I'm just an actor

Chapter 278 Literacy

After three consecutive shots, Xu Jizhou saw that Xu Rong's expression was not quite right. Although he himself was honestly directing in front of the "Zen Master", his attention never left Xu Rong and Ke Lan.

His original strategy was to give Ke Lan the treatment of a first-line actress, and to communicate with respect and equality about the problems that occurred during the filming process.

If it doesn't work, take a detour.

As the producer, Xu Rong has the responsibility and obligation to ensure that the overall filming does not deviate from the script and the positioning of the work, and as Ke Lan's recommender, he wants to communicate with Ke Lan more or less smoothly than himself.

That's what he thought, and he did the same thing, but after two consecutive communications, which didn't have the expected effect, Xu Rong himself couldn't see it.

Now that Xu Rong and Ke Lan have a dispute, he can't get involved, but he is the director after all, and he is responsible for guiding the performance of the actors.

At this time, Xu Jizhou wished that Ke Lan would completely ignore or even forget himself as a director.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Han was about to step forward, Xu Ji was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, there was a fight between gods and gods, what the hell are you doing to go up and join in the fun?

Think you can't die fast enough? !

Therefore, after Gao Han had just taken two steps, Xu Jizhou could no longer maintain a state of silence, so he grabbed the walkie-talkie and hurriedly shouted: "Stop, don't move."

Hearing this, Gao Han's raised foot was stopped urgently, and he stood there in a daze.

I didn't figure out what was going on for a while, and Ke Lan was about to quarrel with Teacher Xu. Why don't you stop and wait for the show?
The voice from the walkie-talkie also startled Ke Lan, who was "confronting" Xu Rong, she turned her head, looked at Gao Han who was standing still, and asked, "Director Gao, what I did was really wrong? "

In a few short seconds, Gao Han vaguely grasped the barriers from Ke Lan's attitude towards Xu Rong, and Xu Jizhou's attitude towards Ke Lan.

What is certain is that Ke Lan is not Xu Rong's person, but a little-known actor who dares to talk back to Xu Rong in front of so many people, and is also feared by the director, must have something to rely on.

Gao Han looked directly past Ke Lan, looked at the recorder behind her, and said with an unhappy expression: "Xiao Liu, what about you, the words on the record board can't be read clearly, that's what you do at work? You know I don't know how much trouble you will cause in the later stage?"

Chang Ji is a young man with short hair who is about the same age as Xu Rong. He is very clever. After being dazed for a moment, he immediately erased the handwriting on the slate, walked around Ke Lan with a full face of apology, and said, "Director Gao, it is true. I was negligent, my fault, my fault."

Gao Han grabbed the recorder, walked to one side, and said, "Let me tell you, the mistake you made this time cannot be excused by a single negligence."

As if thinking of something, Gao Han took a few steps, turned around, and said, "What, I'm sorry, Mr. Ke Lan, what's the matter, I'll talk about it later, this kid can make such a serious mistake, I have to Let him have a long memory."

As he spoke, he patted Xia Ji on the shoulder fiercely.

Seeing Gao Han's serious face, Ke Lan nodded her head subconsciously, and then she turned to look at Xu Jizhou who reminded her existence through the walkie-talkie just now.

"No, you listen to my opinion first, and later this one has to be a long shot, which is the feeling of making a documentary."

"You just know how to push, if you have the ability, you go for it?"

Xu Jizhou and the photography director had their heads together, but their voices were inexplicably noisy. Just listening to the sound, the two of them seemed to be pinching each other in the next second.

Ke Lan turned her eyes to another place again, but at this time her eyes were like machine guns, wherever she looked, her heads would fall down in pieces.

Those who have been in the crew all the year round, all of them are human beings. After a while, almost all of them have seen the clues. They dared to yell at Xu Rong, and the director and executive director pretended not to see it. The fools guessed the tricks.

Ke Lan has a mysterious background and cannot be offended, but Xu Rong is a big name and has the title of producer, so he cannot be provoked. No matter whether he says "right" or "wrong", he will probably have to go around.

Ke Lan saw that everyone was avoiding her gaze, but silence itself was an incomparable attitude. She clenched her fists tightly, and when her gaze turned, she looked at Xu Rong who was frowning at her. Dare to look at him, like a deflated ball: "I'm wrong about the assembly."

"But you have to tell me how to act, right?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and gave her an ambiguous answer, saying: "When you can make me like you, that's right."

