I'm just an actor

Chapter 289 Head of Household

"Friends" is a play written by Guo Qihong, directed by Ren Ming, starring Feng Yuanzheng, and participating by Xiao Zhang.

It tells the story of Wu Zhaoqian, a victim of Jiangnan's examination case in the early Qing Dynasty, who was aloof and talented, and was exiled to Ninggu Pagoda, a bitter and cold place. In order to save his confidant, his friend Gu Zhenguan went to Nalan Pearl Mansion and suffered all kinds of humiliation for 23 years. Zhenguan finally rescued his confidant Wu Zhaoqian, but found that Wu Zhaoqian had become a wretched villain who was struggling to survive.

At the banquet in the Mingzhu Mansion, Wu Zhaoqian bowed his eyebrows to the dignitaries and dignitaries present, and tried his best to please him, but he didn't even look at the teacher's friend who was wearing a shabby long coat.

When Mingzhu's son told him that the teacher was Gu Zhenguan, Wu Zhaoqian didn't even know him. When Rongruo told him that Gu Zhenguan had lived in Mingzhu Mansion for many years in order to save him, he actually thought that Gu Zhenguan would not suffer in Mingzhu Mansion. , can always be a part-time official.

Xu Rong and Li Liuyi came to the door of the rehearsal hall, gently pushed the door open, and heard the melodious voice of reading lines, they both stood still in front of the door, neither leaving nor Did not open the door to go in.

"Spiders weave webs, earthworms loosen soil to live, goldfish in tanks wag their tails, and parrots on racks learn to live"

Xu Rong followed the crack of the door and looked in, only to see Feng Yuan was kneeling on the ground, with two streams of tears streaming down his face, talking intently about this passage after Gu Zhenguan discovered that his former best friend had turned into a sleazy villain. monologue.

At a certain moment, Feng Yuanzheng stopped the rehearsal, raised his head with a "snap", and stared straight at the young cast members without saying a word.

Not far from him, several young actors were sitting on the side, reading pictorials, eating, and chatting quietly.

After several people stopped talking, Feng Yuanzheng withdrew his gaze and regained his emotions.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xu Rong and Li Liuyi walked into the rehearsal hall lightly, noticing Xu Rong coming in, Xiao Zhang, who was only two steps away from Feng Yuanzheng, quietly opened his eyes a little bit, but her feet did not move. Without moving, observe Feng Yuanzheng's performance, body, expression and lines closely, which was requested by Feng Yuanzheng a long time ago.

She only smiled lightly, and then shifted her gaze to Feng Yuanzheng again. She knew that Feng Yuanzheng mobilized his emotions very quickly.

At a certain moment, Feng Yuanzheng raised his head again, and said: "To live, we still need to live human beings, the primates of all things, the skeletons of hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, the incomparable souls in the world, just to live?! To live"

"Teacher Feng's emotions come up really fast."

"It feels less than 30 seconds before and after?"

"How on earth did he do it?"

"Why don't we ask Zhang Xiaofei, she is a student of Team Feng"

"Farewell, she is Captain Xu's girlfriend."

Xu Rong carefully stared at Feng Yuanzheng's every movement and expression. Halfway through, his brows frowned slightly. There was something wrong with Feng Yuanzheng's mood, and the reason was naturally a few young actors who were playing tricks in the corner.

He didn't make a sound to interrupt, maybe Feng Yuanzheng will be able to adjust in the next moment.

At a certain moment, Feng Yuanzheng stopped suddenly, and sternly reprimanded several young people in the corner: "You will die if you don't speak!"

Xiao Zhang, who was standing next to him, subconsciously took a small step back when he was shocked by the sudden change. He had never seen Feng Yuanzheng lose such a temper, and for Feng Yuanzheng, although he had always been kind, he was not Knowing what was going on, she was always a little apprehensive towards him.

Ren Ming, who was sitting upright, turned his head in astonishment. He didn't understand what was going on. He had been concentrating on observing Feng Yuanzheng's performance, and he didn't notice the whispers of several people at all.

After being interrupted continuously, Feng Yuanzheng lost control of his emotions a little bit. He got up, said to Ren Ming and several other actors, "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom." Then he walked out.

When he got to the door, he found Xu Rong who didn't know when he came in. He nodded his head with a sullen face, and was about to pass by. He seemed to remember something, and when he passed by him, he patted his arm lightly.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment. At that moment, Feng Yuanzheng was obviously not saying hello. He turned around and saw that Feng Yuanzheng had already left the door, so he turned and followed.

