I'm just an actor

Chapter 304 Trivia

Chapter 304 Trivia
As a strong contender for the "Second Brother" among mainland niche students, although Huang Xiaoming's influence has declined compared to previous years, in Xu Rong's view, what he lacks is nothing more than a good work.

Of course, as a businessman, Liu Yanming values ​​Huang Xiaoming's commercial value even more.

Huang Xiaoming's current situation is similar to his. After the contract expired last year, he did not renew his contract with Huayi, but he still maintains a good "friendship" with Huayi.

Once Huang Xiaoming becomes a shareholder of Hairun, for investors who don't know the situation, their expectations for Hairun's future will rise again immediately.

After all, with the "joining" of him, Sun Li, and Huang Xiaoming, Hairun is only short of a director who can guarantee the box office from a large film company.

And with a large number of directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan going north, this problem seems to be not so difficult to solve.

For investing in Hairun, Xu Rong actually did not have too high expectations.

As he got a deeper understanding of this industry, he also gradually realized that the film and television industry is essentially one game after another.

Especially in China, film companies are extremely dependent on the box office, the box office is everything, and the box office is the foundation of survival.

If you win one of the three bets, you can continue to make great strides. If you lose in a row, you will be eliminated soon.

Just like five years ago, when Hairun was in full swing, it was like a leader in the domestic TV drama industry. Looking at today, hundreds of episodes of TV dramas are produced every year, but because of the lack of blockbusters, it has gradually been surpassed by a group of backwards.

Today's Huayi is also in a similar stalemate. In order to keep Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen, Huayi seems to be bleeding heavily, and in order to maintain the confidence of investors, many artists are forced to leave one after another.

The super high return on investment is also accompanied by super high risks. When the box office fails, everything else is meaningless.

I didn't go out for lunch, but just ate in the company's cafeteria.

It's just weird that after the two sat down, no one else sat down at a large table that could accommodate more than a dozen people.

Neither of them felt that there was anything special about the similar phenomenon. Liu Yanming had long been used to similar situations, and Xu Rong was gradually getting used to it.

In fact, even if Liu Yanming didn't look for him, Xu Rong planned to wait for a while to free up and talk to Liu Yanming.

"The food still tastes familiar, I really miss it."

Listening to Xu Rong's exclamation, Liu Yanming smiled and said: "You've got it, you can count the number of times you have eaten in the company, the cook has changed, and the taste is still familiar."

Xu Rong laughed and said, "Old Liu, do you guess how many announcements I plan to distribute for "Beijing"?"

Liu Yanming shook his head first, and then said, "What I'm curious about is not how many announcements you have made, but how many you voted for?"

"One hundred and fifty."

Liu Heping claimed [-] million to the outside world, but Liu Yanming was an acquaintance after all, so he reported a little conservatively.

Liu Yanming shook his head and said, "It's too high. At this price, unless you can guarantee to make another "Latent", I can guarantee that you will lose at least 5000 million."

"Speaking of which, are you really not going to vote?" Xu Rong is still a little bit unwilling to give up, he hasn't filmed this shit yet, what if he makes money.

Although he still doesn't know how to make money.

"It's not that I don't vote, so let's calculate according to the 4 million and 4 million you said before. If you want to make money, you have to sell it for 4 million. Brother, you may not be able to earn back even if you are 6+[-] or even [-]+[-]. "

"Don't settle the score, I want to withdraw the capital if you calculate it." Xu Rong waved his hand and cut to the point, "Guess how much announcement I plan to allocate?"

Liu Yanming raised her eyelids: "More?"

"3000 million!"

This number is of course a bit of a boast, because the current publicity budget is not even [-].

"You just blow it?"

Liu Yanming laughed and joked, but then his expression slowly turned serious.

He understood what Xu Rong meant, and this was what he was willing to chat with Xu Rong, and he would stop talking.

But it also allows the other party to understand what they want to express.

Xu Rong was reminding him that TV dramas have spent 3000 million yuan, and the promotion of movies should not be neglected.

This is also what Xu Rong is most worried about. After all, movies are different from TV dramas. After TV stations buy movies, they don't need to be urged, and they are very active in promoting them.

But movies are different. Once the producer's promotional efforts can't keep up, and the audience doesn't understand or even know about it, the box office will be greatly reduced immediately.

Besides, today's TV drama market needs a lot of publicity, not to mention movies?
Liu Yanming pondered for a while, put down his chopsticks, pointed at the table with his hands, and said, "It's not that I don't want to spend that money, but I still think that really good works don't need publicity. , the audience will automatically promote it for me.”

