I'm just an actor

Chapter 301 Can't

Chapter 301 Can't

The opened courtyard door stopped abruptly with the sound of being old. After about ten seconds, the gap between the two doors began to widen again, until it stopped when an adult could just pass through.

Miao Chi stood on tiptoe and squeezed in through the gap between the two doors, closed the door softly, and just turned around, saw Xu Rong wearing a blue gown, standing under the pomegranate tree in the yard, He looked at himself suspiciously.

Miao Chi stood on the spot, hesitated for a moment, then walked up to Xu Rong, and said, "Brother Xu."

As Miaochi approached, Xu Rong heard a strong smell of smoke coming from the pavement. He wanted to say a few more words at first, but he thought that there were enough people talking about him, so he didn't say any more.

There are not many people who smoke in the group, and Miaochi happens to be one of them, and they are so addicted to smoking that they can't hold a pack a day.

If they all smoked, no one would dislike the smell of cigarettes, but every time Miaochi sat in the room, the expressions of the female teachers around her would immediately be wrong.

For this reason, Miaochi has been talked about a lot.

Xu Rong also mentioned it once before, asking him to smoke less, but right now, the effect is not great.

Afraid that Xu Rong would ask him what he was doing out there, Miao Chi pointed to the dark yellow mask with a smiling face in his hand and asked, "Brother, what is this?"

Xu Rong didn't answer him, but put the mask on his face, turned his head, and stared at him so straight.

Miao Chi breathed a sigh of relief. After eating just now, he was really uncomfortable, so he ran to the entrance of the alley and smoked two.

The expression on the mask was a smile, but stared at by that smile, slowly, Miao Chi began to feel a little flustered, and his expression became unnatural: "Brother Xu, what are you doing, it can't be preparation Take this child who teases Sister Yuan?"

As the preparations progressed, Xu Rong usually talked less and less. In the past few days, except when he was amused with Yuan Wei's child, he had hardly seen Xu Rong laugh.

Just like the mask on his face at this time, he always smiles like that, which makes people feel at ease, because he can properly arrange the basic necessities of life for more than 20 people. For those who love tea, he prepares tea. Love and coffee can also be found at home. In the middle of the night, when someone at home has a headache and fever, Xu Rong will immediately get up and drive to the hospital.

Sometimes, he also felt that everything Xu Rong did was like a mask on his face, did anyone really give without expecting anything in return?
He had doubts, but he never revealed the slightest bit. Xu Rong brought him the cigarettes he was smoking the day before yesterday. It cost 120 yuan for a pack of ten. He has smoked for so many years, and it was the first time he smoked so expensive. of.

At that time, Xu Rong told him: I asked, and people said that the smell of smoke is less, and it does not cause so much harm to the body.

In the past two days, Miaochi has indeed found that the smell of cigarettes on his body has decreased, because when reading the script, the teachers sitting next to him are no longer as far away from him as before.

It's not because of the change of cigarettes, but because he really feels bad about smoking. According to his past habits, he can smoke three packs of cigarettes bought for him by Xu Rong, which is 360 yuan.

With his little salary, there is not even enough money for cigarettes.

Miaochi knew that Xu Rong was doing it for his own good, so he was a little embarrassed about going out to smoke just now.

Xu Rong shook his head, stretched out his palm, and patted his chest, but still didn't make any sound.

Miaochi looked away from the mask that made his heart shudder, and asked, "You, did you play by yourself?"

Xu Rong nodded his head three times.

Forcibly suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Miao Chi looked back and asked, "Why don't you speak? Is it because your throat feels uncomfortable?"

Xu Rong shook his head again. Under Miao Chi's suspicious gaze, he took off the tool, held it in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

Uncle Zhu Xu said that performance thinking should not be limited to the system.

This is also what he is doing recently. Based on the Stuart system, he tries to develop a sounding and training method that is more suitable for Chinese monosyllabic characters.

In the vocal form, probably because he has studied with Tong Zirong, his lines have always been his strong point, and it is also the part of the performance that he understands the most.

In the future, new innovations and attempts may be made in other aspects or even in comprehensive presentation.

And the mask in his hand is a new training method that he knew a little bit in the past, but has never tried.

Unisex mask.

A performance method that is more popular in Europe and the United States today and is considered very "advanced" in China.

The specific form of performance is that the actors wear masks and perform a stage performance of a complete story without any lines or only a very small amount of lines.

A form of stage presentation that has high requirements for physical expression.