In the corridor outside the door, Feng Yuanzheng did not leave. When he approached, Feng Yuanzheng moved a little closer and said, "I think we must set up the rules. What do you think is going on now? I agree with your proposal very much." , a strict assessment system must be established. In addition, some people who came in through the back door through connections must be cleared out. In addition, the rehearsal regulations and performance regulations must also be established. They always call for help, but people If you don’t care at all, you will try your best to pass and lead, and it won’t work at all.”

Listening to his hasty tone, Xu Rong nodded slightly without interrupting him.

Feng Yuanzheng finished speaking in one breath, and asked: "Do you agree with these ideas of mine? Let's go to Yang Lixin later, at least make the rehearsal and performance regulations first."

In the past, Xu Rong also had similar thoughts. For example, he was particularly disgusted when a few people were sitting around and eating while preparing for rehearsal early in the morning.

Not to mention the sound of eating, but stuff like steamed stuffed buns and snail noodles filled the rehearsal hall with the smell of all kinds of food, making it impossible to rehearse with peace of mind.

After being reminded by Mr. Lan Tianye earlier, he had a deeper understanding of the courtyard, and said in a low voice: "According to the old rules, when actors enter the rehearsal hall, it should be that the show is bigger than the sky."

Feng Yuanzheng clapped his hands together, and said: "But rules are not rules. Rules can restrain people who are self-disciplined, but not those who are used to sloppy, especially the children nowadays who are spoiled and spoiled. They have never suffered at all, and they don't think so about this job. There is a need to cherish it."

Xu Rong knew that what he said was reasonable, and very reasonable, but at this time, he couldn't agree with him, saying: "Once the rules are changed into black and white regulations, the theater will go backwards."

When Feng Yuan heard Xu Rong's words, he was stunned for a while, and gradually came to his senses, is human art really so bad that it is necessary to turn the rules into rules?
It is easy to turn a rule into a rule, but it is difficult to turn a rule into a rule again.

No family is managed by relying on black and white regulations, fines, and expulsion to restrain members.

What Xu Rong didn't say was that he and Feng Yuanzheng were the only ones who were in favor of strict rules and regulations to manage the theater. The others, whether it was the dean, the secretary, the three vice-presidents, or the directors of various departments, were all consistent. We firmly adhere to the old tradition in the courtyard, and focus on education for internal personnel.

In conclusion, the two of them are useless to talk.

Feng Yuanzheng opened his mouth, sensed Xu Rong's concerns, sighed helplessly, said nothing, turned around and walked towards the bathroom with his head down.

Xu Rong stood for a while, then turned around and walked back to the rehearsal hall, looked at several young actors standing side by side in the corner, one of them was recruited by him, and said: "You guys are really promising, Mr. Feng is there Waiting for the play, didn't say to study hard, muttered and muttered, now it's all right, flattering to the horse's hoof."

"We knew it was wrong."

Xu Rong didn't care whether their mistakes were real or fake, he waved his hands and said, "It's a hammer to admit your mistakes to me. You have to admit your mistakes to Teacher Feng Yuanzheng. Do you know how to do it?"

Several young people looked at each other in blank dismay, and one of them, who entered the hospital in the same year as Xu Rong, tentatively asked, "Why don't you write a self-criticism?"

Surprise flashed across Xu Rong's face, and he said: "Hey, your proposal is very constructive. Since I have understood my mistakes so deeply, I can't say anything more."

Several people were a little stunned for a while, and the person who spoke was so regretful that he was dying. At this moment, he felt that he had lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

Because the review of people and arts has always been posted in the background for everyone who comes and goes to watch and comment!

Xu Rong is also quite helpless, he is a little hard to understand the thinking of these peers, what a great learning opportunity, even if he didn't have the original intention of being an artist at the beginning, but he is down-to-earth in the academy to learn three years from a group of skilled seniors. After five years, go out again, even if you only rely on your own professional level and background as an actor, as long as you don't make big mistakes, don't talk about being popular, but you will never worry about film appointments.

If they perform well and are favored by a senior, it is possible to directly bring them into the group or recommend them.

Although it's a bit far away, if you always look an inch or two away, even if you go out, you won't be able to make a lot of money.

He was able to star in "The Founding of the Party", which was made by Zhang Heping.

He didn't think about Feng Yuanzheng's proposal. Maybe it will be formally implemented after Yang Lixin withdraws and he or Feng Yuanzheng steps up. The current timing is not yet ripe, and it is better to wait until later than to do it knowing that it can't be done.

After Li Liuyi mentioned to Wang Kun about moving the residence, Xu Rong followed Li Liuyi out.

