On the brightly lit street, Wang Yaqin, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked at Xu Rong's quickly fading smile and asked softly, "Mr. Xu, do you want to go home now?"

Xu Rong raised the handbag in his hand and said, "Go back."

Even though he had made complete preparations for how to get to the point and what conditions he would use to impress Song Baozhen before coming here, in the end, the empty-handed white wolf plan did not come true.

His idea is to write a personal biography for everyone in the courtyard, including those who have just passed away and those who are still alive, who have made achievements in performance.

The living ones are relatively simple. You can ask them and their close relatives and friends to collect first-hand information.

For those who have passed away, their lives are compiled into books through the media of relatives and friends who know their past well.

The reason for setting such a general direction is mainly to consider that on the one hand, it can motivate young actors in the theater, and on the other hand, it also provides a learning direction for many colleagues who are engaged in acting work.

Of course, he can also use it as a reference.

Uncle Zhu Xu once mentioned that every famous actor in the academy has at least one trick that others don't have.

However, Song Baozhen's opinion is to summarize the performance experience of many old artists into a professional book.

Xu Rong is not very willing to do this. The book he gave to Wu Gang from his teacher is a precedent. It is a pure performance discussion, not to mention ordinary readers, even actors with insufficient theoretical level and practical experience may not be able to understand it. Without the preparation included in the back story, the details of practical methods and techniques are bound to be overlooked.

But those are the most important.

The reason is the huge amount of work. According to Song Baozhen's idea, it saves trouble. It only needs to summarize the excerpts of the articles published in the past journals of the People's Arts Academy and other drama newspapers. It doesn't cost a lot of money at all. .

But if he follows his thinking, the time, manpower, material resources and corresponding expenses that will be consumed are not a small sum.

But he didn't give up on this, after chatting with Song Baozhen, he also realized that he was a little too optimistic at the beginning.

He was going to concentrate his firepower first, and then open a gap.

After getting into the car, he put the handbag aside casually, before he asked, "Aqin, have you been home recently?"

"No, work is too busy."

Xu Rong couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and said: "Why, is there a lot of things going on in the studio these days?"

"That's a lot." Wang Yaqin turned her head and exaggeratedly said something, and then hurriedly turned back, but the words didn't stop, "Now I have to work during the day and study cases in the industry when I go back at night, Fangfang Sister said next year or the year after, let me go to college and then be your agent."

"Did she tell you why?"

Wang Yaqin smiled and said: "Well, I often say that Sister Fangfang said that the studio will inevitably become a global company like Paramount in the future. In the future, each of us will manage several or even more than ten branches and subsidiaries. The company, if we don’t learn and recharge now, and wait for the company to scale up, not only will we not be able to be executives, but we will be fired because we can’t keep up with the company’s pace.”

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, before he smiled: "She may, she has her own considerations."

There are more than ten subsidiaries, and his boss never thought of turning the studio into a joint-stock company.

Wang Yaqin seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "That's right, Teacher Xu, Sister Fangfang sent me a message just now to remind you that you have time to visit the crew of "Peking" these two days."

"What do you mean?" Xu Ronggang tilted his head and had been arguing with Song Baozhen for a long time. He was also a little tired. After hearing Wang Yaqin's words, he raised his head and looked at her puzzled.

"I just want you to take a look, I don't know much about the others."

Xu Rong responded, right now the most important job for the crew of "Peking" is casting. Since Jin Fangfang asked Wang Yaqin to remind himself, there must be something that needs him to come forward.

Early the next morning, I arrived at the audition apartment.

Seeing Xu Rong approaching, Liu Heping hurriedly got up, and said with a smile: "Hehe, is the boss here?"

Xu Rong put the fruits and snacks in his hands aside, and said, "You two have worked hard these days. On behalf of the cast, I'm here to reward you both."

Kong Sheng also smiled and said, "I thought you forgot about us."

"How can it be? The main reason is that there have been too many things recently. Besides, if you make up your mind, I can rest assured."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Actually, I have something to trouble Director Kong when I come here today."

Kong Sheng suddenly asked, "Has the date been fixed?"

Xu Rong had mentioned the matter of asking him to take a wedding photo, but it was mostly a joke at the time, but today, it was just an excuse.

"Basically it's settled, there are more places to choose, and it's good that Director Kong doesn't mind when the time comes."

