I'm just an actor

Chapter 291 Knowledge

After a lot of tossing, lunch will not start until two o'clock in the afternoon.

When the food was ready, everyone waited for the two old men to sit down, but Lan Tianye didn't sit down as everyone expected, but said: "Men sit at this table, women go to the one in the side room."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. The members of Renyi, especially those who were older in the early days, had relatively complicated backgrounds, because in the 50s and [-]s, those who could and could engage in literature and art were either from feudal landlord families or from For capitalist families, Ouyang Shanzun, Jiao Juyin, Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong, Tong Chao, Lu En and others are all like this.

The children from poor families have neither the connections nor the capital. Those who were born in the real poor family, became monks halfway and got ahead in the arts and crafts, every one of them is a talent explosion, just like that.

But today, when they heard the old man's words, most of the people present were stunned. The old man hadn't been on stage in the past 20 years, but he had never left the theater. Such words should not have been spoken.

But Lan Tianye is an elder after all, and after Li Liuyi, the director, Sun Dan, the director of the art department, and Xu Rong, the deputy captain of the actor team, did not express any objection, they all turned around and left with some doubts.

Subconsciously, Xin Yue was about to go out, but Yuan Yu who was standing to the side grabbed her and shook her head slightly.

Xu Rong looked at Yuan Yu's behavior of dragging Xinyue to stand behind Master Zhu Xu, his eyes paused on her for a few more seconds, but he said nothing, and he didn't intend to speak until the two "grandfathers" asked him.

The main reason was that he didn't have that kind of thought. All he could think about at this moment was to go back to the room as soon as possible, quickly copy a copy of the photo he borrowed earlier, and then carefully figure it out.

Uncle Zhu Xu smiled and said, "Sit down, let's have dinner."

"Ding ding ding dong."

The sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding was very clear in the room, and everyone gradually realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

At a certain moment, Zhu Xu raised his head suddenly, looked at Miao Chi who was playing Juehui's thin and long face, and said, "Xiao Miao, eat as soon as you eat, why are you making such a big fuss?"

Beside the silent dining table, Miao Chi held his chopsticks and stared at Zhu Xu blankly, feeling rather embarrassed for a while.

Zhu Xu looked at his appearance, put down the bowl and chopsticks, took out a towel from his pocket, and wiped his mouth gently.

Seeing the situation, Xu Rong silently put the chopsticks on the plate.

Experience, Lan Tianye said the phrase "Men sit at this table, women go to that table in the wing room." It has already begun.

That's why he was slightly surprised when he saw Yuan Yu's movement just now.

Seeing that after Zhu Xu finished wiping his mouth, Yuan Yu handed him the single water glass, Xu Rong frowned slightly, and had to buy some teacups later.

Zhu Xu took a sip of the tea, screwed on the lid, and without looking back, he handed the teacup to Yuan Yu, who was beside him, and said, "We always talk about experiencing life, experiencing life, the whole group moved here today, maybe Many people will be curious, what is the experience? Because there are no people or things to observe here.”

The old man turned his eyes around, looked at Miao Chi with his head down, and said, "Xiao Miao, let me talk about your opinion."

At this time, as the old man's topic unfolded, a pair of chopsticks landed on the dining table.

Seeing everyone on the table staring at him, Miao Chi hesitated for a while before saying, "I think that to experience life should be to find a specific person, to observe his behavior in daily life, and to imitate his every move, because once If there is a deviation between the object of observation and the role to be portrayed, the behavior of the two will be different. For example, if a child is out of school, even if it is a pair of twins, their personalities are different due to the preference of their parents. One may bounce around after school. jump, while the other may walk quietly, steadily, slowly out of the school gate."

Zhu Xu didn't comment, turned his head, looked at the veteran Lan Faqing, and said, "Faqing, talk about your thoughts."

Lan Faqing with a square face pondered for a while, and said: "I don't agree with Xiao Miao's statement, how to find a specific person? There are no two identical leaves in the world, and it is impossible for two identical specific people to exist. People, I think we should go deep into a certain group, find their commonalities, and extract the consistent laws of their behavior. For example, when playing a white-collar worker, standing on the subway early in the morning, the first thing to do is to get Take out your phone first, and lower your head."

