I'm just an actor

Chapter 307 Filial Piety

Under the dim light, Xu Rong, who was wearing gray checked pajamas, stood silently in front of the bookshelf holding the fourth volume of "Selected Works of Marx and Engels".

Since the beginning of his career, he has received guidance from many teachers and seniors, such as Zhang Fengyi who met by chance, Li Youbin who is also a teacher and friend, Li Xuejian who is modest and prudent, and Tong Zirong who is stubborn and stubborn. His disciples are Zheng Rong, Lan Tianye, Zhu Xu, Pu Cunxi and other seniors.

The one who taught him the most systematically was Tong Zirong, who almost helped him establish the sound system from scratch. The one who changed him the most was naturally Li Youbin. Without that guy, he wouldn't have risked his life to hit the three grand prizes.

But in essence, it was the two teachers who had never taught him a few words in person that had the deepest influence on him.

The first was Stanislavski.

The second is so.

Everything he is doing today is based on the foundation laid by Si, and then through the analysis of images and others, he showed him frame by frame how to practice the technique of acting.

This is also the reason why he was favored by Zheng Rong and Pu Cunxi before he entered Renyi, because the acting system of Renyi is also based on the Si family, and it is the result of innovation and development in the practice process of several generations.

His eyes moved down, and after probably going through the entire page, he found that he couldn't understand it right away, so he shook his head helplessly. The author is really a bit too much.

After completely calming down the excitement in his chest, he focused his attention on the light screen interface gradually appearing in front of him.

From the moment he heard the crisp sound, he knew that the comprehensive evaluation had once again ushered in an upgrade moment. Although the characteristics of "getting better" have been analyzed a lot because of the hit of "The Founding of the Party", the progress is far from to 100%.

Following his thoughts, the light curtain began to change silently.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: S
Overall evaluation: A+
Experience Points: 0/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Master, Baji Mastery, Baji Introduction, Constant Peak (unmounted), Getting Better (Analysis progress: 12%)

Note: S grade is the highest rating.

Xu Rong still chose to upgrade the "rhythm" without hesitation, an item that will have an extremely significant impact on himself, his co-stars, and the audience.

And as the writing on the light curtain gradually became clear, a clearer current than before flashed across the whole body in an instant.

The fourth volume of "Selected Works of Marx and Engels" fell to the ground with a "crash", but Xu Rong didn't bend down to pick it up immediately, but felt the changes in himself.

He looked down for a long time, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

"Mr. Xu, you..." Xiao Zhang came to the door at some point, and looked at Xu Rong who was frowning and thinking in amazement, "What are you doing?"

Xu Rong turned around, laughed twice, and said, "Ah, I was thinking about how to act that part."

He was afraid that Xiao Zhang would detect a lie from his expression, so while speaking, he bent down, picked up the book and put it under his armpit, walked to the door, and said, "Why are you up?"

"Fall, it fell." Xiao Zhang stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the bedroom.

She just fell off the bed.

Seeing the inexplicable expression on Xu Rong's face, she immediately added: "I thought you were there, so I curled up, rolled up, and fell down."

"Hahaha, sleep and sleep."

Xu Rong was lying on the bed. It wasn't until this moment that he deeply understood the meaning of the three pillars of actor Lan Tianye's so-called "culture".

To some extent, reading is a waste of time, because it may never be used, but when it is needed, it will not be used, or even never heard of. In comparison, the time and energy to be wasted may be ten times or even a hundred times.

Looking at the light curtain, he let out a long breath. Although he has been rarely called a "talented" actor by the outside world, it would be a lie to say that he is not envious, because talent represents his upper limit.

And as the comprehensive evaluation gradually tends to the highest rating, he can even try to take on one or two characters that are very close to or even perfectly fit with him, and then recite the lines according to the script, honestly being a set Hunzi, when it's over, smash [-]% of your peers!

This is the scary part of talent.

"Ms. Xu, are you sleepy?" In the darkness, Xiao Zhang's steady breathing stopped suddenly, and he turned over, his two black jewel-like eyes shining brightly.

The next morning, the sky was bright.

After Xu Rong finished washing, she looked at Xiao Zhang, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and said, "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang, wake up."

Xiao Zhang turned over and said vaguely, "Well, let me sleep for a while."

"You were so energetic last night, why are you being cowardly now?"

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you are so annoying!"


