Chapter 29
The reason why Xu Rong tapped his hand in midair was because he heard a "ding" just now.

After quietly checking, the system experience value has reached 100.

It was still 98 before.

This is his first scene today, and he spent most of the time squatting on the sidelines watching Huang Xiaoming's scenes.

He didn't think that the experience value came from this senior brother. He originally thought that the character of Wei Monk he played was simple enough, but after watching this senior brother's play, he found that the other party was more domineering than him, and almost most of the time he was ashamed. Emoticons speak lines.

Then the only explanation is Li Xuejian.

And what I have to admit is that Li Xuejian suddenly expanded the boundaries of his already formed skills and cognition. He felt that he had learned a lot in just one play.

It turned out to be able to act like this.

He had seen this teacher Li's performance when the school was filming before, but it was the classic Jiao **, and Feng Jingyao were two completely different characters, and the impact was completely different from watching on the screen and feeling in person. , just like a volcanic eruption, without being there, you will never feel the heat that melts people.

The reason why I want to click is because of the sense of ritual, just like when I started school when I was a child, I have to use old newspapers to wrap my schoolbag when I receive a new book. Second, it is also imposing a psychological hint on myself.

At this time, the systematic review has undergone another drastic change.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: B
Lines: C
Limbs: C
Eyes: B
Rhythm: B
Comprehensive evaluation: B-
Experience Points: 0/100
Glory value: 12/100
Traits: None
From C+ to B-, the comprehensive evaluation has been greatly improved, and each time is a qualitative leap.

According to Xu Rong's observation and conclusion, this is the watershed that really distinguishes actors from entertainers. At this point, they can basically express what they want to express.

It is very simple but it is also a threshold like a natural moat, which can express what you think.

Is it simple?

Very simple.

is it hard?

Very difficult.

Just like telling a story, the story itself is very exciting in your mind, and when you tell it, others will find it interesting.

Xu Rong used to call himself an actor, but in fact, he didn't have much confidence, but starting today, he is a real actor when he goes out, and he is also a talented actor.

Up to now, he has generally figured out the mechanism of the system. It is not the instillation of skills and performance experience, but the forced promotion of his acting talent. He does not need to understand the transmission process, but he can express it.

However, the source of experience points for this kind of promotion needs his own learning and training.

Moreover, this kind of promotion has certain flaws, it is not stable enough, and like all talented actors, it is particularly dependent on status.

This is also the reason why he keeps learning the theory. When the state is good, the comprehensive evaluation determines the upper limit. When the state is not good, he has to rely on basic skills and skills to stabilize the lower limit.

"Trouble, Mr. Li." When he arrived, Xu Rong apologized to Li Xuejian again.

In the two shootings just now, he found that Li Xuejian would have subtle differences every time he acted. try.

Li Xuejian shook his head with a smile, and said, "Follow what you think, don't care about me."

He had a clue, the young man was capable, but he probably didn't figure out the role thoroughly, he didn't dare to act, he was always a little timid.



"I've been able to survive until today, what do you think is the reason?"

"Because Mr. Feng is lucky and lucky."

"Let me ask you, what do the poor lack the most?"

"In order to fill their stomachs, the poor are of course the most short of money, short of money."

"When I first debuted, my master asked me the same question. Guess how I answered it?"

"Mr. Feng, Ding Li doesn't dare to make random guesses. I still hope Mr. Feng will give me advice."


After the filming was over, Gao Xixi stared at the monitor and didn't speak for a long time. When he raised his head and saw that the whole team was staring at him, he said expressionlessly, "Yes."

"Get ready, take a picture."

After watching the replay carefully, Gao Xixi became quite conflicted in his heart.

When Hairun stuffed Xu Rong in, after looking up some information, he was quite reluctant because Xu Rong was too young.

Being young is not the main reason, but the young representatives are not good enough, and what makes him even more disgusted is that Xu Rong's professional ability is too ordinary, and he can still be competent in simple roles, but he dares to guarantee that Ding Li will never be able to bear it .

The reason why "Ding Li" has high requirements is because he knows Huang Xiaoming's level, and he didn't expect Huang Xiaoming to perform well. He was chosen purely because of his popularity and appeal. The requirements for him are also very simple, handsome That's it.

The role of Ding Li is just the opposite. He hopes to find an actor who can perfectly interpret Ding Li's growth and transformation. He has several candidates in his mind, but Xu Rong, who was born in an anti-war film, is definitely not included.

Anti-Japanese war films, as long as it is a "person".

But from Xu Rong's attitude, he saw the shadows of those actors who were born decades ago, which made him feel a little better and planned to give him a chance.

He originally planned to find an excuse to drive him away. The young man can't stand the scolding, and if he gets on the top, he can do anything.

It's not uncommon for the set to pick up guys and fight.

But after the filming of the scene just now, he was going to think about it again, and he always felt that even if he called the selected actors in his heart, he might not be as good as this young man surnamed Xu.

This is filming, not anger, if Xu Rong's level is average, he would have greeted his relatives just now, but the key is to act well.

