Chapter 283
Yuan Huang coaxed his daughter who was awakened by the phone call just now, quite helplessly.

Before, from Xu Rong's attitude, she had vaguely determined that Xu Rong should not recommend herself to star in "Home".

"Before Dawn" did bring her into the public's field of vision again, but Gu Yejia had too few roles, and the few roles between her and Xu Rong could only be regarded as acquaintances at best.

But the phone call from Xu Rong just now caused her to fall into a conflict. She is still in confinement and her child is still young, so she cannot participate in rehearsals or performances at all.

Xia Yu tested the temperature in the bottle, and when he felt it was right, he handed it to Yuan Wei and asked, "Whose phone number?"

"Xu Rong."

Xia Yu asked in surprise, "Are you looking for a movie again?"

Regarding the cooperation between his wife and Xu Rong, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He was indeed a little uncomfortable when "North Wind" was cut off by Xu Rong, but the producer also came to the door to apologize and explained the reason.

As for inviting his wife twice, he is even less worried, because he believes in Yuan Wei. Moreover, Xu Rong's reputation has always been very good in the industry. , Wine Bureau.

This is fairly uncommon across the industry.

While breastfeeding, Yuan Wei said, "No, Renyi is going to rearrange "Family", saying that they want to invite me to play a role."

"Isn't this what you have been looking forward to?" Xia Yu asked in surprise. He had also heard about the news of the formation of "Family". ?”

Yuan Wei smiled wryly and shook her head, looking at the child in her arms, she said nothing.

It is true that "Family" is indeed a once-in-a-decade opportunity, but she does not want to give up the time to accompany her children to grow up.

Xia Yu hesitated for a while, and said: "I will ask Xu Rong to have dinner tomorrow. You are in a special situation. Let's see if you can join the group after confinement."

"Forget it, there are still children."

"It's not that our mother is still there. Besides, it's not that I'm in a filming group. I can't come back after half a month. I can run back with a kick of the gas pedal."

Xu Rong who hung up the phone was also quite helpless. When he promoted "Before Dawn" last November, he and Yuan Wei attended a meeting together, but at that time, she didn't look like she was pregnant at all. appearance.

Right now Yuan Huang can't take part in the role, who will fill the role of Gong Lijun after her resignation seems to have become the most urgent issue.

Next year will be the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Human Art Institute. There are many plays to be staged, not only new plays such as "Our Jing Ke", but also classic plays accumulated over the past few decades. Each actor has to perform five or six plays, and the manpower in the theater is already stretched.

Classmate Xiao Zhang came out of the bathroom with a water glass, watered the potted plants in the room, and watered them to the shelf next to the door. While watering the ones below, she said: "Mr. Xu, help me go to the kitchen to move Chairs, the two pots on top are too high for me to reach."

Xu Rong put down her cell phone, walked to the kitchen and moved a chair, saw her bare feet, and asked, "Why aren't you wearing shoes?"

"The water was spilled when I picked up the water just now, and my shoes were wet."

Classmate Xiao Zhang stepped on the stool, poured water, tore off a withered yellow leaf, and asked, "Mr. Xu, why did you leave after watching the rehearsal today?"

"Put on your shoes, it's cold on the ground." Xu Rong took out a new pair from the shoe cabinet, "I can't stand it anymore, I've read the script of "Our Jing Ke" a few times, the book is a good one, but the acting is terrible .”

Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned and asked, "Is everything bad?"

"Almost, last year I heard Mo Yan mention that the play "Our Jing Ke" is not for you to play Jing Ke, but to play 'us'. This is a very typical play that satirizes the present, so It must be performed according to the contemporary people, so that they can resonate."

"But our costumes are all ancient clothes. In fact, the scale is very difficult to grasp." Xiao Zhang didn't care about Teacher Xu's negation. If she doesn't act well, it doesn't have much to do with her.

Seeing Xiao Zhang's relaxed appearance, Xu Rong roughly guessed what she was thinking, took the dead leaves she handed over, walked over and threw them into the trash can, looked at Xiao Zhang who ran into the bathroom again, and asked with a smile Said: "By the way, Xiao Zhang, did Feng Yuan tell you when he will let you play the role?"

