I'm just an actor

Chapter 305 Rehearsal

Chapter 305 Rehearsal
In the office, looking at the Mazda slowly leaving downstairs, Jin Fangfang held a document and smiled silently.

The idea of ​​formulating the plan was born when Li Gen applied for funds some time ago. As the actual manager of the studio, she is very clear about the strengths and weaknesses of the current studio.

Because the main client is Xu Rong, as long as the studio handles Xu Rong's work well, it will play its due role.

However, with the joining of Xu Xing and Yuan Yu, the studio must establish a system that takes into account all aspects, instead of making do with everything. Otherwise, over time, due to the difference in the relationship between each person and Xu Rong, management chaos will arise, and eventually Caused the whole team to fall apart.

Decide whether you need to train your own director, or whether you have made a decision recently.

Xu Rong indeed opened up the film market through "The Founding of the Party", but because of its particularity, it is not enough to prove his own appeal.

Under the current situation, it is not difficult to get a movie script, but it is not enough to compete with the top movie actors in the three places.

Xu Rong's biggest advantage in the film market is the complex network of people he has established with the backing of Ren Yi, which is difficult to compare even for Hong Kong and Taiwan movie stars who have a much stronger box office appeal than him.

But even so, Xu Rong is no longer in the field of TV dramas in the past. The bosses of many mainland film and television companies always have a special preference for directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan are more willing to use their frequent cooperation in the past. Hong Kong and Taiwan actors.

Because there are too many scripts, there is no risk of review at all, and Xu Rong's insurance is not needed.

Now that Xu Rong is popular, it is not difficult to accept the script, but if the box office of several films in a row is sluggish, it is easy to be marginalized.

Taking precautions, she finally came up with the idea of ​​cultivating her own director, who at least had a good relationship with her.

In this regard, Xu Rong has a unique advantage.

He was born in Nortel, the cradle of mainland directors, and he has maintained a relatively good relationship with Nortel.

Seeing that Mazda turned a corner and disappeared, the confident smile on her face faded suddenly, her body seemed to have been sucked out of some kind of wonderful power, her flat belly suddenly bulged a little, her full chest, There is also a slight shrinkage visible to the naked eye.

There's no way, she's been too busy lately and doesn't have time to exercise, but in order to maintain at least a slender waist and a well-shaped figure, God knows how much effort she has spent in front of outsiders.

She looked down at her belly, stretched out her hand to pinch it, and murmured, "Oh, if you don't exercise, your card will expire."

After Xu Rong came out of the company, he didn't go home, but rushed back to the courtyard.

In the evening, I had to attend the rehearsal of "Home".

Due to the sudden increase in the number of new plays and rehearsals to be performed, the rehearsal halls of the theater are stretched. All day long, basically each rehearsal hall is never empty.

Li Liuyi considered that the two old men were old after all, so during the preliminary and fine-tuning stages, they only let the two old men watch on the spot or rest at home, and then invited the old men to play after they had made a big show.

If the two old men didn't go up in person, someone would naturally have to step up and read the lines.

When it comes to acting, because the professional requirements are relatively high, it is usually only the actors who are actors from other departments.

People who are willing to work in Renyi, except for those who are purely registered, are willing to walk on the stage, and the nature of their work is roughly equivalent to the handheld camera or photography director in a film and television crew, how to say each line and how to move , they often know better than actors.

Xu Rong asked for a spot, and there is only one character in Xiao Zhang who actually has more lines. Right now, it's rare to find such an errand for the old man to take the position.

At the beginning of next year, Xiao Zhang will officially start her heroine career.

I saw her rehearsing recently, and Xu Rong didn't know much about her performance, and she was not sure about her level.

Furthermore, considering that Xiao Zhang will definitely be the heroine of a movie in the future, every opportunity in the academy should be grasped.

Especially after Xiao Zhang learned that he was going to play the female lead, he practiced very hard every day, which is a bit like his college demeanor.

Although she was laughing and joking all day, Xu Rong knew that in her heart, she also had a lot of pressure on the lead actress in "Peking".

