I'm just an actor

Chapter 284 Hospital

Chapter 284 Hospital
Xu Rong looked at the two thieves who were rushing towards him, and he was extremely vigilant. The two were not very old, and they looked about seventeen or eighteen years old by looking at their faces. They were about the same height as him, but their build was not good. Quite a lot. Although he is not considered strong, he has been doing morning exercises and evening exercises all year round. Due to professional reasons, although he is deliberately controlling his size, his physical fitness should not be comparable to these two young people.

The only thing that made him afraid was the gleaming dagger in the hands of the first person, and he was not sure whether the young man following behind had hidden weapons on his body.

It must be resolved in the shortest possible time!
He stared at the two people who were getting closer, lightly pursed his lower lip, and secretly made up his mind.

Contrary to his expectations, after the two approached, they didn't show any signs of letting the three of them out of the way. Instead, they slowed down and looked back and forth at Xiao Zhang's arms.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and understood the reason. Although the clothes and bags on Xiao Zhang's body were all cheap, all of them cost about a hundred thousand, especially the gold bracelet on her hand. In his eyes, he was simply a fat sheep that couldn't get any fatter.

When the person holding the dagger was two meters away from the three of them, he stared straight at Xiao Zhang and said viciously, "Hand over the bracelet."

"And a wallet and a phone."

Seeing the other party stop, he stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Zhang's arm, and at the same time, he did not forget to turn his head and say to his companion: "There are unexpected gains, haha."

The moment the young man turned his head, Xu Rong suddenly kicked off the wall behind him, raised his elbow sideways, and slammed straight into the young man's arms.




Xu Rong ignored the young man who was standing upright and fell to the ground, who resisted him with all his strength and caught him with an elbow. Instead, he quickly took two steps forward, and when he reached No.2, he was panicked and about to fall into his arms In front of the thief in Limo, the soles of his shoes stepped heavily on his feet. At the same time, he raised his knees, pressed the opponent's arm that was in his arms with one hand, and once again greeted the opponent's chin with a powerful and heavy side fist.


"Ah..." Song Yi's scream had just picked up a tune, and before his breath was evenly distributed, he was shocked by a series of lightning flashes in front of him and stopped abruptly.

The two people who wanted to rob him just now were lying on the ground motionless as if they were dead, while the other curled up on the ground, clutching his crotch with a flushed face.

And all of this happened in less than three seconds.

Xiao Zhang was also stunned. She knew that Teacher Xu had studied with that Baji master for a while, but everything that happened in front of her was like a movie. The teacher beat him so hard he couldn't resist?

"Huh, didn't you faint?" Xu Rong looked at the young man who was pushed in the crotch by him in surprise, and was quite surprised. Although he withdrew his strength when he struck, he didn't rush for the fatal vital point, but it was solid. It was actually on the chin, and it stands to reason that with such a punch, even if he didn't faint on the spot, he should still be confused for a while.

Following his doubts, the grinning young man who was still hurting on the ground immediately closed his eyes. Although the muscles on his face were still twitching, he seemed to be really dizzy.

Xu Rong still didn't dare to relax his vigilance, fixed his eyes on the two of them, and said, "Call the police."

After waiting for a few seconds, he didn't hear any response from the two behind him. He turned his gaze slightly, and saw Xiao Zhang and Song Yi's four eyes opened wider than the other, looking at him as if they had seen a ghost. .

Because everything happened so unexpectedly, from hearing the call for help to the two of them falling to the ground, it took less than a minute. They didn't have time to see what was going on. Knocking down the person, the other person was knocked down by his powerful punch and fell to the ground.

"Why are you still standing there? Call the police."

Song Yi hurriedly took out his mobile phone, made a call, waited for a while, and said in an extremely polarized tone, "Hello, Uncle Policeman, hey, we met two gangsters in an alley behind the Capital Theater."

"Okay, okay, um, we're keeping calm, they, they're calm, because of them, they're knocked out."

When Song Yi hung up the phone, the two women who had their bag robbed earlier ran over in a hurry.

At this time, Xu Rong had time to look at the two people who were robbed. They were estimated to be in their early twenties. One had dyed wine-red hair, the other was simply yellow and green. The clothes on his body were also quite revealing, barely covering what should be covered up. The place.

When Xiao Zhang saw the two people running over, he said, "Don't be afraid, the thief has already been beaten to the ground by Teacher Xu, and the police will come soon."

It's okay if she doesn't say anything, but after saying this, the two women's expressions became even more chaotic, they picked up the bag on the ground, and ran quickly while stepping on their high heels without looking back.

Classmate Xiao Zhang and Song Yiwang looked at the two who ran away without even saying thank you, and said extremely dissatisfied: "They are so heartless, we obviously helped them, but in the end we didn't even say thank you."

Looking at the figure that disappeared at the entrance of the alley, Xu Rong vaguely understood what was going on, and said with a smile, "It's not that I didn't say it, I guess they are afraid to see the police."