Xu Rong smiled and said, "Sleep for another hour, and get up later for morning exercises."


After Xu Rong ran for a while, warmed up, and just came to the balcony to practice her voice, Xiao Zhang walked over slowly with a resentful expression on her face.

Xu Rong asked in surprise: "Hey, don't you want to sleep for a while?"


Classmate Xiao Zhang ignored him and stretched her legs. She was sleeping well just now, but insisting on mentioning the word "morning exercise" made her unable to fall asleep again.

At this time, Jin Fangfang, who just got up from the bed, looked at the news on the phone and yawned in a daze.

"You bring Li Gen and Wang Yaqin to my house."

She is used to going to bed late and waking up late, because in the morning, she is always prone to sleepiness, and it is different at night, and she can't sleep at all mentally.

Jin Fangfang first sent a message to Li Gen and Wang Yaqin each, and then began to make breakfast, but what she didn't quite understand was that Xu Rong had only been to the company yesterday, why did she let herself bring Li Gen and Wang Yaqin there today?

But after all, it was the boss's request, and she couldn't refuse it. After all, the house and car she had now were bought with the year-end bonus from the boss.

When they arrived at Xu Rong's house, the three of Jin Fangfang stared at the two men, one middle school and one young, sitting in the living room, and were slightly taken aback.

Xiao Zhang, who brought the three of them into the door, introduced: "This is teacher Yang Lixin, and this is Yang Le, the director of "Tangshan Earthquake" and "If You Are the One."

Hearing Xiao Zhang's introduction, the three of Jin Fangfang focused their attention on Yang Le, who was four or five points like Yang Lixin.

As one of the practitioners in this industry, they have naturally heard of the two works "Tangshan Earthquake" and "If You Are the One".

But this young director, they really have never heard of it.

Yang Le waved his hands in embarrassment, but it was Yang Lixin who was next to him and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't put gold on his face, he's just running errands, what director?!"

Xiao Zhang introduced again: "Jin Fangfang, Teacher Xu's agent."

"Li Gen, a graduate student in the director department of our school, is also the son of teacher Li Xuejian."

"Wang Yaqin, Teacher Xu's assistant."

Yang Lixin and Yang Le focused their attention on Jin Fangfang, who was the smallest among the three. They had all heard of this famous manager who made Xu Rong famous.

Beautiful, strong, and resolute are the impressions most people have of Xu Rong's manager.

Jin Fangfang stretched out her hand: "Mr. Yang Lixin, I've heard about you from Teacher Xu a long time ago."

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

"You said that since he entered the hospital, you have taken good care of him. You are also a senior he likes very much. You have recommended me to watch your performance of "Wotou Guild Hall" several times."

Yang Lixin laughed. Looking at Jin Fangfang, who was extremely inconsistent with the rumors, he was not surprised. Xu Rong's success was probably inseparable from his short stature, but quite sophisticated manager.

At this time, classmate Xiao Zhang said: "I just bought a silk scarf a few days ago, Sister Fangfang, let's go, I will take you upstairs to have a look."

Yang Lixin looked at the four people upstairs, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. The old man Xu, Xu Xing, Xu Rong, Xiao Zhang, and Jin Fangfang he met when he entered the door today, each of them looked smarter than the other. Xiao Zhang, who is carefree, is also better than his own son in dealing with people.

Xu Rong was not surprised. There are always people coming and going during the New Year's day at home, and Xiao Zhang has already practiced it.

After Yang Lixin left with his son, the four came down. Jin Fangfang asked curiously, "What are they doing here?"

Xu Rongdao: "Yang Lixin wanted his son to learn filming from Kong Sheng, so he entrusted him to me."

He stood up, poured a glass of water for each of the three, and said, "I told him, it's better to be an actor."

On the contrary, Jin Fangfang shook her head and said, "He doesn't have Hong's life."

Seeing her determined appearance, Xu Rong said rather amusedly: "When did you learn to tell fortunes again?"

"It's not fortune-telling, it's looking at astrology. Everyone pays attention to the squareness of the square with a full sky, and the child's square is not round at first glance, and the girl doesn't like it too much."

"The last sentence is your truth, right?!"


Li Gen saw that the laughter of several people gradually subsided, and said, "Brother, what's the matter for calling us all here?"

Xu Rong took out a note, handed it to him, and said, "Xiao Zhang and I are planning to take wedding photos, so you can arrange your itinerary for the next few months when you go to these places. A total of ten people."

