Chapter 296
"Brother Zou, morning."

Zou Jian looked at Huang Wei's smile that was brighter than Chaoyang, and replied unnaturally: "Morning."

He tossed and turned last night and fell asleep in the middle of the night, and his mind was still dizzy at this time.

In fact, not only yesterday, but also the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday, he stayed up until the middle of the night, until he was really sleepy before he could barely fall asleep.

It's not that he accepts the bed, but that he has something on his mind.

Eight days ago, when he first entered the courtyard with the film crew, he was quite happy. There are many courtyards in the capital, and you can see them in many places, both good and bad.

But it was the first time he lived in the capital in nine years.

All this is quite novel to him, the novelty of facing history directly.

No matter where he went, he couldn't help thinking that hundreds of years ago, there should be a big family like them living in the courtyard on this side.

Standing in the yard, he couldn't help but diverge his thoughts, whether there would be a young man of his age standing here thinking 100 years ago, and whether there would be a young man of his own age after a hundred years of thinking Young people standing here thinking of themselves?
He doesn't know if there is or not, but he always finds it very interesting.

It's just that after lunch on the first day, these unknown pleasures gradually left him.

Before eating, Mr. Lan Tianye asked men and women to separate tables. He didn't have much doubts about this, which is also part of experiencing life, but after discussing "experiencing life" in the afternoon, he fell into self-entanglement.

In 1998, he was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Film Academy and officially started his career as an actor. Before entering the school, like most of his classmates, he also had the dream of becoming a movie star. It was only after entering the class that he realized that he was just the last common one.

He is not handsome, nor does he have any outstanding specialties.

As he studied, he gradually realized that the art of an actor is on the stage, while film and television is the art of a director.

The names that appeared in the book and that the teacher mentioned over and over again in class took root in his heart silently.

An actor who has not studied in a formal school cannot understand the importance of "humanity and art", just like when he chatted with a classmate who majored in economics, he also didn't think there was anything special about Adam Smith, Samuelson, and Keynes .

Economics, how is it different from the previous theology, as long as it knows nonsense and can justify itself, it’s over, and it needs to be devoted to research? !

After graduating in 02, he became the envy of his classmates overnight.

He was admitted to Renyi! ! !
During the four years of university, the fringe figure who had been unknown in the department suddenly became the core of the students' discussion during the entire graduation season.

Walking in the school during that time, he couldn't help but chuckle when he heard others pointing at him.

He successfully entered the "temple" of the acting world.

Although during the interview, the examiner Yang Lixin commented that he was "relatively down-to-earth".

He didn't quite understand what Yang Lixin meant, but after all, he had entered the human arts, and he would eventually become the "excellent senior" that the teacher would often mention to his juniors and let them set an example for many years to come.

After entering Renyi, everything was different from what he had imagined in the past. There were nearly a hundred actors in the theater, and nearly half of them seemed not to be thinking about acting. In the courtyard, like a monk ringing a bell, with two "duang" sounds, the day is completely over.

He did not choose to "join the ranks", because facts have proved that silent efforts will always bear fruit.

In the first few years of entering the hospital, he played a role in a down-to-earth manner, being a green leaf, playing one role after another with no lines or even a few lines.

In a flash, a few years have passed.

The strange thing is that his efforts seem to be seen by no one, and it seems that being a green leaf is taken for granted. He always acts as a green leaf. If there is a guard or servant in this group, he will take the lead.

He also wants to play a role, he dreams of it.

The increase in income is only one aspect, and more importantly, he believes that it is the recognition of himself by the theater and the audience.

During this period, he wavered many times, but every time, he remembered the envious eyes of his classmates when he graduated, and Yang Lixin's evaluation of himself, being down-to-earth.

The situation of the theater changed in 07. In that year, Zhang Heping was parachuted into Renyi and became the dean who had been vacant for four years. He thought that there would be no change, but not long after Zhang Heping took office, he began to make drastic changes. reform.

Those reforms had nothing to do with him, but significant changes did take place in him. His opportunities suddenly increased a lot, and he also started to play roles. Although there were still not many lines, there were more than before.

Everything is going well!

In 09, a major event happened in the courtyard, and Xu Rong came.

Before entering Renyi, Xu Rong was already a popular first-line actor in China. For his arrival, many people were curious, puzzled, and puzzled, but he was not included.

The arrival of Xu Rong naturally aroused quite extensive discussions in the courtyard.

Because the battle was too big, even if he didn't usually pay attention to the gossip, the news related to it would always come to his ears constantly.

But none of this has anything to do with him. He always feels that he just needs to do his own thing well.

Sometimes, he also envied Xu Rong. Before he entered the door, the leaders and seniors in the courtyard had paved the way for the future. They were eagerly looking forward to his arrival.

