I'm just an actor

Chapter 300 Contact

Chapter 300 Contact
Listening to the sobs coming from the phone, Xu Rong couldn't help falling into silence.

The recruitment exam he presided over last year, because of the appallingly low ratio of applicants, was once called by the outside media as "the most stringent recruitment since the establishment of the Academy of Human Arts", but on the Internet, it was jokingly called "the most stringent recruitment since the establishment of the Academy of Human Arts" by the majority of netizens. The most psychedelic recruitment."

Due to his high popularity, Renyi has re-gathered the attention of many young audiences in the past two years. Many audiences who usually don’t pay much attention to or even don’t know that there is such a business as drama, only after learning about Scales and Claws through Encyclopedia Realized as if discovering a new world, so the technology of acting originated from drama? !
And all along, the development, evolution, and innovation of performance theory have always been accompanied by the ups and downs of the drama industry.


Acting practice and performance theory have nothing to do with film and television!
But after all, the business model of domestic theaters, that is, the high ticket prices, makes dramas always exist in the form of "niche".

But this does not affect the mood of the majority of netizens watching the excitement.

During the recruitment process last year, Xu Rong mercilessly rejected almost all the candidates that the media and netizens thought were the most popular candidates for admission. Instead, five young actors who were not well-known entered the hall of acting circles.

Taking stock after the fact, except for someone who is certain, Xu Rong's assessment standards seem to be extremely deviant.

In the past, Renyi's standard for recruiting actors has always been "characteristics". After careful analysis of Renyi actors by netizens, it is generally understood by netizens that "the more ugly you are, the higher the chance, and the more handsome you are, the less chance you have."

But in last year's recruitment examination, Xu Rong picked up a lot of good-looking people, and he was not spared if he had characteristics. Even his own sister, who was good-looking and hot, didn't make it through the written test.

In fact, Xu Rong's standards are only two points, young and talented.

Of course, although he didn't tell anyone, when he admitted, he would give priority to candidates with relatively good family conditions.

If the family conditions are relatively poor, under normal circumstances, unless they are particularly outstanding, he will not give even a little chance.

He has no intention of looking down on children from poor families. He is from a peasant background, and looking down on poverty is a complete denial of himself.

The reason why such an admission standard is set is because in his opinion, young actors from poor families or poor family conditions should not come to the theater to run in the theater for two to three years or even longer.

They should go to the film and television industry to earn big money and quick money, and bring their talents to the film and television industry.

Otherwise, even if you come in, you will leave resolutely with nostalgia and reluctance after feeling that the palace is not responsible for poverty alleviation.

But for every newcomer, from entering the hospital to becoming a talent, the hospital has to spend a huge amount of manpower and resources on training, and as a result, just after they are trained, they run away.

His ass decided he had to screen this batch out.

Because Renyi is not a dream factory in the film and television industry.

As for the basic skills, he is not particularly high. He can pass by mastering the most basic theories and foundations. More effort.

In terms of appearance, due to his own reasons, he completely abandoned the "characteristic" standard that Renyi had always insisted on in the past, such as Feng Yuanzheng, Ding Zhicheng, Wu Gang, etc. They can't be called handsome, but everyone has distinctive characteristics.

As the chief examiner, as long as it meets his standards, he will ask for ugly ones, and he will not refuse good-looking ones.

Song Yi's advantage is that he has good talent, relatively weak basic skills, and good family conditions.

Of course, the most important thing is that this guy's mouth is a bit stupid, and he is not very good at it. Even if he plunges into the film and television industry, he can't make a name for himself.

In his prediction, Song Yi should first play the role for two to three years, re-tamp the foundation of the sound stage, and then start acting, just like Xiao Zhang's classmate.

Classmate Xiao Zhang walked very slowly. After being admitted to the hospital for two years, he only started to play roles with a little more lines, but he found her a good teacher.

But Song Yi's development is completely different from that of Xiao Zhang's classmate. Ren Ming is too anxious. Song Yi has only been admitted to the hospital for a year, and she is asked to play the leading role like a duck.

For a talented actor, it is a good thing to have pressure, which can help her quickly develop her acting gold, but unfortunately, in the group of "Our Jing Ke", there are no seniors with excellent professional skills, and the relatively experienced Wang Ben, I haven't even figured out how to act right now.