Li Gen took it, glanced at the ten place names above, and said after a while, "Brother, why don't you sign up for a travel photography group?"

"Why, do you still have an opinion?"

"Hey, I don't have any opinions, brother, can we discuss something."

"Cough cough."

Li Gen's voice paused for a moment, and he involuntarily glanced at Jin Fangfang, who was drinking water beside him, and immediately took it back: "Look if this is going to work, I'm the only one who manages this well. A monthly salary of 3000 yuan, don’t you think?”

Xu Rong's face tensed immediately, and he said, "Li Gen, I have to criticize you for the teacher. Don't always think about money when you are doing art. If you always think about money, you will not be able to do art. Even if you say you are here As a part-time worker, let me talk to you from the perspective of the boss, you can only get a salary increase if you make achievements first, instead of raising your salary first, and then make achievements, do you think it makes sense?"

Li Gen rolled his eyes, sat beside him silently, and said, "Alright, let's draw cakes together."

Xu Rong smiled, adding 20 to Jin Fangfang's year-end bonus in his heart.

Jin Fangfang coughed twice, and at least saved him 300 million. If Li Gen proposed to make a movie, he could not refuse, but no matter how euphemistic the reason was, it would somehow make Li Gen think.

He turned his head, looked at Jin Fangfang, and said: "One more thing, you can pay attention to see if there are any characters similar to my age in the next few years, that is, those who are in their twenties, with good script quality and sincerity." kind."

Jin Fangfang gently put down the water glass. In the past seven or eight years, Xu Rong has "let himself go" only half times, which is "The North Wind Blows", because Shuai Hongbing is in the play, only half of it.


"Maybe it suddenly feels more suitable to play a younger role."

As Xu Rong said, he suddenly smiled, and very rarely showed two rows of brilliant white teeth.

But his smile stunned the four of them including Xiao Zhang, because he used to seldom smile so openly, even when he was very happy, he always smiled Let it all out, it always seems to keep a little bit.

Just like when he experienced life in the yard before, Yuan Wei said that he was difficult to approach.

Jin Fangfang didn't find it particularly strange, and said, "Okay."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and then said to Wang Yaqin and Li Gen: "Li Gen, you accompany Yaqin to buy a watch, about 20."


"You have a lot to do." Xu Rong stretched out his hand to slap him on the back of the head. After being avoided by him, he smiled and said, "We will have dinner at home later."

"I know, I know."

The three of them stayed for a meal and chatted for a while about Jin Fangfang's "After the Young Directors Project". In the middle of the afternoon, Xu Rong took Wang Yaqin out of the house.

Getting money out of other people's pockets is not an easy task.

Therefore, he specially prepared a watch just in case.

At the dinner table, Xu Rong looked at Song Baozhen, who looked like the big sister next door with short hair, and after some family reminiscing about the past, said: "Sister Song, I invited you here today, because I have something to trouble you."

Song Baozhen looked at the young man who was nearly 20 years younger than himself sitting opposite him, and said with a smile, "Xiao Xu, it's too far-fetched to ask for help. Let me tell you, if my sister can help, I will definitely help."

"Sister, it's like this. I want to publish personal biographies for some seniors in our courtyard, but you also know that I am usually a bit boring, I don't like to deal with people, and I don't know some famous writers. Yes, sister, can you give me a recommendation?"

"What else should I do?" Song Baozhen smiled, and was about to open her mouth to respond, but when she got to her mouth, she realized that something was wrong. He could understand that people didn't know famous writers, but human art and literature The intersection of the world is too deep, not to mention that today's well-known literary writers are frequent visitors of Renyi, but Zhang Heping is a big brother in the literary world.

Song Baozhen put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and said, "Xiao Xu, I'm afraid there's something wrong, so you should keep it from my sister?"

"How can it be?"

Seeing Song Baozhen staring at him with a smile all the time, Xu Rong said: "Hey, I'm not kidding you, the seniors in our courtyard regard me as their son and grandson, and I always want to do something for them Be filial, besides, right now, I am not making any special contribution to our drama industry and our arts."

Song Baozhen fell into deep thought when he heard Xu Rong's words that were hard to distinguish between true and false.

The biggest event in the drama world next year is probably the [-]th anniversary of Renyi. If Xu Rong succeeds in such an achievement, I'm afraid I won't be able to call him "Xiao Xu" anymore.

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