I'm just an actor

Chapter 312 Trap

Chapter 312 Trap
Xu Rong is not short of enthusiasm right now. He reckons that the story Guan Hu told at the award ceremony just now will have to be talked about by the media and self-media for a while.

And most importantly, the purpose of participating in the awards ceremony today has been [-]% completed.

Preheating for the publicity of "The Indelible Number".

Therefore, he was quite impatient with the siege of the media, but after all, they were all large domestic media, and he expected them to give a good shout out to "Number" in the next period of time, so he had to leave without giving face.

"Xiao Xu, hurry up, if you wait any longer, you will miss the plane." Probably seeing his embarrassment, Li Youbin, who was wearing a military uniform, trotted over, picked him up and left.

After getting away from the reporter, Li Youbin smiled and asked, "How does it feel to run with you?"

What happened to Xu Rong today was exactly the same as what happened to him last time.

Li Youbin was awarded the No.20 Sixth Feitian TV Emperor for his "Bright Sword" at the beginning, but the year before last, even though "Crossing the Guandong" had a good reputation and ratings, it was only a nomination in the end.

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "We must give young people a chance."

Li Youbin chuckled, and said, "Don't think I don't know what you're holding back, but if you win the prize today, you'll probably have to go to the second round later."

"Go for a drink?"

Hearing Li Youbin's proposal, Xu Rong originally wanted to refuse, but he was really tired recently, so he wanted to go back and rest early.

Li Youbin pointedly said: "A few friends want to meet you."

Listening to his tone and slightly serious expression, Xu Rong vaguely guessed his eyebrows, nodded lightly, and said: "But let's say it first, I won't drink the wine, and I have to go to the courtyard to rehearse " "Thunderstorm", there will be performances in the afternoon."

"You can't do it. How come you haven't improved your drinking capacity after several years? When I was your age, I worked a pound the first day, and I didn't miss anything the next day."

"You ask me, I'm still wondering."

On the way back in the early morning, Xu Rong remembered what he had seen before, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

"Mr. Xu, why are you so happy?" Wang Yaqin's voice came at the right time.

Xu Rong asked with a smile: "Have you ever seen ballroom dancing in KTV?"


Xu Rong shook his head with a smile. After all, they are a group of elderly people, and they still hold on to their identities, but he, a sober-minded bystander, can see clearly the ulterior motives.

When he got home, he reckoned that he smelled of alcohol, and in the middle of the night, Xiao Zhang must have fallen asleep. He didn't go to the bedroom after taking a shower, but fell asleep in the guest room on the second floor.

As soon as he lay down, the door opened with a "click". Xiao Zhang stood at the door with loose hair and pajamas, and said sleepily, "Mr. Xu, why don't you go back to sleep?"

"Drink some wine today."

Classmate Xiao Zhang walked up to him, sniffed it with his probe, shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's very light, go back to sleep, I can't sleep well by myself."

Early the next morning, Xu Rong came to the courtyard early.

"Ming Jia, good morning."

"Old Xu, good morning."

Yu Mingjia hadn't seen Xu Rong for a while, so she subconsciously called out her past address, but only after she said the words did she realize that something was wrong, she smiled, and asked, "Do you mind being called that?"

Xu Rong looked at Yu Mingjia carefully, and said, "Actually speaking, you are the first one to call me Old Xu."

Yu Mingjia didn't cast a fiery gaze like during the rehearsal, nor did he look away like he did during the performance in October last year, but just looked at him so naturally, probably completely changed from "Fanyi" Stepped out of the shadows.

The two walked side by side into the courtyard, Yu Mingjia stroked the hair that was blown up by the warm wind from his temples, and said, "I heard that you are getting married?"


Yu Mingjia turned his head with a smile, and said regretfully, "That's a pity."


Yu Mingjia met his puzzled gaze and said, "I thought I had a chance, but unfortunately I found out later that it was all my wishful thinking."

Xu Rong was quite embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, until finally, he choked out a sentence: "Sorry."

"Hehe, it's nothing." Yu Mingjia looked at him with a smile and said, "Actually, you know that you are the one who attracts girls' attention the most."

"Why do you say that?"

"The career is successful enough, and the self-motivation is particularly strong, but usually he looks like a saint. By the way, there is a word for it. Yes, it is called the abstinence department."

After Xu Rong greeted the security guard at the door, he said, "You think too highly of me. I am neither successful nor self-motivated, and my self-discipline is very poor. I just know what I want and what I should do. "

Yu Mingjia said casually: "Then don't you want a sister?"

