I'm just an actor

Chapter 290 Confrontation

After negotiating 10 yuan of activity funds with Zhang Heping, Li Liuyi immediately held a "mobilization meeting" for the whole group, asking the whole group to change places to "experience life".

If we talk about team building, some people are definitely not willing to go. The summer vacation is coming soon. Actors with children want to take the opportunity to take their children out for a stroll, but if the banner of "experience life" is brought up, others are not allowed to refuse , because experiencing life is a theater tradition and an important part of the work content.

In the past, when Mr. Jiao was alive, not to mention actors who had a play, even those who had no play had to experience life.

Early the next morning, Yuan Yu looked at Xu Rong who was playing Volvo, and couldn't help opening his mouth: "Xu, Team Xu, why did you come in person?"

During the meeting yesterday, Li Liuyi had already said that everyone should pack up their daily necessities, and the whole group would gather early this morning to go to a special place for a one-month life experience.

Li Liuyi also mentioned that someone would come to pick her up. She thought it was the driver in the theater or someone from the office, but she never expected that Team Xu would drive over in person.

Xu Rong smiled and took the red trolley case in her hand, and said, "Why, are you afraid that I will know your address?"

"Get in the car, there are many people, a little bit crowded, but it will be fine in a while, our destination is not far away."

When Yuan Yu got into the car, Han Qing, who was playing Jueying, was also a former host of Beijing TV station. Hearing Xu Rong's words, he asked, "Captain Xu, does that mean our trip is not far from the capital?"

"It's not not far, it's in the capital."

"Then, is there a travel allowance?"

"Of course, you can just take a two-month vacation." Xu Rong glanced at her with a smile, "Isn't it right that you are focusing on this?"


Xu Rong also smiled, but she sighed in her heart, this trip was definitely not as easy as imagined, I just hope they can persevere.

Before he came up with this idea, he had visited Mr. Zheng Rong and asked him about the rules and etiquette of many big feudal families.

An old house where a treasure.

Although Mr. Lan Tianye is also from a big family, he has already declined, and even before the decline, there is still a certain gap between the gate and the Gao family, but Mr. Zheng is from a family of officials and eunuchs. Regarding the situation, the current courtyard is still alive. Among the old people, no one knows better than him.

In fact, if Mr. Jiao was still alive, there would be more sources of materials. Mr. Jiao was born in a wealthy family and lived in troubled times. His life was full of ups and downs.

It is a pity that with the death of his friend and colleague Mr. Ouyang Shanzun, the details of Mr. Jiao's experience have also been dusted.

After taking most of the people into the yard and Li Liuyi was in charge of the settlement, Xu Rong drove to the family courtyard to pick up the two old men.

After receiving someone and getting into the car, Zhu Xu asked abruptly, "Xiao Xu, what's the matter with that allusion written by a knife?"

Xu Rong was quite tired of the teacher's question. As a person who took the exam for Xiao Zhang every now and then, he really understood the little Jiujiu in the heart of Master Zhu Xu at this time.

He was silent, looking at the expressions of the two old men in the rearview mirror, and when the smiles on each other's faces gradually spread, he said slowly: "When Cao Cao received foreign envoys during the Three Kingdoms period, he considered that his image was not powerful enough. , So he asked a mighty and tall subordinate to pretend to be him, and stood aside with a knife in his hand. Afterwards, someone asked the envoy what his impression was of King Wei. People, this is a hero.' It should be like this."

Although he didn't know the purpose of the old man's temporary school exam, this kind of question was like a piece of cake to him.

He is the actor who almost played the "important role" in "Three Kingdoms".

Lan Tianye saw that his pause was a bit long, but the point was too weird, and he didn't pause at all, and then asked: "There is a poem that I dare not ask, who wrote it? "

Xu Rong didn't delay on purpose this time, and said: "It's hard to say, some say it's Song Zhiwen, some say it's Li Pin."

When he finished speaking, the two old men sitting in the middle looked at each other and laughed.

After laughing, Zhu Xu said without thinking: "Not bad, keep it up."

Xu Rong also smiled, the sudden high interest of the two old people today made him also have some fun in the past.

The two old men seem to have completely forgotten the fear of being dominated by him.