Following Zhu Xu's gaze, Li Kelong and Zhang Fuyuan who were sitting there nodded and said, "I agree with Fa Qing's statement."

"I also believe so."


When Zhu Xu's eyes fell on himself, Xu Rong thought for a while, and after finishing the draft, he said, "I'm not sure if what I said is right. If it's wrong, please point it out, teachers."

When everyone heard this, they were quite surprised, because Xu Rong was the only scholar-type actor present besides the two old men.

"In my opinion, the core of experiencing life is not to observe and imitate a specific person, nor to observe and imitate a specific group, but to understand the growth, living environment, and commonality of thinking of this specific group. To compare the characters, to organize reasonable values ​​and thinking for the characters, let's take the example that Teacher Lan Faqing just said, a white-collar worker, when he gets on the subway or bus, he just looks down and plays with his mobile phone, why?" Xu Rong glanced across the crowd , asked a deeper question.

"First of all, I would speculate that there is still a certain distance in his commute, from which we can determine his basic living conditions to a certain extent, that is to say, his mode of transportation and playing with his mobile phone can all prove that he really Just an ordinary white-collar worker, this is his current living environment."

"Secondly, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, proving that there was nothing in his mind. He was used to such a familiar and step-by-step life, and for the time being, there was nothing for him to find time to think and make decisions. It can be inferred that last night Even in the last few nights, after work, he almost wasted half of the night."

"Then the portrait of this group can basically be described like this. In the morning, after the alarm clock rang several times, get up, quickly brush your teeth and wash your face, quickly walk to the bus station, subway station, near the company, buy some breakfast by the way, and hurry After a meal, I clocked in to go to work, dragged my tired body all day, and either started nightlife, drinking, dancing, playing games, or lying on the bed, playing with mobile phones until late at night, and when I realized that the day had passed, I felt a little bit in my heart. I regret it a little, but after getting used to it, I will take it for granted, and then I will fall asleep."

"Then such a state of life can also infer the psychological state of this kind of people, which is comfortable, flat, and not strong in purpose and planning. Then, if you look deeper, there are still some differences. For example, some Some graduated from prestigious schools, some graduated from technical secondary schools, and some came from better-off families, and some from ordinary backgrounds, but in the end, they all became the same, that is to say, they had a certain commonality. Experience, such as being smoothed by life."

"A living person, if his goal is clear and his plan is clear, that is to say, he knows what path he can take, and has the opportunity to achieve his goal step by step, then his actions will be easy to follow, and he will not waste time. Everyone has goals, and the key is path planning. That is to say, a person with clear goals and detailed plans for every day in the future will always have a certain difference in performance from those who think differently from him. If you are catching the subway, your behavior must be different accordingly. For example, I have also taken the subway before, and those people are all my material. I only want to play with my phone when I am crazy."

"Then compare the characters, and everything will become clear. Let me give you a single example. A certain person worked hard at a young age, was admitted to a prestigious school, and entered society after graduation. He suffered successive blows and became confused about the future. On a certain day, he was completely like this. Like Xiangzi, he resigned himself to his fate and accepted the defeat, and only after these changes in thinking are confirmed can he start to select specific behaviors among this specific group."

Xu Rong looked at Yuan Yu standing behind Zhu Xu with brighter eyes, and continued: "Since there are no two identical leaves in the world, actors are also similar, and everyone's materials are different. For example, I am a little taller. , Yuan Yu is a little shorter, so facing the dean, over time, it is more likely that I will lower my back when talking to him, and she will habitually raise her head. This is the same mentality Different presentations are also processing."

"This is what I understand to experience life. Behavior is very important, but the core is its thought. The purpose of our experience of life is actually to find out the meaning behind the behavior. This is the core element that supports the behavior. The so-called experience is ultimately The purpose is to approach or even converge with the specific psychological state of the character, and others, including behavioral imitation, are just auxiliary means, aiming to achieve the ultimate goal through behavioral guidance.”

When he got to Zou Jian, who was playing Juemin, he took a look around and said uncertainly, "I, I don't agree with Team Xu's statement. I think it's still Lan."

Zhu Xu and Lan Tianye stepped over at the same time, and Zou Jian's words came to an abrupt end.

