After the awards ceremony, in the backstage corridor.

"Mr. Xu, wait a moment, Teacher Xu, wait a moment."

Xu Rong was walking, and when he heard the shout, his pace slowed down a little, but he didn't stop.

Unlike most of his colleagues who are going to live in the hotel arranged by the organizer, he will go home and rest.

After the award ceremony, he was dragged by various media to participate in nearly half an hour of interviews. Although there was no harvest tonight, because he rarely appeared in the media's field of vision, it turned out that he was the only one other than Shidishihou The target of various media, especially a large number of northern media, all want to pry the word "shady" out of his mouth.

Of course, going home does not mean returning to the capital right away. It is already late at night, and when he arrives in the capital, it will probably be two or three o'clock in the morning. After tossing back and forth, it is better to stay in a house on the side of the magic capital.

Nowadays, the activities he wants to attend are usually in the capital city or the magic capital, so he bought a residence here early on.

While he was slowing down, a little girl about eight or nine years old with double eyelids, big eyes, and a thin face ran up to him panting, blinked her big clear eyes, raised her head and asked timidly: "Xu , Teacher Xu, can you take a photo with me?"

Xu Rong looked at the little girl who was still panting and the heavy camera hanging on her chest, and smiled a little, but before he could speak, the two staff members who had been with him immediately blocked it with their bodies Leaving her behind, he said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Xu is still busy."

Artists are generally not very happy to take photos with strangers, but it is not easy to refuse in person, because those who want to take photos with artists are usually fans or movie fans.

And the role of the staff is like this, to say what the artist wants to refuse but cannot refuse.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in her thirties came running over: "Why are you running so fast, there are so many people, what if you lose it?"

Seeing Xu Rong standing beside her, the dissatisfaction on the woman's face turned into surprise in an instant, and she hurriedly stretched out her hand: "Teacher Xu, hello, hello."

Xu Rong didn't hold it. He was still hesitating whether to take a photo with the girl, but when he saw the woman coming, his hesitation immediately disappeared, and he turned his head and was about to walk outside.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu, I'm also an actor, and I'm your fan." Seeing that he was about to leave, the girl became anxious, and hurriedly took out the invitation letter from her pocket.

Xu Rong turned his head, looked at the letter in her hand, froze for a moment, and said with a smile, "Okay."

He came to attend Magnolia's awards ceremony today, and he noticed a subtle difference. During the process of his entering and waiting, the young artists, especially the younger ones, were outrageously polite to him.

When they saw him, they all wished they could bend their backs as if blown by a strong eleventh-level wind.

When Xu Rong took the photo and left, the middle-aged woman whispered: "In the future, when you encounter similar occasions, you must get closer to Teacher Xu and try to make him remember you."

The girl stared blankly at the woman, and asked rather puzzled, "Why?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just do as I tell you."

The woman looked at Xu Rong's back and sighed helplessly. Xu Rong was born in Nortel, and now he is a visiting professor at Nortel. Going to school in the future will be very safe.

In her expectation, it would be best to cooperate with Xu Rong in a play. There is no need to make any effort at all. If you get along day and night for two or three months, you will naturally get acquainted.

Her politeness to Xu Rong is also based on the same reason. If she hates him, it may be as difficult as climbing the sky if she wants to enter the gate of the three major colleges.

Xu Rong didn't care about these things. Although he was surprised by other people's reactions, he didn't find it difficult to understand.

Most people just saw that he was transferred to the Central Academy of Drama, but they didn’t know that he was only on a temporary basis in the Central Academy of Drama.

In the past, when the drama market was cold, I didn't feel it. As the drama market continued to heat up in recent years, the gap in actors in the theater began to appear.

Just like the preparation for the 60th anniversary celebration, we have to recruit actors from Chinese operas and Chinese operas.

It's just that what is missing in the courtyard is not the head, but the talented seedlings.

However, it was still early days. In a short period of time, it was impossible for him to focus on cultivating talents for the academy. These were the things that Pu Cunxi and Zhang Heping should worry about.

Back in the capital the next day, after getting on the bus at the airport, Xu Rong found that Xiao Zhang was not very interested, and asked, "What's the matter, didn't I just leave for a day, you have encountered another unhappy situation What's the matter?"

Xiao Zhang put on his seat belt, took off his shoes very skillfully, nestled in the co-pilot, and said: "During the rehearsal yesterday, Renyuan got angry again."

