I'm just an actor

Chapter 309 Feelings

Chapter 309 Feelings
"Ring bell bell."

When Han Qing, who was "making trouble in the bridal chamber", appeared on the stage, Li Liuyi pressed the bell at hand belatedly and very abruptly. At this time, his slender face was full of confusion, his eyes were squinted, and he was pinching his fat earlobes After groping for a long time, he asked in an inquiring tone: "Mr. Xu, why did you act like that just now?"

Probably afraid that Xu Rong didn't understand his question, he added: "Why did the shoulders and back gradually straighten up in the end, and the tone was not so low?"

The reason why he interrupted after hesitating was because he always felt that Xu Rong's walking just now contained some kind of wonderful beauty, even if he walked and stopped suddenly, he didn't feel the slightest bit abrupt.

This kind of beauty is somewhat similar to but completely different from Yuan Yu's "Juehui, I really love you" when Yuan Yu's emotions are in place. Xu Rong was flowing slowly bit by bit, and he didn't have Yuan Yu's shock that made people's scalp tingle for a moment, just like flowing water in a mountain stream.

But as a director, he is more used to evaluating the performance of actors from the perspective of a bystander.

When he completely put aside the follow-up scenes, a doubt immediately arose in his mind:
Xu Rong raised his shoulders again, and there was no trace of his resistance to this arranged marriage, is it true?

Shouldn't it be the despair and depression of accepting stereotypes and bad habits under the shackles of ethics due to helplessness?
As a director, no matter what technique, design or arrangement is used, there is always one big principle that must be adhered to, which is to let the audience understand the play.

Not to mention the audience right now, even though he is the director, he didn't understand the meaning of Xu Rong's last action and the tone of the last sentence.

Xu Rong looked at Li Liuyi and explained: "I came from the countryside. Let me tell you about my experience in farming. Farming is not an easy task. The books always say that every grain is hard. , but after all, it’s just a few light words, and if you really do it, you can experience the hard work of sowing, watering, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, and harvesting in the sun. It doesn’t rain for a whole season, or it rains continuously, and the crops in the field are starved of drought and drowning. There is nothing to do except to pray silently. It won’t starve to death, but half a year’s hard work will basically be in vain, so can I stop farming in the future because I haven’t harvested for a year?”

"I'm a farmer, I can't do that, the land is my root, no matter how the harvest is this year, looking back, I have to work hard to plant the next season's grain, just like home is Juexin's unshirkable responsibility, I am the eldest grandson, the future heir, and the defender of etiquette."

Seeing that Li Liuyi was still a little puzzled, he paused and said, "Let me put it another way, if this play can't be made, Director Li, will you still direct the play in the future?"

Li Liuyi was in a daze, and immediately nodded without hesitation.

Looking at Xu Rong, he suddenly smiled, and understood the deep-seated reasons for Xu Rong's handling, scratched his head, and said: "I agree with what you said, but there is one thing, I am afraid that the audience will not understand."

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "Actually, not necessarily, I think at least some people can understand, especially married middle-aged people who have shouldered family responsibilities, and we are telling stories. The family's total understanding, which ultimately led to Rui Jue's tragic death, is the best explanation for this transformation."

"Furthermore, I accepted the marriage with Rui Jue not because I liked her and watched her die in silence, nor was it because I didn't have any feelings for her, but in comparison, this kind of feeling is weaker than mine I consider myself to be responsible to the whole family."

This is the inspiration he got from "The Selected Works of Marx and Engels". As long as the characters' personalities have not undergone fundamental changes, as a performer, there is no need to rush to tell the audience the reason for his strange behavior at the moment, because his All subsequent actions are the best explanation for the current behavior.

In fact, he actually has more personal feelings. Regarding the understanding of the role of Juexin, I am afraid that even the old dean who is a screenwriter should not feel more deeply than him.

There are hundreds of employees and retired teachers in the courtyard. Some of these people are interested in doing good for the courtyard, and some of them are monks who beat the clock for a day, eating and waiting to die. Well, it's still a public institution, so it's inevitable that mud and sand will fall.

