I'm just an actor

Chapter 310 Busy

Chapter 310 Busy (Change first and then change)
While Xu Rong was rehearsing "Home", Xiao Zhang and his classmates stood in front of the counter of Chow Tai Fook with flushed faces.

Classmate Xiao Zhang stretched out his finger, pointed to the diamond ring on the ring finger that was obviously too big, and said, "Look carefully, it's obviously too big, where is it right?"

Opposite them, a staff member immediately asked in a confrontational tone: "Why do you wear your ring finger, you have to wear your middle finger!"

Xiao Zhang is about to be blown up by the other party, whose wedding ring wears the middle finger?

Having been with Xu Rong for a long time, she deeply realized that losing her temper can't solve any problems, so she still tried her best to maintain a calm mind and said: "I'm not discussing which finger to wear with you now, but I hope you can help me." I'll change the circle, this was agreed when we came to decide, if it doesn't fit, we can come back and change it."

The staff member shook his head and said: "We can't change it. If you want to change the circle, you have to go to the Hangzhou head office. It can't be changed here."

"But you clearly said before that you can change it."

"Yes, it is possible to change it, but if you insist on changing it, you can go to the Hangzhou head office."

Seeing that Xiao Zhang was trying to reason with him, Song Yi dragged him away and shouted loudly: "Why are you so unreasonable? I bought the ring from you, so you have to be responsible for the after-sales service. Why wear the middle finger, did you wear the middle finger on your own wedding ring?"

At this moment, a middle-aged woman walked over quickly and said, "Miss, please don't make loud noises and affect our normal business."

"Affecting your normal business? You fucking made a mistake first. Now that the product has a problem, don't say how to solve it, but also pull out a bunch of bullshit reasons. I'm going to complain to you."

"That's your right."

Seeing that Song Yi's voice attracted the attention of customers in the store, the middle-aged woman shouted loudly towards the door: "Security."

Xiao Zhang looked at the other party's posture, and stopped reasoning, picked up the box on the cabinet, stuffed it into the handbag, dragged Song Yi who was still quarreling, and said, "Let's go."

"Let's complain to them, I have never seen such unreasonable things."

Seeing the two people leaving slowly, the middle-aged woman asked, "Are they expensive?"

"A pair adds up to 180 million."

The middle-aged woman nodded indifferently, and said: "In the future, if you encounter something like this, let the security guards drive you out, and call the police if you still make trouble."


After getting in the car, student Xiao Zhang didn't start the car immediately, but took a photo of the ring, edited a Weibo and posted it out angrily.

"If I transfer it for you, you have to expose this kind of unscrupulous profiteer."

After turning around, Song Yicai turned his head and asked, "Xiaofei, is it useful for us to do this? Do you want to call and report them?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "Teacher Xu said before that when dealing with unreasonable people, they will sit down and reason with you only if you are more unreasonable than him."

She seemed to have remembered something, and patted the steering wheel rather annoyedly: "Fortunately, I bought from their house several times before, and I will never buy from them again."

Xiao Zhang’s Weibo, like a pebble dropped from a lake, caused some ripples in the huge information network, and then disappeared quickly.

When the two of them arrived in the courtyard, they couldn't help but sighed as they looked at the Weibo that had been reposted and commented on.

"Latent" and "Snow Leopard" starred by Xiao Zhang, although they are all hot dramas, but they have not attracted widespread attention from the outside world. In addition, they do not have too high requirements for material and Xu Rong treats her well. Due to planning, she neither took over any activities, nor did she spend a penny on publicity expenses for the studio.

The label she is most known to the outside world is "Xu Rong's girlfriend", but because she is not used to standing in the spotlight, except for the Golden Eagle Award last year, other times, it is just the film and television industry An unknown little transparent inside.

Not to mention Song Yi, if she sees someone describe her as a "third-line actress", she will be secretly happy for a long time.

The two of them entered the courtyard. Hearing that the rehearsal hall was busy, they didn't dare to open the door to go in. Instead, they turned their heads and went upstairs. The cat was in Xu Rong's office.

Song Yi now fully recognized the reality, but thought that he had no influence, but the influence of the key person in the incident was ridiculously large, and asked, "Hey, Xiaofei, can you log in to Teacher Xu's Weibo?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "His Weibo is operated by the studio, and the ones you see are not posted by him."

"No way?" Song Yi blinked, because she liked every Weibo posted by "Xu Rong".

