I'm just an actor

Chapter 298 Resignation

Chapter 298 Resignation
Back in the small courtyard, Xu Rong saw Yuan Yu and Xin Yue chatting with the two old men, and said with a smile, "Teacher Lan, uncle, didn't you go out to eat?"

Zhu Xu didn't answer him, but looked at him curiously, and asked, "Why did you go?"

During this period of time, Xu Rong is like the big girl of Huanghua in the early years. She doesn't leave the door without leaving the door, no matter what is going on, seeing the cat in the sky wandering around in the backyard, he still doesn't understand What's going on, I thought he was just such a person who didn't like to deal with people, but after Lan Tianye reminded him, he didn't know what his plan was.

"Oh, go to the courtyard and have a look at this year's newcomers."

Xu Rong first pointed his finger behind him, fearing that the two elders would ask him for details, and then said: "By the way, I met Ren Yuan just now, and asked me to ask, can your two elders spare a few days, and the family is currently preparing for a rehearsal "Cai Wenji", I want you two to go back and get a pulse."

Lan Tianye looked at Xu Rong with a smile, and asked, "Xiao Xu, is it really Xiao Ren who said this?"

"Hey, old man, if you can't trust Ren Yuan, you can't trust me."

The smile on Xu Rong's face became more and more friendly. He first went back to the room, and when he came out, he sat down in front of the elder with a water glass and said, "You didn't see it, but just before you came out from home, good guy, hold me for a while." It's a brother's brother's brother's short meal, and he said that he must let me say a few more good words in front of your two elders, so that your two elders can spare time to give pointers."

The old man looked at Xu Rong almost completely blankly: "Then you agree?"

Xu Rong took two sips of water in one breath, pressed the water glass heavily on the stone table, and said, "How can that be, you are an elder whom I respect and feel kind to you, how can I be your second elder without authorization?" Lord, isn’t it? But Renyuan is my leader after all, and I can’t refuse him face to face. What’s the main reason? I’ve seen the situation. Renyuan has been under a lot of pressure recently. I’m in charge of five or six plays alone. , I'm afraid I can't alarm your two elders."

Lan Tianye's two snow-white eyebrows became more and more kind: "You, if you were born a few decades earlier, with this grinning mouth, you will inevitably suffer."

Xu Rong laughed, without the slightest embarrassment of being exposed, clapped his hands, and said to Xin Yue and Yuan Yu: "Look, look, what I said, what I said, I know this little trick of mine I can't hide it from the eyes of the two elders. I told Yuan Ren earlier, why have you never seen your elders? The rice I eat is not as salty as yours. In fact, the main thing is to let your elders go out Take a break, go back and see your family, and give advice by the way."

The two old men smiled, ignored him, stood up tacitly, and turned back to the house.

Xu Rong, Xin Yue, and Yuan Yu stared at each other for a long time, they were all baffled by the sudden departure of the two old men.

Xin Yue asked uncertainly, "Brother Xu, are the two teachers unhappy?"

Xu Rong stared blankly at the backs of the two old men, shook his head, and looked at it, he didn't look angry anymore.

On the way back, he made a plan. With the rich and wonderful life experiences of the two old men, even if he "tells the truth", he might be suspected, so he deliberately hid his real purpose under two layers of planning. When one layer is uncovered, another layer will be considered as a cover.

But what does the lukewarm reaction of the two old men mean?
And the request to go back to the hospital tomorrow, was it answered or not?
He didn't know what to do, but he still didn't intend to stop the plan at all, and said to Xinyue and the two: "Go back first, don't play with your mobile phone all the time, and read more scripts when you have time."

The two laughed and said, "I know."

Early the next morning, Ren Ming came with Tang Ye as scheduled, but just entered the door, seeing the listless appearance of the two old men, while feeling rejoicing in his heart, he couldn't help but gouged out Xu Rong's eyes.

Look at how tired the two old men are, don't you know how to let them rest more?
Xu Rong spread his hands blankly, he was more puzzled than Ren Ming, he was fine last night, why suddenly it seemed like he had a big night?
But he saw with his own eyes that yesterday, the two old men returned to the house inexplicably within a few minutes of his arrival, and they supposedly went to rest much earlier than usual.

Lan Tianye didn't say much, and said, "Let's go, I've been out for about ten days, go back and have a look."

When Xu Rong was about to close the car door when he arrived at the door, the old man looked at him, and a smile suddenly flashed on his face, and said: "Xiao Xu, you can't be lazy."