"How come, congratulations."

"haha, thank you."

Xu Rong waved his hands and smiled, as if he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How is the person selected?"

Liu Heping didn't answer immediately, but Kong Sheng picked up the conversation, saying: "It's [-]% or [-]% settled, do you want to take a look?"

Liu Heping also smiled, but in his heart, he had a bad premonition.

He and Xu Rong are old acquaintances. When Xu Rong was still an unknown fringe character in the film and television industry, he left a deep impression on him.

In his estimate, before the official script reading, with Xu Rong's prudence, he should not ask a word about the candidate.

But today, he just came here. Although the main purpose was to ask Kong Datou to help take the wedding photos, the sudden casual mention made him feel a little wrong.

After Xu Rong said, "What are you looking at, you decide on the role, can I still worry about it?", and he didn't have the slightest intention to depend on the candidate, Liu Heping completely confirmed the guess in his heart.

The fewer the words, the more prominent the focus.

Just as Xu Rong was about to leave, a familiar voice came over: "Ms. Xu is here?"

"I heard your voice through the wall."

Wang Jinsong, who was wearing glasses, led Wang Kai into the door, looking at Xu Rong who was looking back with a strange expression.

Although the two are in the same circle, speaking of it, today is the second meeting after the filming of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566".

At the beginning, they had a lot of scenes with each other, and he was quite impressed with Xu Rong, but he never imagined that in just a few years, Xu Rong would reach the highest honor of TV drama actor from a little actor with no reputation at all.

Xu Rong hurriedly took two steps forward, and grabbed Wang Jinsong's hand: "It's been a long time, Teacher Wang, please don't leave Teacher Xu, my face is a little hot when you shout."

Wang Jinsong smiled, shook hands with Xu Rong, and said with emotion: "I really complied with that sentence. After three days of farewell, I should look at you with admiration, ah, haha."

"Haha, good luck good luck."

Xu Rong looked around, looked at Wang Kai behind him, and asked, "Who is this?"

Kong Sheng hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Wang Kai."

"This is Teacher Xu Rongxu."

"Mr. Xu is good."

"Hello, Teacher Wang."

Xu Rongdao: "You two teachers have worked hard. I heard from Lao Liu that since the audition began, you have never missed a day. When I find time later, I will treat you to a drink."

Wang Jinsong's role was fixed. As for Wang Kai, he heard Liu Heping mention it twice on the phone, but he didn't immediately make a promise. Whether he can do it or not depends on his ability.

After chatting for a while, Xu Rong hurriedly got up to say goodbye when he heard someone came to audition.

Externally, he has always claimed that all the work of "Peking" is in the charge of the producer Liu Heping and the director Kong Sheng. If Jin Fangfang hadn't asked him to come, he would not be willing to make this trip.

When Xu Rong was sent downstairs to return to his room, Kong Sheng pointed to the fruit on the table and said, "Don't tell me, Mr. Xu is really kind. He came all the way here to give us some food." .”

At this time, Liu Heping silently lit a cigarette, and did not answer Kong Sheng's words.

Kong Sheng looked at Liu Heping with a pensive expression, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Heping walked to the table, picked up the big list drawn up by the two, and said, "Come on, let's review the tentative actors from the beginning to see if there are any inappropriate ones."

Kong Sheng walked up to him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Liu Heping shook the list in his hand, and said, "It's true that he came here to offer condolences, but as an investor, don't you find it strange that he doesn't look at the list?"

"It's not that it's just trust in us."

As Kong Sheng talked, he laughed himself, and got together with Liu Heping, saying: "It seems that there is indeed a problem."

"Chen Baoguo and Ni Dahong have no problem with their professional abilities, and he was the one who overdid it at the beginning."

"Wang Qingxiang, I heard he doesn't recite his lines."

"It definitely can't be because of him. If Xu Rong doesn't use him, Wang Qingxiang will never end with him."

"This girl is also his, so there must be no problem."

"These two business abilities are not a problem."

Kong Sheng and Liu Heping passed the personnel to the end, and when they saw a name near the end, they were about to pass by, but at a certain moment, their eyes withdrew from the list at the same time and crossed in the air.

Liu Heping smiled and said, "It's probably him."

Li Chen.

When the two of them were selecting candidates, the screening criteria were the level of business and the fit of the role, and other things were not the focus of their consideration.