After being admitted to the hospital for one year, he was specially nominated by the dean to join the art committee, and then served as the deputy captain of the actor team.

However, these still have nothing to do with him, he still thinks it is enough to do his own thing well.

He often runs into Xu Rong in the courtyard, and when he meets, he just nods and says hello. He doesn't like to communicate with others, and he doesn't like flattery, although he also understands that if there are no accidents, Xu Rong will be in the future. Step up to a higher leadership position, just like Ren Yuan.

Everything changed and the intersection with Xu Rong was the discussion about "experience life" on the afternoon of the first day after moving in.

He didn't agree with Xu Rong's point of view. Although the other party was a member of the arts committee and the vice-captain of the actor team, he still felt that Teacher Lan Faqing's statement was correct.

Because during school, the teacher said the same as what Teacher Lan Faqing said, to experience life is to find the behavioral commonality of special groups.

At that time, he immediately put forward different opinions, but he did not expect to be blocked by two old seniors.

He has never doubted that the teacher taught something wrong, because his teacher is a professor of STA, a master tutor, and a well-known performance theorist in the field of performance theory in China.

But the attitude of the two old seniors made him a little suspicious again. Is it to take care of Xu Rong's face so that he won't refute, or is what he said is right?

For this reason, he hasn't slept well recently, because he relies on this craft to eat.

On the first day of formal reading of the script yesterday, Xu Rong always got stuck at key points and asked "Why?"

He was also asked several times, but it didn't affect his emotions. He knew that Xu Rong was forcing him to find out the ins and outs behind every detail.

But at the end, Xu Rong put forward another request: before reading the script every day, young actors have to do warm-up training, voice warm-up, voice production, lines, enunciation and pronunciation, and vocal training.

He was not surprised either. Over the past few years, as long as he was not particularly busy, he never missed his morning exercises.

But early in the morning, when he was reading "Ruan Lingyu" and warming up, Xu Rong rushed over.


Xu Rong looked at Zou Jian, who had a thin face and double eyelids, and felt very bored. Zou Jian had been in the hospital for a long time, but one piece of "Ruan Lingyu" was read to him as Lin Daiyu's self-pity.

Xu Rong looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Brother Zou, who taught you to read "Ruan Lingyu" like this?"

Zou Jian didn't quite understand what he meant, and said, "I've always read it that way, that's what the teacher taught me when I was in school."

"Don't use the lines in this book to warm up in the future, it's not correct." Xu Rong said with a smile, from Zou Jian's reading method, he guessed something, his teacher must have never studied "Ruan Lingyu".

Zou Jian looked at him for a while, then said in a low voice, "I know what I'm reading is right, I don't need you to teach me."

After finishing speaking, he realized the surprised and shocked gazes from around him, paused, turned and went back to the room.

Xu Rong looked at Zou Jian's figure in astonishment, and couldn't help being speechless, brother, you are too superstitious about your university teacher, right?

With Zou Jian's departure, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Although Xu Rong usually doesn't care about things, he is the deputy captain of the actor team and one of the leaders of the actor team.

Seeing Huang Wei, Xin Yue and others sneaking glances here, Xu Rong immediately blushed: "It's okay to be idle, watch the fun, right?!"

As he said that, he laughed again, and said, "Why, are you thinking about how I can wear small shoes for Zou Jian?"


"How can, how can?"

"Everyone is busy, don't worry about it."

Lan Faqing and Li Kelong giggled and said, "Xiao Xu, don't be as knowledgeable as he is, he just has a stubborn temper, and he can't pull back a few cows."

Xu Rong looked at the two who were laughing, and asked, "You guys already knew?"

Lan Faqing said: "It's not very early, a few minutes earlier than you, I reckon, his university teacher must be a loyal fan of Fanzi, so Fanzi would blush when he heard that, Hahaha."

Li Kelong persuaded in a low voice: "Everyone has their own ideas, if people don't want to listen to it, don't worry about it too much."

Xu Rong nodded lightly. If he was just an ordinary actor in the courtyard, he wouldn't do such a thankless thing, but he wasn't.

Recasting the glory of human art is not something he can do alone. Just like Yuan Yu's outstanding performance, he will also pay attention to it, and give her advice when needed, so that she can avoid detours.

Li Kelong's suggestion is from his own point of view, but he is not Li Kelong after all, and he can't do that.

Not far away, the two old men watched quietly, Zhu Xu asked: "What's going on, I see that Xiao Xu and Xiao Zou seem to have a conflict?"

Lan Tianye waved at Xinyue, and when Xinyue came over and explained why, he turned his head and asked, "What do you think he will do?"

