I'm just an actor

Chapter 306 Thin Hair

Chapter 306 Thin Hair
"How should I put it, the main reason is that it was passed down from Europe. Audiences and peers feel that since it is a highly respected art form in the West, they take it for granted that it is advanced, and it is undeniable that once it is mature and able to By extension, it must be a very high level of performance."

Xu Rong paused, explaining why he finally abandoned the neutral mask training: "But its essence is to present the characters' thoughts and other emotions they want to express through the body. In our country, there is a similar and developed a more perfect system than it.”

Yuan Wei looked at Xu Rong's pensive expression, and asked, "Opera?"

Xu Rong turned his head and gave a positive look: "Yes, the neutral mask training is essentially expressed through stylized movements. Let me use an analogy, in our traditional Kunqu Opera, Peking Opera, Pingju and even Bangzi. The whip is riding a horse, and the neutral mask training is actually a similar method, so I found out after careful research that to study the neutral mask training, it is better to study the stylized movements in opera, as an art with the same cultural foundation, opera The stylized movements, on the contrary, are more likely to be recognized and understood by Chinese audiences."

Because of Mr. Lan Tianye’s instruction before, now he also watches traditional operas in his spare time. Of course, he does not learn its alienated techniques and stylized performance methods, but simply appreciates and learns from its artistic beauty.

Yuan Wei made it clear, seeing him bowed his head again and asked, "Then why do you think my acting is not good?"

Seeing that Xu Rongguang smiled but didn't speak, she was also happy: "Hey, tell me, I won't mind."

"It feels a little bit." Seeing that she had listened halfway through, Xu Rong curled her lips, and changed her words with a smile, "It feels too deliberate."

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

In the past half a month, they have carried out a lot of action design around this line, which inevitably makes the actions tend to be deliberate.

But they didn't dare to cut too much, because they were all worried that the actions showing the inner world of the characters would be cut too much, which would make the audience unable to understand.

"Hey, why do your two teachers never comment on our designs?"

After asking, Yuan Wei suddenly realized that even though he just smiled, the distance between the two of them has been shortened a lot.

For the first time, she felt that sitting in front of her was a real person, not a professional actor.

In the past, she always felt that he knew a lot of things, as if there was nothing he didn't understand. It wasn't until today that she realized that there were many things he didn't know. In terms of professionalism, he was also troubled and bored just like herself.

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "I guess I want to see how capable we are. To be blunt, there are people who are about the same age in our line of work. Maybe there are people who are more talented than the two of us, but they are more popular than the two of us." Sheng's, there isn't one."

"Where's Guo Jingfei from Shangyi?"

"Stuck in a genre drama and can't get out. Within ten years, there will be no breakthrough."

"Hahaha, I think we should have some drinks today."

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "Forget about drinking, let's finish our work later."

The two discussed for nearly half an hour, but they couldn't reach a conclusion. After making up their plan to go back and think about it, they went backstage and came out to watch other people's rehearsal.

At about eight o'clock, Xu Rong sent the two old men home first, and instead of going back to the courtyard to continue watching, he turned directly to go home.

Probably Li Liuyi also noticed the heavy pressure on the two of them, so he decided to rehearse other scenes first, and wait two days for their scenes before rehearsing.

After all, as the pillars of Renyi and Mandarin, the old director dug a hole and buried the two of them while the others were making rapid progress, and they should indeed be given time to climb out of the hole.

On the way home, Xiao Zhang stared at Mr. Xu, who was always lost in thought during the rehearsal today, and hesitated to speak.

Seeing that she wanted to speak several times, Xu Rong didn't seem to know how to speak, so she asked, "What's the matter, I see you vented your anger a few times, but you always let it out again?"

Xiao Zhang asked nonchalantly, "Ah, is there any?"

Being looked at by Xu Rong, she laughed a few times, and after she had made up her mind, she followed the draft and said slowly: "Actually, it's nothing. Sister Jia Ling is arranging a sketch, saying that she wants to sign up for the Spring Festival Gala." , ask me if I can help."