Taking into account the interest of the elders, he casually asked: "Teacher Lan, uncle, I have been troubled by a question recently. Isn't there a saying that only an actor with high moral character can play a bad guy well and make the audience hate him?" He hates him, and an actor with distorted values ​​will play a bad character to make the audience sympathize with him and pity him, but recently I met a colleague with very problematic values, but the villain she played made many The audience scolded, what's going on?"

Lan Tianye couldn't help nodding at first, but in the second half, the smile on his face gradually faded, and when Xu Rong's words fell, he stretched out his hand to support his forehead, and his tone suddenly became weak: "Hey, what's wrong with this old man?" It's been ten years, but I haven't seen any improvement. I feel dizzy when I ride a car, and I faint when I ride a car. I'll squint for a while, you talk, you talk."

If Xu Rong asks a question that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences, he will not categorically refuse, but when he comes up with such a controversial problem that must be demonstrated in detail and probably has no conclusion, he has to be lazy up.

Zhu Xu took advantage of the situation and said: "Then let's stop talking, so as not to worry you, you should rest first, and I will call you when I arrive."

Seeing that Lan Tianye hadn't finished speaking, Xu Rong closed his eyes directly, and immediately felt a sense of "fuck" in his chest.

You guys are really amazing, one needs to rest due to motion sickness, and the other can’t disturb other people’s rest. I can do it together with you, but I can’t ask you?

The last time I dragged you to catch the doll, why didn't you get motion sickness? ? ?

Zhu Xu chuckled, not because he was unwilling to answer, but because he deeply understood the reason why the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest. There is still one month to go. I want to be safe.

He is getting old and doesn't have Li Xuejian's energy, so he can make occasional suggestions, but Xu Rong's technical and theoretical level is not low. He is a rare scholar-type actor among the unretired people in the academy. The questions he asks are, Generally, they are a combination of theory and practice, and he has to think about each of them for a long time.

How can I bear this? This? !
"Come on, you two should have a good rest." Seeing that the two of them were completely silent, Xu Rong couldn't force him anymore. If the two were 30 years younger, he would have to show them what is called "Death Note".

When he arrived at the place, Xu Rong squatted beside the suitcase while helping the two elderly people tidy up the room and put away the things they brought. He got up, but only opened the cover of the thick old-fashioned notebook at the bottom. By the way, he leaned over a little, intending to hug it with the other hand. The moment he leaned forward, his eyes fell on the notebook:
Since I was young, I have watched and heard of some performances of "Family". The role of Feng Leshan is mostly played by actors with rich stage experience and so-called "personality", with different images and styles.

Now that I am asked to act, where should I start?
I have a proposition.
Xu Rong squatted down, and was about to continue reading, when a big hand came out of thin air, and pulled the notebook over.

As if nothing happened, Lan Tianye put the notebook on the bookshelf beside him.

Xu Rong opened his mouth, he knew what the notebook remembered, but he just read the beginning, and he didn't see the real thing at a glance!
How uncomfortable!

After tidying up, Li Liuyi began to distribute the costumes. While distributing, he told everyone to wear the costumes they would wear during the performance. During the process, if anyone felt that it was inappropriate, they could ask him for opinions and requests, as long as they were reasonable. Adjust immediately.

But these are all things to say later, when the experience and reserves have not reached a certain level, except for the two old men who are familiar with that era, for the time being, no one dares to give opinions with certainty.

Xu Rong was a little absent-minded, it was so frustrating, he was very sure that after "I have an idea" in the notebook, there must be a sentence or a paragraph of outline content, and then followed by analysis and correction of this outline.

Because he also does the character analysis work!

And he is more aware that the analysis process will inevitably involve a lot of skills and corresponding arguments.

This discomfort lasted until lunch.

Although there are nearly 30 cast members in the entire crew, the three meals a day are not ordered from outside, but by Yuan Yu and Xin Yue who play the maids Mingfeng and Waner, and the servants Yuan Cheng and Su. Fu's Lan Faqing and Wang Kun went out to buy and cook.

In order to restore as much as possible and get close to the most authentic experience, the cooking is not gas, but an out-and-out earthen stove.

