I'm just an actor

Chapter 282 Childhood

Chapter 282 Childhood
"Mr. Xu, are you okay today?" Xiao Zhang asked after being sneaky for a long time early in the morning.

Xu Rong glanced at him and said, "It's okay, are you okay?"

Xiao Zhang laughed twice and said, "Then can you come with me to the courtyard to watch my rehearsal?"

Xu Rong could see what she was holding back early in the morning, but he didn't ask, because it was fine last night, so it must not be a big deal.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry, and asked, "What play?"

"Our Jing Ke."

"Oh." Xu Rong suddenly realized that "Our Jing Ke" is a script written by Mo Yan, directed by Ren Ming, and it was only discussed and approved by the arts committee last year. It is a new play that satirizes some current social phenomena.

"Who plays Jing Ke and Yan Ji?"

Xiao Zhang rubbed his chopsticks, with an inexplicable expression: "Wang Ban plays Jing Ke, Song Yi plays Yan Ji."

"What's the matter?"

Xu Rong stared blankly at her. Song Yi was recruited by him, and he was very clear about his level. As for Wang Ban, he played Zhou Ping in "Thunderstorm" directed by Gu Wei and starring Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun. He is the most criticized actor by the audience.

Like Ke Lan, he has an unimaginable love for dialogue dramas, but is limited by his talent.

The only difference is that Wang Ban's talent is much better than Ke Lan's.

Instead, Xu Rong vaguely figured out the reason, it was still an old problem, and there was no successor.

His situation in the courtyard is exactly the same as that in the film and television industry, and the courtyard pays more attention to professional level in comparison.

His existence has weakened the outside criticism that Renyi has no successors, but it is limited to this. Apart from him, there is no other person to be found.

The situation of actresses is worse than that of male actors. Originally, Yu Mingjia's wonderful performance during the first round of "Thunderstorm" last year gave great hope to the old audience of Renyi, but after the National Day file, Yu Mingjia's wonderful performance The performance of the ghost scene, many people gradually recalled that Yu Mingjia was not on the same level as him at all.

Not only the audience, but also Pu Cunxi, Yang Lixin and many consultants discovered this, and thus realized a more serious problem.

Xu Rong doesn't have a suitable regular partner!

As a result, the immediate need for young actresses in the theater is far more urgent than male actors, because male actors have Xu Rong to support their appearance, but there are no actresses of the same age who can act with him.

Therefore, the academy is particularly eager to cultivate one or two young actresses with relatively strong professional capabilities.

Early in the morning, Xu Rong took Xiao Zhang to the entrance of the theater. When he passed by, he glanced at the posters on the wall. His eyes stayed on a strange poster for a moment, looked at the security guard, and pointed A poster asked, "Is there any other troupe coming to perform in the theater?"

"Good morning, Captain Xu, I've come to the capital to use our theater on the first floor."


Xu Rong nodded, but he didn't find it strange. Similar things happened often in the past. For example, if there is a crew in the theater going to Moscow to perform, they usually borrow the Bolshoi Theater, and if they go to New York to perform, they will greet Broadway in advance.

After entering the theater and walking into the door of the rehearsal hall, Xu Rong looked up and saw several people in the rehearsal hall sitting on chairs having breakfast.

"Morning, Team Xu."

"Morning Brother Xu."

"Morning, Teacher Xu."


Xu Rong glanced over, and there were quite a few acquaintances, Yu Zhen, Wang Lei, and Zhu Xiaopeng who had worked with him were all there.

Yu Zhen was used to getting up early, and had breakfast on the way. Wang Lei and Zhu Xiaopeng saw the smile on Xu Rong's face faded a little, and put away their breakfast in a hurry.

Just as Xu Rong was about to open his mouth, a familiar voice came from behind: "Yo, Xiao Xu, are you done?"

Xu Rong turned his head, looked at the tall Ren Ming who was coming, and said, "Xiao Zhang said he was going to come over to rehearse the play, so I'll follow along to have a look, Courtyard Ren, it's quite early today."


Ren Ming laughed and didn't talk much about this topic, instead he said: "Then just sit down for a while, it's just the beginning of synthesis, you palm palm eye first, and see if you can get it later."

Before the final release of each play, it needs to be reviewed by the art committee, and it can only be released after passing the review.

