I'm just an actor

Chapter 30 Methods

Chapter 30 Methods
Xu Rong originally thought that filming emotional scenes would be the most difficult scene for him in "New Shanghai Beach", but with the arrival of another main creator in the group, he found that this problem seemed to be solved suddenly.

The solution was inexplicable, just like his heart beat a few more inexplicably when he saw her.

"Hi, my name is Chen Shu."

"I'm Xu Rong. Ding Li, teacher, hello."

When Chen Shu left, Huang Xiaoming looked at Xu Rong's flushed face, and asked in surprise, "Xiao Xu, why is your face so red?"

Xu Rong smiled, pretended to be calm and turned his head away, looked at Huang Xiaoming also strangely, and asked, "Is there any? Probably because it's too hot."

"Haha, you still pretend to be me."

Huang Xiaoming understood what was going on a long time ago. Seeing that Xu Rong was still holding on, the smile on his face gradually melted away. He took his arm and asked, "Do you think she looks good?"


"Shall I help you find out if you're single?"

"Brother, don't."

"Why?" Now it's Huang Xiaoming's turn to not understand. It's only natural to chase after him if he likes it. As for whether he can catch up or not, why bother him so much.

Xu Rong said without thinking: "The feeling just now was pretty good, I want to keep this feeling, if I really chase, no matter whether I catch up or not, it will be the same for the role of Ding Li." This kind of injury, don't you see that Ding Li has always been unrequited love."

Huang Xiaoming listened, as if looking at a fool, he looked at him for a long time before saying: "I'm afraid you are not a lunatic, are you?"

What Xu Rong can be sure of is that he is not a lunatic, but Ding Li's last shortcoming was made up for by him.

It was probably the spring of youth when he was young. He had never seen her, and he didn't know her at all. Even before that, he didn't even know her name, but that face really fit his aesthetics. Maybe this It was love at first sight, or more precisely, face at first sight.

The reason why he didn't listen to Huang Xiaoming's immediate action was because he was full of uncertainties, whether she had the personality that he made up in his head?
If it is okay, if not, maybe the feeling of thumping heart will subside in an instant, and he will continue to feel the current state carefully for a period of time, so as to form a physical memory.

The 19 years of difficult life experience have made his mind ahead of his age. When faced with choices, he will not make choices solely on impulse.

will regret it.

In his hunch, she wasn't his type of personality, but in the moment, he had to believe she was.

As the filming progressed, Gao Xixi's attitude gradually improved, and he even added scenes to him occasionally.

Flattered, really flattered.

This kind of extra drama, Gao Xixi, who didn't want him to see him, still didn't want to add a drama to him. He didn't dare to think about it at first. At first, he guessed whether he could reduce the drama on purpose because he was worthy of the director's professional ethics.

After filming a few scenes with Li Xuejian, Xu Rong was completely convinced.

When Li Xuejian performs, he can always quietly bring him into his own rhythm through some inadvertent eyes and movements, so as to make him perform better.

That's pretty outrageous.

It is difficult to act well under normal circumstances by following the rhythm of others, but Li Xuejian did it.

After making several choices, he still decided to check it out, because these scenes were too weird.

He knew very well that he didn't have any problems, and he never had this kind of situation when playing with other people.

Although he had expected it in his heart, the display of the system still broke his defenses, and he cursed out of nowhere: "Damn it."

"Comprehensive evaluation: S."

"Remarks: S rank is the highest rating."

"What's the matter?" Sun Li heard what he said, but couldn't hear what he said, and turned her head subconsciously to ask.

Xu Rong smiled and was about to scratch her head, but after realizing that her hairstyle should not be messed up, she took her hand back and said, "It's okay, hehe."


The ceiling, almost the ceiling, Xu Rong originally thought that Chen Baoguo's S- was the highest evaluation of mainland actors, but today he has gained knowledge.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It was the first time that he could interpret a character so vividly while covering half of his face.

When Xu Rong was shocked, Huang Xiaoming and Sha Yi sneaked over, but the expressions on their faces were not quite right.

Huang Xiaoming came to him, chuckled and said in a low voice: "Xiao Xu, Chen Shu doesn't have a boyfriend, come on."

Xu Rong looked at Huang Xiaoming, who was winking, and Sha Yi, who was also grinning, and saw the two of them blinking, looking at him narrowly, and stammered: "No, brother Xiao Ming, brother Sha Yi, I no."

Huang Xiaoming punched him in the chest, and said: "It's nothing, no, I tell you, if you like it, go after it, what if you catch up? Sha Yi, right?"

"That's right." Sha Yi immediately continued, "Look, she is older than you, and she has a pretty good temper. She will definitely take care of others, and have an unforgettable sister-brother relationship. Hey, don't dare Think about it or not."

"The female junior is holding gold bricks, you can't hold several pieces at once."

"That's right, hurry up, don't delay becoming a father at the end of the year."

Xu Rong saw that these two people were similar to the three guys in his dormitory, and it was clear that watching the excitement was not a big deal.

The more the two talked, the more excited they became, and even reached the specific implementation measures and alternative plans, making it like a march to war.

Although Sun Li who was not far away was still looking down at the script, but at some point, her hands stopped moving and her ears perked up slightly.

When the three realized something was wrong and turned to look at her, she smiled unnaturally and said, "I really didn't hear anything."

