Chapter 302
"Yuan Yu?"

Liu Heping pushed the resume to the big-headed middle-aged man sitting next to him, stretched out his finger, and clicked twice on the "subsidiary unit" on the resume.

This is the apartment where the crew of "Peking" auditioned.

The girl who was waiting for the interview outside belonged to Renyi and was Xu Rong's colleague.

Liu Heping lit a cigarette and asked, "Have you heard of this girl?"

Kong Sheng looked at the photo carefully for a moment, but did not find the slightest impression in his mind. He gently shook his head and said, "No, but the image is pretty good."

While looking at his resume, he asked, "By the way, has the script been reviewed?"

"No news yet." Liu Heping didn't seem to care much about it, "But Xu Rong said, he has already said hello, so the problem shouldn't be too big."

"Well, now the policy is getting stricter, and with the current turmoil, I'm afraid."

The audit issue was the main reason why "Peking" failed to attract investment in the early days. Before Xu Rong entered the game, private film and television companies did not dare to touch it. First, the possibility of profit was very small, and second, the characters and ages involved were too sensitive. Especially the portrayal of several of the characters, after evaluation by many film and television companies, they all believe that the risk far outweighs the reward.

When Xu Rong took over, the threshold of [-] million publicity resource allocation once again discouraged many film and television companies.

The current total investment of "Peking" is 5000 million, and if other companies want to get involved, they must match an additional 1000 million in announcements to enter the game.

In Xu Rong's view, for other film and television companies, this is a very good deal, because just the salary of him and several main actors saved 5000 million.

The threshold of 1000 million is simply not too cost-effective.

If you don't think about making money.

The "turmoil" that Kong Sheng mentioned was caused by casting.

Since the crew of "All Quiet in Peking" kicked off the casting prelude, it has attracted the attention of most film and television actors from both sides of the strait.

To the outside world, Liu Heping has always claimed that "Peking" has an investment of [-] million yuan, and many movie stars and movie kings have joined.

Coupled with the foreshadowing of "The Ming Dynasty 1566", at the beginning of casting, the apartment was like an awards ceremony, with stars, entertainers, and actors in an endless stream.

But because of this, the crew fell into a huge controversy not long after the casting began.

Discriminate against artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Liu Heping only felt quite wronged, he had no intention of discriminating against anyone at all, it's just that his Mandarin is not standard, why are you here?

Was scolded by the boss while waiting to turn back and shoot?

Besides, it was Xu Rong's request not to use non-standard Mandarin actors.

At the beginning, Liu Heping didn't understand the reason, but after Hualu's "Daughter-in-law" sold badly in Southeast Asia and Africa, he fully understood the reason.

After all, Xu Rong is still unwilling to do business at a loss.

Since the domestic market is sure to lose money, we should aim at the foreign market at the beginning of the project.

Dubbing does not affect the export of film and television works, but it affects the awards!

He reckoned that Xu Rong was planning to win several awards overseas for "Peking".

Coupled with the popularity and reputation he has established overseas with "Daughter-in-law", once "Peking" can reproduce the situation of "Daughter-in-law" being broadcast overseas, it is not only possible to make back its money, but also consolidate his popularity abroad.

In the TV drama market, film and television companies generally don’t pay much attention to the influence of actors abroad, but the film market is completely different, such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Overseas, they also have considerable appeal.

Xu Rong's move probably also has the purpose of laying the foundation for his further rise in the film market.

Liu Heping said to the director's assistant standing at the door: "Let someone come in and take a look."

At this time, Yuan Yu was also quite nervous. After finishing her one-month experience life yesterday, Jin Fangfang informed her to come here for an interview today.

For everything that happened recently, she felt like she was dreaming. She did nothing, and somehow got Xu Rong's favor.

First, his agent found him and wanted to sign a ten-year contract with him. It only took two weeks before he asked him to come to the crew of "Peking" for an interview.

As an actor who has acted in two TV series, she is no stranger to the title of "Peking".

Produced by Xu Rong's studio, written by Liu Heping, starring Xu Rong, Chen Baoguo and others, it is a super jumbo production known as a "luxury battleship" by the industry.

When she was making her resume last night, she hesitated for a long time, and finally deleted the information of "Agency Company: Xu Rong Studio".

Before that, she had heard that the interviews of "Peking" were very strict, which meant that the professional abilities of the participating actors must be top-notch in the industry.

She doesn't want to ruin herself for a chance that doesn't matter.

Just like the great success of this year's "Founding of the Party", although it has a good reputation at the box office, it is actually at the cost of the sinking of a group of young actors.