Ren Ming is the deputy director of the art committee, and Xu Rong is also a member of the art committee. Considering that it is impossible for everyone to be there every time due to various reasons, but Xu Rong will have a performance in the future, so he will definitely participate in the review. Let him see that the chances of passing the time are also higher.

"it is good."

Xu Rong nodded, looked at Wang Lei, Zhu Xiaopeng, and Song Yi who didn't know whether to continue eating or to put aside their breakfast, and said, "Okay, don't eat it, put it all away, and it's time for people to talk." The backstage next to it is getting ready, seeing us eating in the rehearsal hall, how embarrassing it is to spread the word."

The rehearsal hall and the backstage of the theater are both on the first floor, and they are connected to each other, so everyone can see it inside and out.

In the drama circle, the four-character motto "The drama is bigger than the sky" is the most widely praised in Renyi's rehearsal hall, but if the story of the actors' meals spreads, "The drama is bigger than the sky" will become a complete joke.

Song Tie didn't dare to refute at all. She had never met Xu Rong before, and her understanding of him was only hearsay, but she always felt that he was a very gentle person. It was not until she went through the recruitment examination that she completely changed the past misunderstanding .

During the exam, Xu Rong was quite rude to her comments, and blamed her for not making any progress in the four years of college.

It also made her realize the real side of him for the first time.

Ren Ming stood aside, watching with a smile. Although Xu Rong's establishment is not in the courtyard at the moment, Zhang Heping emphasized that he is still a member of the art committee and the deputy captain of the actor team.

Wang Lei originally wanted to come up to say hello to show his close relatives, but at this time, he didn't dare.

And he had a premonition that the days ahead might not be easy.

The two future successors of the actor team are more stringent than the other, Xu Rong is relatively good, and the other vice-captain Feng Yuanzheng can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in his eyes.

Xu Rong sat behind the table with Ren Ming side by side, and when the actors were ready, Ren Ming said: "Let's start, row together."

The plays of the first few people are quite satisfactory, Lei Jia's performance has improved a lot compared to "Wotou Guild Hall", Wang Ban is still the same, and he can't get rid of the traces of "acting".

As soon as Song Tie came out, he walked five steps from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. Ren Ming rang the bell and said, "Don't act."

Song Tie nodded slightly, and could only walk back.

When she appeared again, this time she only took four steps, the bell sounded again and said, "Don't you want to act?"

After doing this sixteen times in a row, Xu Rong found that Song Tie's emotions were obviously a little bit overwhelmed.

She just stood there in a daze, and when she walked, she didn't even know whether to step with her left foot or her right foot first.

And Xiao Zhang, who hadn't played yet, was stunned.

Because she suddenly discovered that Ren Yuan today is a completely different person compared to the past. Many old directors are very similar.

Don't tell you why, just let you keep trying over and over again.

Xu Rong was quite helpless, and this was one of the six people he picked out of nearly 2000 people.

Seeing Song Tie standing in front, looking at Ren Ming and himself blankly, he sighed and said, "Don't treat Yan Ji as a woman."

Anyway, this is the newcomer who I and Zhang Heping patted their chests to ensure that there would be no problem.

Seeing her doubtful expression, Xu Rong patted his forehead helplessly, knowing that he had committed an old mistake again, and said: "When you came out, your eyes should be a little bit upward."

Song Yi bit his lip like a marionette, seeing that Ren Ming did not refute, he said softly, "Okay."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, she took Ren Ming with her arm, pointed upstairs, and said, "Yuan Ren, I have something to do, so let's go first."

Ren Ming is also embarrassed to forcibly retain Xu Rong, he has shown the seriousness and style of the great director Lin Zhaohua today, but it is really difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

When Xu Rong left the door, Ren Ming smiled wryly and said, "Okay, I finally got Xiao Zhang to give you a teacher, and you were so angry that I left."

Wang Ban, Song Yi and the others faced each other face to face, and for a while they didn't know how to answer the conversation. They had all read the summary of "Thunderstorm" written by Xu Rong. The detailed and thorough analysis was rare, but what he mentioned in it The use of some skills also allowed them to understand the true talents of the young vice-captain.

"Okay, my young ladies and gentlemen, don't be dazed, let's go."

