I'm just an actor

Chapter 295 Questions

Chapter 295 Questions

Looking at Lan Tianye's back, Xu Rong finally came to his senses, why he always felt inexplicably familiar the moment Mr. Lan Tianye appeared on the stage.

From the front, because it was the old man's face, he never remembered where he saw it, but from the back, a real figure gradually emerged in his mind.

Qi Baishi!
The old man's status in the courtyard is very high, and when he comes out of the gate of human art, his status is even more outrageous.

When he was catching the dolls before, he heard Zhang Heping mention that every year on the eve of the Spring Festival, the superior would send one of them to send festive blessings and cordial greetings to the old man.

In the literary and art circles, this is the only one. Even Mr. Zheng, who is more experienced in the academy, has never enjoyed such an honor.

For him, Qi Baishi, Lao She, Cao Yu, and Ba Jin are characters in textbooks and stories, but for Lan Tianye, some of them are his friends, and some are just ordinary people who work together in the literary and art circles and have more interactions.

But no matter what, the voices, smiles, appearances, and behaviors of these people remained in the old man's mind and became one of the many materials he had stored up.

Xu Rong stayed silent for a while, and when most people were still immersed in the series of actions the old man had just made, he turned and entered the door.

When he came out again, he tried his best to imitate Lan Tianye's "god" just now, and walked out of the room with a steady figure-of-eight step. He seemed to be holding a cane in his hand, his back was straight, his shoulders were relaxed, and he walked to Lan Tianye step by step. Next to it, stand still.

Looking at his series of movements, Zhu Xu guessed what he was aiming for, paused, and then commented: "It's not easy."

When Xu Rong heard this, the air of forced imitation immediately dissipated.

He has never worked hard on Qi Baishi, nor has he investigated the psychological state of "celebrities" in depth, so he is not quite accurate about the scale between "arrogant" and "reserved".

But Master Zhu Xu's evaluation also let him know that his imitation was really not good.

As someone who has experienced it, now he can be considered to understand the deep meaning of the term "not easy" in Renyi.

To a certain extent, it can be said that it is not satisfactory, but more or less, it is still a little bit worse. Of course, it is not known whether this is more or less.

And sometimes, "not easy" is a euphemism of reluctance to avoid dampening the enthusiasm of young people.

Xu Rong smiled and shook his head to himself. Mr. Lan Tianye's series of movements all had their internal support, and the flair in his walks stemmed from his "celebrity" mentality and reserve.

And his eyes never fell on any one person, which showed his arrogance, because in terms of status, he was slightly taller than the local dignified Mrs. Gao by half a head.

Seeing Lan Tianye looking at him cheerfully, Xu Rong was more cautious about imitating. When he was walking just now, he always felt quite awkward, because the materials of him and Lan Tianye were different after all, even though he had to express a similar mentality , but the behavior cannot be completely imitated.

And at this time, he finally understood why Mr. Lan Tianye listed culture, knowledge, and life as the three pillars of an actor.

The old man's aloof and confident aura fused into his limbs and eyes is something he can't grasp quickly right now.

To a certain extent, if the old man is willing, with his reputation and status in the literary and art circles, he can become a real Feng Leshan, even more like Feng Leshan than the master mentioned in his notes.

At the same time, Xu Rong once again extinguished the little thoughts that were just born two days ago. At least in the process of walking these few steps, he discovered the gap between himself and the old man.


It is a skill to be able to play a pious LSP so that you can't judge whether it is good or bad when it comes on stage, but after the skill, it is the accumulation of life, culture, and technology over the years.

At this time, thinking about "If it were me, how should I act?" is not very meaningful, because what he wants to portray is Juexin, not Feng Leshan or Mrs. Gao, and he has no time and energy to prepare for the other two complete actors. unfamiliar characters.

Life and culture, you can take your time. As for technology, he hesitated and asked: "Old man, I saw your back just now, it is very natural, that is, the range of movements is very slight, but the momentum is very special. It is very majestic. How is this going?"

Lan Tianye laughed and said, "Right now, it's not suitable for you to supplement too much all at once. You have to take your time and lay a solid foundation for life and culture. Technology is a matter of course."

Xu Rong smiled and nodded, but in his heart, he was thinking about the notebook again.