Xu Rong was afraid that he would think so, the Qing Dynasty was dead, and Liu Yanming still held the old ideas of three years ago.

"Old Liu, this drama is the key point that affects whether it can be listed. You should have all the data. Except for a few upsets, you should know better than me what is going on in the market right now."

"I'll think about it later, I haven't turned it on yet." Liu Yanming picked up the chopsticks, seemingly unwilling to talk about this topic, "You really don't plan to make TV dramas in the future?"

Seeing his appearance, Xu Rong knew it was not good. Everyone who has achieved success in the past is always firm in the ideas he held in the past.

Fortunately, Liu Yanming is actually aware of the current laws of the market, but he is still stubbornly sticking to the old concepts.

"I probably won't pick it up in a short time. I've filmed more than a dozen TV shows, and I want to change my taste. Besides, after the Grand Slam, my passion for TV dramas has slightly diminished."


Liu Yanming saw that Xu Rong didn't seem to be lying, and said with a smile: "According to your opinion, if you wait for the movie star grand slam later, you will be in the same state as you are now?"

"It's hard to say. In the past, I thought winning an Oscar was my ultimate goal, but now."

After eating with Liu Yanming, Xu Rong didn't take much rest, and immediately rushed back to the company non-stop. In addition to asking Jin Fangfang to find a professional to look at the subscription agreement, there is also a backlog of scripts that have been accumulated by her for a while. Take a look, and then decide whether to take it or not.

In fact, it's not that the family members in the court are not engaged in this profession. For example, Li Guangfu's son is said to be a very famous barrister.

But in Li Guangfu's narration or awesomeness, his son took cases with a base of [-] million. He has a total of [-] million small money, so there is no need to spend it to waste other people's time.

Xu Rong frowned and looked at the stack of scripts in front of him, and asked, "What do you mean, there are Korean ones?"

Although he has declared through many channels that he will not take on TV dramas in a short period of time, there are still many film and television companies who are more willing to believe in Qian's ability.

Among the many invitations, there was a script that surprised Xu Rong.

A Korean drama.

Jin Fangfang was wearing a V-neck white shirt with a brown tunic skirt today, and said: "Because "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" is currently being screened abroad, you are now well-known overseas, and the current situation is not uncommon."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "These are just icing on the cake. The most important thing is my influence in the mainland."

"He came to the door eagerly, and he couldn't say he refused directly. It would affect the cultural exchanges between the two countries too much. Let's do it, one billion, and I'll take it."

Jin Fangfang shook her head gently, smiled gently, and said like a big sister next door: "You seem to have a problem with South Korea?"

"What can I say?" Xu Rong always felt that Jin Fangfang was a little strange today, but he couldn't figure out why it was so strange for a while, "They export entertainment products to us every year, but our TV series, they every year Only a maximum of three are allowed to be imported, and they may not be able to pass the review. When I have the opportunity, I will definitely suggest that their entertainment products be completely blocked."

Jin Fangfang now fully understands that his opinion lies in this, so he took the script back without any hassle, and said, "You know Yuan Yu's arrangement, right?"

"What arrangement?"

"She went to the crew of "Peking" for an interview today."

"Oh." Xu Rong nodded. When he asked Jin Fangfang to sign her earlier, he just hoped that if Yuan Yu wanted to make movies or TV, he would have corresponding channels.

He took another shot of the ten-centimeter-high script, and said, "It's really realistic. I couldn't even receive a decent script before the release of the founding of the party. It took me a while to choose."

"How is your English learning?"


Jin Fangfang was still smiling, and said in an unhurried tone: "It's okay, what do you mean?"

Xu Rong was flipping through the script when he heard that the voice was not quite right. He raised his head and glanced at her. He suddenly understood why Jin Fangfang felt a little familiar to him today.

"You're fine, don't be imitated, intelligence is not imitated, it is boasted when you are older."

After flipping through a few scripts, Xu Rong suddenly felt bad.

He gradually discovered a problem. Some of the scripts sent to him were from mainland film and television investment, and some were co-productions, but Qing Yishui was all Hong Kong and Taiwan directors, and there were no mainland directors.

He was able to understand the reason, because "The Founding of the Party" had a box office of [-] million. In the opinion of most people outside, he overcame the problems of most TV actors who were not acclimatized, and became a first-line actor in the film field.

But he also encountered the same predicament as in the past. The high salary made it possible for him to be hired only by big productions.

On the other hand, it also means that mainland directors who are more familiar with domestic customs, know what to care about, and what to express, will not get big investment.