Slapped on the air with flattering?

"Hey, Xiaofei, Yang Mi reposted your Weibo."

With the efforts of the four little female stars Yang Mi, the quality and service problems of Chow Tai Fook exposed by Xiao Zhang quickly became the hot search.

"Yang Mi?"

The first person to speak up for her was Yang Mi, which Xiao Zhang never thought of, because in the past news, Yang Mi's "best friend" was Teacher Xu.

"This kind of unscrupulous merchants should be punished and punished!" Xiao Zhang was still a little unhappy because the problem with the ring had not been resolved.

After brushing for a while, Song Yi sat up straight suddenly, said "ah", raised his head and said to Xiao Zhang: "Hot searches are gone!"

"It's gone?" Xiao Zhang frowned, and after searching for a long time, he couldn't find any related discussions, so he asked suspiciously, "What's going on, obviously there was one just now?"

Not only was it completely missing, but it was also overwhelmed by another hot topic of "Xu Rong's wedding" that quickly climbed to the top.

Song Yidao: "I'm sure Zhou Dafu and the others have spent money to lower the trending searches, and you see, the whole Internet is going to explode now, everyone is talking about you two getting married."

When the two were dumbfounded by Chow Tai Fook and Weibo's operation, Xu Rong pushed the door and walked in: "What are you two doing? You can hear the blah blah in the corridor."

"Mr. Xu, let me tell you, I'm going to be so mad today, we're not"

After Xu Rong listened to the two of you and me, he thought about it for a while. If the conventional method was adopted, although the blow to the other party would be heavier, but the effect would be too slow, he did not intend to adopt the conventional method, saying: "You send a message to Yaqin and ask her to forward your Weibo, just ask, she knows exactly how to comment on it."

"it is good."

Xiao Zhang nodded and asked, "And then?"

"There is no more." Xu Rong said with a smile, "Don't be angry because of these trivial things, it's not worth it."

Xu Rong was thinking about two other things. When they ordered the ring, they wore masks. Chow Tai Fook probably regarded them as ordinary consumers, and from Yang Mi's comment area, it can be seen that eating similar Losses abound, but the relevant units have not paid attention to it.

In addition, Yang Mi, an ordinary classmate who he hadn't paid much attention to in the past, also came into his field of vision.

He didn't want to guess what was the reason for her, but he dared to stand up to a big jeweler like Chow Tai Fook, something ordinary entertainers would never dare to do.

He remembered this favor.

About twenty minutes later, Jin Fangfang, who was busy, received calls from two parties one after another, one was from Chow Tai Fook's public relations department, and the other was from Sina's operations.

Jin Fangfang didn't know what was going on when she received the call. Although Wang Yaqin can't be alone now, she still has a red thread in her heart about what can be tolerated and what content can't be posted.

She was interviewing the director at this time. After answering the call and listening to the other party's request, she did not reply immediately, but put the matter down and continued the interview.

If people come to beg her instead of her begging others, then the attitude will be completely changed.

It was in the afternoon that Xu Rong paid attention to the progress of the incident again.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Hey, Boss Han, it's not easy for a busy person like you to make a call."

"Come out for dinner together at night? I happen to have something to trouble you."


In the evening, Xu Rong arrived at the agreed hotel and entered the private room. Seeing two middle-aged strangers sitting in the room, he froze for a moment and asked, "Excuse me, did I come to the wrong room?"

Although Xu Rong was wearing a mask, the two people sitting there immediately recognized him, got up hurriedly, and said, "Mr. Xu, I am Peng Shaobing, the general manager of Sina."

"I am Chen Shichang, Executive Vice President of Chow Tai Fook."

Xu Rong's face immediately turned cold, and he didn't greet the two of them. After nodding, he turned around and left.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't give any face, the outstretched hands immediately froze in mid-air. Both of them are famous people, but now Xu Rong is popular, especially with the momentum of "The Founding of the Party" to establish his reputation in one fell swoop. After his status in the film industry, he is like a representative of the new generation of male actors in China.

And what makes them afraid is Xu Rong's background in talent and art and his relationship with the official media. They already knew about the fate of the previous game company before they came. A walk is a must.

Before the two came, they had made up their minds. Since they couldn't get Xu Rong right now, they could only win his forgiveness and put the matter to rest as soon as possible.