With all the materials ready, Yuan Yu and Xin Yue spent a long time tinkering in the kitchen, but apart from billowing thick smoke, dirty faces and costumes, they didn't even start an open flame.

Lan Faqing and Gao Qian were sitting under the pomegranate tree in front of the kitchen, looking at their disheveled faces, messy hair and coughing non-stop, they couldn't straighten up laughing.

The thick smoke in the front yard also alarmed all the "Masters" and "Madams" in the backyard. After someone said "It can't be a fire?", they all got up and ran towards the kitchen in the front yard. .

Except for Xu Rong.

At this time, he was in the ear room, watching the crowd hurrying towards the front yard.

Since you are not allowed to see it openly, then borrow it to take a look!

Mr. Lu Xun has long made a conclusion that the affairs of scholars cannot be called stealing!

He was about to act, but found that Gao Qian, who played his stepmother, trotted in again.

He was so frightened that he stepped back and retreated. Everyone went to the front yard, but he was the only cat in the backyard. If Gao Qian bumped into him, he would definitely ask him why.

If it was normal, he would not be afraid, but what he did next was somewhat embarrassing, and he felt a little guilty.

Gao Qian first entered the east wing, and after a while, she hurried out again with a fan in her hand.

Gao Qian hadn't been in the backyard before, so she knew about the situation long ago. Yuan Yu and Xin Yue put their heads together at the mouth of the stove, puffing their cheeks and whistling. , look at her tears almost burst out laughing.

When Gao Qian left, Xu Rong stepped forward again. He waited for a while to confirm that no one had returned for the time being. He stooped and ran along the wall into the main room, and then went straight to the room where Lan Tianye lived and connected to the main room. east house.

After entering the door, Xu Rong was overjoyed when he saw the notebook on the bookshelf. He had to send a red envelope to Xin Yue and Yuan Yu each. Attract past.

He was about to open the notebook, but when he saw a silver-white strand of hair on the cover, his mouth couldn't help but slowly opened up.

Good guy, old man, you just make this little gadget, who do you look down on?
The old man is a real spy, but he is called the "king of spy wars" by the audience, and he has actually practiced it. How about this little trick?

Xu Rong first took off the hair and put it on the left hand side to prevent it from being blown away by the wind caused by the page-turning action, and then gently opened the notebook.

Just as he was about to fumble in his pocket, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a silver-white strand of hair at the corner of the second page!
He chuckled, old man, although you are very skilled, we should always be careful!
He put his hair on the second position on the left hand side again, and he didn't have time to read the content on the paper. He quickly took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera that had been set up, and after confirming that the handwriting was clear, he quickly pressed the button to take pictures.

Then, turn a page and repeat the same trick.

After shooting about seven pages in a row, Xu Rong felt a little anxious when he heard the faint laughter coming from outside, how could this be finished?

Because he not only has to take pictures, but also carefully checks for traps every time he turns a new page.

Hearing the sound getting closer and closer, he was afraid of being caught straight, so he didn't dare to continue taking pictures. He put the notebook back to its original place, pressed his silver-white hair back, and then walked quickly into the main room, twisting on the chair.

"Hey, the two people in the front yard are almost crying because of the smoke, and there's still a sleeping person here."

When everyone came back, they couldn't help joking when they saw Xu Rong who was asleep on the grand teacher's chair.

"Xiao Xu has been busy all afternoon today, moving things and driving, he must be very tired, let him sleep for a while."

Xu Rong opened his eyes leisurely, looked at the people standing in the yard looking at him, first yawned, then stretched, and said: "Ah, I just sat here and fell asleep unconsciously What, is the meal ready?"

"Do it well?" Sun Dan, the director of the art department, smiled and said, "You have to wait, young master. It will take a while. I don't think it can be done well."

Xu Rong pretended to be completely ignorant and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Xu Rong's curious expression, Lan Tianye instinctively felt that something was wrong, walked quickly back to the room, and came out again after a while, with a faint smile on his face, and when he passed by Xu Rong, he gave a very meaningful look. glanced at him.

Xu Rong also smiled back. He was very sure that the old man was definitely only suspicious, and there was no definite evidence. He had already grasped the similar psychological confrontation thoroughly.

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