Xu Rong didn't care about the Spring Festival Gala or not. The biggest headache for him every year was how to politely refuse the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala without embarrassment. He said, "Don't go, you can't be a comedian."

Xiao Zhang immediately became unconvinced, and said with a stiff neck, "How do you know that I can't act in comedy?"

Because she clearly remembered that when they took the art test, they had passed the test by cooperating with a blind date sketch.

And she has always felt that she is quite talented in comedy, and she doesn't want to be a comedian, but if Teacher Zhao invites her to be a guest star in a big movie of "Hometown Love" in the future, she must think about it carefully.

But now, Teacher Xu bluntly denied the possibility of her starring in "Hometown Love" in the future.

Xu Rong smiled, squinted at her, and said, "A good-looking actress can't act in comedy."

"You nonsense." Classmate Xiao Zhang raised his chin and moved his lips a few times, and all the set of rebuttal drafts brewing in his chest were choked in his throat, "You, what you said seems to make sense."

Xu Rong looked at her and accepted his suggestion happily, and said: "Your position is Da Qingyi. I have also talked with Teacher Cui about this. If you don't ask you to help, you must help. You have to learn reject."

"Then Miss Ling thinks I'm not interesting enough?" Xiao Zhang asked a little uncertainly, "Every time I asked her to go shopping with me before, she never refused."

"As long as I can help with ordinary help, but this is different." Seeing that she didn't feel deeply, Xu Rong continued, "You also know that I am not positioned as an ancient puppet, so costume dramas, especially Qing palace dramas, don't worry about it. Whoever entrusts me with this, I won't accept it, and maybe they mind it in their hearts and feel that I don't give them face, but as long as I continue to be popular and my fans don't abandon me, they will always say they don't mind."

Seeing him going further and further away from the topic, classmate Xiao Zhang became a little anxious, and said, "By the way, Mr. Xu, the custom-made wedding ring will be ready in a few days. Let's find time to take wedding photos later, shall we?"

"Okay, where do you want to go to shoot?"

Xu Rong didn't care about this, and said: "You can choose slowly, I have already greeted Kong Datou, and I will ask him to help take pictures later, since I am idle anyway."

Xiao Zhang turned around and said, "Okay, then have you thought about where we will hold the wedding?"

Since the news of the engagement broke out last year, Xu Rong has received many olive branches from related businesses in the past six months, all of which provided various sponsorships for the wedding.

But he has no intention of turning the wedding into a large-scale press conference for major brands.

And the current time point is too critical for him. In the impression of most audiences, he is just an ordinary top student in the mainland. garish.

As for foreign countries, he was the first to rule them out. After all, grandpa is too old to withstand the long-distance travel.

However, he already has a suitable place in his heart, and he still needs to communicate whether it will be possible or not.

"Then, Mr. Xu, we took wedding photos before performing "Family"."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Why are you in such a hurry, I can't run away."

His words came to a knot in the middle, he took a look at his classmate Xiao Zhang who was staring fixedly at him, reached out and rubbed her head, and said, "Don't worry, this little problem will not trouble me." .”

"Oh, really?"


The crux of what he and Yuan Wei are currently encountering is the scene of the wedding night, and Xiao Zhang probably also has plans to help him "experience life".

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "However, there is still more than a month before the performance. It seems that we can find time to do this matter. In this year's situation, it seems that it is really not easy to spare half a month."

After arriving home, Xiao Zhang entered the door, kicked off his shoes, greeted his grandfather and Xu Xing who were watching TV in the living room, and hurried upstairs.

After waiting for a while, she came out of the study again, lying on the stairs and shouting: "Mr. Xu, come up."

When Xu Rong went upstairs and entered the study room, he saw Xiao Zhang lying in front of the computer, staring at the screen, holding a notebook and a pen in his hand, and said, "Mr. Xu, why don't we go to your hometown to take pictures first?"

"Okay." Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Then go to Anshan again."

"And school."