As soon as Xu Rong turned around, he saw Han Sanping coming late, and he smiled from afar and said, "Brother, what's going on, I was so angry when I first arrived."

Xu Rong understood Han Sanping's purpose, and said: "What am I doing, it turns out that you are here as a peacemaker."

"Hey, that's the second thing. The main thing is another thing."

As he approached, Han Sanping patted him on the shoulder, pointed to the two of them and said, "These two are very powerful people in the business world, so give him some face."

Only then did Xu Rong shake hands with the two of them. The biggest difference between him and Han Sanping was that he was financially strong enough and didn’t need any other income. No media has dared to do that.

After entering the private room and sitting down, Han Sanping looked at the two of them and said, "I have invited you here, what should I do, you can see for yourself."

Seeing Chen Shichang from Chow Tai Fook take out a red gift box, Han Sanping smiled, waved his hand, and said, "Take it back, Mr. Chen, it's boring if you want to make it like this."

Unaware of embarrassment, Chen Shichang picked up the white wine, poured half of the goblet, and said, "Mr. Xu, this matter is indeed our fault. We gave you such a big wedding For causing so much trouble, I apologize to you for the first glass of wine."

Before Xu Rong could speak, he picked up the goblet and drank it down in one gulp.

Han Sanping clapped her hands and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, be refreshing."

"For the second drink, I apologize to your girlfriend. The two employees involved have been fired from the company."

Seeing that Chen Shichang poured two goblets of wine into his stomach without blinking, Xu Rong couldn't help being slightly moved.

"This is the third cup."

Xu Rong stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a smile: "What is Mr. Chen talking about, whether he apologizes or not. To be honest, I just found out about this."

Chen Shichang forced a smile on his gradually flushed face, and said, "It's our fault, it's our fault."

Xu Rong didn't accept Zhou Dafu's "amendment". He didn't spend much money in the first place, and he wouldn't make himself stinky because of such a trivial matter.

Now it’s not like when you just stepped into this industry, you can take risks to obtain false certificates for thousands of dollars. The most important thing right now is not to leave anyone with a word of criticism.

On the way home, Xu Rong looked at the speech Han Sanping had given her with a dazed expression.

It's okay for you to engage in your blockbuster era, but it's too much for me to help you brag.

But there is no way, in the future, Han Sanping will have to take care of her in the film industry, and now she can only pinch her nose and admit it.

In the following time, Xu Rong began to keep his feet on the ground. In addition to participating in various announcements and performances that had been scheduled long ago, he and his classmate Xiao Zhang also took the film crew of "Peking" to shoot wedding dresses all over the world. According to.

At first, I agreed with so many locations selected by Xiao Zhang, because the photography team is all my own people, and the itinerary does not need to be so tight. At the same time, I also have the intention of traveling.

But when he actually started filming, he realized that he was wrong.

They are either catching a plane or on the way to catch a plane every day, because both of them are professional actors, and the shooting team is even more professional, so the real shooting hardly takes too much time.

On the plane, Xu Rong glanced at Li Gen in the back seat, and said, "Li Gen, tell the truth, did you do it on purpose?"

Li Gen hurriedly argued: "Brother, I'm really wronged. To be honest, although I'm a bit rushed, it can be said that my plan is the most economical."

Xu Rong couldn't say anything more, and said, "Forget it."

Right now they are on the plane flying back to Beijing from New York.

In the next few days, his schedule was ridiculously full. Tomorrow night is the Fei Tian Awards ceremony. As a shortlisted actor, he has no possibility of declining.

The day after tomorrow I will participate in the performance of "Family" in the courtyard.

And on the third day of the Fei Tian Awards, which is also the second day of his performance, he will also attend the award ceremony of the Huabiao Awards and give a speech for the opening ceremony.

Then came the month-long performances of "Home" and "Thunderstorm".

He was not sure how many performances he could perform, but he still set the number of performances for "Thunderstorm" to twenty, and for "Family", it must be controlled within ten performances.

I'm afraid the bodies of the two old men won't be able to bear it any more.

After finishing the fourteen-country tour that lasted for half a month, Xu Rong had no other motivation and was more motivated to make money.

Mainly a group of nearly ten people, traveling all over the world, not to mention other things, the air tickets and accommodation alone are not a small sum.

He closed his eyes, and the rest of the performance was the highlight.

The more he got to the present, the more he felt how wise his decision to enter Renyi was.

(End of this chapter)

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