When Song Yi reappeared, Ren Ming was stunned for a moment, and Song Tie raised his gaze a little, but the tension in the overall performance came out immediately.

"Ring bell bell."

Song Tie heard the bell again, and almost cried on the spot. She was one of the six people handpicked by Teacher Xu. In the past, she was always proud of this. Dazed was beaten back sixteen times in front of Teacher Xu.

Ren Mingshen pondered for a while, and said, "The one you picked is a little higher, and then a little lower, and do it all over again."

Wang Ban looked at Ren Ming suspiciously, and asked in a low voice: "Yuan Ren, why does Xiao Song's eyes pick up like this, and it gives people a completely different feeling?"

Ren Ming smiled and said: "If you want to understand, you can learn art or something to improve your grasp of the structure of art and the shape of objects."

"Captain Xu still knows art?"

When Wang Ban was questioning, his eyes turned to classmate Xiao Zhang. In terms of understanding of Xu Rong, the actor in the group said that he was the second, and no one dared to say that he was the first.

Xiao Zhang was stared at by a group of people, and she was a little flustered. She had never seen Teacher Xu draw, but she had heard from Teacher Xu that every time he went to ask Teacher Lan Tianye a question, the old man always dragged him to admire his "clumsy work".

She is also not sure whether Teacher Xu has learned or not, and if he has learned, how much he has learned.

Ren Ming looked at Xiao Zhang's appearance, guessed in his heart, and said: "I guess I don't understand, but his stage perception is very keen. Among the current actors in our academy, Feng Yuan is confronting him. The intuitive judgment of the stage is the most accurate."

At the end, Ren Ming added another sentence: "He is talented, and I can't envy him, but this thing can't be improved through practice. You can almost reach that level after practicing painting for more than ten years."

Wang Ban smiled helplessly: "Okay."

Xu Rong left the rehearsal hall, went straight up to the third floor, and came to Zhang Heping's office. It was reasonable, he had to come and report when he came back after going out for a while, and he also wanted to talk to Zhang Heping, let's see Who are the actors in "Family"?

Back then, Zhang Heping had promised him that he would gather most of the backbone of the courtyard.

Arriving at the door of Zhang Heping's office, hearing laughter inside, Xu Rong poked his head over, and saw Zhang Heping and Mr. Lan Tianye sitting diagonally across from each other on the sofa.

"Teacher Lan, Dean, good morning."

Zhang Heping smiled and pointed to the place next to Lan Tianye, and said, "I'm back."

Xu Rong walked over and sat down, and said: "I'm fine at home, come and have a look."

Lan Tianye nodded at him with a chuckle, and asked, "Xiao Xu, have you read the script of "Family"?"

Regarding the change of old man Lan Tianye's attitude, Xu Rong's feelings are quite clear. When he first entered the hospital, this senior only treated him as an ordinary junior.

The real change came when the art committee reviewed "Thunderstorm". Since that day, the old man's attitude has obviously become much more enthusiastic.

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "No, I just came back from the set yesterday, and I haven't had time to catch my breath. I'll wait for two days until I recover."

Seeing the two nodding their heads, Xu Rong asked, "Have the actors settled yet?"

Zhang Heping pushed the notebook in front of him, and said: "We are talking about this matter, it has been settled long ago, but it is not because of you, someone has resigned now."

Xu Rong looked at Zhang Heping suspiciously, and asked, "Resign because of me?"

"It wasn't the "Thunderstorm" you wrote that I was troubled by, saying that older people should not play younger roles. Originally, this role was decided to be Gong Lijun, and I reckoned that she would be the only one who could play with you. As a result, People say nothing and don’t act.”

Xu Rong has always insisted on this point of view. Drama is an interactive art. Actors affect the audience, and the audience also affects the actors. If a 45-year-old middle-aged man plays a young girl or a young man, it is impossible for the audience to enter the scene of the play.

Once this situation is formed, it will affect the overall effect of the performance. The natural defects of the actor's image cannot be made up for by skills at all.

"Where's Yu Mingjia?"

"She's going to arrange "Cai Wenji"."

"Where's Chen?"

"If you want to play "The Wilderness", you are not our people. It would be a bit unreasonable to arrange two plays for others."

"Where's Yuan Wei?"