Xu Rong paused leisurely, seeing Yu Mingjia's big watery eyes looking at him, and blinked with a smile.

He was stunned.

He has seen all kinds of coquettish people, but in his impression, Yu Mingjia is not that kind of person. The sudden reversal of his image made him a little unsure how to deal with it.

"Hehe, I'll just say it." Yu Mingjia saw Xu Rong's strange expression that made him embarrassed, verified his guess, and smiled tremblingly like a fairy.

Xu Rong neither wanted to tease her, nor wanted to be teased by her, first pointed to the corridor on one side, and said, "I'll go upstairs."

Before leaving, he turned his head again and said, "Don't make such jokes in the future, Xiao Zhang will misunderstand."

Yu Mingjia watched Xu Rong go upstairs and stuck out his tongue.

Last year, she had a gorgeous dream, but that dream was so beautiful that she didn't want to wake up for a long time. During that time, she always felt that Xu Rong was the one she wanted to meet at the right time. the right person.

Even knowing he has a girlfriend.

It wasn't until she became acquainted with Yue Yue later that she realized that the Xu Rong she knew and the Xu Rong in the eyes of others were not the same person at all.

Slowly, she discovered that her understanding of him was very limited. She only knew what most people knew, and what most people didn't know, and she didn't know either. She used to be very curious, but now, she I am not curious anymore, and I dare not be curious anymore.

Because after waking up from the dream, she deeply felt that Xu Rong and herself were not from the same world at all.

For Yu Mingjia's sobriety, Xu Rong felt both fortunate and helpless, because when he was rehearsing "Thunderstorm", he keenly discovered that Yu Mingjia could no longer act like Fanyi, who was clinging to the straw on the edge of the cliff. felt it.

Strictly speaking, everything he and Pu Cunxi did at the beginning can be attributed to the scope of physiological stimulation. To some extent, Yu Mingjia formed a living environment similar to Fanyi. Now she has completely recovered from that environment. After walking out, playing Fanyi again, he can only use emotional memory.

But he is not Zhou Ping after all, and Pu Cunxi is not Zhou Puyuan. The environment created by Yu Mingjia itself has certain deviations, and the emotions she remembers are further deviations on the basis of deviations. The result is naturally a deviation between her and the whole character. .

But for a while, he couldn't think of a better solution other than placing his hopes on himself.

Meanwhile, the dean's office.

Zhang Heping put down the phone, asked Pu Cunxi to sit down, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Of course Pu Cunxi has something to do, last night's Fei Tian Awards ceremony made him very uncomfortable.

It all stems from Zhu Jun's introduction to Xu Rong as "the head of the Chinese opera performance department". He knows the ins and outs of Xu Rong's transfer, and he has no objection to it. After all, there is a carrot and a hole in the courtyard. His original plan was to wait for Sun Dan After retiring, Xu Rong was asked to pick up the art department, but now, people all over the country know that Xu Rong has nothing to do with Renyi.

So after he sat down, he asked, "Dean, did you watch the Fei Tian Awards ceremony last night?"

Zhang Heping shook his head with a smile, and said, "No, why, is there an accident?"

"There is no accident, even if Xiao Xu is always hanging in the school, it is not a long-term solution, is it?" He paused, and then suggested, "Dean, why don't you take Xu Rong back some time?"

Hearing Pu Cunxi's words, Zhang Heping nodded lightly at first, picked up the teacup, and was about to take a sip, but when he saw the tender green Xinyang hair tips floating in it, he also regretted it to death.

The tea was given by Xu Rong.

Gently put down the teacup, he was a little distracted and said: "Yes, yes, it must be transferred back quickly, it must be transferred back quickly."

Pu Cunxi saw something was wrong from Zhang Heping's inappropriate words, and asked, "What's the matter, Dean?"

Zhang Heping scratched his hair, which was not much at all, sighed, and said: "Old Xu said that it is not suitable at the moment, and if he is transferred just after being promoted, I am afraid it will cause criticism."

Pu Cunxi originally wanted to agree, but immediately realized that something was wrong, and his voice suddenly became much higher: "Then, when is it appropriate?"

Being stared at by Pu Cunxi, Zhang Heping smiled wryly, and said, "This matter, I'm afraid, is difficult to handle."

Pu Cunxi sat up straight, stared blankly at Zhang Heping, who was full of helplessness, and asked softly, "You can't?"

Zhang Heping lit a cigarette, and after a while he said: "It's true that I didn't think carefully about this matter at the beginning. I looked for Lao Xu's important person two days ago. Those who were cheated by our academy to leave, we did the first grade of junior high school, so we had to let them do the fifteenth grade, he said that now Ren Ming returned to Renyi, and Xu Rong returned to Zhongxi, so it was evened out."