"It's still fierce!" She turned her face and emphasized a sentence very seriously.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "He is either angry or loud, and he does that when he is anxious, wait, he quarreled with you, can't he, you just have a few words?"

Every director in the theater has a different style. Ren Ming is a good-natured person, always cheerful and polite to everyone, but once he directs a play and the actors fail to produce the effect he expected, he tends to be impatient. He couldn't hold back his voice when he was in a hurry, which was exactly the opposite of the director who was always used to having a sullen face.

But drama directors are always unreasonable. Unlike film and television directors, drama directors have too few means to use. Apart from sound, light, and stage design, they can only rely on the performance of actors.

And Ren Ming is also unreasonable. For example, he asked the actors to "carry" a certain word in a sentence, but how to "carry" it is not what he cares about.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, what do you mean, you can't quarrel if you have few lines?"

"Why don't you feel happy that I didn't disturb you?"

"Oh, I'm telling you something serious." Classmate Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes at him and said, "He's really angry, it's completely different from before, and he told Song Yi that if he doesn't perform well again, he will withdraw her."

Xu Rong still didn't take it seriously, and said: "If you withdraw, you can withdraw. I thought what was the matter, where did Song Yicai go, let alone her, it was Yuzhi and Lan Tianye who were withdrawn when they were young. Yes, but don’t worry, Ren Ming is just talking about it, and under normal circumstances he won’t withdraw actors.”

"Oh." Xiao Zhang felt a little relieved now, and his tone suddenly rose, "That's right, Mr. Xu, Mr. Feng Yuanzheng said that he would take me to play "Friends"."

As soon as Xu Rong heard her voice, she guessed the general situation, and asked with a smile: "From what you mean, there are a lot of lines this time?"


Xu Rong didn't go home, but drove directly to the courtyard. Participating in the Magnolia Awards Ceremony was already a spare time, and the most important thing right now was "Home".

After the show is over, the filming of the first film in the real sense will officially begin.

The propaganda of "The Founding of the Party" has already been overwhelming, occupying the most prominent position in major theaters and media.

But today, the discussion in the media about this luxurious production that brought together many film and television actors and entertainers from the three regions of the Taiwan Strait has suddenly decreased a lot.

Last night's Magnolia Awards Ceremony did not exceed Xu Rong's expectations, and it did not surprise that it occupied the major entertainment pages.

Contrary to the one-sided praise of the late-blooming Shidi TV Queen in the south, many northern media, led by the Beijing Daily, opened the prelude to criticizing the organizers and jury of the Shanghai TV Festival.

In the past, the organizers of major awards would take care of their own film and television practitioners, but this time the Magnolia Awards are too ugly. If "Before Dawn" won the TV drama gold award, this year's Magnolia Awards would be completely reduced A small-scale carnival for several film and television companies in the south.

Xu Rong was sitting in the office, watching the merciless criticism from the Beijing Daily, but he couldn't find any comments about himself. Although he made his fortune in the south, the early fans were mainly concentrated in the south, Since "Harbin Under the Night" became popular all over the country, his influence is no longer limited to some areas.

In the past, it would have been unavoidable to be picked up by the media with a clear stand in the north, but this time, none of the media mentioned his name, but only incidentally felt unfair for "Snow Leopard" and "Before Dawn".

The reason is obvious, as long as he does not make major mistakes of principle, no media dares to provoke him.

Regarding Bai Yulan, he didn't pay too much attention to it anymore. Those who spoke out may not be absolutely fair, either because their interests were damaged, or they were trying to gain attention.

Those who are silent may not necessarily think that yesterday's awards ceremony was fair, just like him, on the one hand, he doesn't care, on the other hand, the organizers let him announce the two grand finale awards for the first time, which also gave him enough face.

It's just that it's okay for Bai Yulan to do things like this for a while, and if she always does things like this, it will consume her own credibility.

At nine o'clock, Xu Rong got up and came to Li Liuyi's office. Looking at the busy Li Liuyi, he knocked on the door twice and said with a smile, "Director Li, are you busy?"

"Captain Xu is here, sit down."

Li Liuyi took off his glasses. He knew that there must be something wrong with Xu Rong who came to the door so early in the morning.

Sure enough, before he poured the water, Xu Rong said, "That's it, I have an idea, isn't there a lot of people in our group, so I found a suitable place for preparation."

Li Liuyi put the water glass in front of him in surprise, and asked doubtfully, "A suitable place?"