Zhang Heping and Lan Tianye looked at each other, and said: "We also think the same way, you can call and ask later."

Xu Rong immediately smiled and said, "Dean, this is not appropriate."

"What's inappropriate, you have to learn how to deal with the Mandarin, not because of others." Speaking of this, Zhang Heping's words were inexplicably vague, "Besides, you have worked with her before, so it's easier to ask."


Lan Tianye immediately said: "You are the vice-captain of the actor team, and this is your job."


Xu Rong changed his tone, moved closer to Lan Tianye, and asked, "Teacher Lan, just right, I have a question, it's Mr. Jiao back then."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Lan Tianye interrupted him with his hand, and said, "Xiao Guo asked me to conceive the poster of "Family". I have some inspiration. Don't interrupt my train of thought."

Zhang Heping had also heard about Xu Rong's glorious deeds, and he laughed and said, "Xiao Xu, you can restrain yourself, I'm not talking about you, you tell me who else you can enter besides Mr. Zheng's house now." must go?"

Xu Rong poured himself a glass of water in embarrassment, and said, "President, if you say that, you have wronged me too much. Let's put it this way, Teacher Lan and I have no common life experience, nor similar hobbies. When we got together, we had to find something to talk about, in fact, we were forced to, and I didn’t really want to talk about drama, it’s boring, it’s really boring.”

Lan Tianye laughed and said, "Don't think I don't know. When you were in school, the teachers who blocked you were almost like seeing a ghost. They all turned around and ran away."

"Hey, what words are these, what words are these words."

Seeing Xu Rong's embarrassing appearance, Zhang Heping couldn't help laughing, and said, "Xiao Xu, you don't have Mr. Lan Tianye's Wechat yet, add a Wechat so we can get in touch later."

Xu Rong looked at Lan Tianye in surprise, and said, "Hey, Teacher Lan is so trendy?"

Who knows that Lan Tianye said bluntly: "How can I use WeChat, that?!"


Zhang Heping explained with a smile: "Teacher Lan is much more trendy than you imagined. He not only plays WeChat, but also Weibo. He is more trendy than your average youngsters."

The three of them wrote "Home" and chatted for half noon, when it was lunch time, Zhang Heping looked at the time and said: "Don't go back today, I will book a place for the three of us to go out to eat?"

"to make."

The three of them went to Xindong'an Market to finish their meal and came out of the restaurant, because the old man was old after all, and he couldn't walk fast. When they passed by a claw machine, Lan Tianye looked at it curiously, and asked casually: "What is this?" What is it for?"

Xu Rongdao: "Oh, claw machine, just put a coin into it, and you can control the clip to catch the doll."

"Then they won't die?"

Zhang Heping also introduced at the side, saying: "No, this thing is not easy to play with, it's not easy to grab."

The old man stopped, and said to Xu Rong curiously: "Grab one and let me see."

Xu Rong simply changed five coins and tried to play two.

"A little bit to the left, a little bit to the left, yes, yes, yes, you can't do this, you can't do this, let's go, let's go."

"Hey, hey, big, big, hey, why are you so stupid?!"

Xu Rong looked at the two people next to him who were directing blindly, and simply gave up his position, saying: "You come here, you come, I want to see how you caught them out."

"I come."

"Come on!"

Lan Tianye and Zhang Heping looked at each other for a while, Lan Tianye said: "I am old, you have to respect the old and love the young!"

"I'm still the dean!" Zhang Heping pressed the handle, "I'll grab a handful first, and you come with the remaining two coins?"

Seeing the opportunity, Xu Rong directly handed three coins to the old man, took out 100 yuan from his pocket, turned around and walked towards the counter.

Then, Xu Rong really felt what it means to be addicted to food.

For the whole afternoon, the three of them did nothing but took turns catching the dolls for a long time.

He bought 400 yuan for the game currency alone.

As a result, one of them was not caught, but the boss saw that the three of them were almost anxious, and each of them gave one away before leaving.

The boss is also kind, but he didn't want to do something bad, which made Lan Tianye and Zhang Heping feel very humiliated!

If you grab a doll, you have to be given it?

After sending the old man to the family home, the old man waved his hands at the two of them and said, "Xiao Xu, don't run around if you have nothing to do tomorrow. Let's grab the baby after dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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