How can this be done?

He was a little irritable, not to be pushed out, not to be pushed out.

During the adjustment, Li Xuejian also began to re-examine the young man in front of him. After looking at him for a while, he asked, "Xiao Xu, have you filmed many scenes?"

In the previous scene where Xu Rong forgot his words, he didn't have a good impression of this young man, he didn't know the lines by heart, and he acted like a fart.

But the sincere attitude when apologizing made the impression change a lot.

After a scene was completely filmed, he found that it was not what he thought. Although the other party looked young, there were some real things in his hands, and in terms of style, it was not the way to rely on talent. There is a lot of spiritual energy up and down, which can be seen at a glance. Xu Rong's sense of drama is not bad, but in comparison, his basic skills are more solid, especially the mobilization of micro-expressions and eyes, which are obviously underestimated. kung fu.

"No." Xu Rong shook his head with a smile and asked, "Why does Teacher Li ask such a question?"

Li Xuejian first thought for a while, then smiled and said in a low voice: "Didn't you see that the director was stunned by you just now? The look in your eyes just now is very interesting."

"Hey, thank you Teacher Li, I'm still far behind."

The layman is lively, the insider looks at the doorway.

After a rivalry scene between Li Xuejian and Xu Rong, the actors in the crew couldn't help cheering up. Li Xuejian acted well, as it should, but Xu Rong, I heard that he is only a freshman.

After the filming of the scene, Xu Rong didn't dare to go back to the hotel. The director made such arrangements, and he might ask him to add another scene immediately after he left. Isn't that because he was sleepy and gave someone a pillow?
He found a small Maza and sat on the sidelines. When Li Xuejian had a play, he would stare at it carefully, and when there was no play, he would think about it.

He vaguely knew what was going on with Ding Li, and he didn't need to substitute Ding Li at all, and he didn't need to keep it away when acting, because in essence, he and Ding Li were the same kind of people.

In addition, when there is Sun Li's drama, he will also watch it. Emotional drama is his shortcoming. He is going to try again to see if he can discover her strengths.

Feng Chengcheng is a cute girl, but Sun Li. Let her be cute.

Because of staring too carefully, Xu Rong suddenly found that not only did he not like her, but he seemed to start feeling a little disgusted.

Because she looked at Huang Xiaoming's eyes without emotion, just like looking at a friend.

Her heart didn't seem to be in the play, and she didn't intend to put herself in Feng Chengcheng's role.

This was the root of Xu Rong's resentment.

Today's young people are really getting worse.

In his spare time, he also began to think about another thing.

As more and more scenes were filmed, he gradually realized that he really needed an assistant. It was a trivial matter to carry clothes and mobile phones, but the main thing was to find someone to rehearse with him.

After receiving the notice from the crew, he needed time to prepare. At this time, there was no one to give the words, and he couldn't respond well when he arrived on the set.

In the final analysis, there is a difference between nothing and a real person sticking there.

Although the crew also has dedicated staff to help take charge, one person is often in charge of several actors, which simply cannot meet his requirements.

I have to discuss it with Guo Si later, this is stated in the contract, but it is a bit too much not to be allocated all the time.

He also understands that this matter is actually the same as the one-child nursing leave, which is clearly written in the legal provisions, but if you are really not allowed to take it, you will be in a hurry.

That night, he invited Huang Xiaoming to have a meal for no other reason. When the whole group was watching with cold eyes, this senior brother was really righteous.

Not drinking.

Because there is going to be filming tomorrow, Xu Rong doesn't dare to drink. He knows how much he can drink. What surprised him was that this senior didn't mention alcohol.

When the waiter asked if he wanted to order drinks, the two looked at each other at the same time, and a second later, they smiled awkwardly at each other at the same time.


After chatting, I realized that this senior was interested in something different from him. The other party was interested in a completely unfamiliar field, financial management.

"If you don't manage money, money ignores you." After Huang Xiaoming's opening remarks, he began to talk about his financial management experience.

Stocks, funds, futures, insurance, this brother is very researched, and he speaks logically, especially after listing his previous years' yields, Xu Rong is fascinated by it.

But when he calmed down and thought about the deposits in his bank card, he suddenly felt that financial management was just like that, even if the rate of return doubled every year, he still couldn't make much money.

Without him, the principal is less.

"Xiao Xu, let me recommend a stock to you. I have been researching this stock for half a year. ** Satellite. It will definitely go up in the future. This is determined by policy. Look at our country."

Xu Rong silently wrote down the name, and was going to make a small investment when he got rich later. Anyway, according to what Huang Xiaoming said, even if he didn't earn much, he wouldn't lose money.

In addition to financial management, this brother is also quite gossipy, describing who is "brother-in-law" with whom, and which has an unknown past, and also vividly describes it.

It's just that Huang Xiaoming only gossips about others, but keeps silent about his own relationship history.

Xu Rong originally wanted to ask how he and Hu Ke were doing. After all, the media had reported something similar before, but seeing that he didn't mention it at all, he gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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