Song Yi looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Don't dare, why?"

Xu Rong laughed and said: "You guys are still young, you will know later."

After the policemen arrived at the scene and took the three of them to make notes, they praised Xu Rong for his brave actions. Several of the policemen said that it was the first time they had seen Xu Rong, and after finishing the notes, they politely asked if they could cooperate a shadow.

Xu Rong didn't intend to refuse, it was a good thing after all.

But when it was time to take a group photo, he stood between the two policemen, and he always felt that something was wrong. After waiting for a few seconds, he suddenly came to his senses. Isn't this a scene often seen on TV when criminals are arrested? !

Just missing a pair of bracelets.

He hurriedly stopped the policeman who was going to take pictures, and said, "Wait a minute, er, two comrades, can we take a photo in another place, I stand between you two, it always feels weird."

The two policemen were also stunned for a while, and after understanding what was going on, they couldn't help laughing, and said, "Then come one by one?"

"it is good."

When the three of them were sent back to the courtyard by the police car, Pu Cunxi, who had already learned the news in advance, was waiting at the door early in the morning.

He didn't object to being brave, but listening to the process, he felt that it was dangerous. When Xu Rong was fighting with two gangsters with sharp weapons, if Xu Rong didn't react in time, something serious would happen.

In his heart, he preferred Xu Rong not to have any disputes with the other party at that time, and to call the police after the person left. The loss of property is still a trivial matter. If someone made a mistake, he didn't know how to explain it to the courtyard.

Through "Thunderstorm", he has reached a consensus with Zhang Heping that Xu Rong is the future of Renyi.

As soon as the police car stopped at the door, Pu Cunxi came out quickly, supported Xu Rong's arm and asked with concern: "Xiao Xu, are you all right, where are you hurt?"

"It's okay, I just rubbed a piece of skin." Xu Rong pointed to his fist, "The two and a half children have not grown their strength yet."

Pu Cunxi looked Xu Rong up and down, and still asked worriedly: "I heard on the phone just now that the gangster who fought with you was carrying a murder weapon. Really, really not injured?!"

As soon as Xu Rong listened to the voice, although he didn't understand what was going on, he suddenly felt dizzy, and couldn't help but threw himself into Pu Cunxi's arms.

"Teacher Xu?"

"Xiao Xu?"

"Xiao Xu?"

"Call an ambulance, an ambulance!"

The policeman who sent Xu Rong and the others back was also terrified, and hurriedly said: "Don't call an ambulance, get in the car, I will take Director Xu there."

In fact, he didn't quite know why he called Xu Rong "Director Xu", because the leader of the bureau just called Xu Rong that way.

Song Yi stared blankly at the panic-stricken crowd, what's going on?

Xu Dui was really injured, and then kept holding on?

When Xu Rong was carried into the car, Pu Cunxi shouted: "Xiao Zhang, you come with me, and the others don't go."

After getting into the car, Xu Rong woke up after a while, and said weakly, "Pu Yuan, I."

Pu Cunxi straightened his face immediately, and said, "Don't talk now, you'll be at the hospital in a while."

As he spoke, he raised his head again and said to the police in front, "Comrade, please drive faster."

"Good Puyuan."

Xu Rong's tone became weaker at this time, but he still insisted: "No, Puyuan, I'm fine, let's go back, I can't delay the rehearsal."

Pu Cunxi sighed, and said: "Hey, tell me about you, what can you do? You are holding a murder weapon, two fists are no match for four hands, why are you so stupid?"

Xiao Zhang, who was sitting in front, was almost dumbfounded. When Teacher Xu fainted, she was almost scared dumb, but just now when Teacher Xu opened his mouth, she knew he was pretending.

Who is still talking with abdominal breathing when they are dying?

She tried her best to suppress the smile in her heart, turned her head, and tried her best to show a "worried" look, cooperating with the performance of the two people in the back row.

"I, I am a party member, these are what I should do."

Pu Cunxi has been ups and downs for decades, and has met all kinds of people, but at this time, he couldn't help being surprised by Xu Rong's face. His original intention was to take advantage of this opportunity to see if he could give Xu Rong a "capital city Role model" and the like.

In the end, after listening to his voice, good guy, he went straight to the party's internal appraisal.

Is that fucking thing so easy to get?
Classmate Xiao Zhang watched Pu Yuan and Teacher Xu singing together, and couldn't hold back anymore. When she was about to laugh, she forced a thought of self-blame in her heart. Look at Teacher Xu, look at Pu Yuan, the play He came as soon as he opened his mouth, and he insisted on the consistent style of the courtyard from the beginning to the end, striving to be true, and even she was almost deceived.

Thinking of this, her smile was diluted a little.

When I arrived at the hospital, after a lot of tossing, the doctor pondered for a long time on the various test sheets before giving a bold estimate with uncertainty.

It is likely to be caused by low blood sugar due to not eating for a long time.