Some of the actors with a slightly lower level have become the jokes of their peers after dinner.

On the other hand, she doesn't want to be told that she came in through a relationship, although if she did, she would definitely be able to participate.

For the time being, she is not too short of money, and she does not have too high aspirations for material life. She is very content with the current status quo, and treats love as a job without too much pressure. When she has the opportunity, she shoots TV dramas and movies , Earn some extra money, and honestly run your own tricks in the courtyard if you don't have a chance.

She entered the door and frowned subconsciously. The smell of cigarettes in the room was a bit pungent.

She knew the two people sitting there, they were not tall, one had a big head and the other had a small head, among them Liu Heping said, "Let me introduce myself first."

"Hi, Teacher Liu, and Director Kong. My name is Yuan Yu. I'm currently working in Human Arts and have filmed two TV series."

From the moment Yuan Yu entered the door, Liu Heping and Kong Sheng focused their attention on her.

According to outside speculation, the chance of this actress being selected is very small, because the two of them have never heard of her, and compared with the other competitors, she has no advantage at all.

But the affiliation unit on his resume made the two of them undecided.

During the audition period, it was not that there were no talented actors who came to audition, but after talking with Xu Rong on the phone, Liu Heping was relieved.

Because Xu Rong gave him the right words, he couldn't make any money anyway, so he might as well make a high-quality film honestly.

After a large number of interviews, the two also figured out the general situation. The strength of a human artist lies in his solid professional ability, while the shortcoming lies in his screen appeal.

But the appeal is optional, and the main roles that have been preliminarily determined so far are not lacking in appeal.

After Yuan Yu finished his introduction, Liu Heping asked with a smile: "You are Teacher Xu's colleague, right? I haven't seen Teacher Xu for a while. What is he up to lately?"

"I heard him say that he wanted to write biographies for the seniors in our courtyard."

Liu Heping nodded lightly. Some information was revealed in Yuan Yu's words. Judging from the address and her understanding of Xu Rong's movements, she should be very familiar with Xu Rong.

Kong Sheng took out a piece of A4 paper and said: "Here is a brief introduction of the characters, please take a look, let's take a look later."

In another room equipped with equipment, Wang Jinsong, Zu Feng and Wang Kai sat around a round table.

"Yes three."

"Two two."

Wang Jinsong looked at the crackling couple who were thrown by Wang Kai, his eyes were straightened, young man, are you going to die?
Wang Jinsong and Zu Feng have been busy at home recently, so they came to play for the crew, while Wang Kai was brought by Kong Sheng to "do chores".

Wang Jinsong and Zu Feng came and went from time to time, while Wang Kai was rooted in the apartment.

According to Kong Sheng, after working so hard for so long, even if there is no credit, there is always some hard work. In addition, as a director, it should be no problem to play a main role at that time.

Yuan Yu looked at the lines in his hands and breathed a sigh of relief: a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl who is doted on by her parents and elder brother, innocent and a bit childish.

The lines can be played freely.

These requirements are not difficult for her.

Liu Heping and Kong Sheng led Yuan Yu in, Wang Jinsong casually threw the poker in his hand into the cards he had already played, and said, "Don't play, don't play, start working."

Zu Feng smiled, but Wang Kai felt a little uncomfortable. This was a card he was sure to win, but Wang Jinsong was too good at cheating.

Kong Sheng pointed to Wang Kai and said, "Just treat Wang Kai as your elder brother and play as you like."

Then he turned his head and said to the three of them, "Old rules."

Yuan Yu nodded lightly, and after a few seconds, she looked at Wang Kai, her big eyes were bent, her voice was like a lark, and she said cheerfully, "Brother, why are you here?"

Wang Kai looked sad, pointed at Wang Jinsong and said, "My uncle, my uncle seems to be dying, so I'll come over and see him off."

Wang Jinsong had no choice but to cooperate with the lines of the two and leaned on the sofa.

"Ah?" The surprise on Yuan Yu's face quickly faded away. After staring at Wang Jinsong for a second or two, he managed to force a smile, "Brother, you must be joking with me, right?"

Wang Jinsong didn't intend to say anything at first, but when he saw the smile disappearing on her face and forced to force it, he waved at Yuan Yu and said, "Child, come here."

"All right."

Kong Sheng stopped, looked at Yuan Yu quite unexpectedly, and asked, "Do you have a brokerage company?"


Hearing this, Liu Heping showed some displeasure on his face: "Why didn't you write it on your resume?"

"My agency is Xu Rong Studio."

Liu Heping's unhappiness froze on his face, and in an instant, he smiled again, and said haha: "Hey, it turns out that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, it's justifiable, it's justifiable."