As a result, everything else was ignored.

Kong Sheng was puzzled for a while, and slowly remembered the grievances and grievances between the two of them in the past. Suddenly, he sighed and said, "Oh, it's fate. I guess when he followed a group of people to attack Mr. Xu, he didn't expect to meet him." There is today."

Liu Heping clicked his lips, and said: "You can't live by yourself. At the beginning, those people had the intention to beat Xu Rong to death with a stick. He is still good. Xu Rong didn't deliberately target him. There are people who are much worse than him."

Kong Sheng listened to what Liu Heping said, and asked, "What?"

"The worst thing is actually Zhang Jizhong. It was nothing before. Since we parted ways with Hua Yi, I heard that he ran to more than a dozen companies for a play, and he hasn't attracted investment yet."

"No way, anyway, where is his fame?"

Liu Heping laughed, and said: "I don't know who spread the rumor that when Zhang Jizhong's new play will be released, "Peking" will start broadcasting."

"Isn't that bad?"

Liu Heping said meaningfully: "What if we catch up?"

Kong Sheng was speechless, Xu Rong's small-screen appeal had already been verified by "Snow Leopard", and no film and television company dared to fight.

Xu Rong was not aware of Liu Heping's "defamation" of him. At this time, he had already arrived at the rehearsal hall.

"Teacher Xu is here to pull."

"Teacher Xu."

Xiao Zhang, who was preparing, was chatting with Song Yi about the script, when he saw him come in, he smiled lightly and stuck out his tongue at him.

Yuan Wei came to him and asked, "How is it?"

Xu Rong originally wanted to shrug his shoulders, but felt that it was a little frivolous, so he said: "Don't think so much, just act as you want."

Yuan Wei looked at him curiously: "Huh?"

"Just don't think too much, just pretend that you want to marry me, just marry Juexin."

Yuan Wei vaguely understood, but didn't fully understand, but hearing Xu Rong's determined tone and expression, he couldn't help being in a daze, as if the frowning man he saw the day before yesterday was an illusion.

Following classmate Xiao Zhang and Song Yi walked around, Li Liuyi turned to look at Xu Rong, and said, "Teacher Xu, how are you getting ready?"

A smile appeared on Xu Rong's face: "Try it."

"it is good."

As the sound of "start" fell, the play between the two officially started.

The wedding night between Jue Xin and Rui Jue played by Xu Rong is still scheduled.

Juexin and Ruijue were a well-matched marriage, but Cousin Mei, whom he liked and always believed to be a husband and wife, had to miss out because of the rift between the two parents.

Xu Rong seemed to be very tired. After standing in the middle of the crude field for a few seconds, he was about to sit down on a chair on one side. The next movement stopped quietly, and after a while, a long sigh echoed in the rehearsal hall.

Song Yi, who was standing in the distance, opened her mouth slowly. It wasn't until this moment that she deeply realized why Xu Rong was able to become the vice captain and a member of the art committee at such a young age.

How could he transmit the sound of sighing to his ears so easily?

Xu Rong stood still on the spot, and after a long while, he turned around suddenly and walked back quickly.

"Young master, young master, where are you going? It's getting late."

"Ah, oh, I'll go and see, to see if everything is packed."

"It's time for you to take a break. Today, you've been tired all day."

Xu Rong drooped his shoulders, drooped his arms, turned around slowly, and moved back very slowly.

Yuan Wei, who was sitting on the side, looked at Xu Rong in bewilderment. Xu Rong's movements were simplified a lot. When the two of them planned before, he had to stop back and forth for a while before turning around and leaving.

Yuan Huang watched Xu Rong move a few times before stopping, got up subconsciously, and walked towards him slowly.

But as soon as she took a step, Xu Rong started to move forward again, so she had to stop temporarily.

On the stage, the audience can only focus on one point, and the actors must also pay attention to this.

As Xu Rong stopped again, at her pace, she turned around again and walked back.

After so many times.

Xu Rong walked in front of Li Liu's side, his shoulders were slowly raised, and his back gradually straightened, as if his body had been recharged with energy.

After standing still, he glanced around, and finally condensed into one sentence: "I am the eldest grandson of the eldest son, and my brothers and sisters should all use me as an example!"

And Yuan Wei followed closely and said, "I'll go, call him."

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