"Oh, no, no." Xu Rong was a little confused by the old man's inexplicable smile, but thinking of his long-cherished wish come true, he immediately said with a smile.

When the car turned a corner, he immediately turned around and entered the door, striding towards the backyard.

All is ready except for the opportunity!
After entering the backyard, Yuan Yu and Xin Yue cleaned up the water glasses on the table in the main room, and the other cleaned the yard. He slowed down his pace a little, and said with a smile, "Are you busy?"

Xinyue stopped in the middle of the yard, it was already summer, she wiped the sweat off her forehead with her enamel doll-like arm, and said, "Brother Xu, the two teachers are back?"

"Well, let's go back."

"Then shall we still read the script later?"

Xu Rong nodded, and said, "Read it, why don't you read it? The old man's play, let Director Li and Xin Yue play together."


Xu Rong said, and walked towards the house again.

In the process of entering the room, his gaze stayed on Yuan Yu, who was busy inside, for two more seconds. He hadn't paid much attention to this girl in the past, but she was only one year younger than him.

"Mr. Xu, am I not wearing the right clothes today?" Yuan Yu was very keenly aware of his paused gaze, turned around and asked in surprise.

Xu Rong smiled lightly, shook his head, but couldn't help sighing in his heart, what a talent to envy.

His gaze rested on Yuan Yu's body for less than three seconds before she noticed it, and this kind of sensitivity was precisely the best talent of an actor.

Because only such a person can carefully pay attention to every move around him.

Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious, highly sensitive, if the environment is harsh, it is very easy to cause mental autism.

In Renyi, there are many such people, and the most typical one is Yu Zhi, a highly sensitive actor.

Xu Rong entered the room, picked up the rag, and said, "Take a break, I'll come today, you two cook and clean every day, it's hard work."

When Yuan Yu heard this, her eyes narrowed into crescents, she shook her head and said, "It's okay, Brother Xu, Teacher Lan Tianye and Teacher Zhu Xu even praised me for my methods, I said I did everything you said."

Seeing that Xu Rong rolled up his sleeves and wiped the tables and chairs with a rag, Yuan Yu hurriedly said: "Brother Xu, you can't do these things, you are the young master and the eldest grandson of the eldest son, we should do these things. "

Xu Rong first said "oh", and the ending sound was a little longer than usual, in order to make up a set of excuses that could fool her: "Because I am the eldest grandson and young master of the eldest house, I should do it all the more. This is my One of the ways to find 'filial piety'."

While busy with work, Xu Rong said earnestly, "Our profession is quite special. If you want to become a good actor, you must first learn to be a down-to-earth person and do things according to your duties. Unlike other jobs, we can almost fool you. We can fool ourselves, but not the audience."

Listening to Xu Rong's slightly serious tone, Yuan Yu said with a tight face, "Brother Xu, I remember."

"Just remember."

Xu Rong was busy, and slowly walked into Mr. Lan Tianye's room.

Entering the room, after looking around, he was stunned. There was no old-fashioned notebook on the bookshelf!

He squinted his eyes and scanned the room again, in case he missed any hidden places.

In the end, his eyes turned to the desk beside the bed. Of course, it was not the clean and spotless desktop, but the drawer on the left hand side of the desk, which was firmly locked by a small orange lock.

He clearly remembered that when the two old men got into the car, they were empty-handed.

At this time, there was no trace of the notebook or the script, and the only possibility was in the locked drawer there.

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and tugged at the lock, it was very firm.

He looked down at the small orange lock, and couldn't help taking a breath, old man, who do you think I am, the door is still locked when I go out? ? ?

What about trust between people?
What about mentoring?
Holding a dishcloth, Xu Rong stood in front of the table, speechless for a long time, Renyi's spirit of "one dish" was coming to an end!

Naturally, he couldn't give up, and wandered back to the West Room, which was Uncle Zhu Xu's room.

To his despair, Uncle Zhu Xu's notebooks and scripts were also missing, and the drawer of the desk beside the bed was also locked with a small orange lock in the same way.

Xu Rongli stood in the room, an uncontrollable feeling of "fucking" gradually filled his chest and rushed straight to his forehead.

Don't bring people like this!

The two old men are probably going crazy with joy at this time, the key is that there are people to share the happiness!
He was the only one who couldn't bear the pain, and couldn't talk to anyone, so he could only swallow the dumb person in his stomach.