The voice of classmate Xiao Zhang came: "No, he said let me calm down and polish it slowly. When the time comes, he will arrange it."

Xiao Zhang was still a little emotional at first, because Song Yi entered the theater at the same time as her. In terms of acting experience, she has more acting experience, but now she is co-starring in a play, Song Yi is the leading role, and she is only a good actor with lines. Many maids.

But after witnessing the torture of Song Yi by Ren Yuan with her own eyes today, she didn't look forward to acting so much anymore, because if the acting was not good, she didn't know how to deal with being tossed back and forth.

She poked her head out suddenly, and said, "Mr. Xu, I heard Ren Yuan say something today. Our college lost a lot last year, and the review of repertoires will be stricter in the future. Is it true?"

Xu Rong nodded, and said: "He should be talking about the small theater. Now there are basically few plays in the experimental theater in the courtyard that make money, and they all rely on other plays to supplement."

The problem of losses in small theaters has become more prominent since the adjustment of performance subsidies last year.

Since 08, with the rise of housing prices and commodity prices, the cost of living in Beijing has also risen rapidly. Although some actors are still in the theater, they don’t see anyone at all all year round. Some, although they are still in the courtyard , also participated in the performance, but did not focus on the play.

Also as an actor, the production ratio of acting in dramas and making movies and TV is not comparable at all.

If the same time and energy are invested in film and television, the benefits that actors can obtain are ten times, hundreds of times or even a thousand times that of dramas.

In order to solve this practical problem, after he proposed the "annual assessment system" last year, the theater increased performance allowances in order to allow young actors to focus on the show in a down-to-earth manner.

The appearance fee of the leading actors in the big theater has been increased to 1500, and the small theater has also mentioned 1200, which means that even if there is only one play for the main actors in the theater, the basic salary plus various subsidies in the month of performance can almost reach Income above [-].

If there are more repertoires to participate in, and the number of performances can be reached, theoretically, there is a monthly income of [-] to [-] yuan. At present, this income is not small.

However, the increase in expenditure has also brought new problems. As long as the attendance rate of the performances in the big theater is so-so, there is a very high profit margin. After all, even if the attendance rate is [-], it can sell [-] tickets. .

However, if the attendance rate of a small theater is not high, it will inevitably lead to losses.

Classmate Xiao Zhang came over, sat on the sofa, and asked suspiciously: "Then why are Happy Twist and Meng Jinghui not losing money? I heard that their salaries for actors are higher than ours."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Let's put it this way, if the average ticket price is 500 yuan, the performance can be sold for [-] yuan, and the actor's subsidy is only [-] yuan. In fact, there is a profit of [-] yuan for one performance. But we are a public institution after all, and we have been subsidized by the difference in financial appropriations for decades. We have long been accustomed to eating from a big pot. , Even if it is a small theater, it takes almost a million investment to make a play, but there are only a few who can perform more than [-] shows and maintain a profit."

"Twist Ma Hua and Meng Jinghui have worked hard in this area. I heard that their general investment in small theaters is less than 15 yuan, which basically guarantees that every play will be profitable."

"Then we can do it too?"

Xu Rong shook his head lightly, and said: "You said it lightly, just say that the funds you are rehearsing now will be cut in half for you, not to mention others, Ren Ming will be the first to jump out to object, from frugality to extravagance, It’s hard to go from extravagance to frugality.”

He hesitated for a moment, and felt that going on like this was not an option, because if he was losing money every year, it would be a trivial matter to have stricter audit standards. What he was afraid of was the blind compression for profit, and performances in small theaters would test the skills of actors even more. , because during the performance, the distance between the actors and the audience is calculated in centimeters, any subtle expressions and movements of the actors will fall into the eyes of the audience exactly, which greatly promotes the improvement of the professional level of the actors Effect.

This presentation method should not be gradually reduced because of profit and loss issues.