Under Pu Cunxi's strong insistence, Xu Rong was observed in the hospital for three days.

At the same time, the media has already learned that Xu Rong was hospitalized for his bravery.

The report at the beginning was quite reliable, but he fainted due to unknown reasons, but later on, everything such as wearing a digital wound, ICU, critical illness notice, etc. was all ordered.

Xu Rong sat on the hospital bed, gnawed on the apple that classmate Xiao Zhang had just peeled, and watched the news. He didn't know what to say. Ever since he entered the police station, he knew that this matter must not be hidden, but I never thought that the media would be so limitless, as if his memorial service was going to be held tomorrow.

What troubled him the most was actually the caring calls from many relatives and friends.

Everyone is in this business, and without any confirmation from any directly related parties, they all know the situation. He must be hospitalized, but it is definitely not as serious as the media said.

Three days later, Xu Rong was officially "discharged from the hospital". First, he participated in the joint commendation meeting of the academy and the Chinese opera. Before he could catch his breath, the administrative department brought over a stack of forms and filled them out for a long time before finishing the work.

After the joint statement of Renyi and Zhongxi, although the incident of being brave for justice gradually subsided, the impact continued.

As for Xu Rong, who was idle, after a series of incidents in the past few days, he was almost completely under the influence of "Li Dashen", and was about to start preparing for "Family", when Liu Heping ran over again.

Liu Heping had already talked to him on the phone and knew that he had only suffered some skin trauma, but it was not serious. After a while of caring, he expressed his intention of coming today, saying: "Xu Rong, I'm sorry, I didn't invite Zhang Xinjian , did not invite Zhang Li, but Zhang Xinjian recommended two people to me, you also know each other, Kong Sheng and Li Xue."

A middle-aged man with a big head appeared in Xu Rong's mind. He was quite familiar with Kong Sheng. He had collaborated with "Crossing the Guandong" four years ago, and since "Crossing the Guandong", this guy seemed to be enlightened. For example, "The Age of Steel", which competed with his "Snow Leopard" at the beginning of this year, was written by this director.

As for Kong Sheng's level, he was trustworthy, and said: "Kong Sheng is also good, I can rest assured if you look at me."

Liu Heping laughed, and said: "That's right, Kong Sheng hopes to meet with you when he has time, and have a good chat about this play."

"What do you mean?"

Liu Heping seemed a little embarrassed, and said: "To tell you the truth, he is actually afraid that you will interfere with the creation of this play. You are the leading actor and an investor, so he actually has some scruples. After all, if you shoot according to the script, for The current impetuous environment, I'm afraid."

Xu Rong understood the unfinished meaning of Liu Heping's words, and said: "Then I can tell you plainly, as long as you don't change the script indiscriminately or mess around with laymen, I will not interfere with the creation, but old Liu, the matter of attracting investment How are you doing over there?"

"I've been running, and now two companies have expressed strong investment intentions, and I will continue to follow up, but both parties have some small requests, just asking if they can match so many publicity resources?"

Xu Rong sneered, and asked back: "Why, you can only make money, not lose money?"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world! Everyone thinks that the movie I starred in can make money, but this movie will be released in 13 years at the earliest. In two years, there are too many variables. How do you Can you guarantee that this movie will be sold by then, and someone will watch it?" Xu Rong expressed his concern, he asked Liu Heping to invest, not without any request, the cast was invited by him and Liu Heping for the sake of face, If other people want to get involved, they can't take advantage of it for nothing.

Liu Heping nodded silently. The current market is not the same as in the past. In the past, TV stations would bid if they thought it looked good after watching a film. Now, the conventional method in the market is that before the film is sold, the producer must first stir up the enthusiasm and then attract the favor of the TV station.

Just like the entire market's cautious attitude towards "Peking", this drama is too serious, and it also has a certain viewing threshold. If there is no popularity, even if the TV station buys the film for the sake of the luxurious cast, the price will be reduced to one unimaginably low.

Liu Heping also understood Xu Rong's real plan, and asked, "Then, about casting?"

Xu Rong waved his hand and said: "You decide these things, and I won't ask any more questions, but let me say something first, I don't care about other things, but the business level is decent, otherwise when the time comes, don't blame me for not giving you face."

After the casting of "Number" and the dinner a few days ago, he realized the fact that it is not necessarily a good thing to hold the decision of casting in his own hands, it is better to let Liu Heping take the lead, and He holds only the veto.

He doesn't use it, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have the power.

When Xu Rong was about to leave Liu Heping for dinner, a familiar call came in.

"Xu Rong, where are you?"

Hearing the panic in Pu Cunxi's voice, Xu Rong lowered his tone subconsciously, and said, "You're at home, Puyuan, what's the matter?"

"Hurry up and come to the hospital. This is where you stayed these few days. Mr. Lan Tianye just showed the young actor a demonstration and fell down."

Xu Rong was stunned for a few seconds and said, "Okay, I'll be right over."

The old man is 84 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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