It's like the four big words "The play is bigger than the sky" are hung on the wall every day, but once he or Feng Yuanzheng, who are known for being strict in the courtyard, are away for a few days, people will still eat inside slowly.

He can change this situation a little bit, but only a little bit, because after all, he can't make the decision.

But he can neither be content to join them in depravity, nor can he leave in a fit of anger. He can only exert his own influence as much as possible, and try to bring a good atmosphere.

To a certain extent, Renyi is his "home" in the real world. It is undeniable that there are many places he is not used to, but after all, some people's hearts are here, and they still adhere to the establishment of world-class dramas when the academy was established. Besides, he always thought that in the future, he would always have the opportunity to change those bad habits and styles.

Yuan Wei stood on one side, looking at Xu Rong in puzzlement.

As a participant, she feels completely different from director Li Liuyi.

When she came in the morning, Xu Rong's inexplicable self-confidence and the phrase "don't think so much, just act as you want." did not give her full confidence.

Because she did the same in the rehearsal the day before yesterday, but the result was not ideal. From the director's evaluation, she guessed that the actual situation might be worse than the two imagined.

She really wanted to take time to study this scene, but the actual situation did not allow it. Although the family had hired a nanny, whenever the child woke up, she couldn't help but want to take a look.

Subconsciously, she also understands that the body cannot completely replace the language after all, just like silent films are eliminated by the times with the development of the film industry.

It was also with this sense of powerlessness that she started today's rehearsal.

She hates people sighing very much, and every time she hears it, she has to be upset for a while.

When Xu Rong's heavy and long sigh came, her heart couldn't help but tugged. Even though she knew he was sighing for the sake of the show, she still felt very uncomfortable.

But at that time, she didn't realize the purpose of that long and heavy sigh.

Yuan Wei didn't realize it until Xu Rong paused his steps and waited for him to come forward.

That sigh was a sigh for himself and for the audience, but the main object was her.

And what surprised her the most was that Xu Rong never looked at herself from the beginning to the end, but every time she left the time and space for herself, it was just right, as if he knew how he should act.

But she didn't understand why in just two days, Xu Rong was like a completely changed person. He seemed to have suddenly possessed a certain kind of extremely keen stage instinct, and he could firmly control the stage even when there was an impromptu situation. on everything.

And this kind of almost instinctive control, although Xu Rong has shown it before, is not as stable as it is now. The stability makes her feel that she can fully realize her potential.

But as a co-actor, this is a particularly comfortable performance state, as if she was thirsty, and someone immediately handed water with just the right temperature to her mouth.

This is the first time she has encountered this feeling. While being puzzled, it also makes her feel regretful. After all, she is not an actor of Renyi, and there will not be too many opportunities to cooperate with Xu Rong in the future.

"Xiaofei, I must learn from Teacher Xu!" Not far away, Song Yi's face was flushed with excitement. She felt that the best part of Xu Rong's performance just now was the sigh and the last sentence "I am The eldest grandson of the house, my brothers and sisters, all have to use me as an example!" Impromptu lines, every word that came out of his mouth seemed to contain an inexplicable magic power.

Classmate Xiao Zhang was nodding slightly to Xu Rong and Li Liuyi's words, as if I understood it, and when she heard Song Yi's excited voice, she turned her head slowly, frowned and thought for a while before finally He whispered: "Actually, let me tell you. Teacher Feng Yuanzheng said that Teacher Xu's professional level is probably this high."

As she spoke, she put her palm on the top of her head and gestured twice, and then quickly pressed it down until it reached a little below her knee, before she said, "But his teaching level is only so high."

Song Yi frowned, if Zhang Xiaofei wasn't Xu Rong's girlfriend, she might have to refute immediately.

Because she had tasted the sweetness before, Teacher Xu asked her to imagine a stomachache to act, but she passed it immediately. The teaching level is the best among the teachers she has ever seen.

She felt more and more that her previous decision was correct.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, we arrived at the synthesis stage of "Family".

At the entrance of the theater, Pu Cunxi looked at Wu Gang, whom he hadn't seen for a while, and asked, "Why are you here today?"