"Yes, I bought a house, and the environment is more suitable for the play we are preparing to a certain extent." Seeing Li Liuyi's expression full of doubts, Xu Rong said, "I'll take you to see it while it's still early." ?”

"to make."

"That's what I think. Everyone in our production team has to move in, and their outfits have to be changed. Before the film was released, Mr. Lan Tianye was not Lan Tianye, Mr. Zhu Xu was not Zhu Xu, and I was not me."

Li Liuyi understands his thoughts, and he is also very clear about Xu Rong's acting style. Unlike many actors who are used to "replacement" today, Xu Rong still pursues the most extreme experience.

When Xu Rong drove to Shichahai, Li Liu got out of the car, looked at Xu Rong's so-called "house", stared for a long time, but didn't say a word.

Xu Rong opened the courtyard door, walked in, and said: "How about it, the previous style is preserved to the greatest extent. Of course, there is really no way to do it with furniture, and those are too expensive."

Li Liuyi followed in numbly, stood in the courtyard, turned around twice, and after a little slowing down, asked, "Captain Xu, you bought such a big house just for the experience?"

The courtyard is binary, and the layout should be regarded as top-notch.

Xu Rong nodded his head as a matter of course, and said: "Yes, I originally wanted to live here by myself, think about it, living alone in such a big house, not to mention too long, ten days and a half months, my mood slowly fades away. It will become 'boring' and 'heavy', and I figured it out. Although there are not many Beijing-style dramas in our theater, there are also many. If you buy it, you can live here if you have nothing to do. the benefits of."

"You, this is a good idea."

Li Liuyi still felt that his head was buzzing. It was not only because of Xu Rong's madness for the show, but also because of his generosity. Even if it was cheap for such a large yard with one side and two entrances, it might have to be a deal worth hundreds of millions.

But in the past, regarding Xu Rong's financial situation, the rumors in the courtyard were: Don't think Xu Duihong is bad, but he actually owed a lot of foreign debts.

But he bought such a big house casually, how can he be in debt at all?

He suddenly experienced the feeling of a fairy tale shattered again. When he was in school, the teacher always said: Don't look at those rich people who are sitting on billions of dollars, but in fact they are not happy.

But later, he discovered that some rich people are really happy.

Xu Rong didn't explain too much, the reason why he was able to buy this yard was because he gave away the villa next door to his house and the one-bedroom apartment in sjs.

He has made a lot of money in the past two years, but considering that "Peking" will be launched next year after all, he has to reserve the preparation that there will be no second investor entering the market.

Right now, there are only three sets of houses left under his name, the courtyard house in the capital for "experience" and the house he is living in, and a small apartment of less than [-] square meters in Shanghai.

"How is it?" Xu Rong looked at Li Liuyi, waiting for his opinion.

Li Liuyi asked, "How much is this?"

"Hehe, I don't have much money. The original owner lost money in business and was in a hurry to use up the money. Let me pick up a leak."

"Captain Xu, it's such a thing. I think that as a director, I should participate in your preparations in real time. In this way, you can reserve a room for me."

Li Liu has a one-inch head, a thin and long face, and doesn't have the shawl-length hair that is typical of an "artist".

When he spoke, he also had the unique seriousness of art, but the more so, the more Xu Rong couldn't help smiling.

In the academy, Li Liuyi is also a special director. His directing style is quite different from Renyi's traditional style. Renyi focuses on realism and representation, but Li Liuyi's style is more abstract.

In comparison, it is even more remarkable that Ren Ming is capable of directing authentic Beijing-style dramas, serious dramas, and absurd dramas. In addition, for adaptations of classic European dramas, It also has its own unique understanding.

This is also the reason why Ren Ming was almost robbed by Renyi and Zhongxi, and it is also the reason why the vice president Yu Zhi and Lin Liankun personally escorted him since the day he was admitted to the hospital.

Because at that time, many people knew that Ren Ming was the future of Renyi.

Therefore, in addition to "Our Jing Ke" with the theme of criticism and satire, Ren Ming also directed "Friends" starring Feng Yuanzheng, Zhang Zhizhong and others.

After returning to the courtyard, on the first floor, Li Liuyi seemed to remember something, pointed to the rehearsal hall, and said: "Wang Kun is rehearsing "Friends" in the rehearsal hall, he probably won't be able to come to the meeting, go first Talk to him."


What Xu Rong didn't expect was that if it wasn't for Li Liuyi's impromptu proposal, he would have almost missed a not-so-good show.

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