When he arrived in the courtyard, he pushed open the door of the office and saw Song Yi who was still sitting in the middle of the office. The expression on Xu Rong's face couldn't help froze, but soon, he twisted two laugh lines on both sides of his nose Come: "Xiao Song, haven't you gone back to rest yet?"

"Brother Xu, you are back." Song Yi smiled, "Yuan Ren said that when you rehearse later, let me take the place for Teacher Lan Tianye."

"Yes, is it?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Rong's words and was a little twisted, so he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Xu, have you eaten?"

"Not yet." He glanced down at the time, "I'm afraid it's too late to go out to find food now, let's go home and get some after the queue is over."

"Brother Xu, wait a minute."

After Song Yi said something thoughtlessly, he trotted out of the office, and when he came in after a while, he put a pink heat preservation bag on the table, took out two lunch boxes from it, and said, "Just now When I went out to eat, I was afraid that you would not have time to eat, so I brought it for you."

Xu Rong silently glanced at classmate Xiao Zhang, saw that she was also looking at him with a smile, so she couldn't say anything more.

With Song Yi's emotional intelligence, he can be sure that she can't do such a heart-warming thing, and instead of putting the thermal bag in his office and presenting it in the form of a surprise, it is also a typical Xiao Zhang's style.

He knew that classmate Xiao Zhang was kind enough to help Song Yi, and told him not to hate her, after all, every time Song Yi was scolded by Ren Ming, she was there.

It's just that the two people's techniques are too clumsy. These are leftovers from his playing back then. The teachers from Nortel and the seniors of Renyi, which one of them were not comfortable in serving them back then, otherwise such a question would have a quick temper I turned my back on him a long time ago.

Back then, there was a teacher who smoked, and as soon as he raised his hand to wipe his mouth, he could immediately light the cigarette and pass it to his mouth. When he was talking, if his lips were a little dry, he raised his hand and held the teacup to him.

Although the results were the same, at least in the early days, every teacher liked his "sensitivity and eagerness to learn" academic attitude.

Xu Rong took it and said, "Thank you."

After sitting down, Xu Rong was a little unaccustomed to seeing the two of them sitting quietly opposite each other without speaking a word.

In fact, while eating, he had already planned to tutor Song Yi for a while, but she didn't say a word, what's going on?

He raised his eyes and glanced at Song Yi who was sitting side by side with classmate Xiao Zhang, and asked, "Xiao Song, you have been in the hospital for a year, have you ever thought about going out to shoot TV series or movies?"

Song Yi suddenly raised his head and said, "Did you ask me this question before?"

Xu Rong picked out a prickly ash from the dish, put it aside, and wondered, "Well, is that so, when?"

"On the day of the interview, they asked me why I applied for Renyi." Song Yi said earnestly, "I said that I am stupid, I can't come to trouble, and I can't survive in the entertainment industry."

Xu Rong smiled and patted his forehead: "Oh, now that you said that, I remembered."

Seeing that Xu Rong really forgot all about it, Song Yi couldn't help being a little discouraged, because Xu Rong's performance meant that if he and his girlfriend were not in the same group, they might just be ordinary in his eyes, no, To be more precise, he was just an actor who was not at the normal level of talent.

Seeing Song Yi's look of disappointment, Xu Rong felt that it was not an option to keep doing this, and said, "You go back and you're fine, first strengthen your abdominal muscles, do planks, sit-ups and so on."

"Brother Xu, what do you mean?"

"The voice has no power and is not stable enough. One is the problem of internal technology, and the other is that your core strength is not enough. When you speak the lines, the breath goes up, and the abdominal cavity will contract instinctively. At this time, your abdominal muscles should be subconsciously stretched. Open, pull the breath down, in this way, the more you go up, the more you will relax, and your throat will not be tight, especially in abnormal positions, strong enough abdominal muscle strength can ensure your breath is smooth, continuous and stable, giving you Give your lines room for emotion."

Song Yi listened carefully and remembered, she knew that what Xu Rong was talking about was abdominal breathing, but she didn't understand why it was necessary. After Xu Rong's explanation, although she still didn't understand, it didn't matter, her goal It's not like being a scholar actor.

