Chapter 303
Xu Rong has long been used to Xiao Zhang being angry with herself. When she was tutoring her homework before the college entrance examination, she would make herself cry because of the questions. Although after so many years, her stubborn personality has not changed. Not much, but once you get into the horns, you can't get out easily for a while.

He smiled, acting as if he was fighting against the enemy, imitating her tone in certain situations, and said: "This game is not fun at all!"


Xiao Zhang was happy, and most of the depression in his heart disappeared immediately. Seeing Xu Rong's relaxed face, he got up, pointed to the computer and said: "The easy one is easy to pass, but the hardest one is not easy to pass. Why don't you try it."

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "I won't try, and I don't know how to play."

Xiao Zhang’s mischievous mentality came up, he dragged him and pressed him on the chair, and said: “Oh, let me tell you, it’s really interesting, now, you play this easiest level, it’s very simple , it’s really simple, try it if you don’t believe me.”

Xu Rong tilted his head and looked at his classmate Xiao Zhang, who suddenly actively encouraged her, and said, "Why do I feel that you have no good intentions?"

"You bullshit!"

Xu Rong nodded and said: "So I guessed right, are you thinking that I can't pass the test after a while, and then laugh at me?"

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes and looked at him with both laughter and laughter: "How is it possible, Mr. Xu, how can you miss me so much?"

Xu Rong picked up the mouse and asked, "What are the rules?"

"Let me demonstrate to you, that's it, that's it"

About 10 minutes later, when Xu Rong cleared the levels of various difficulties in one go, Xiao Zhang bit his lip, unable to accept this cruel reality.

She has been playing the hardest level for half an hour, and she still hasn't cleared it yet.

What puzzled her the most was that when Teacher Xu clicked a "6" for the first time, he stopped clicking around the "6", but changed the place.

"Mr. Xu, when you clicked 6 for the first time, why didn't you look around?"

Xu Rong looked at her with a strange expression, and asked back: "Why do you ask such a strange question, one in four, such a low probability, isn't it equivalent to choosing the answer with eyes closed during the exam, is it possible to do it right? "

Xiao Zhang suddenly felt that he was so stupid. There were eight grids around that grid, six of which were mines, but he foolishly insisted on fighting for the [-]/[-] probability.

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he was stunned. He suddenly came up with a solution to the problem he was encountering right now.

Pulled out the address book from the drawer, found the phone number of a unit, picked up the landline, and dialed it.

"Hi, it's Sister Song, I'm Xiao Xu."

"Are you busy recently? There is something I want to ask my sister for advice. Okay, okay, tomorrow, okay tomorrow."

When Xu Rong hung up the phone, Xiao Zhang looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Mr. Xu, who did you call?"

Xu Rong closed the address book, opened the drawer, put it in again, and said, "Director Song of the Drama Research Institute."

"What's your business with her?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Didn't I mention it to you yesterday? I wanted to write a biography for the seniors in the courtyard. Just now I went to the dean to ask for funds, but the funds in the courtyard are tight now, and I didn't ask for a dime. Originally, I I want to wait until the [-]th anniversary is over next year, but playing minesweeper just now reminded me that there is no money in the courtyard, so I can let the research institute produce it.”

"Do you need much?"

"It's not a lot, I don't think it's worth a million yuan." Seeing Xiao Zhang's eyes becoming more and more puzzled, Xu Rong explained, "We don't need this little money, but we can't do things like that. Private, we have to separate."

"But will Director Song give you money?"

Xu Rong stood up, took a glass of water, and said, "That depends on how you say it. How can writing biographies for artists be measured by money?!"

Xiao Zhang frowned and thought for a while, then asked uncertainly: "Work performance?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Just as Xu Rong was explaining the truth to Xiao Zhang, a person Xu Rong didn't want to see very much recently came to the door quietly.

Song Yi was holding the script, standing prettyly outside the door, was about to knock on the door, saw Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang looking at him, and asked tentatively: "Brother Xu, do you have time now?"

She knew that Xu Rong didn't like this, but she couldn't stand it, it was really easy to use.

Recently Ren Yuan not only didn't quarrel with her, but also praised her several times, saying that she has a way of doing things.

She was actually afraid that Xu Rong would be angry, but the assistant director Tang Ye kept cheering her on, encouraging her not to give up halfway.

For this reason, Tang Ye told her many stories about Xu Rong's past, so that she could understand that compared to him, he was like a firefly to Haoyue.

