was just before his death, The spinning silver dollar fell to the ground, followed by a big explosion that killed the devils together.

Sitting next to Xu Jizhou, Pu Cunxi watched the monitor quietly, and nodded slightly.

The performances of Xu Rong and Wang Lei, two young people, are remarkable.

The costumes of the two of them have explained quite clearly where they came from, what they have experienced, and their own personality characteristics.

Because the dust on Xu Rong's body was in stark contrast to Li Jian and Wang Lei who were on the left and right.

Pu Cunxi reckoned that although Xu Rong's role was the leading one among the three, his role was definitely not a person with a strong figure.

The details of Wang Lei passing the pistol from his left hand to his right also reflect the character's distinctive personality to a certain extent, which is the line in his line "Chinese people don't hit Chinese people".

The future can be expected, the future can be expected!

When Ni Dahong walked up to the three of them, Xu Jizhou's voice came immediately: "Pass."

"Keep one, keep one."

Ni Dahong looked at Xu Rong with a bright expression and smiled, and said, "Xiao Xu, you are not old-fashioned in what you do."

Xu Rong smiled, looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "What does Teacher Ni mean by that?"

Ni Dahong waved his hand and said, "You understand what you mean."


Xu Rong was quite happy in his heart. Ever since he found out about the existence of the so-called "Xu Squad", he had been thinking about how to get rid of them.

The only pity is that Ni Dahong has too many roles. If there is only one scene, he really doesn't mind acting with him.

Show the enemy weak first, and when "All Quiet in Peking" starts next year, the gang of hammered old guys who are full of bad water will not dare to recognize their own sons!

After a scene was filmed, Pu Cunxi muttered to Xu Jizhou, walked over to Xu Rong, first patted Wang Lei on the shoulder, and said, "The acting was good."

Wang Lei hurriedly said, "Thank you, Pu Yuan."

Pu Cunxi smiled lightly, didn't say anything else, turned to Xu Rong and said, "Go, let's talk on the sidelines."

Probably after hearing Pu Cunxi's talk about the "surprise" he brought, Xu Rong was startled, but not happy at all. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean, they are all here for me?"

Pu Cunxi smiled and said: "I heard Chen Daoming's voice, it should mean this."

"No, you don't even want your face?!"

"Hahaha, don't have too much pressure, but you can't be without a little pressure." Seeing that Xu Rong's words were fierce, but the expression on his face was not as serious as expected, Pu Cunxi was slightly relieved.

The purpose of his trip today is not to put pressure on Xu Rong, but to remind him.

Because Xu Rong is a well-known actor, after entering the theater, he directly skipped the tradition of playing tricks. The first scene was a role, and under the judgment of the 30-day jury, he defeated the group A led by Gu Wei. And take this nomination to enter the art committee.

It is a supreme honor to be placed on any actor.

Especially for Xu Rong from Nortel, the weight is even more important. In the three major colleges and universities, if a student in a class can be admitted to Renyi, the class teacher's four years of hard work will not be in vain. A core thesis is stronger than the boss, because anyone who knows the business understands that the thesis may not be written by himself, but if there is a student who enters the art committee, he can blow it all his life.

Just like today's Xu Rong, it has become a nightmare for the younger students. During the class, Nortel's teachers will inevitably talk about Xu Rong and shut up about Teacher Xu. A lot of homework assigned by the class is also after the class collectively watched Xu Rong's performance. papers.

Xu Rong exhaled lightly and said, "I see."

After sending Pu Cunxi away, Xu Rong didn't think about it any more. He was still filming "Number", thinking about other things not only could not solve the problem, but affected the shooting instead.

After filming started again, Ni Dahong, who had been scolded once, did not dare to take it lightly, and showed a [-]% attitude.

Originally, he came with a mission, but right now, he can't take care of so much. If he is completely suppressed by Xu Rong in the non-spy war "Number", not to mention the audience, even a group of old guys, next time Seeing him, I'm afraid I can't help but make fun of him.

And as the crew started filming on location, Ke Lan, a female character who doesn't have many scenes, officially joined the crew.

As soon as they met, Ke Lan rushed to Xu Rong and said, "Mr. Xu, you are lying!"

Xu Rong stared at her blankly: "What do you mean, cheating?"

Ke Lan stared straight at him: "You said I could win the Golden Eagle Award this year, but this year there will be no Golden Eagle Festival at all."

Xu Rong's expression immediately changed, and he said, "You are wrong if you think so. What is a trophy? It is honor and affirmation, and my affirmation to you is that if the Golden Eagle Festival is held this year, you must have one!"

Ke Lan was stared at by Xu Rong, and seeing his serious face and sincere feelings, Ke Lan couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and said, "Why, I haven't filmed a single scene yet."

Recently after reading the script, she did a lot of homework, of course it was not professional, because Xu Rong had already told him that she could play herself as long as she wanted.

The law that playing Xu Rong's wife or lover must be popular has been fulfilled many times, from Zhang Xinyi and Li Xiaoran in the early days, to Song Jia, Yan Ni, Hai Qing, Yuan Wei in the past two years, no matter how many roles they play, they are all popular .

There is no need for her to search carefully, but if you enter "Xu Rong" in the search bar and the names of the actresses who have worked with him, there are countless gossip and anecdotes.

Among them, Song Jia, who had a close relationship with him in private, was undoubtedly the target of various media reports.

The most commendable is Song Jia's unforgettable "23 times".

"Mr. Xu, if there is something wrong with my acting, you should not be polite, you should make noise and scold me."

Xu Rong hurriedly said politely: "How can that be?"

"Really, you don't have to be too polite. You said it before. Although this role doesn't have a lot of drama, it will definitely shine if you play it well. I want to play it well."

"Helping each other is the way to go. It's too much to scold or not to scold."

"Okay." Ke Lan felt a little regretful, but it was not easy to force.

Less than half an hour later, Xu Rong's extremely impolite voice came faintly: "Who are you showing your reserve to?"

How could Ke Lan think that Xu Rong, who was still amiable just now, turned his face faster than turning a book, and suddenly couldn't suppress his temper: "How can I be reserved?"

"Hehe, I'm still quite unconvinced. If you really have the ability, let's perform it for the big guys to see."

At this time, Xu Jizhou looked like a statue, just watching the two people at swords and swords, sitting motionless behind the monitor, not even daring to make the slightest movement, which attracted the attention of the two.

Before Ke Lan joined the group yesterday, Luo Liping had already greeted him in private, and he must be polite to Ke Lan.

He asked curiously: What is her background?
Luo Liping didn't say much, just said: His background is much tougher than Xu Rong's.

Seeing that Gao Han, who was in the wrong situation, was about to go up to make peace, Xu Ji picked up the walkie-talkie on Monday: "Stop, don't move."

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