After lunch, while taking a break, Xu Rong hugged Yuan Wei's child and wandered back and forth in the yard. After waiting for a while, he saw Yuan Wei holding a basin with the diapers he just changed in it, and asked, "Is there any urine?" Isn't it wet, why do you still use diapers?"

Yuan Wei squatted in the yard rubbing, said: "I heard people say that the water-absorbing material in the diaper contains chemical synthetics, and the air permeability is not good. I usually don't use that for her during the day."

Xu Rong approached Yuan Wei with the child in his arms, and asked softly, "Have we moved in for seven or eight days?"

"I'm busy day by day, and night is not night, and I don't remember, what's wrong?"

Seeing that her daughter was neither crying nor fussing in his arms, Yuan Wei smiled and said, "You are quite destined to be a child. There are only 30 people in the yard, except you and Han Qing, whoever touches her will cry."

Xu Rong smiled, ignored her words, and said casually: "I was just thinking, do you think the two old men are ready for everything?"

Yuan Huang raised his head and looked at him rather strangely, because she was just an outsider when it came to closeness, and Xu Rong must know more about Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu than she does, and the news of the rerun of "Family" is true. It was reported early last year that the two old men were also the first to set roles. Although compared to them, the two old men are older and lack energy, but they don't have so many announcements and arrangements to catch up, so they are wondering In the middle, she gave a positive guess: "I think it should be. Didn't you also learn to leave in the morning? If Teacher Lan is not fully prepared, she will definitely not be able to leave so naturally."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "How do you feel? Those few steps I took"

"Ah, you asked this?" Yuan Wei first showed a few teeth, and then smiled, "It's pretty good."

"Hey, your mother is here, here, don't cry, don't cry, oh, okay, look for mother, look for mother." Xu Rong watched Yuan Wei put the diaper on, and immediately walked up to Yuan Wei, Regardless of the child's smiling face and the small hands still holding on to her neckline, he forced the child into her arms.

Seeing Xu Rong's movements, Yuan Huang quickly wiped his wet hands on his pants twice, took the child, and said, "I understand now, you men are all alike, you can watch the child for at most 5 minutes, and one more time You must die in seconds."


Xu Rong smiled, glanced at the backyard, thinking about how to keep the two old men away for a long time.

He is not obsessed with the notes of the two old men, but just to better find the inner state of the character.

Juexin is the eldest grandson of the family. His father is bedridden and his grandfather is retired. The burden of the whole family rests on his shoulders. He not only has to serve his parents and elders, but also takes care of his brothers and sisters. family expenses.

Just like right now, he not only has to do his desk work well, but also has to worry about the basic necessities of life for people in his twenties, and as the deputy captain of the actor team, he can't ignore the actors.

Thinking about the notes of the two old men, purely out of the simple original intention of artistic creation, try to find a few things for myself to do, so as to make the burden on my shoulders heavier.

Worrying more about a dispensable note is also to form a corresponding external environment and better experience the inner world of the character, without any dark thoughts.

After returning the child to Yuan Wei, Xu Rong walked slowly back to the backyard,

Slowly, he really thought of a wonderful and very feasible idea, but the implementation of this plan still needs the cooperation of Ren Ming.

When he walked to the backyard and was about to go back to his room, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yuan Yu sitting on a reclining chair in the small courtyard of the side room and wing room, holding a stack of materials and a pen, and reading carefully with his head down.

On the first day he called the courtyard, he noticed her. It wasn't Yuan Yuchang's good looks, but the action of holding Xinyue, which left a deep impression on him. He pressed his footsteps and walked away quietly. In the past, when he came to him, he said softly: "Xiao Yuan."

Yuan Yu was frightened and clamped his shoulders with an "ah" sound. When he saw him standing behind him, he let out a sigh of relief: "Captain Xu, why didn't you say something when you came here?!"

Xu Rong laughed, took his chin and tapped the material on her knee, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Some materials from when "Family" was lined up in the courtyard."

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and said, "Let me take a look."

After he took it, he opened it for a few glances, handed it back, and said with a smile, "Don't read these anymore. If you have time, why don't you read more about the script and Mr. Ba Jin's original work."

Yuan Yu didn't quite understand the purpose of what he said, but because she was in awe of authority, she didn't ask the reason carefully, but nodded obediently and said: "Oh, good."

