I'm just an actor

Chapter 292 Culture

After dinner, night fell.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Xu Rong called Yuan Yu and Xin Yue into the room, and closed the door silently.

The two looked at Xu Rong before closing the door, glanced out cautiously again, and moved closer to each other subconsciously.

Knowing people, knowing face but not heart, they have listened to countless stories on the Internet. The more serious and refined a person usually wears clothes, the more wretched and dirty they are after taking off their clothes, which is unimaginable.

Coincidentally, Xu Rong is a fairly decent person on weekdays. Since his debut, he has hardly had any substantive scandals. Apart from his girlfriend, the only woman he can talk to is a few days ago. Chen Shu, who was generously admitted at the Magnolia Awards.

But his frankness also made many people understand that he and Chen Shu really had no in-depth contacts in the past.

How could Xu Rong think that his cautious behavior would cause the two of them to have so many unbearable thoughts in an instant, turned around, took out two handbags from the cabinet, and handed them to the two respectively: "Take it."

Anyway, these two girls really worked hard today to cover for him.

The two hesitated, took it, opened the bag, saw the box inside, couldn't help opening their mouths, and asked in a low voice: "Captain Xu, what are you doing, what are you doing?"

Xu Rong said with a smile: "In the next month, you will have to work hard, and I have prepared a set of cosmetics for each of you. My sister uses this brand, and the effect is not bad."

This time out to experience life, Zhang Heping finally gave 10 yuan of funding.

That means, no matter how much money is spent or how little is spent, he can put the rest in his pocket in the form of rent, which is also a means for the courtyard to increase the income of cadres in disguise.

Xu Rong naturally looked down on these three walnuts and two dates, and had no intention of pocketing them.

Xinyue pushed the handbag over without hesitation, and said, "Brother Xu, you won't be rewarded for nothing, so we can't have it. This set costs more than 1 yuan."

She instinctively felt that cosmetics were just sugar coating, once the sugar coating was eaten, the next thing would be cannonballs.

Xu Rong waved his hand and said: "It's a beautiful idea. Let's talk about it first. It's not for nothing. I have something to tell you. You will go there later and take Teacher Lan Tianye and Teacher Zhu Xu to the front yard to enjoy the moon. Remember, Gotta go to the front yard."

Yuan Yu and Xin Yue glanced out of the window, and after a while, they said, "Captain Xu, it's only the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, so it's too far-fetched to appreciate the moon?"

"No matter what method you use, it's better to let the two old men go out for a stroll anyway." Xu Rong saw that the expressions of the two were full of doubts, a look of worry flashed across his face, and his tone turned soft, "The two seniors are getting older I'm afraid that if I stay in this place for a long time, it will be bad for my health, so if I walk around more, I should take a breath."

Although Yuan Yu and Xin Yue still had some doubts about Xu Rong's statement, his request was not too much, and after his far-fetched explanation, it also made them understand a little bit. The reason for the news sent the two old men out.

After a while, in the main room, Yuan Yu pointed to the pitch-black night outside the door, and said, "Mr. Lan Tianye, Mr. Zhu Xu, you see how many moons there are tonight."

She wanted to say, "How beautiful the moon is tonight." She just looked up at the night without even a single star, and she really didn't have such a thick skin.

Xinyue picked up the conversation: "Teacher Lan, Teacher Zhu, why don't we go for a walk and eat?"

"Oh, it's fine, I can't digest it when I sit all the time."

Lan Tianye got up, seemed to remember something, and asked, "Where is Xiao Xu, where did he go, why hasn't he seen anyone since he finished eating?"

Xin Yue took advantage of the opportunity to help Lan Tianye, and said with a smile: "He is talking about the script with the director. He said that he was worried that he was young, so he turned around and went on stage. The performance failed, and our family lost face."

Yuan Yu didn't dare to speak anymore, Xu Rong was just lying in the side room and turned off the light, but she neither dared to go against Xu Rong's confession just now, nor did she dare to lie in front of the two seniors.

Zhu Xu sighed, and said to Yuan Yu who was beside him: "Then, call him over too, people are not machines, even if they are machines, you have to let him rest."

When Xu Rong first entered the hospital, Lan Tianye's attitude towards Xu Rong was clear in his heart, whether it was good or bad, whatever he liked.

But he, Zheng Rong, Pu Cunxi, and Zhang Heping all placed great expectations on this child, and even regarded him as the future of Renyi.

Especially Pu Cunxi's attitude was undisguised. For a child, the pressure was too great.

That's right, although Xu Rong has made great achievements in the film and television industry, in his eyes, he is still just a child.