"Thank you Brother Xu."

"It's all right."

Xu Rong bowed his head in the moment, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xiao Zhang giving Song Yi an inexplicable look. After a moment of stupefaction, he understood.

Everything Song Yi behaved after entering the house was probably taught by her classmate Xiao Zhang.

Because classmate Xiao Zhang knows best how to make a thing that goes against his own wishes into something he is reluctant to do.

After eating, the three of them wandered to the rehearsal hall and entered the door. Xiao Zhang suggested to Song Yi: "Let's play the anti-command game?"

This is not the first time for Song Yi to play this game, and she understands the meaning of Xiao Zhang's actions. After glancing at Xu Rong, she said: "Okay."

"Blink right eye."

"Squat down."


When Yuan Yu arrived at the rehearsal hall, he looked at the two people who were having fun, and asked in a low voice uncertainly: "Brother Xu, are we rehearsing here today?"

A little smile appeared on Xu Rong's face, he raised his chin at Xiao Zhang and Song Yi, and said, "Do you want to go play together?"


Seeing Yuan Yu's confused face, Xu Rong said: "This is taught by Feng Yuanzheng. For beginners, it is a very interesting method, a method."

Yuan Yu looked at the two who were getting faster and faster, and said, "Method?"

For Yuan Yu, Xu Rong has a considerable preference in her heart. She is very talented and has a solid foundation. Talking to her about drama can save a lot of popularization of basic content, saying: "Do you know drama, how do you say it in English? "

Yuan Yu said: "Play."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Yes, it's just for fun."

"So our acting is essentially the same as children playing house and building sand castles. It is indeed fake, but we have to be like children, believing that it is true, and we will rejoice and cry for it. As I grow older, as I experience more and more realities, I gradually realize that my friends in the game cannot become my family members, and it is impossible to build a castle with sand. That is to say, reason and reality weaken this ability to believe. , become self-controlled and autistic, but the training of our actors is to allow us to regain this ability in turn.”

"The game the two of them are playing, first of all, it can speed up blood circulation, that is, warm up, so that when they rehearse later, it will not cause throat congestion when they shout, and secondly, after warming up, especially when they are tired, the state of the body is Relaxation, to a certain extent, also weakens one's self-control in disguise and increases confidence."

Yuan Yu thought about it, and said, "So this is the reason why many child stars who acted very well when they were young suddenly can't act when they grow up?"

"Yes, acting is also a game for children, and they will be more willing to believe in the authenticity of this game than adults, that is, it is easier to immerse themselves in less realistic prescribed situations." Xu Rong paused, He added, "Of course, this is one reason."

As for the "Limit Theory" considered by Ge Pai, Xu Rong didn't say any more, because he still has reservations about this point.

Yuan Yu watched the two laughing and joking, and walked over to join in.

When the two old men came over, the three of them stopped immediately. Lan Tianye looked at the three children who had become cautious because of his arrival, and said with a smile: "You prepare your own, don't worry about us."

Having said that, the three of them stopped playing anyway.

When it came to the formal rehearsal, Xu Rong saw Song Yi appearing on crutches, and said: "It's wonderful, I just love it, it's chic, it's full of aura, it's clean and bone-chilling, without any flesh, But it is gentle and exquisite, peerless ecstasy."

The classmate Xiao Zhang who accompanied her was walking steadily, with a smile on his face.

The purpose of Xu Rong calling classmate Xiao Zhang to rehearse for Uncle Zhu Xu is to let her compare her own handling with Uncle Zhu Xu's, so that she can learn a trick from it.

The reason why she was not asked to replace Mr. Lan Tianye was because he felt that Mr. Lan Tianye's handling was too "monstrous". In just two scenes, the old man made a series of complicated handlings that looked extremely simple.

The reason for such a complicated feeling is that Xu Rong came to the conclusion after trying it himself. The old man gave corresponding treatment to almost every word. During the desk work, his eyes moved to Mrs. Gao when the word "一" came to the word "Pian", which was slightly accented. He gave the heaviest accent in a sentence, and nodded his head and stamped his wrists. When he reached the word "Qi", he lowered his tone slightly, raised his wrists, moved his gaze to his feet, and gave a gesture of looking at the road when descending the steps that suits his age.