Xu Rong put down his chopsticks, got up, walked into the yard, and was about to say a few words of comfort when he heard a vaguely familiar voice from the other end of the phone: "Oh, oh, don't cry, tell Teacher Xu quickly. Said, he must have a way."

Hearing Xiao Zhang's voice, Xu Rong could almost imagine the anxious look of her wanting to snatch the phone over there, and almost didn't laugh out loud, but considering that Song Yi might be crying sadly, he forcibly suppressed his laughter and feel deeply ashamed.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, during rehearsal today, Director Ren always said that I can't act well. I acted all morning, but I just couldn't do it all the time. I really can't act."

Xu Rong comforted me gently: "Xiao Song, you are my choice, if you don't perform well, it's not your problem, it's my problem, but I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with my vision. "

After taking the responsibility to himself, Xu Rong started to solve the practical difficulties: "Which word? Tell me about it."

He understands that what Song Yi is most concerned about right now is that the basic skills of breath and voice are not solid enough. She said that the lines always give people a very laborious feeling. Although Wang Ban is not good at acting, this alone is enough to beat her eight streets.

And these eight streets are the eight stages of the Stuart system.

The biggest difference between stage performances and film and television performances is to face the audience directly, and it is this form that will infinitely magnify the slightest gap between actors.

In the eyes of many people, this does not make any sense, but in "Number", Xu Rong taught Li Jian a solid lesson. The sense of power formed by solid lines and skills is a powerful puzzle for character shaping.

But the basic skills can't be consolidated in a day or two, it takes one to two years to start, and now he wants to solve the urgent trouble Song Yi is facing, and he can't start with the basic skills.

"It's the sentence I said 'Xi Shi, Fan Li.' before I died."

Xu Rong nodded lightly, thought for a while, and then asked, "Have you ever had a stomachache?"

"It hurts, it hurts."

"Before this scene starts, you have to start imagining that you have a little stomach pain, bit by bit, and intensify bit by bit. When it comes to this word, it becomes colic, and then you say the word."

Xu Rong has a lot to say to her, such as how to strengthen the practice of imagination, how to make the body in a normal state feel the real aggravation of pain, etc. In his opinion, these are the things that Song Yi should practice at this stage.

And the stomach hurts to a certain extent, in fact, she can't speak, but she wants to speak again, so the processing of these four words has become an extremely complicated technical task, but in the end, he only gave her A relatively convenient method, if she can really feel it completely, then how to deal with it is secondary.

"Okay, okay, I'll try, thank you Teacher Xu."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, and sighed silently, Ren Ming's irritable temper has forced people and children into what kind of situation.

When I have time later, I have to gather young actors and practice their basic skills.

He suddenly felt a little heavy on his shoulders, just like Juexin in "Family", as the eldest son of the family, he has unknowingly carried the burden on his shoulders.

In the afternoon, I started to read the script again. When Yuan Yu yelled "Juehui, I really love you." After being dazed for a moment, Xu Rong slowly raised his head and looked at Yuan Yu in disbelief. .

The room was quiet for a while, Miao Chi opened his mouth and stared blankly at Yuan Yu, he didn't know how to answer Yuan Yu's words.

Yuan Wei, who was sitting next to Xu Rong, felt her hairs all over her body standing on her head. In the silence, she noticed the movement around her, and turned her head slowly, and found that Xu Rong's eyes seemed to be shining brightly, staring at Yuan Yu.

She couldn't help but feel a thrill.


Xu Rong had a similar look in her eyes, she had also felt it before, but it was still during the filming of "Before Dawn".

She knew exactly what that meant.

Xu Rong "transferred love".

Inexplicably, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly emerged in her heart. Previously, she would rather take the child with her than participate in "Family", because she didn't want to miss the opportunity to cooperate with Lan Tianye, Zhu Xu and Xu Rong.

Just like the scalp-numbing moment that Yuan Yu brought just now, Xu Rong always came here suddenly.

Even as a colleague, she couldn't help feeling admiring.

This kind of appreciation even dilutes the bad impression that Xu Rong snatched Xia Yu's role in the past.

Xu Rong pursed his lips, his eyes fixed on Yuan Yu. After seven years in the industry, he finally met another actress who could compete with Song Jia.

The key point is that Yuan Yu is young enough, one year younger than him, and his future may be limitless.

It also means that she can act with him for ten years, 20 years or even 30 years!