At this time, Xu Rongmao was in the ear room, and the lights were not turned on. The lights in the yard were already bright enough. Out of caution, he had already turned off the lights to prevent his shadow from being noticed when he moved later.

"Captain Xu?"

"Captain Xu?"

Xu Rong stared blankly at Yuan Yu standing at the door, and asked, "Aren't you accompanying the two old men to enjoy the moon? Why are you here?"

Yuan Yu pointed to the main room, and said in a low voice, "Teacher Lan Tianye and Teacher Zhu Xu asked you to go over and talk to them."

"What's the matter?"

Xu Rong and Xin Yue looked at each other for a few seconds, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay."

In the yard, seeing Xu Rong coming over, Zhu Xu looked at him and said, "You, you don't know how to combine work and rest. This afternoon we all sat together and chatted all afternoon. At this time, you should take a break and think about it." Everyone's thoughts, opinions."

Xu Rong had heard Yuan Yu talk about Xin Yue's excuse just now, and said with a smile: "Hey, no, the director has gone to contact the costume factory. I have nothing to do, just lie on the bed and play with my phone for a while."

Just as he was talking, Yuan Wei, who was holding the child, also came over, and it was Xin Yue who called him over.

Yuan Wei brought the child here, which was a compromise method out of desperation, because it was impossible for Yuan Wei to leave the child for a month just after confinement.

Xu Rong agreed to bring the children here, because besides being a wife, Rui Jue was also a mother.

The two old people looked at the child, and they all surrounded him: "Oh, this child is so handsome, his eyebrows and eyes look a lot like you."

"I look a little like her father."

"A little more like my mother."

"What's the child's name?"

"Whoa whoa whoa."

The two elders looked at it with a smile, and the more they watched, the more they liked it, but unexpectedly, the daughter of Yuan Wei's family suddenly started crying, which made the two old people stop with a smile.

Yuan Huang had just arrived, and in front of the two seniors, he watched the child cry loudly, neither leaving nor staying.

The two old people saw the clues immediately after going through the world. They guessed that the child had just woken up and was probably hungry and needed to be fed. Let her go back to the house and rest."

"Okay, those teachers, I'll go back first."

Zhu Xu looked at Yuan Yu and Xin Yue at the side, and said with a smile, "You two have worked hard all day, so go back and rest early."

Xin Yue is not stupid, she understood another meaning in the old man's words, and immediately said: "Okay."

After Yuan Huang and the others left, the two elderly people sat on the benches in the courtyard, Zhu Xu said with emotion: "It's a very lively and lively day, and it's really comfortable, even though it's only a day, it's really fun. "

Lan Tianye smiled: "If you are lively in your heart, you will be lively wherever you go."

Zhu Xu broke up with him: "But it's different. No matter where you go, someone will accompany you to talk, just look at your eyes, look up at the sky, sit here, the breeze, the sound of insects, and the washing machine. fruit, can you believe this is in the city?"

Xu Rong sat on the side, laughing with him, and carefully observed the demeanor, eyes, and tone of the two old people. This age group was a little far away for him, but anyway, it was an excellent material.

As Lan Tianye said in his notes, the preparation for the role does not start from the moment he receives the script, but from the day he becomes an actor. Maybe the materials he has accumulated may not be useful in the future, but what he fears is When it is useful, there is no accumulation of corresponding materials.

He can't sketch, and he can't leave a mark on every moving moment. He can only observe carefully as much as possible, extract the most essential part of it, and turn it into his own reserve.

Lan Tianye had no intention of arguing with Zhu Xu in front of Xu Rong, so he turned his head, looked at Xu Rong with a smile, and said, "Xiao Xu, you sort out and publish the remarks about experiencing life during lunch. In the journal, by the way, the statements of Xiao Miao and Faqing should also be included together, although what they said is not entirely correct, but to a certain extent, it can also enlighten young people and avoid going astray."

Xu Rong nodded. He has already recognized the important guiding significance of the theory. Relying on instinct and superficial basic theory, he can reach a certain level in performance, but it doesn't work any further.

Moreover, the theory itself is constantly developing with practice, and the Sinicization of the Sinicization system has also been perfected by generations of artists.

Lan Faqing's statement, to a certain extent, cannot be miscalculated. He finds a common experience of life from a certain group, and it will be lifelike on the stage, making people feel real.

But if he is thrown into the group where the characters he portrays live, there is a high chance that he will appear out of place.

This needs to be improved.

Zhu Xu seemed to have remembered something, and asked, "Have you heard of any good shows lately?"