Xu Rong's brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about the countermeasures for the current impasse.

If it's on the phone, he can find any reason to fool him. The key is that Song Yi blocked the door at the moment, otherwise, no matter what, there is still room for change.

He ignored Song Yi's words, and said enthusiastically: "Xiao Song is here, sit, sit."

Seeing that she was about to open her mouth, he immediately stopped her and said, "Don't always think about acting and acting. Whatever you do, you should pay attention to a combination of work and rest. In our line of work, what you are finally fighting for is technology. "

Song Yi nodded without hesitation, making Xu Rong's imminent turning point hit a dead end.

Xu Rong laughed dryly twice, turned around, and used the effort to fetch water for her to ease the embarrassing situation at the moment, and said: "Actually, I think that actors and actors, in the final analysis, act as people, which means , You can’t make a car behind closed doors, you have to go out and see more, to see all kinds of people and things in the world, learning acting, just learning theories and techniques will not work.”

Seeing Xu Rong pouring water for himself, Song Yi was quite flattered, and hearing his voice, he knew that he didn't want to answer his question right now, so he said: "Brother Xu, if you are busy, I will wait at the door until you are busy." When it's over?"


Xu Rong looked at Song Yi with apprehensive eyes mixed with expectation, almost desperate.

The other party's attitude made it difficult for him to say excessive words at all, and no matter it was the relationship between his predecessors or his position, tutoring Song Yi was his duty that he could not shirk.

But this job is really tiring. The guidance Song Yi needs is to help her complete the character creation through and only by means of external force, just like the stomachache-style performance he taught her earlier.

In fact, it is physical stimulation.

In some cases, physiological stimulation is a time-tested method, but the premise is that the most accurate stimulation point must be found to reflect the accurate state of the character in that situation.

Once or twice is okay, but more will be more difficult.

He has just returned from experiencing life, and he has to take time to deal with the backlog of things in the past month one by one.

The first is to write biography to the seniors in the courtyard. This matter does not seem urgent, but in fact it is the most urgent matter, because the old people are getting old.

Secondly, the studio also has a backlog of things to deal with. Jin Fangfang can make up his own mind on daily matters, but he has to decide on everything related to him.

In addition, Liu Yanming's secretary had contacted him several times recently to ask him when he would be free, and he seemed to have something urgent to do.

In addition, the production company also called several times for regular work every year, CCTV's public service advertisements.

Finally, there are Pecholing and Tissot new product launches, promotional activities, charity activities and so on.

There is no way to postpone the arrangement one by one.

Although the content outside of his job is not the focus of his work, it is either his main source of income or has a certain impact on future development.

And his job is not easy. Before the film starts, he has to participate in the rehearsal of "Home" and "Thunderstorm" and the promotional warm-up of "Never Lost Number".

Although Jin Fangfang gave him two months to prepare the film as much as possible, the announcement has already been scheduled until late September.

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

When Xu Rong heard the ringtone of the mobile phone, he was in a trance like the sound of heaven, and said to Song Yi: "I'll answer the call."

Xu Rong answered the phone and said with a smile, "Oh, Xiao Zhang, it's me."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to run over here, I'll just drive over."

"Oh, that's fine, slow down on your way."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Rong said apologetically to Song Yi: "Xiao Song, I'm really sorry, I have something urgent to go out here, so let's go, I saw Feng Yuan just now, if you don't understand If you have any questions, you can follow Xiao Zhang to ask him."

How could Song Yun dare to contact Feng Yuanzheng, whom everyone was afraid to avoid, and hurriedly said: "Brother Xu, you said last time that my lines are not very good, how can I fix it?"

As Xu Rong walked out, he said: "This can't be explained clearly in a few sentences. When you have time later, I will teach you a class."

He did not fool Song Yi. The poor foundation of lines is caused by a combination of many factors. The first is the lack of Qi training, the second is the mouth, the sound of the words and the shape of the mouth, and the skills such as the accent of the emotion.

In these respects, Song Yi is not bad in spouting and pronunciation. Her breath is her weakness, but as a foundation, her breath is not enough. If she performs on a human art stage that does not use microphones, the effect will be greatly reduced.

