I'm just an actor

Chapter 294 Overrated

Chapter 294 Overrated

Cui Xinqin stood in front of a group of students, reprimanded severely: "Freshman is coming to an end, and even a sketch can be performed like this, you are simply the worst class of students I have ever supervised, let me tell you, Your senior, Xu Rong, was already able to play back and forth with the old actors of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" when you were so old, and he was able to act vividly, but you can't even act, can it? Don't you feel ashamed?"

Cui Xinqin's criticism includes a relatively widespread saying in the entertainment industry: an actor who can't act, an actor who can act.

And the evaluation of students "can't even act in dramas", to some extent, should be regarded as the biggest negation of their future careers.

In the classroom, the expressions of each student are numb. They have long been accustomed to similar criticism or praise. In the past year, the term "Xu Rong" has almost worn out in their ears.

When the teacher is in a good mood, he will always say: so and so, you have a bit of the vigor of your senior Xu Rong.

And if the teacher is in a bad mood, when criticizing a certain student, he will be extremely impatient and even disgusted: You are only a little better than your senior Xu Rong.

In Nortel, "Xu Rong" has become a noun and phenomenon passed on by word of mouth between teachers and students. He is the pride of the acting department and even the entire college. But when it comes to a certain teacher, it seems to be their unwillingness Painful memories unraveled.

Cui Xinqin glanced at the indifferent students, feeling powerless. Xu Rong's achievements are the pride of the school, but to some extent, they also set a bad example for the younger students.

Because at least judging from the time, he was not eager to study during the school period. It can be proved that he did not stay in school for almost more than half of the four years in college.

As a result, he became popular, and even though he was born in 87, his popularity and reputation overwhelmed the entire 80s generation.

This has led to the current children holding similar ideas. Taking more shots is better than staying in school to endorse, practice basic skills, and rehearse plays. As many unsuccessful success experts say, if you don’t try, you will never succeed. Chance.

But just like the vast majority of people in society, they always take it for granted that Xu Rong's achievements today are due to luck, early entry into the industry, and the care of seniors, but no one has ever delved into the fact that he blocked the entire department's teachers and pretended to be sick. Helpless to ask for leave.

Cui Xinqin saw that the reprimand was not effective, clapped her hands, and said: "Today I will lead you to study an article in the latest issue of Human Art, I see Zhou Ping of "Thunderstorm", students who want to pay attention to this aspect should have something to do. I understand, this article was written by Xu Rong, your senior and the first member of Nortel’s arts and arts committee in history. It is his thinking on the classic drama "Thunderstorm" and his summary of Zhou Ping's role .

"Ah, isn't it?!"

In the classroom, following Cui Xinqin's voice, there was an uproar.

Compared with the previous sessions, they are an unfortunate generation, because since senior Xu Rong became a member of the Arts and Arts Committee, his plays, theoretical summaries, and even film and television works have all been used as teaching cases by teachers.

If they only learn these things, they are not unacceptable, but the other courses are not relieved at all. The most important thing is that every time they finish learning or watch a performance, they have to write an after-view review, and according to This preparation sketch.

Although the senior Xu Rong's status cannot be compared with those names in the book, the pain and suffering he brought to them is no less than those long-winded speeches.

Because Xu Rong seems a little lazy, his theories often don't have too many detailed explanations, and they are relatively more obscure when they are understood.

"In addition, I want to tell everyone a good news. In a few days, when "The Founding of the Party" is released, I will lead everyone to watch it in the cinema!"


The numb expressions of the students are becoming more and more inhumane. Watching a movie should be a pleasant and relaxing thing, but it also depends on who to watch with and what to watch. Going to the movies with the teacher means that they have to write an essay after watching the movie. A useful summary.

A similar scene was also staged in the Chinese opera. Although Xu Rong was born in Beidian, Yu Zhongxi is now completely his own family.

Renyi, as the "temple" of Chinese opera, is the main source of teaching content for Chinese opera, and Xu Rong is the top group of scholar-type actors in the temple, and has unknowingly become an unavoidable topic one.

The status of a member of the art committee is far more awe-inspiring to the teachers and students of the Chinese Opera than the name of the deputy director.