It's a secret that Xu Rong likes Chen Shu.

But it is because it is a secret that it spreads quickly, because the secret is something that few people know, but most people do not know. Often, everyone who knows the secret will think that he and his friends are within the scope of the minority .

Then within three days, the whole team knew that Xu Rong liked Chen Shu.

Except for Xu Rong who thought he, Huang Xiaoming, and Sha Yi knew about it, and maybe Sun Li.

Xu Rong felt that Chen Shu was always acting weird when he met her, as if she had become more reserved, and her smile was no longer natural.

He didn't think about it deeply, he didn't have the mood to care about it now, all he was thinking about now was that Li Xuejian must never let Li Xuejian run away.

If he can't learn something from Li Xuejian, he will definitely regret it in the future.

"Hey, Teacher Li, are you resting? May I give you a word?"

"Mr. Li, don't, you rest, I just want to fetch water, I'll come and I will come, why are you so polite? I am young, with quick legs and feet."

"Mr. Li, would you like to try this melon? Is it sweet? It's from Hainan."

Huang Xiaoming originally thought that under his persuasion and guidance, this junior would definitely launch a fierce offensive against Chen Shu and win him in one fell swoop.

But after two days, the kid Xu Rong didn't show courtesy to Chen Shu. Instead, he followed Mr. Li's buttocks day after day to greet him.

Not only Huang Xiaoming was dumbfounded, but even Chen Shu, who was the person involved, was dumbfounded. The young Mu Ai, she could understand, but she just felt that it was too ridiculous. After all, the other party was just a student, a freshman, and she had even done a good job. Prepared to refuse.

But when I looked back, why didn't I even look at myself?

"The situation is not right?" Huang Xiaoming looked at Xu Rong's attitude of flattering Li Xuejian, his son had never seen such filial piety, and turned to ask Sha Yi, "Xiao Xu, what is he doing?"

Sha Yi crossed his arms, and also looked puzzled, and said, "You ask me, how would I know?"

The ones who are clear in their hearts are only Li Xuejian and Xu Rong.

Li Xuejian knew Xu Rong's purpose very well, just as Xu Rong knew his own purpose.

But Li Xuejian appreciates Xu Rong's attitude towards the play, he is a rare "lunatic".

Unlike the other young people in the group, Xu Rong drank, sang, played cards after work at night, or spent more than half an hour on the phone during the day.

Xu Rong never brought a script with him when he was filming, and he never read the script on the set. They were the only ones in the whole group who did this.

Li Xuejian thought it was because he had a good brain and remembered quickly, but when he passed the door of Xu Rong's room one night and heard his voice reciting words, he realized that it wasn't that he had a good brain, but that he was willing to work hard.

But Li Xuejian doesn't like to teach people to act. If he says good things, it's to support the younger generation. If he says bad things, he's arrogant. Treat yourself as a character.

But as Xu Rong deleted the word "Teacher Li" and started calling "Teacher", Li Xuejian couldn't stand it anymore.

When Xu Rong yelled out, Li Xuejian was stunned for a moment, stopped him quickly, and said, "It's not right, I didn't teach you anything, you can't call me teacher, you can't call me teacher."

With a shy face, Xu Rong said with a smile: "Then why don't you teach me a little bit, and if I call you again, I will be worthy."

"No, no." Li Xuejian quickly waved his hands and said modestly, "I'm still a primary school student."

"Then you treat me as a preschool class."

Reaching out to not hit the smiling face, Li Xuejian saw that he was "sincere", and the key was that he was very annoying. After careful consideration for a while, he put away the smile on his face and asked in a low voice, "Do you really want to learn?"

Xu Rong forcibly suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, nodded suddenly and said, "Study seriously."

"That's it."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Finding some free time, Huang Xiaoming caught Xu Rong and asked him all the time. During this time, Xu Rong was more attentive than Li Xuejian's assistant, serving tea and water, asking about his health, and doing everything.

Xu Rong said directly: "Thinking about how to become popular."

Because he has become familiar with him for a while, he didn't hide it from Huang Xiaoming, and said: "Mr. Li is good at acting. I want to learn from him. I can't understand it just by looking at it. You also know that there is a process of expression. If he doesn't say it, I will It took a long time to think about it."

Huang Xiaoming understood Xu Rong's thoughts, but he didn't agree with his approach. He rolled his eyes and said: "You think too much, it's not easy to become popular, and it's not your way of becoming popular. If you really want to be popular, you must first get popular." Signing a reliable brokerage company, then increasing exposure through publicity and promotion, and then receiving big investment and big production, that is the right way to become popular, relying on acting skills, do you know how many years?"

Now Xu Rong understood why this senior brother became one of the "Frowning Duo", and he couldn't say he was wrong, because what Huang Xiaoming said was right.

But he felt that this method was not very reliable, just like Xiao Meiren, the number one beauty in Treasure Island back then, when Shaohua was not there, old and fading, even if he was unwilling, he had to honestly take the name of "the number one beauty" The name is handed over to others.

His goal is not to be popular for one or two years or three to five years.

What's more, Huang Xiaoming's method didn't work for him at all. Hairun as a whole is very disgusted with hype. Even Sun Li, who is highly praised, is fed from one play to another.

(End of this chapter)

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