He silently made a decision in his heart.

On the other side, Jin Fangfang sat opposite a middle-aged man with a round face.

Jin Fangfang pushed a photo to the middle-aged man: "Director Chen may not have heard of her, and he may not have heard of me, but you must have heard of her brother."

The middle-aged man laughed twice. He agreed with Jin Fangfang's first sentence, but he only thought the second sentence was the other party's modest statement, but he still couldn't help asking with interest: "Her brother?"

"Xu Rong."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, picked up the photo, pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then his eyes fell on the photo.

Jin Fangfang didn't seem to care about the middle-aged distraction, and said: "With Xu Rong's predetermined box office appeal, if he plays a cameo, I think it can at least bring in tens of millions more box office."

The middle-aged man showed a few teeth, pinched the corner of the photo, and lightly scrubbed it: "I have a doubt, the purpose of your coming today is just for this girl named Xu Xing?"

Jin Fangfang also smiled: "Of course, it's for your name, but, to put it bluntly, if Xu Rong wants to act in this play, do you have the room to refuse?"

When the middle-aged man heard the words, the smile on his face quickly faded, and his eyes were once again focused on the photo.

He understood that Jin Fangfang was right in his current situation.

Although Xu Rong seldom appears in the public's field of vision, at the moment when "The Founding of the Party" hits the box office of [-] million yuan, Xu Rong seems to be one of the primary considerations for the director of Beishang to open up the situation in the mainland.

Xu Rong may not be the only choice, but it is the best choice.

Moreover, he had heard some gossip that Xu Rong had a good personal relationship with his current benefactor.

As far as he is concerned, those mainland bosses who must be treated politely are all drinking buddies that Xu Rong usually drinks with.

And he always felt that there was something in Jin Fangfang's words.

Directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan went north, and in recent years the disadvantages of acclimatization have been fully exposed. In their view, many characters and characters that can be spoofed are extremely disapproved by the mainland, because they are their martyrs and predecessors, and they cannot be joked or joked casually.

There were many similar incidents, which also made him suffer a lot.

But the final result is that, with the intervention of the employer and the auditing parties, the final photographs are always nondescript.

"I want to think about it again."

The middle-aged man smiled wryly. He is also one of the directors who are not acclimatized to the north, and he is not very daring to use Xu Rong.

The employer and the reviewer may just give pointers to individual plots of the script, but if Xu Rong joins the team, with his special status in the mainland, he would simply invite the respected master to come over.

But on the other hand, the advantages are also obvious. If Xu Rong supports his creation, then he can save a lot of worries. At least Xu Rong can withstand the pressure of the employer and the audit by himself.

Jin Fangfang nodded lightly. For middle-aged people, her attitude seemed domineering, which was completely opposite to Xu Rong who always treated others kindly.

However, Xu Rong, who took "The Founding of the Party" as a stepping stone, is indeed the mainland actor that all Chinese directors must first consider.

Xu Rong is modest, so as a manager, she must be strong, and sometimes it even seems unreasonable.

Otherwise, how could it seem that Mr. Xu is really nice?
Moreover, the box office of "The Founding of the Party" has been soaring all the way, which has also caused the producers who were previously hesitant to throw out olive branches one after another.

Xu Rong's salary was too high. Before "The Founding of the Party", the major production departments were always too cautious about the high salary.

Although she also understands that even if the box office of [-] million is achieved, Xu Rong's role in it will not be that big, but no matter what, Xu Rong entered the film market and won the first battle.

She has been following up on the three movie scripts that she has recently settled on. Two of them, she is [-]% sure to win, and the other one is not even [-]% right now.

But she is not in a hurry, she will show different attitudes when facing different people, and provide supply according to the demand, just like the current situation.


Looking at the lit screen of the mobile phone, Jin Fangfang smiled at the middle-aged man, turned on the mobile phone, but waited for her to see the specific content of the message, and her expression was slightly dazed.

Xu Rong sent a message asking her to sign an actress, an actress of Renyi.

After being dazed for a moment, she smiled and turned off the phone.

She never thought of running a small workshop-like studio, but she never urged Xu Rong, or even expressed any dissatisfaction with the current status quo.

Because she knows very well that Xu Rong has come to where he is today, even if he restrains himself intentionally, the general environment will push him forward, and this change will not be shifted by anyone's will.

(End of this chapter)

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