When the desk work in the courtyard was officially on the right track, and the overall atmosphere was silently becoming depressing and dull, Xu Rong joined hands with "The Great Achievement of Building a Hall" and officially opened screenings in Beijing.

Choosing to release in mid-June is also a helpless move. The schedule of "Founding the Party" is not ideal. Before that, "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" and "Kung Fu Panda 6" were released in May, and "Transformation" will be released in July. King Kong 5" and "Harry Potter 2", the entire summer file, almost completely fell into the situation of blockbuster blockbusters in Europe and America.

However, the distributors of European and American blockbusters also have scruples. The brilliant record of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" the year before and the distribution channels controlled by China Film have also led to no distributors daring to head-to-head with "The Founding of the Party".

Competition among peers is inevitable and should not be avoided, but if you consider the objective factors that half of the south is in flood disaster and the international film festival held in Shanghai will occupy a large number of screens, the timing is very good for "Jiantang Weiye" unfriendly.

In the first decade of the 21st century, European and American blockbusters became popular in China. This is also the inevitable result of opening up. Compared with the past, the values ​​​​of contemporary young people who grew up under the background of Western culture invasion gradually shifted to the West. Dislike individual obedience and collective, self-sacrifice to achieve everyone, while the western values ​​represented by individual heroism, exquisite egoism, and money worship have silently influenced a generation.

However, "The Founding of the Party" is a gift film, as long as the sky does not fall, even if it hits "Titanic", it is absolutely impossible to adjust the schedule. On July [-]st, a large-scale screening must be held no matter what.

And in the courtyard, Xin Yue held up her mobile phone and ran all the way to Xu Rong, saying, "Brother Xu, "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" is showing today, do you know how the media evaluates it?"

"Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me." If Xinyue hadn't reminded her, Xu Rong would have almost forgotten that the first movie she starred in would be released soon.

Han Sanping had called him before, hoping that he would go to the screening site to carry out the last wave of publicity. As a leading actor and a human artist, he is more suitable than anyone else to attend the screening.

But he really couldn't spare the time, and in his opinion, "The Founding of the Party" has so many units across the country and more than 100 artists from Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan and the three places to support it.

He took the mobile phone, glanced at it, and only looked at the film reviews that were like aesthetic appreciation after the screening, and he had no intention of continuing to pay attention.

The viewers who ordered the screening were the principals and secretaries of 55 colleges and universities in Beijing, as well as major domestic official media.

The direction of the evaluation is naturally obvious.

Such as "After watching the film, everyone thinks that the star's performance has been integrated with the film.", "The narrative of the film breaks the mechanical and rigid narrative, and combines delicate personal emotions with the macro display of history just right. , won the unanimous approval of the university leaders present." Comments abound.

The only thing that can be called harsh is that the 178 stars in the early publicity have become 108.

The roles of the other [-] stars were deleted due to various reasons such as the content of the film, or negative news about the stars themselves.

It's just that these are just glimpses, not mainstream voices.

On June 6, "The Founding of the Party" officially landed on more than 15 screens in 1675 theaters across the country for large-scale screenings.

And the box office of 500 million on the first day also handed in a high-scoring answer sheet. Looking at the data alone, it has the momentum to compete for the annual box office champion in the mainland.

Xu Rong didn't pay attention to the subsequent box office data. He knew very well that as a gift film for his father's [-]th birthday, the follow-up box office was of no great significance. People will be organized one after another to watch.

He doesn't like to read online reviews. Ordinary film and television works can spend money to hire sailors, not to mention the "Party Founding" produced by China Film Group.

It's just that there are too many young people in the crew, just like the juniors in "Family" who like to talk about literature and art. Although most members of the crew don't go out often, they don't miss any news from the outside world.

Among the many comments, the focus on the plot is second, and the most talked about on the Internet are the stars and entertainers who appeared on the scene.

As one of the participants, Xu Rong, who is also the leading actor, is also the one with a higher frequency of appearance.

Listening to Han Qing and Huang Wei's murmurs next to him, Xu Rong suddenly realized that "The Founding of the Party" is a very successful work in terms of commercial value and commemorative significance, but personally, it may be the most important work since his career. Biggest failure.