When he got here, he didn't understand that this little girl named Yuan Yu belonged to Xu Rong.

Kong Sheng couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart, and said: "Then you go back and wait for the news."

Yuan Yu hurriedly bowed to several people in the room to thank: "Okay, thank you Teacher Liu, Director Kong, and the three teachers."

When Yuan Yu went out, Liu Heping smiled and said, "Director Kong, what do you think?"

"How can I see it?"

Kong Sheng sat down, lit a cigarette, and said, "The boss asked her to come to the interview because he wanted to give us face. If we really don't give an important role, the boss might be unhappy."

He didn't think about whether to use it or not. He had already seen a lot of things in the audition just now.

Liu Heping didn't think so, relying on his own understanding of Xu Rong, he always felt that this little girl named Yuan Yu came here, it should not be from Xu Rong's behest.

But the artists under "Xu Rong Studio" made him a little uncertain.

"Hey, this little girl is so rich, she came here in a sports car." Wang Jinsong, who went to open the window, caught a glimpse of the situation downstairs, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Really?" Hearing this, Liu Heping, Kong Sheng, Zu Feng, Wang Kai and others also walked to the window, watching Yuan Yu get into the passenger seat of an Aston Martin.

What puzzled a few people was that after the car reversed back and forth several times, it didn't get out of the parking space.

Wang Kai laughed and said: "The car is really a good car, but it's human technology, it's not worthy of this car."


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a young girl wearing white shoes getting off from a taxi, measuring the space with her long legs, and immediately changed his words, saying: "Sports cars are not good at all, they require too much skill from the driver." Taller."



Zhang Heping listened to Xu Rong's proposal, nodded in agreement, and said: "Your proposal is very good, I especially agree, the experience of each senior and teacher in the courtyard can be said to be a legend, and it should be, and It is very necessary to record it so that audiences who care about our art and love our art can understand it.”

"Furthermore, through this form, we can also set an example, encourage and urge actors to emulate the elders. You young people are smart, smart, and have ideas. This is a good thing that kills multiple birds with one stone. You Just let it go, if you have any difficulties, come and tell me, if it can be solved, the courtyard will definitely solve it.”

Xu Rong listened to Zhang Heping's beautiful words, but he didn't mention the substantive content. When Zhang Heping took a breath, he said: "Dean, there is a particularly difficult problem right now, and that is funding. Come on, do you want to give me some support?"

"No!" Zhang Heping refused without any hesitation.

"But if you need help there, I can help you get in touch. Among other things, I still know a few people in the literary world."

Xu Rong said in his heart that it's not that I don't know him. Besides, as long as the money is in place, what kind of writer can't be invited?

"But Dean, you just let the horse run and not let the horse eat grass, that's okay, right?"

Zhang Heping sighed and said: "It's not that I won't approve the funding for you, it's that the hospital is too nervous. I have already asked for the money twice this year, and the leader is annoyed when he sees me now. There are so many people, so many projects, everywhere They are all places where money is used, and everyone is waiting eagerly, and there is really no way to squeeze out a penny.”

Seeing that Xu Rong wanted to mention it, Zhang Heping waved his hand and said, "I know you don't like such petty profits, and you won't put it in your pocket if you ask for it, but if I give it to you, others will come and ask for it." , shall I give or not?"

Xu Rong understands Zhang Heping's meaning, writing a biography for the predecessors, this project is not necessary for Renyi.

But once it started, it couldn't be stopped.

Xu Rong stretched out a slap and said, "Dean, then you have to support it, not much, just 500 million."

When Zhang Heping heard the price he quoted, he laughed and scolded: "You treat me as a banker, and you can pay back 500 million, and you can't get [-]."

"Then 200 million? Dean, it really can't be less."

"Why don't you buy Chinese cabbage here?" Zhang Heping saw that he wanted to break it, pointed at the door and said, "Get out!"


Xu Rong didn't ask for a dime of funding, and he wasn't in a hurry. He also knew the situation in the hospital. There were a group of people who were in charge, but there were so many departments and departments.

As long as it is a collective composed of people, such situations are unavoidable.

Back in her office, Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang and his classmates staring at the computer screen, their faces flushed, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Zhang didn't turn his head back, his eyes were still staring at the computer: "Don't talk to me yet."

A few seconds passed.

"Slap." Classmate Xiao Zhang slapped the table with a slap, and said extremely annoyed, "I'm so mad."

"What's wrong?"

Xu Rong walked over and happened to see the screen of the minesweeping interface "rumbling" exploding on the computer desktop.

Ray exploded.

Classmate Xiao Zhang also exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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