If a teacher in the acting department assigns "Family" as a homework, the students will probably go crazy collectively, because just memorizing the points can make people collapse.

But if you look away from a professional perspective, it makes people feel that this is it?
I can do it too!

It's just that the strange thing right now is that he abruptly saw the shadow of another person from Xiao Zhang.

Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu frowned, and turned their eyes from Song Yi, who was speaking, to Xiao Zhang. They always felt that her steps and demeanor seemed to be very familiar, but they couldn't figure out who that person was. Who.

In the middle of the rehearsal hall, classmate Xiao Zhang smiled and waved his hands: "The evaluation is too high, the evaluation is too high."

Classmate Xiao Zhang opened his mouth, and the two old men laughed at the same time. Looking at the expression, they only thought it looked familiar, but they couldn't remember it, because this person would not behave like this when they were in front of them, but when the voice came out, they all recognized it .

This little girl is Zhang Heping, the principal of the academy.

Song Yi shifted his gaze to the script in his hand, hesitated for a while, and then said: "There is moonlight in front of the bed, it is suspected to be frost on the ground, it is really a public poem such as a beautiful woman, and she will fall into the city before she is married."

Originally, there was a line of poetry here, but at that moment, she couldn't remember it, and with the two old men watching beside her, in desperation, she could only pull out a line at will and count it.

After the scene was finished, Lan Tianye came to Song Yi's side as soon as Song Yi came down, bent slightly, and said in a low voice, "My child, you can't speak nonsense about your lines."

Although the old man had a peaceful face, Song Yi hurriedly said cautiously: "I'm sorry, Teacher Lan, I just received the notice this morning, and I forgot the words just now when I was nervous."

The old man said nothing more, and nodded with a smile.

As soon as she took two steps, Zhang Fuyuan, who played Gao Ke'an, also came over: "Xiao Song, the lines are wrong, you can't say things like that."

Song Yi explained again: "Teacher Zhang, I just received the notification this morning, and I was so nervous that I forgot about it just now."


She was a little embarrassed, and was about to find a corner to stay. When she passed by Gao Qian, Gao Qian grabbed her arm and reminded: "Xiao Song, you mispronounced the line."

Song Yi opened her mouth, she didn't want to explain anymore, she just lowered her eyebrows and said softly: "Mr. Gao, I know I'm wrong."

"Well, it's good to know."

"Ring bell bell."

Li Liuyi's voice followed the ringing of the bell in the rehearsal hall. He looked at Xu Rong and Yuan Wei who were standing in front of him, and asked, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Yuan, why don't you discuss it first?"

Xu Rong and Yuan Wei looked at each other, couldn't help but smile wryly, and each had a long monologue, which turned into a pure action, and the difficulty suddenly increased a lot. Even though they had discussed it many times before, it was only after the rehearsal that they discovered the expressiveness Very different from expectations.

"Director, let's line up other people's plays first, let's go backstage and add up."

Li Liu nodded and said, "I look forward to your immediate success."

He accepted the proposal of the two at the beginning, not because of their fame or status, but because he also thought that this scene should be revised.

It's just that looking at the current situation, the two haven't been able to design a reasonable presentation method, but he is not in a hurry, a good show is made out of grinding.

At the backstage, Yuan Wei said: "Should we exaggerate the size of our limbs?"

Xu Rong shook his head. It is true that stage performances must be exaggerated, but there must also be a reasonable limit. Once this limit is exceeded, the audience in the front row will easily perform.

Yuan Wei looked at Xu Rong who was holding the script and living it word by word, and said, "I feel that what you do is better than what I do. Is it because of the neutral mask training?"

Xu Rong shook his head silently again, sighed, and said, "I studied that carefully, and it doesn't make any sense. After I gave Miaochi the mask, I never asked for it again."

Now it was Yuan Wei's turn not to understand: "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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