Of course, the main reason is mainland directors. Compared with directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan, they lack experience in commercial films, but they haven't tried it. Where can they get experience?
Xu Rong raised his head and asked, "Is there no script from a mainland director?"

Jin Fangfang stopped holding it, leaned in the chair, and said, "Yes, Li Gen wrote a notebook, and recently he has been clamoring to make a movie, and he wants me to invest 500 million in him."

Xu Rong laughed twice and said, "Then you vote for him."

"are you serious?"

"Why, do you think I'm joking?"

Xu Rong patted the script and said: "Among these people, some people's positions are very wrong. You can vote for Li Gen's script according to the situation. 500 million is too much, and he can try without zero. "

Jin Fangfang asked: "Is it too risky?"

"What risk is 50?"

Seeing that Xu Rong's gaze was no longer on the script, Jin Fangfang keenly sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly sat up straight again, with her chest in her chest and abdomen in her hands, and said, "Are you trying to repay Teacher Li's favor, or?"

"All right."

The corners of Jin Fangfang's mouth twitched slightly, but she quickly suppressed it, and said: "If you think so, I think we should establish a corresponding system, what kind of scripts can be voted, what kind of scripts can't be voted, What is the standard."

"You can watch and do these things."

"There is not much money in the account."

"There are many?"

Jin Fangfang said without thinking, "There are still about 920 million left."

"so little?"

"The 8000 million yuan in Beiping is a special expense, which cannot be moved for the time being. We just spent [-] million yuan to buy a courtyard house, plus some other daily expenses. In the past six months, we have spent [-] million yuan."

Xu Rong nodded. He did have some pocket money, but not much, only 1000 million, which was prepared for emergency use.

That is to say, the cash he can use right now is only 2000 million.

"The salary of actors has skyrocketed this year, why don't you take on another spy war? I received a script before, and the asking price was 3000 million."

Xu Rong didn't answer her words at all, and said: "What about the director you mentioned, first draw up a draft, and I'll see the situation later."


"Other things, I will reply to you after reading." Xu Rong seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked, "By the way, how is your partner's business?"

Jin Fangfang smiled and said: "I'm busy with work, I'll think about it when I'm free."

"Work is always busy, it's a lifetime thing."

Seeing that most of the smile on her face disappeared immediately, Xu Rong stopped sharply.

He vaguely understood some of Jin Fangfang's thoughts, and he had noticed it during the filming of "Latent", so he has been particularly anxious to find her a boyfriend.

Jin Fangfang is 31 this year, and seeing her youth is about to pass, she should think about the rest of her life.

Before going out, he saw Li Gen in one office with his head tucked behind the computer, he waved and said, "Li Gen, come with me, I have something to tell you."

After going downstairs, Li Gen asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong took the script that he snatched to hold just now, and asked, "Are you familiar with Fang Fang?"

Li Gen chuckled, and said, "Then what aspect do you want to look at, you usually beat me up every now and then, can you be unfamiliar?"

Xu Rong looked at Li Gen in surprise, and asked, "Is she still noisy?"

Li Gen sighed, and said, "Hey, look at what you said, what do you mean being noisy? To be precise, if one day she is kind to us, we will feel that the matter is big."

Seeing that Xu Rong's expression was not right, he hurriedly turned his head to take a look. After turning his head, he gave a dry laugh and said, "You are standing on the top of the mountain, and all you see is her smiling face. We are standing at the foot of the mountain. Look at her face." It’s all about other people’s butts.”

Xu Rong didn't think there was any surprise. He knew Jin Fangfang's management philosophy a long time ago. Therefore, in order to match her management style, he also gave out the year-end bonus last year, which is enough to calm the usual tension. dissatisfied.

"Look at what you're talking about." Xu Rong didn't want to talk to Li Gen about the manager she had chosen, so she laughed a few words, "I mean, what do you think of her?"

Li Gen shook his head and said, "It's not that good. If you weren't the boss, I would have given up on the job long ago."

"No, I mean if you look at it from a woman's point of view?"

Li Gen looked at him with a strange expression, and smiled dryly: "Brother, this, isn't this appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Li Gen tentatively asked: "It's really nothing between you two?"


Seeing that he stretched out his foot to kick him, Li Gen hurriedly took two steps back, and said, "Hey, brother, it's not that I talk too much. In fact, Sister Fangfang has always been called Xiao Cai Yinong."


Li Geng clapped his hands together and said, "I'm sure he wouldn't dare to say it in front of you, but you can't stop talking in private, can you?"

Now Xu Rong fully understands why Jin Fangfang hasn't considered a partner or marriage until now.

(End of this chapter)

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