Because actors have almost completely given up facial expressions, eyes, and lines, and only use the expressiveness of their bodies to perform, express what they want to express, and present the emotions of characters, the difficulty will naturally rise to a higher level.

From Miaochi's feedback just now, he felt the limitations.

Although he didn't understand the specific training content of this performance method, he had an intuitive feeling that the neutral mask was very similar to Gepai's silent practice, only more extreme.

The difference is that the mask is like a "mirror" to him. In the process of presenting various emotions, he seems to "see" what he is doing.

When he put on the mask just now, he knew that the mask was for smiling, and his physical behavior also expressed "gentleness", but he didn't smile on his own face, just like Juexin facing everyone at home.

Mr. Ba Jin said that his elder brother was always gentle and always tried to revitalize the family, and the role of Juexin was based on his elder brother.

And because of this mask, he suddenly felt that the long monologue on the day he and Rui Jue got married could actually be deleted.

It's like when Mr. Lan Tianye and Uncle Zhu Xu were reading the script, they deleted a line that Mingfeng talked about another topic before going on stage.

Since the inner activities of actors can be expressed through the body, there is no need to use monologues of hundreds or thousands of words to present the inner world of the characters.

Because during the monologue, for the audience watching the performance, the plot on the stage fell into a certain state of stagnation.

He was going to have a chat with Yuan Wei, and conveniently, he put the mask in Miao Chi's hands, and said, "It's a very interesting way of performing, and it's also a training method. You can learn about it when you're free."

Miao Chi watched Xu Rong walk towards the backyard with his head slightly lowered, and then looked at the mask in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

What kind of acting?
What training method?
What else do you need to know?
In the backyard, the door of Yuan Huang's room was open. Before entering the room, Xu Rong heard the cry of the child.

When he arrived at the door, Yuan Wei held the child in one hand and the kettle in the other, and was about to go to the front yard to fetch water.

Xu Rong took it very naturally, and said: "You can coax the child first."

Yuan Wei's entry into the group made him understand the hardships of being a parent.

Not to mention the inability to wake up during the day, the inability to sleep at night, the fever and diarrhea at both ends of the three days, and the return is always in the middle of the night, the tossing Yuan Wei and he are always listless during the day.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Uncle Xu has gone to fetch water, and he will be able to drink milk soon."

Xu Rong took the hot water, glanced at Yuan Wei who was holding the child and softly coaxing him, and poured water and milk very familiarly.

After flushing, he didn't pass the bottle to Yuan Wei immediately, but stretched out his hand to feel the temperature, shook it gently for a while, and handed it over when he felt that it was almost done.


As the pacifier was handed to his mouth, the little guy stopped crying immediately and sucked without panting.

When the little guy was full, he stretched out his arms towards him.

Xu Rong took the child over and said, "You can't lift it up now. You've just had a full meal. If you lift it up, you won't be able to spit out the milk you've worked so hard to drink. This milk powder is not cheap. If I spit it up, I'll take care of it for you." Dad is distressed."

"You tell the child this, can she understand?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I think she should be able to understand, by the way, let me tell you something, why don't you delete the monologue in the scene where we got married?"

"It's expressed through actions. I always feel that it's a bit inappropriate for the two of us to talk to ourselves."

After Yuan Wei heard his proposal, he stopped packing the bottles and cans for a while, thinking about the feasibility of his proposal.

Xu Rong is quite diligent, and when the baby cries, she rushes to make milk powder, but after finishing making it, she puts everything on the table. At first she felt that she was not that familiar, so she didn't say anything. It doesn't work, so I won't talk about it anymore, but just let him hold the child and clean up by himself every time.

She turned her head and said, "Both of them have obvious changes in their emotions. Simple actions, is that okay?"

"I've watched some neutral mask training in the past two days. According to their theory, it is feasible."

"Tell me later when you finish your research. I know a little bit, but I have never had time to study. Now that I have a child, I can't spare half a minute."


"Recently, I always feel that you treat Yuan Yu very differently." Seeing that Xu Rong was about to go to the courtyard with the baby in his arms, Yuan Wei also walked out with the baby bottle, and she was going to wash it off.

When Xu Rong heard Yuan Huang's words, she paused a little. She seemed to be puzzled, but her tone was mixed with inexplicable affirmation.

After Xu Rong said "hmm", he didn't speak any more.

When Yuan Wei passed by him, he laughed after seeing him and his daughter staring at each other for a while, and asked with the same smile, "Has anyone ever told you that you are actually very difficult to get close to?"