Xu Rong didn't explain the reason. As a student from a major, he knew too well the disadvantages of acting teaching in colleges.

At present, the biggest problem in domestic performance teaching is that students are not taught to think. The vast majority of teachers use the teaching method of "comparing the gourd to draw a scoop". Students learn what the teacher says and do not analyze. In the script, without analyzing the characters, students only know what they are, but not why.

As a result, the acting class assignments across the country are all carved out of the same mold of Wang Lifa and Chen Bailu, which node is what expression, which node is what reaction, and the whole country is uniform.

The performance videos of Renyi on major video sites are the most lively every year, just a few days before the final homework! ! !
The reason for this strange situation is that the vast majority of acting teachers have no actual performance experience. They are often postgraduates, PhD students after graduation, and then associate professors and professors all the way.

So if you go to see major graduation dramas performed by major colleges and universities, it is easy to tell who their head teachers are, because their head teachers rehearsed for that scene when they graduated as a student, and it is the only one that he has received "professional guidance" , and such a "template", if there is no accident, it will be used until the head teacher retires.

Actors with rich performance experience and solid theories, even if they are well-known in the industry, cannot enter the school. First, the remuneration offered by the industry is often not too low because of their reputation, and most people are not willing to waste time To be a teacher, secondly, you don't have the "passport" and title in the school.

This is different from Nortel's directing and photography departments, because most of Nortel's directors and photographers have relatively rich experience in the industry.

The method used by Yuan Yu is of course no problem in school, but it is not feasible in Renyi. After the audience of Renyi enters the theater, they hope to see real people on the stage instead of following the script.

After this incident, Xu Rong didn't go back to the room, but went to look for Li Liuyi.

He realized the problem only when he discovered that Yuan Yu was flipping through the materials of "Family" in the past, and there were far more young actors in the group than Yuan Yu alone.

in the afternoon.

"In the past few days, I found that many people are looking up previous materials. I discussed with the director. In this way, everyone puts away the materials in their hands. For the next 23 days, let's not do anything else, just read the script. , read it twice a day, and everyone is free at night, you can read the original book." As soon as everyone sat down, Xu Rong said slowly after sweeping his eyes.

The reason why the script is given priority is because the script was adapted by the old dean. Although the old dean respected the original work as much as possible, his experience is different from that of Mr. Ba Jin, and there are subtle differences in the characterization of the characters.

Lan Faqing asked in puzzlement, "Is there any point in doing this?"

Xu Rong smiled without saying a word.

The two old men looked at each other, and they both saw each other's doubts, but they smiled softly like Xu Rong.

At this moment, they felt that they had to maintain this expression, otherwise, if they looked confused like a room full of young people, where would the dignity of the seniors go?

"let's start."

Meng Xiu and Xu Rong, who acted as Wang, looked at each other, nodded, and said, "I'm exhausted, these old ladies."

Yuan Yu immediately answered: "Aunt Chen, you don't have to go far, it's in the new house."

Xu Rong looked at Yuan Yu and asked, "Why don't you go far away, why is Aunt Chen coming to find cold boiled water for Juexin?"

Following Xu Rong's words, everyone present, except Li Liuyi, was stunned.

Why not go far?
Why Aunt Chen?
Yuan Yu looked at Xu Rong inexplicably. She said it according to the script, and the words didn't have too many emotional ups and downs, so she didn't do too much homework.

Seeing that Yuan Yuguang opened his mouth but there was no sound, Xu Rong nodded with a smile and said, "Go ahead."





The whole crew went completely crazy, because Xu Rong was like a repeater, every time someone said a few words, he would say "Why?"

This is not reading a script, this is simply torture!
As for the two old men, they fully understood Xu Rong's plan at this time. His method was meaningless to them, but it was of great significance to the actors in the group, especially the young actors.

And this is also a characteristic that actors in the current theater generally do not have. They pursue the reason behind every line and every action, which is the "why" among the three elements that are always ignored.

This is also the inspiration that Xu Rong received when he found out that Yuan Yu was reading past materials, and read the script with questions.

There is a hint of "(sneer)" in the script, when the actors read the script or perform, they will naturally sneer, but why they sneer, how cold they are, and how much they have to laugh, these have to be investigated in depth explore.

What he did was to ask everyone questions and let them find the answers to their questions.

(End of this chapter)

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