"Why, how is it possible?" Ke Lan tried hard to look at him with wide eyes, "How can I decide whether you like me or not?"

"So, you should at least let me know you, your real side."

Ke Lan hesitated for a moment, and said: "The premise is that you should also let me know your real side."

"Okay." Xu Rong said without hesitation, "I'll give you 5 minutes to prepare, and then shoot the real thing."

Ke Lan stared blankly at Xu Rong, who had a gentle attitude before, but was quite alienated in an instant, full of inexplicable surprises.

Looking at his back as he turned and left, it took her a while to understand what was going on.

Is he showing his true side?
Too outrageous, right?

Suddenly, she became a little curious, because in the past intersections, Xu Rong had always given her the impression that she was a talkative person, and when he was talking, he would always make a few jokes abruptly.

There is not much difference from most of the men who surrounded her in the past.

However, such as the current business affairs, almost never encountered a few.

For the first time, she wanted to know, what kind of person is he?

Xu Rong was sitting in a folding chair, and seeing Wang Lei buried his head in the script on his knee, muttering something in his mouth, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Without raising his head, Wang Lei said, "I'm reciting words."

Xu Rong didn't bother, and listened carefully for a while. Wang Lei was indeed reciting the lines, but what he was reciting was not the lines of the script, but Japanese.

In the play, he has many scenes of communicating with devils in Japanese.

After a while, Wang Lei's voice suddenly stopped, and he turned his head slightly on his knees, and said, "This thing is too difficult, how did you memorize it in the first place?"

"In the beginning?"

"When filming "Snow Leopard", I heard Yu Zhen say that you memorized the Japanese and German."

After Wang Lei said this, Xu Rong remembered what was going on, and said, "I just memorized it by rote, but I planned not to dub it from the beginning, so I prepared very early."

Wang Lei looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Why, do you all use dubbing in this situation?"

Xu Rong took a sip of saliva, moistened his throat, and said, "Because those voice actors are too rough."

"Yes." Wang Lei buried his head in his knees again, "There is really no way to refute this reason."

Renyi's acting methods are self-contained, and to laymen, they will only feel that they are selling melons to Wang Po.

A theater has its own system?

The most typical overall generalization that can be glimpsed is that actors from arts backgrounds have almost no drama accent, which is the so-called resonance, and resonance is precisely the most typical feature of the theater system or performance system around the world, because it The basis of bel canto.

The system of human art is the easiest to distinguish, and it is also the most distinctive point. It is reflected in Beijing-style children's plays. Old Peking people always talk like hot eggplants in their mouths. Actors, performing "Teahouse" and "Xiaojing Hutong" on stage, for example, "Hello" in the old Peking saying, often become "piss" in the ears of the audience, but through their own efforts, artists and artists have developed the ability to speak words Guiyin's specific skills can not only guarantee the Beijing flavor, but also allow the audience to hear every word clearly.

Specifically, the pronunciation of words is "yán", and the normal pronunciation is "y" from the mouth, and the attribution is attributed to "án". Attribution to "án" can ensure the accuracy of the character.

Specific to the vocalization training of each word, it is naturally the most classic eight hundred pacesetters rushing to the north slope!

This is a skill that voice actors, or even the vast majority of actors, do not possess.

When he raised his head by chance, Xu Rong happened to meet Ke Lan's eyes in the middle, but it was limited to this, and he looked elsewhere.

He never thought of teaching Ke Lan how to act. The biggest difference between her and Song Jia is that Song Jia's basic skills are quite solid, what is lacking is the skills to improve and the finishing touch when the emotions are not in place.

However, Ke Lan has not received professional training, and she is still performing and can only act with instinct. The role she can play well is limited to her own character.

If Kelan really wants to be an actor and achieve something, and to play other roles that are not completely suitable for him but are similar to him, he must first make up for the missing courses, go to school to practice breathing, vocalization and basic line practice, Liberate nature and so on.

If you really want to talk about it, Xu Xing is much stronger than her.

Fortunately, considering that it was Ke Lan's first day in the group, her role was only arranged for one scene, which was regarded as a warm-up and to find her status.

And Xu Rong also fulfilled his promise as promised, and didn't scold her again, but just repeated it over and over again.

The next day, Ke Lan rehearsed for three scenes.