After a while, Yuan Yu saw Xu Rong walking out of the West Room with an unusual expression on his face, and asked, "Brother Xu, have you finished cleaning?"

Xu Rong casually put the rag on the chair beside him and said, "No."

"Didn't you just say that?"

"The upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked!"

Xin Yue looked at Xu Rong who said something without thinking and then left the room, she didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Xu Rong was a little puzzled, what were the two old men thinking?

It doesn't matter if it doesn't teach, the old man will occasionally mention a few words.

But let's preach, as long as he asks, the two old men can put him in a posture that it is too late to call 120 immediately.

He was a little uncomfortable, to the extent that he was reading a book and was about to see a wonderful plot, but was abruptly cut off by the author.

The original purpose of participating in "Family" is to gain experience, but in contrast, he hopes to learn the skills accumulated by the two old men over 60 years of acting experience, because after learning these, he can practice and form his own instinct, and A promotion talent that is not as violent as experience points.

Of course, this small setback should not make him discouraged, and he was going to make a long-term plan.

Back to the room, entered the door, and was about to make a plan, but found a brand new notebook with a red cover lying quietly in the middle of the desk.

It seems to be waiting for his arrival.

He frowned and walked to the desk, looking at the red-covered notebook that suddenly appeared.

It wasn't his, his notebooks were all in black covers.

Open the cover casually, and a line of neat and beautiful handwriting comes into view:
"An actor without personality cannot be a great artist."

Seeing the handwriting on the title page, Xu Rong leaned slightly and stopped immediately, because after this sentence, there was "——Lan Tianye."

He frowned, wondering in his heart: "What's the matter? The old man sent me the notebook?"

Another page was turned, and the guess that had just been born was overturned by him immediately.

"Performance thinking should not be restricted to the system—Zhu Xu."

Xu Rong pulled the chair away, lay down on the table, and hurriedly turned to the third page: "To Xu Rong: Inheriting the tradition of human art and continuing to write new glory."

From the extremely high-level summary of the first two sentences, he vaguely guessed what was recorded in the notebook.

A high-level summary of the performance practice and theoretical research of the two old men!

Xu Rong was a little dumbfounded, the two old men must be too playful, the co-authors already knew that I was thinking about this, and they were waiting for me here.

Sitting in the room, Xu Rong was holding the notebook, feeling quite touched in his heart. At this moment, he finally understood why the two old men had lost their energy after staring at it so early in the morning.

Eighty percent of them were working on the manuscript last night.

The only fortunate thing is that he and the two old men have a common basis for communication, that is, they have a relatively deep research and understanding of the theory and practice of performance. For something a little deeper, just a few words, he can vaguely understand [-]% to [-]% or even [-]% to [-]% of it. Only the original theories and techniques of the two old men can be described with a lot of pen and ink.

It saves both parties a lot of effort.

"Every actor has his own personality and experience. For the same role, different actors express different things on stage. To set an artistic benchmark for yourself, what kind of play do you want to perform? What do you want to create? Tasteful play? You have to know in your heart that an actor without personality can’t become a great artist.”

Xu Rong turned back more than 30 pages, and the handwriting was completely different from the previous one.

This is Master Zhu Xu's handwriting.

The first sentence at the beginning made his brain buzz: "There are no three major performance systems in the world."

"Steinstein's system, liberate nature, practice without physical objects, imitate animals, concentrate, improvise, observe characters, sketch to shape characters, do the eight well-behaved steps seem familiar?"

"Steight-legged essay."

"At present, the three major systems recognized in China, Steiner, Brecht and Mei Lanfang, alienation is not so much a method, but rather a requirement of ability. Brecht is a form, not a system. Mei Lanfang is a system, because the stylization of opera itself is a school of its own."

"Xiao Xu, you are able to pioneer the way of exploring lines, which is a great step taken by an actor. Methodism, Michael Chekhov, and Grovsky all originated from that However, none of them are based on Stuart’s innovative new method, Renyi has its own method, and we need someone to perfect our theory, method, practice and teaching.”

Looking at the notes written by the two old men, Xu Rong couldn't calm down for a long time.

The skills in the notes are secondary in comparison, because the two old men mentioned two more important methods and thinking.

Two minds that he was just beginning to germinate, individuality and disorganized thinking.

At noon, Xu Rong was sitting around a large table eating, when an unexpected phone call came in.

He just put the phone to his ear, before he could say "Hello", a low sobbing voice came from the microphone: "Mr. Xu, I want to resign."

(End of this chapter)

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