Although he knew that Pu Cunxi had no other intentions, but he hadn't entered the courtyard for half a year, Wu Gang always felt a little hot on his face, and said with a smile: "Brother Pu, I see what you said, can't I go home and have a look?"

Pu Cunxi slapped his forehead and said, "I see, are you coming to the rehearsal of "Family"?"

"Learn, learn."

Wu Gang really came here with the intention of studying, mainly because he had nothing to do in the past two days, and he was idle when he was idle.

Since "Latent" became popular, he has more film appointments, but most of them are spy films.

Even Xu Rong, who is famous for shooting spy wars, has shot a spy war with a hammer!

I came here today, mainly for the two old men, to learn how to beat Xu Rong.

The two entered the rehearsal hall, only to find that Ding Zhicheng, Liang Guanhua, and He Yan had already crouched in the corner with their arms folded.

"How many of you came early?"

He Yan showed two rows of big white teeth, and smiled: "Study, study."

Pu Cunxi looked at the happy faces of the few people, then glanced back at Wu Gang behind him, and said, "No, what are you guys doing here?"

Wu Gang: "Don't talk about it, just learn."

He Yan: "That's right, observe and observe, Mr. Lan Tianye hasn't been on stage for 20 years."

Pu Cunxi ignored the two who talked about running the train all day, looked at Feng Yuanzheng who was always serious, and asked, "Yuanzheng, what's going on?"

Feng Yuanzheng smiled, and said: "After all, the two teachers are old, and it is estimated that they will only act for one round, and then the roles will be vacant."

Pu Cunxi looked at the few people, and said uncertainly: "Co-author, are you really here to study?"

He Yan grinned: "Then you see?!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, as the number of people in the rehearsal hall increased, Xu Rong didn't care. After all, it was a rehearsal that the two old men participated in. If he wasn't a member of the show, he would definitely come to have a look.

Li Liuyi glanced at the twenty or so observers in the rehearsal hall, and said, "We're rehearsing today."


With the appearance of the two old men, needles could be heard in the rehearsal hall, and when the two old men left the stage, Xu Rong even heard the sound of exhaling.

With a calm expression, Xu Rong entered the stage slowly.


As Xu Rong lowered his head slightly, without squinting, and while arranging his clothes, he walked steadily into the arena. Wu Gang opened his mouth, and after uttering half of his words, he saw several pairs of eyes looking at him at the same time, and quickly closed them. mouth.

He and He Yan exchanged glances, feeling a little uncertain in his heart.

The greatest charm of stage art lies in the fact that you can judge whether a character is right or wrong the moment you enter the stage.

And now Xu Rong is indeed like the future head of a big family, he is stable, but he is still the eldest grandson after all, so it is inevitable to be cautious when walking.

As the rehearsal progressed, when Xu Rong said firmly, "I am the eldest grandson of the house, my brothers and sisters, all should follow me as an example!", most of the people watching only felt a heavy tension. A sense of suffocation came over.

But one person laughed silently.

He Yan and Wu Gang looked at each other again, but their eyes hadn't met yet, and the wry smiles on their faces couldn't help but froze, because they realized at this moment that Pu Cunxi, who was standing between them with arms crossed, was smiling and smiling, eyes wide open. But red.

Seeing Pu Cunxi's appearance, He Kuang hurriedly touched him with his arm, and asked in a very low voice: "Hey, Brother Pu, what's the matter?"

Pu Cunxi rubbed the corners of his eyes twice with the back of his hand, and shook his head lightly.

He Yan is not in that position, and he doesn't understand his difficulties at all, just like when the director scolded him in the early years for leaving the original intention of artistic creation to his grandma's house and ran away angrily, he could only be silent except for silence, but After the silence, he had to put on a smiling face and find a way to calm the hearts of the people in the courtyard.

At this time, Lan Tianye fell into a deeper silence.

He could hear the deep emotion contained in Xu Rong's words.

Xu Rong visited his house two days ago and proposed to write a biography for him.

Despite Xu Rong's hype, he rejected his proposal without hesitation, just like he did to those who wanted to record his life in the past.

He wasn't sure if Xu Rong was in the mood he was in when he left with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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