Yuan Wei smiled lightly, and also said nothing, because she felt that the two were the same kind of people to a certain extent.

The two didn't make a decision right away, and deleted a line rashly, which was very risky. If they failed, the character image would immediately become flat.

Human Arts Rehearsal Hall.

Ren Ming watched the rehearsal, and once again thought of withdrawing people.

The reason why he has hesitated until now, he has not made up his mind, is not because he is afraid of hurting Song Yi's enthusiasm.

But there is no one to replace.

At present, all the people in the courtyard who can attend have been arranged, otherwise Sun Dan from the art department will not be allowed to make up for the rerun of "Family".

With the arrival of the "killing concubine" plot, Song Yi slowly fell into Wang Ban's arms.

"Shih Tzu, Fan."

Song Yi pronounced the character "Xi" very high, but when it came to the character "Shi", her tone of voice dropped sharply, so that the character "Li" of "Fan Li" was almost inaudible.

She is a concubine with a low status, and has always been given back and forth as a gift, but in her heart, she envies the love between Xi Shi and Fan Li.

Now, she thought that "Fan Li" belonged to her, and killed her with her own hands.

Ren Ming was about to press the bell next to him subconsciously. He wanted to ask, where is the last word?
But when his hand was still two centimeters away from the bell, his palm abruptly stopped in the air, and he carefully recalled the emotions in Song Yi's lines just now.

She was about to die, and was killed by her lover. She would not repeat Jing Ke's fate of being given to others as a gift after his death.

It's just that her dream was also shattered, and she knew very well that Jing Ke would die soon after her death.

Wang Ban held Song Yi in his arms. According to the previous rehearsal, he was going to let go, but at this time, he didn't let go. Just now Song Yi yelled that sentence, and he suddenly felt that it would be too heartless to let go like this point.

He loves Yanji.

"Ring bell bell."

Ren Ming didn't ask the question, but looked at Song Yi who had already stood up, and asked, "Can you say the other words like the one just now?"

Afraid that what he said was not clear enough, he explained: "Integrate emotions into the lines."

Song Yi looked at Ren Ming's expectant expression, and shattered his fantasy without hesitation: "No, Teacher Xu just taught me this sentence."



Hearing Xiao Zhang's uncontrollable laughter, Ren Ming was equally happy, and said, "You can ask him more, he recruited you, if there is anything you don't understand, it's reasonable to ask him."

Song Yi saw that Ren Ming didn't look like he was joking, and after thinking about it for a while, he nodded amusedly, but felt that something was wrong, and asked, "Then, will he find it troublesome?"

"You're wrong. Let me tell you, anyone can find it troublesome, but he can't."

Xiao Zhang looked at Ren Ming's smiling face, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Early the next morning, after Xu Rong turned off his phone, he felt that the air was fresh again.

That girl Song Yun is too annoying.

Ask endlessly!
"The house is too clean, and there are some shortcomings, such as flowers and plants." Zhu Xu sighed looking at the yard with only one pomegranate tree.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "There is a child at home, and it's hot now, so I didn't do it for fear of mosquitoes. After a while, I'll go buy some."

He understood that Uncle Zhu Xu was not talking to himself, but asking Juexin questions, and he didn't make other green plants, and the reason was not what he said.

Instead, he was about to spend all the money, but fortunately, the experience life was coming to an end soon.

As the desk work came to an end, improvisations and sketches became more frequent.

Xu Rong looked at the people practicing voice and body in every corner, and always felt that someone was missing. After going back and forth three times, he realized that something was wrong. He looked at Zou Jian and asked, "Brother Zou, where is Miao Chi?"

Zou Jian turned his head and said, "He said he had something to do and went home last night. He didn't stay here, so he came back early this morning."

Xu Rong was keenly aware that something was wrong. Li Liuyi was not there yesterday, and Miao Chi left, so he should have asked him for leave.

He hesitated for a moment, and immediately dialed Miaochi's number.

Miao Chi didn't intentionally not answer his calls, but during the call, he was always evasive and vague. Xu Rong didn't have the patience to listen to his illogical nonsense, so he said directly, "Do you want to be a deserter?"

"Brother Xu, no, really not, I really have something to do."

Miao Chi's reaction, in Xu Rong's heart, is actually happy to see the result. Juehui has been thinking about "escape" all day long. Miao Chi's choice, on the one hand, can be said to have achieved certain results in experiencing life, on the other hand, it is also It proved that the atmosphere in the small courtyard was suppressed to a certain extent.

 The missing chapter will be made up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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