A scene was filmed for a long time, and Xu Jizhou's voice resounded continuously throughout the set. Seeing the sun shining brightly, after another "stop", Ke Lan suddenly squatted on the ground, and after a few seconds, Shoulders shrugged, accompanied by a low and then "wah" cry.

Xu Rong stood aside and looked at her sympathetically. After a while, he squatted down and patted her on the back lightly.

He thought of a certain female classmate who sat across the aisle in high school.

She is often the first to arrive at morning reading every day, and the last to leave during evening self-study. Except for going to the toilet, she hardly has a break between classes. Even when she eats, she always returns with a glass of water and a bun. Go to your seat and eat, and study while eating.

In terms of diligence, the whole school may not be able to find the second one, but in terms of grades and rankings, even in the class, it is only in the middle.

If she didn't work so hard, he wouldn't remember it so deeply. If she doesn't work hard, it's natural for her to have poor grades, but she has paid several times the hard work of others, but it is still not as good as others. A kind of devastation.

Just like Ke Lan at this time.

"After filming this film, go to be a host, you are not suitable to be an actor." Although he also knows that this hurts, but as a person who has already walked in the forefront of most of his peers in the field of acting, he feels that It is necessary to give well-meaning advice.

Just like what Zhang Fengyi and Li Youbin advised him back then, talent is limited, even if you smash your head to pieces, at best you can just paint a not-so-bright red on the dark red south wall.

Unexpectedly, Ke Lan suddenly raised her head, wiped away her tears with her sleeves, stared at him bitterly and said, "You fart!"

Xu Rong can understand her feelings, because when she heard the same advice in the past, she had similar thoughts.

He took the paper from Wang Yaqin and said with a smile: "Don't cry, wipe your eyes, Sai Diaochan is a tough girl who is not afraid of dying for her man, she won't cry."


"Makeup teacher!" After Ke Lan took the paper, Xu Rong turned his head and shouted to the makeup teacher loudly, "Come and fix our classmate Ke Lan's makeup."

When a large circle of people heard Xu Rong's words, they couldn't help but look at each other. Teacher Xu, they are still crying. Is it really appropriate for you to make fun of others like this?

Also stunned was Ke Lan who was squatting beside him.

To this, Xu Rong just responded with a bright smile.

Seeing Ke Lan asking the makeup teacher to touch up her makeup like a puppet, Xu Rong smiled, and quietly gestured "OK" to Xu Jizhou.

Ke Lan's biggest problem is that she can't let go, but the first step of a professional actor is to liberate her nature, which means that she has not even crossed the threshold of an actor.

And in the past two days, everything he and Xu Jizhou have done is to help Ke Lan achieve the first step of being an actor and liberate her nature.

There is no way, after all, it is short-handed.

After all, he was the one who pushed Ke Lan over. If something went wrong, he had to bear it all.

Gao Han worriedly looked at Ke Lan whose ears were blushing, moved closer, pointed Ke Lan with his finger, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, do you want to let Teacher Ke Lan rest for a while?"

"Need not."

Xu Rong immediately rejected Gao Han's proposal, then turned to Ke Lan and said with a smile, "I believe you can."

Ke Lan stared blankly at Xu Rong. Normally, she absolutely wanted MMP, but at this time, under the trusting eyes of the other party, she unexpectedly felt an impulse for no reason.

"ready, go."

"I'll comb your hair."

"Pull it down, your hair is less than three inches long, so how can you comb it?"

The softness on Ke Lan's face gradually faded, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he just stared straight at him.



"Okay, very good." Xu Jizhou's voice came immediately, and he didn't know whether he was praising Ke Lan or lamenting their cooperation.

"That's it, don't worry too much."

Xu Rong encouraged in his mouth, but sighed in his heart. There is a basic course in the acting major called "Psychology of Performance". Of course, the main content of the course is the external manifestations of various psychological phenomena.

But what he did these two days was beyond the scope of "Performance Psychology". First, he isolated Ke Lan through the external environment, and gradually undermined her self-confidence. Finally, Xu Jizhou kicked her into the abyss. The moment she collapsed, he turned into an angel again and pulled her out of the abyss.

When Kelan cried in front of everyone, she quietly collapsed because of the external restraint formed by the host, but when he appeared in time and gave her encouragement as the only "trustworthy" person in the whole group, she would not Taking into account the so-called image, she just wanted to prove to him that she could really do it.

This is the basic quality necessary for an excellent performance director.

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