Pu Cunxi became anxious on the spot, stood up suddenly, and said: "Isn't this nonsense, what's the use of them detaining Xu Rong, as a teacher?"

"He's not that material at all!"

Seeing Zhang Heping looking at him, Pu Cunxi knew that he was over-excited, so he sat down again and said, "Dean, I didn't mean that, but when Ren Ming was asked to come over, it was Teacher Yu and the others who did it. What does it have to do with us?" Ah, one size fits all."

"That's what I said, but the current situation is that Lao Xu won't let anyone go."

As Zhang Heping was talking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, holding a cigarette, stared blankly at Pu Cunxi, and asked uncertainly: "Cunxi, do you think that Lao Xu hugged Xu Rong from the beginning and didn't return Xu Rong?" Intend?"

After waiting for a while, Zhang Heping slapped the table with a "bang" and said: "Tianniang, this surnamed Xu played with me, I remembered, at first he didn't mention Ke Lan at all, and I clearly remember that when he talked about Ke Lan, he was obviously unfamiliar, and I thought he was embarrassed, but now I figure it out, bastard, he was waiting for me here."

Pu Cunxi looked at Zhang Heping speechlessly, the co-author was just doing a trick, so we just gave him our future? !

Human Arts Backstage.

Lan Tianye bent down, opened the window of the dressing room and saw Xu Rong crooked at a corner, and was about to raise his hand to knock on the window. After noticing the exhaustion on his face, he gently retracted his hand and straightened up. body.

He turned around and walked a few steps, pondered for a while, then backed away, leaned over to the window again, knocked twice, and said softly, "Son, are you tired?"

Xu Rong is indeed quite tired. During this period of time, he has been traveling all over the world, and the jet lag has not yet reversed. Last night, he attended the Fei Tian Awards Ceremony non-stop. After the interview, he was dragged by Li Youbin to entertain him again When I rehearse in the morning, I don't have the energy.


Hearing the voice, Xu Rong quickly opened his eyes, the tiredness on his face disappeared in an instant, and said: "Mr. Feng, I'm not tired, I'm brewing emotions."

When the old man heard his name, the concern on his face was in a trance for a moment, but he didn't correct it, and said: "I agree with the matter you mentioned earlier."

Xu Rong was confused for a while, and couldn't remember what the old man was talking about.

The old man looked at him with a smile, and said, "It's about the biography you mentioned."

"Ah, thank you, Grandpa Lan."

The old man smiled and said: "There is still a while before the performance, let's rest first."


When the old man closed the window, Xu Rong's straight back bent down again. He was able to reject most activities other than performances and filming, but he couldn't reject some, such as the major award ceremonies.

Just like the Feitian Awards and the upcoming Huabiao Awards, he is not only a shortlisted actor, but also an award presenter or other identities.

Sometimes he is very envious of Han Sanping. Although there are many meetings and conferences all day long, there are very few activities that need to be participated in. Even if it is the third prize, it is a matter of thought whether he wants to go or not. On the contrary, he is not slippery. The organizers are afraid that he will find someone Run errands and say hello in advance.

On the other side of the studio, except for money and key people, he has completely let go of other specific affairs. He dare not take the rest of the two things lightly, because as long as he holds these two points tightly, even if something goes wrong, he will not be taken lightly. There won't be too many mistakes.

However, he was ready to reject all other titles, such as Visual Association, Drama Association, etc. Anyway, since he joined, he has never participated in a formal meeting or event, and Jin Fangfang or Li Gen always attended on his behalf.

What makes him hesitate right now is the visiting professor from Nortel. He originally planned to arrange a "Tea House" for the juniors during the graduation season. The teacher updates the rehearsal notes.

But judging from the current situation, it is really unknown whether he can spare time.

The reason why it is not easy to resign immediately is because the reason why he agreed was that the vice president invited him several times.

"Captain Xu, get ready."


Xu Rong took another careful look at herself in the mirror, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with her makeup, she got up and walked out of the dressing room.

In the middle of the auditorium of the theater, seven or eight middle-aged men in different dresses sat in the auditorium. Although it was still summer, they were all covered tightly, with clear black baseball caps and masks.

Moreover, their actions were quite consistent, and they were all carefully looking at the playlist in their hands.

Occasionally, he lowered his body and exchanged a few words in a low voice.

"Hey, Taoist name, is what you said true or false?"

"Why am I lying to you, I saw it with my own eyes during the row."

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, you'll know later."

(End of this chapter)

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