However, before formally notifying all the staff, he was going to mention to Zhang Heping that he always used his own money to subsidize the expenses during the production of "Thunderstorm" before, but gradually realized something was wrong.

It is not a good thing to distinguish between public and private.

Moreover, in addition to the annual box office of tens of millions in the courtyard, some old funds have been allocated from above. He spends it, and the talents and arts are more "tight", so that it will not attract so many people to stare eagerly every day.

At the door of Zhang Heping's office, Xu Rong was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, but he saw Zhang Heping earnestly calling: "Xiao Tang, has the script written by Mr. He? Hurry up, you have to be like I urged you, at least talk to me every day." Mr. He reminds you to write a draft, please pay close attention to it, this matter is very important."

Xu Rong stood at the door, raised his hand again and was about to knock on the door, only to see that the phone held in Zhang Heping's left hand had just hung up, and the phone held in his right rang again.

"Hey, yes, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, next year will be the 60th anniversary of our hospital. There is no room for discussion on this matter."


Seeing Xu Rong standing at the door, Zhang Heping waved to him while talking on the phone, and then pointed to the chair opposite the desk.

Xu Rong entered the door, and did not sit down immediately, but picked up the teacup that Zhang Heping had already drank, walked to the water dispenser, refilled it for him, and put it in front of him.

After sitting and waiting for about [-] minutes, Zhang Heping finally finished his call. After taking a long breath, he leaned back into the chair and asked, "Why did you come here? What's the matter?"

Xu Rong probably understood Zhang Heping's thinking. Zhang Heping was about to retire, but during his term of office, it also coincided with the [-]th anniversary of Renyi.

The most important thing is that in the few years since he took office, Renyi has forcibly stopped its decline.

From a small point of view, Lin Zhaohua, the great director who ran away angrily in the past, returned. The big point is that Renyi’s reputation and box office have returned to their proper positions. Although there is still a certain distance from the previous height, in Zhang Heping’s view, Renyi The 60th anniversary of the art is an opportunity to restore its former glory.

Just like the "ten things" he recently put forward, increase the income of cast and crew, build theaters, cultivate talent echelons, launch new plays, etc.

Moreover, everyone can see that Zhang Heping has great ambitions.

In terms of drama, Renyi not only wants to pick up the classics of the past, but also the eight classics.

While adhering to the tradition, it is also necessary to introduce the old and bring forth the new, bringing foreign classic dramas such as "Mutiny" and "General Kou Liulan" to the stage.

At the same time, in view of the current drama environment that is full of the sole purpose of making the audience laugh in the market, Zhang Heping proposed to perform comedies with a certain connotation and depth as the core, such as "Old Comedy" starring Li Youbin, an outstanding early Chinese physicist. Three one-act comedies "A Hornet", "After Drinking" and "Blind in One Eye", as well as "The Sorrow of Comedy", etc.

In addition, it is also necessary to provide a learning template for colleagues in the Peking Opera circle, how to perform Peking Opera well on the stage of drama, which is the "Death of a Famous Star" that is being prepared.

In addition, there are a number of plays that criticize and praise reality, such as "Our Jing Ke", "Jiazi Garden" and so on.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Dean, I have something to ask for your approval. I discussed it with Li Liuyi and I want to take all the members of the "Family" crew to experience it."

Zhang Heping asked bluntly: "Tell me, how much is it?"

Seeing Zhang Heping's straightforwardness, Xu Rong felt a little uncomfortable, and asked uncertainly, "One hundred thousand?"

"Okay, you file an application and write down the specific purpose."

Seeing Zhang Heping agreeing without hesitation, Xu Rong suddenly felt that what he wanted was too conservative. His original expectation in his heart was [-].

Zhang Heping sat up straight again, and said: "It just so happens that you are here, I have something to tell you, don't forget to participate in future studies, Secretary Ma has complained to me several times, go back to study I can't see your shadow."

Ma Xin is the secretary of the courtyard, and the study is naturally the part that the secretary manages, mainly for raising awareness.

Xu Rong was quite surprised and said: "No, Dean, I am here on secondment. It is not appropriate for me to study in our academy, right?"

"What secondment?" Zhang Heping's tone just came to an abrupt end, and he realized that although Xu Rongren was in the courtyard, in fact, he was really here on secondment.

Zhang Heping laughed and said, "I don't care if you are seconded or not. If you want to reason, go talk to Secretary Ma."

"By the way, where are you going to experience life?"

"Oh, I found a courtyard house, and I plan to let the crew live in it before the performance."

Zhang Heping pondered for a while, then asked: "It will take two months, can it stop at [-]?"

"It won't take two months, the plan is one month, and I'm the head of the courtyard."

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