"How can there be a good show? Our drama is getting better every day. They are just the other way around. They are getting worse every day. But the worse they are, the less money they can make, and the fewer people will do it. Once there are fewer people, it will be worse." Without comparison and competition, you will be less willing to work hard.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xu Rong asked, "What did your elders say?"


"Yo, both of you are still interested in this?"

Lan Tianye said: "It's not that we are interested, it's because of habit. In the early days of the establishment of the academy, the old director and Mr. Jiao proposed to establish our own performance system. At that time, we learned from the Soviet Union on the one hand, and learned from Traditional opera, for a while, the dean and Mr. Jiao asked us to watch one opera every month."

"What's the reason?" Xu Rong looked at the two in surprise. He didn't know that the dean had made such a request before, "Learn their alienation techniques?"

Zhu Xu shook his head with a smile, and said, "You are wrong."

Lan Tianye explained: "In 52, when the theater was first established, we opened an actor study class, and bought tickets for the students every month to watch and learn. At that time, we watched Mei Lanfang, Shang Xiao Yun, Xun Huisheng, Zhou Xinfang, Gai Jiaotian, Ma Lianliang, Xiao Changhua and other top opera masters have benefited from it."

Xu Rong became more and more puzzled, because anyone who is a little familiar with him knows that he is not interested in traditional dramas, because in his consideration, it is not the time to borrow the way of presentation of operas.

And this kind of coldness is not his personal feeling. As far as he knows, after a long period of struggle, the teacher also gave up the plan to learn from traditional opera and turned to learn from life.

After confirming this general strategy, since then, a generation of "God of Drama" has been born.

Probably seeing Xu Rong's doubts, Lan Tianye smiled and said: "There is no model for you to learn opera. Let me use an analogy, like Mr. Mei Lanfang, the reason why he is called Mei Lanfang, so many people Work hard on him, why? Because he has a wide range of social exchanges, for example, he has a good personal relationship with Qi Baishi, which has a subtle effect on his artistic creation. With such a long history of opera, no matter how it is presented How, it has its own cultural beauty just like other humanistic heritages with a history."

"Drama has no fixed form. When we actors stand on the stage and pronounce words, every action must have rhythm and rhythm, artistic beauty, and touching life interest. These are without broad horizons, good cultivation, and rich memory. , vivid charm, and one's own skills, how can you successfully create an artistic image?"

Seeing Xu Rong lost in thought, Lan Tianye waited for him for a while, and then he recovered, before continuing: "I heard from Zhu Xu that you have encountered the confusion of whether to retain your personality. In fact, this is not a problem. Some people act Everything is the same tone, some people play different roles, have different faces, in terms of dialectical thinking, there is no personality, but also a distinct personality, just like you always tell young actors not to always I think your idea is very good to draw the red model in the grid drawn by others, a good actor must have the freshness, uniqueness and vitality of his own artistic creation."

When Lan Tianye mentioned this, Xu Rong was stunned. The dialectical thinking about personality was something he had never tested.

Without its own personality, it is the most distinctive personality!
At this moment, he finally understands why the academy favors scholar-type actors.

The professional level of the teacher Li Xuejian cannot be said to be low, but in comparison, his understanding of "why" seems to be far from that of a scholar-type actor like Lan Tianye who grew up with the complete collection of Stephen Chow.

And this kind of actor with extremely high theoretical attainments and rich practical experience, for the growth of the younger generation, sometimes even a simple sentence can play a role in enlightenment.

"In short, if you want to play a living character well, you need to accumulate life and experience life. In addition, first, explore the correct performance method, and second, read more books, read good books, and improve your self-cultivation , Cultivate habits, when your knowledge, life, and culture have reached a certain level, even if you play a rogue, you still have its artistic beauty.”

One of the puzzles in Xu Rong's heart suddenly became clear again, but he encountered a new doubt: "Culture?"

Because in his view, culture and knowledge overlap to a certain extent.

The old man seemed to be chatting, and said unhurriedly: "The so-called culture is the height and depth of your view of life. Ignorant people flow from material desires. If you stand at a higher angle, the level of seeing and interpreting life will be different. This point, as you come into contact with more and more 'beauty', you will gradually understand in the future."

Xu Rong nodded his head first, and said, "Thank you Teacher Lan, thank you Master."

"There's nothing to be thankful for. It's a good thing that someone will pass on the things we have accumulated."

Xu Rong smiled, his mouth twitched, but in the end, he returned to calm.

He originally wanted to ask how to integrate the "magnificence" into Feng Leshan's role, but after weighing it over and over again, he finally held back abruptly.

If you ask this out, isn't it equivalent to not calling yourself? !

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