"From my point of view, Xiao Xu still has a lot of guts." Zhu Xu hesitated, and then said slowly, but he was not sure. Xu Rong is usually very kind to everyone, but he is not sure about some people in the courtyard. His attitude towards people and things that he can't see clearly has always been quite aggressive, and all assessments and dismissals have been done. In comparison, Feng Yuanzheng seems to be much softer.

Lan Tianye's face was much more serious than before. Since the performance of "Thunderstorm" ended, his attitude towards Xu Rong has changed a lot, and he agreed with Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi's proposal to regard Xu Rong as the "future".

But if Xu Rong also took the attitude of everyone sweeping the door by himself in today's matter, then he would have to reconsider.

As for who was right and who was wrong between the two, he didn't have much doubt.

In the middle of the morning exercise, Xu Rong probably sorted out his thoughts. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked to the front of the inverted room and knocked on the door.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

It wasn't Zou Jian who opened the door, but Miao Chi who played Juehui. Xu Rong looked at him and asked, "When did you come back?"

Miao Chi smiled: "I just came back, I just came back, I drank my saliva, drank my saliva."

Xu Rong looked over Miaochi, glanced at Zou Jian who was lying on the bed, and said, "I'll talk to Brother Zou for a while."

"Oh, then I will continue to practice."

After entering the door, Xu Rong picked up a chair, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Zou Jian whose back was facing him, and said with a smile, "Brother Zou, let's talk?"

Zou Jian didn't say a word, nor did he make any movements.

Seeing that Zou Jian was motionless, Xu Rong immediately raised his voice and said, "Master, why are you still acting like a little daughter-in-law, crawling on the bed after getting a little angry."

Sure enough, Zou Jian rose up when he heard the sound, and stared at him with wide eyes, as if he was going to strike if there was a disagreement.

But looking at the smiling Xu Rong, he was a little confused for a moment. When he was thinking about what attitude he should take towards Xu Rong, Xu Rong said bluntly: "Brother Zou, let me apologize to you first. , I didn't mean to disrespect your teacher, of course, I was a little anxious just now, and my tone was not very good, please forgive me for this."

Xu Rong knew a little bit about Zou Jian. He is an honest person who admits death. Such a person cannot be forced. The harder he is, the more fierce his resistance will be.

Zou Jian became more and more confused, Xu Rong smiled kindly, as if nothing had happened before, he suddenly had the illusion that he was the one who did the wrong thing.

And it was Vice Captain Xu Rong, who apologized to him like this, and he didn't know how to respond, so he could only force a little smile and said, "No, no."

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "Actually, you read it right, because Teacher Xu Fan really acted like that at the beginning, and she also won the Plum Blossom Award for her performance of this role."

He guides the topic step by step. Most of the time, the two parties in the debate try to prove that the other party is wrong and they are right, but the more they do this, the more stalemate they will lead to.

But he first affirmed Zou Jian's "Yes", and waited until his mood was completely stable before asking: "Can you tell me about your understanding of "Ruan Lingyu"?"

Zou Jian hesitated, looked at Xu Rong's sincere gaze, nodded quietly, and said, "I think, because of her humble background, Ruan Lingyu has low self-esteem, self-esteem, sensitivity, and affection, even though she has successfully performed a series of Tragedy movie, but the misfortune of love, inhumane trust, scandal-ridden experience, her heart is cowardly, anxious, unable to find self-enrichment and balance, so I think her inner state and emotion are inhibitions. It can't stop 'spilling' out, that's what Teacher Xu Fan did back then."

Xu Rong kept nodding his head, and after he finished speaking, he said: "Yes, Teacher Xu Fan did act like this back then, and what you said is indeed correct, then would you like to hear my understanding?"


"Have you ever heard of people's fearful words?" Xu Rong looked at him and asked, "Speaking of a person you are familiar with, have you ever seen Zhang Guorong's usual behavior different from ordinary people?"

Zou Jian stared blankly at Xu Rong, he never expected that Xu Rong would use Zhang Guorong as an example.

Xu Rong got up and said with a smile: "Of course, I don't want to force you to accept my point of view, but I want to exchange our understanding of this role, that's all. Now it seems that our understanding is similar, but It’s just a different way of presenting it, but anyway, don’t delay the rehearsal because of this trivial matter.”

He believes that time will prove that his consideration is correct, because "Ruan Lingyu" is also one of the current revival plays, and it will also be released this year.

If Xu Fan still played exactly the same as he did 19 years ago, then he would have nothing to say, but he always felt that after Feng Xiaogang's derailment incident, Xu Fan's performance of Ruan Lingyu was actually his true colors.

After dinner that night, Xu Rong was thinking about how to get Ren Ming to cooperate with him to drive the two old men away. Miao Chi hurried back and said, "Captain Xu, Captain Xu, it's not good, Zou Jian is gone."

(End of this chapter)

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