"After that, let's go to Moscow again, by the way, we will also go to Berlin and London"

For Xiao Zhang's suggestion, Xu Rong was only responsible for nodding, but Xiao Zhang was very serious. He nodded on this side, and she immediately took notes on the other side.

After classmate Xiao Zhang listed fifteen or sixteen cities around the world, she suddenly stopped, counted carefully, and said, "Ah, sixteen, Mr. Xu, isn't that too many?"

Xu Rong didn't think so, and said: "It's not too much, we've been too busy these few years, and we have to spend a few days off, and we have to accompany the old people on both sides. In fact, speaking of it, we should go out every year, more That's fine, just as compensation."

"But there are so many places, I feel a bit rushed, do I have to remove a few places?"

Xu Rong walked over, first closed the computer, then took the notebook over, glanced at it, and said: "This is not something we should worry about, tomorrow I will let Li Gen and Wang Yaqin arrange the schedule according to these , we just wait and go, do you know what you should do now?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at the night outside the window, blinked his eyes, and said uncertainly: "I want it now, do you want to sleep?"

The smile on Xu Rong's face froze, and said: "What are you thinking, you should go to practice."


Looking at the back of classmate Xiao Zhang running out to change clothes, Xu Rong gradually felt a sense of curiosity. Before dawn today, he was woken up by classmate Xiao Zhang "tossing". Hour.

What he was curious about was that he always heard people say that so-and-so's red flag did not fall at home, and the colorful flags fluttered outside. How did he do it?
He is only in his twenties, and he still brews red dates and wolfberry tea every day. Although the public food delivery is easy at the moment, if he works with two threads, no matter how good the place is, I am afraid that the cattle may feel strenuous.

In the middle of the night, Xu Rong suddenly woke up from his dream.

Looking at the dark night, he let out a light breath.

Had a nightmare.

He rarely has nightmares, because in his dreams, even if there are difficulties or even monsters, he can think of a way to solve them.

It's just that in the dream just now, when "Family" was performing, it encountered a desperate situation where the audience left the stage in large numbers.

He looked at Xiao Zhang, who was only showing the tip of his head, and helped her pull down the corner of the quilt a little, then got up quietly, and went to the study.

In the past, when human art was just a dispensable attempt for him, he tried his best to perform well, but he didn't worry about gains and losses like he does now.

But now, after being admitted to the hospital for two years, the rehearsal of "Home" has attracted extensive media attention, and as the planned performance date approaches, he feels more and more heavy pressure.

Emotionally speaking, Zheng Rong, Pu Cunxi, and Zhang Heping all placed great expectations on him and regarded him as the "future" of Renyi.

In terms of responsibility, he is the "eldest son" of the new generation of Renyi, a member of the art committee, the deputy captain of the actor team, and a leader of the younger generation in the field of performance theory.

He cannot fail, neither he nor Zheng Rong, Pu Cunxi and Zhang Heping can bear the consequences of his dream becoming reality.

Although he also comforted himself by talking about the old story that Teacher Yu was dismissed by Mr. Zhou as inappropriate, but at that time, Teacher Yu hadn't become a god after all, and his situation was different from him now.

He first stood in front of the window for a while, looking at the dim lights in the distance, he felt a little calmer in his heart.

After a while, he went to the bookshelf and took out a copy of "Selected Works of Marx and Engels".

He casually flipped through two pages and was about to stuff them back when a passage caught his attention:

"The tendency should flow naturally from the scene and the plot, and it should not be pointed out in particular, and at the same time, I think it is unnecessary for the writer to force the future solution of the history of the social conflict he describes on the reader."


A cold crisp sound suddenly rang through his ears.

But at this moment, Xu Rong slowly closed the book, and he suddenly felt enlightened in his mind.

In the process of literary and artistic creation, not paying attention to design and ignoring skills is a lack of ingenuity.

But literary and artistic works are sometimes more of a flash of inspiration, an instinctive intuition of the creator.

And the experience-based Stuart system is the first to bear the brunt.

At this moment, he only felt that a brand new door of acting was slowly opening towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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