However, for the practice of these basic skills, someone must be there to give correct guidance and correct the detailed mistakes in the practice at any time, just like the relatively basic abdominal breathing exercise in a natural standing state. Under normal circumstances, it is easy for students to tuck their chins when practicing Or tilting the neck, retracting the chin will squeeze the vocal cords, and tilting the neck will pull the vocal cords, all of which must be corrected on the spot.

After the body relaxes naturally, it is natural to use the breath to make a sound, not the vocal cords, and the length of practice also varies from person to person according to different innate conditions, rather than practicing for half an hour a day as stated in the textbook. Finished.

After the first step is proficient, it is necessary to try the specific operation of vocalization in different positions and directional exercises. The skills and precautions are quite complicated. Once there is a slight error, the vocal cords will be damaged over time.

The reason why an actor can become a technical profession is because every step of his voice, stage, shape, and appearance contains a lot of technical repetitive exercises, until over time, it becomes the instinct of the body.

Song Yi looked at himself and said "Okay", before Xu Rong ran away without looking back, he couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile.

Student Xiao Zhang didn't get over it a little bit, since Song Yi came over, it took only a few minutes for Teacher Xu to go out.

And she felt very clearly that Teacher Xu was a little afraid of Song Yi.

She suddenly felt a little regretful, because it was her idea that Song Yi asked Teacher Xu for advice for the first time.

Song Yi sat dejectedly opposite classmate Xiao Zhang, and said, "Xiao Fei, what do you think I should do?"

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes and said, "Why don't you go to Puyuan for advice, he is very nice."

She didn't tell her to ask Feng Yuanzheng, because in her impression, although Feng Yuanzheng would occasionally show a kind side, once it was time for practice, he completely changed himself. It seemed that in his eyes, no matter the boy As for girls, they are no different from livestock, and they will not give up until they are tired and peeled off.


"Mr. Xu is good."


"Teacher Xu is here."

"Well, are you busy?"

When he came to Hairun again, Xu Rong didn't have so many emotions, and he found that there were a lot of familiar faces in the company, and a lot of unfamiliar faces.

When I arrived at Liu Yanming's office, I saw him lying in a pile of materials, busy as always, and said, "Old Liu, are you still busy?"

Seeing him come in, Liu Yanming took out a stack of documents from the drawer, handed them over, and said, "Look first, and tell me if there is anything you don't understand."

Xu Rong took it, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, is it mysterious?"

Liu Yanming smiled, raised his chin at the material, and motioned him to read it first.

After glancing at the materials, Xu Rong was amused, and said, "Old Liu, it's ok, is this going to be listed?"

Liu Yanming showed a little smile on his face, and said: "Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng."


"It's the next movie to be shot." Liu Yanming's face turned serious, "As long as this movie can open up the situation, I'm [-]% sure that it will be successful."

Seeing Xu Rong looking down at the material, Liu Yanming continued: "250 million shares, 5.08% shareholding ratio, same as Sun Li's, don't say I treat you badly."

Xu Rong squeezed the subscription agreement and asked, "Is this a bit inappropriate? Now that I am not an artist of Hairun after all, will it cause criticism?"

It's not that he doesn't like money, Huayi's original stock made him a lot of money, and now he naturally knows the value of this agreement.

But there is no free lunch in the world, and Liu Yanming is a businessman, so naturally there is no reason to do business at a loss.

Liu Yanming seemed to understand his doubts, and said: "You only received [-] yuan for taking my role, and everyone inside and outside the company said that you are a righteous man and never forget your roots. Lord?"

"Furthermore, the film industry will have to trouble you in the future. I know that you value friendship and don't want to talk to me about money. Let these be my salary in advance."

Xu Rong felt relieved now, at least he knew what he had to pay, and said, "That's fine."

In fact, this subscription agreement still binds him to Hairun in essence, but compared to being a signed artist of Hairun, he has room to refuse.

For both parties, it is a win-win situation.

He didn't sign it right away, and this thing has to be looked at by professionals.

"Old Liu, there is one more thing I need to say hello to you in advance. I may have to transfer part of it to Huang Xiaoming. Before that, he also transferred one-third of Huayi's shares to me."

Liu Yanming said "Oh" suddenly, and said, "You can make up your own mind. By the way, why don't you ask him when he will be free and come out for dinner together?"

Xu Rong looked at Liu Yanming, who was not surprised at all, and couldn't help being stunned. After waiting for a while, he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Old Liu, I can tell that you have to find a way to spend every penny you spend. Bring it back a few times.”


(End of this chapter)

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