This is not his ideal performance. He hopes that after a movie is released, the audience can remember the name of the character instead of always mentioning him.

But a familiar face every few seconds, for the audience, it is impossible to immerse themselves in the story that the film wants to tell.

Although his appeal on the big screen seems to have reached the top ranks of domestic actors overnight with the popularity of "The Founding of the Party", he is not an investor, and the box office should be paid attention to, but it cannot be done in addition to the box office. , and nothing else.

"It's not like that, it's not like that."

Xu Rong's thoughts were awakened by Mr. Lan Tianye's suddenly raised voice, and he regained his senses a little.

Lan Tianye took one of the seven or eight leg straps on the table, tilted his head, looked at Li Liuyi and asked, "Didn't I draw the style for you?"

Li Liuyi scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I have searched all over the four cities, but there is no one that sells your words."

"Where's the costume factory?"

"The costume factory said it couldn't be done."

Lan Tianye nodded slowly, understanding another meaning of Li Liuyi's hesitation. It is impossible for him to spend half a month on proofing, purchasing fabrics and accessories just for ten or twenty straps.

In the final analysis, the funds are still not in place, but there are many activities in the courtyard this year. Although Zhang Heping has lost a lot of expenses because of the [-]th anniversary, no amount of money can withstand such a way of spending.

Xu Rong stood aside, Mr. Gao and Feng Leshan didn't sit down, so he could only stand.

He carefully observed the two old men's requirements for clothing, and speculated on the similarities and differences with his own expectations, so as to compare the expectations in his heart.

After sending Sun Dan back two nights ago, he made up his mind. In addition to shaping Gao Juexin, he also tried to imagine what each character should look like from Juexin's perspective.

The two old men expressed their opinions on the clothes. These things were objects that they often saw when they were young. No one knew better than them whether they fit or not.

Lan Tianye picked up each strap and looked at it, then shook his head at each one, and suddenly threw a black strap in his hand on the table, saying: "Forget it, forget it, no need."

Zhu Xu looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "No need?"

"no need!"

Li Liuyi thought that his lack of preparation had offended the old man, so he hurriedly said, "Teacher Lan Tianye, don't worry, I will find someone to do it right away."

Lan Tianye looked at him cheerfully, and said, "Let's do it for them, I don't need it."

When Xu Rong heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but then, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up. This is a very clever handling.

Although rehearsals have not yet begun, the real drama has already begun.

In Juexin's eyes, Feng Leshan is a celebrity and a master.

The inner nature of Feng Leshan is evil. Mr. Ba Jin introduced him as the president of the Confucian Church in "Family". In such an era, this is not a pure art group. Its nature is roughly similar to that of Teacher Ma and Teacher Lie. If it is the dean of the academy, then its identity and status are easy to understand.

By extension, the nature of the Gao family should be regarded as a local enterprise in contemporary times, and family members are the owners, managers and employees of the enterprise.

And a famous person like Feng Leshan, or the dean of the research institute, naturally doesn't need to be like people in the company, wearing a suit and tie all day long.

To some extent, his behavior and attire are slightly different from ordinary people, which is also a manifestation of his transcendent status.

At this moment, Xu Rong's understanding of "reasonable" got closer.

In the middle of the afternoon, the old man finally dressed up in his room and walked out the door.

Lan Tianye has a long beard and bosom, with hair and beard. He wears a woolen robe, a black velvet shapely hat, and a square bamboo walking stick. Although his demeanor is old, his steps are not lacking in suave. He came out of the room slowly. He didn't look at anyone in a daze, just walked like that, leaning on a cane, step by step to the middle of the room.

The moment he saw Lan Tianye, Xu Rong had a feeling of déjà vu. He always felt that Feng Leshan's appearance, he seemed to have seen it before, it seemed to be when he was in school, or it seemed to happen by chance when he was shopping in a bookstore or watching TV. A glance, but for a while, I can't remember who the owner wearing similar clothes is.

"Hey, this set is good, this set is good."

To Zhu Xu's praise, Lan Tianye nodded slightly, but he didn't turn back completely, but his eyes fell on the empty space, "hehe" laughed twice, and said: "You and I have been friends for many years, praise, praise."

(End of this chapter)

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