The dining table was quiet for a moment, everyone was quietly thinking about Xu Rong's theory, and the reaction of the two old people undoubtedly gave them great affirmation.

Xu Rong looked at the two old men, thinking that he hadn't said anything serious yet.

After a few seconds, Zhu Xu turned his head and looked at him in surprise: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"I'm not full yet."


After dinner, Xu Rong returned to the room, and instead of taking a nap, he took out his mobile phone and checked the "results" he had achieved with great effort.

He took out his notebook, opened the first photo on the phone, enlarged it, and wrote down slowly:

I have a proposition: when did actors start creating characters?
It’s not when you receive scripts and roles, but from the day you decide to become an actor, you should keep brewing in your heart all kinds of desires and savings for character creation. Maybe you don’t have such scripts and characters yet, but you are always thinking about this. Such a character image.

I have never acted as Feng Leshan, but in my memory, since I was young and just started acting, I have discussed various characters with my peers, including Feng Leshan, for decades.

When Xu Rong wrote this, he couldn't help being stunned, because the words of Mr. Lan Tianye coincided with what he had always insisted on "maintaining continuous inner activity", and in comparison, the method he chose was more radical .

He smiled and continued to record:
Cao Yu described him (Feng Leshan) in the script like this:

Feng Leshan was about 56 years old.
After copying this paragraph, Xu Rong felt a little pained, because only the original words written by the old dean in the script, Mr. Lan Tianye recorded two pages.

But it's okay, there are still four pages, there must be "work", he scratched another page and wrote:

This is Feng Leshan formed by Cao Yu through transpiration and refinement from his rich life experience. Whoever plays Feng Leshan must carefully appreciate Cao Yu's advice, but each actor's life experience, creative concept, and own conditions are different. There is a difference, the actor has to portray "my one" Feng Leshan.

I continued to search the accumulation of such characters in my mind, and kept looking for some new materials, including pictures. What does this person's "watch" look like?Feng Leshan is the most influential and prestigious celebrity in the local area, and he is also an elegant leader in the literary world. Can you say that he is uneducated?
He wrote poems, left words, wrote essays, and commented on paintings everywhere. Of course, this unrestrained self-expansion coupled with the flattery around him. At that time, some "celebrities" were created in this way. Position yourself like this.

Celebrities, in that era, meant status and power.
After scratching a picture again, Xu Rong tightened his grip on the pen, because this picture was a bit blurry and couldn't be seen clearly.

The shooting was too urgent. Although he tried to keep it as clear as possible when shooting, it was hard to guarantee that his hands would shake when he finally pressed the shutter.


After copying the remaining three pages, Xu Rong read it again carefully, feeling even more anxious, because Lan Tianye mentioned an interesting technique in his notes, collecting photos or sketching typical characters he had seen down.

The old man has a high artistic attainment, which he can't compare to, but he can collect photos, but the specific analysis, the old man didn't mention it, he just analyzed a few characters who have a high degree of similarity to Feng Leshan, one of which is still a contemporary literary figure famous master.

The original words are: Every time this person goes to a place, he asks for a woman, and he is unabashedly proud of it. The fans also praise it as "old and strong" just like the lines of the "Family". Ask the "Master" the secret of longevity. Boasting "Sex!"

Back then, this person was arrested and imprisoned on the charge of "bad element". In the past few years, I have also seen such a liar being invited to attend an official event in a certain place, as if nothing happened, and continued to bluff and deceive.

It’s just that this guy’s appearance and temperament are too wretched, and it’s obvious that he has a small family atmosphere, which is not good enough. My Feng Leshan wants to have an imposing appearance, so
Xu Rong flicked the screen with his fingers, and was surprised to find that it was the last photo. After a moment of silence, he sighed silently.
He wasn't curious about the name of that "master", he was only curious about how he took the "big aura" and how he integrated the "big aura" into this bad pus character.

In addition, he was also puzzled by another thing. At noon today, the two old men suddenly asked the deep-seated reasons for the two inexplicable questions.

Just like how he went deep into the analysis of characters, he didn't believe that the two old men were just doing it out of whim.

Perhaps, what the two questions can lead to is another more superb skill, even art.

But these questions, he did not have a clear answer.


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