After going out for a day of snow skiing with Xiao Zhang, Xu Rong didn't rest much after he fell and felt pain. When he came to the courtyard, he had to tell Zhang Heping about Yuan Wei.

Zhang Heping didn't have any objection to this, but it was only a few days' delay, and he also had objective reasons.

During the chat with Zhang Heping, Xu Rong raised the issue of the loss of the small theater, and said: "Dean, I heard that our small theater has been losing money. Let me see, why don't we also get producers?"

The drama producer system is nothing new in the domestic drama industry, and the national dialect has been in place for more than ten years. Specifically, a special person is responsible for it, and it is responsible for its own profits and losses.

If the money is made, the big head producer can distribute it at will, and if it loses, the producer has to bear the cost of the loss.

Zhang Heping's smile gradually faded, he sighed, and said: "It's not that I haven't thought about this matter, it's not easy to do, everyone will be happy if they make money, if they don't make money, they will be caught blind, but don't forget, the producer In order to make money, you can do anything, just like Meng Jinghui's play, which mainly sells funny, twists are unspeakable, and dirty jokes are stuffed in them. If we do that, we are ruining our own brand .”

Xu Rongdao: "Then we can do a pilot project, and the producers must be our people. They are more familiar with traditions and have the ability to distinguish repertoires. Generally, they know which plays can and cannot be shown, such as the content Those that are vulgar, that the art quality is not in place, that are too politically out of the circle, or those that are completely funny and that are too far from our basic art style will definitely not be mentioned. To make money, some people really can do anything.”

Zhang Heping lit a cigarette and said, "What you said is not without its disadvantages. What if people find idle celebrities to act? You must know that the cost of a drama is actually very low, but the profit rate is not low at all. Even if it’s a small theater, as long as the people participating in the show are strong enough, our own actors may not be able to perform in the play.”

"Then our pilot is only for small theaters, and we can set a limit. For example, half of the actors in a crew must be ours."

"I'll think about it." Zhang Heping didn't make a decision right away, but said slowly.

"By the way, your office is ready, do you want to go and have a look?"

Xu Rong knew that Zhang Heping had issued an order to evict the guests, and said, "That's fine, thank you Dean for worrying all the time, I'll go over and have a look."

"Haha, let's go."

Xu Rong didn't solve it in the cafeteria at noon, and Xiao Zhang recently found several restaurants near the theater that she said were delicious, and she had already clamored to take him to try them.

After waiting at the door for two or three minutes, Xu Rong watched Xiao Zhang lead Song Yi over, and asked, "Is Xiao Song with us?"

Song Yi was quite surprised to see Xu Rong waiting at the door, Zhang Xiaofei only said to take her to eat, and didn't say that he wanted to be with Xu Rong at all.

In her feeling, Xu Rong is not an easy person to get along with. From entering the hospital to the present, she has only had a few encounters with her, but she has only been trained three times.

But it's all here, and it's not easy to find an excuse to leave at this time.

"Let me tell you, that sausage noodle shop is very out of the way, and the store is very small and old, but the taste is delicious. Anyway, you will know when you go there later."

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise and asked, "Then how did you find out?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang smiled and said: "I've heard it from a long way away."

Xu Rong was speechless for Xiao Zhang's reason for taking it for granted. Her talent was beyond comparison to ordinary people.

"Catch the thief, catch the thief."

I followed Xiao Zhang into a road, and just after turning a corner, I heard two sharp shouts.

The ones who shouted were two women in their twenties, and in front of them, two young men wearing peaked caps each holding a bag, were rushing towards the three of them.

Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang took a look, immediately got out of the way, and stood against the wall, because the two thieves also noticed them, and when the first one ran over, he took out a gleaming dagger from his waist.

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at Song Yi who seemed to be stunned by fright, and hurriedly dragged him over.

Seeing the two thieves getting closer, the muscles on Xu Rong's body tensed quietly. Although "Baji Grandmaster" has been installed for a while, he is basically familiar with it, but he really has to deal with someone with a sharp weapon. It was the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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